HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Fireman's Relief and Pension Board - 07/06/1993 �7 i FIREMEN'S RELIEF & PENSION BARD July 6, 1993 A meeting of the Firemen' s Relief & Pension Board was called to order at 5: 30 p.m. Present: Boardmembers Dan Kelleher--Mayor, Christi Houser--Chair of Operations Committee, Brenda Jacober--City Clerk, Mary Berg--Assistant Fire Chief, and Gary Tilley--Retired Firefighter. Also present: Tony McCarthy--Chief Administrative Officer, Roger Lubovich--City Attorney and Dave Haenel--Assistant City Attorney. McCarthy noted that a resolution for approval of investment and payment practices has been prepared and distributed. He explained that payments need to be made each month and that this resolution would give the city authority to make investments and pay retirees with the Board then either concurring or directing staff to make changes at their next meeting. He noted that if the resolution is adopted at this time, several years expenditures and investments could be brought to the Board for approval at the next meeting. He pointed out that if the Board is unable to meet for some reason, or if there is not a quorum, payments would still go out to retirees. Upon a question from Tilley, Lubovich explained that the City needs some kind of direction so that they are not derelict in their duties, and that this could be accomplished by authorizing them to take interim steps within guidelines, or by calling a special meeting when there is an investment to be made. TILLEY MOVED to delay action on this issue until the next meeting to allow staff and Boardmembers an opportunity to see how this is handled in other cities. Upon Lubovich's question, he amended his motion to authorize the City to continue operating as they have until the next meeting. Houser seconded. The motion carried. The Mayor requested that any alternative proposals be in the form of a resolution or motion. The City Attorney agreed to work with the Boardmembers on preparation of such. Boardmember Berg announced that Gene Grenstad was selected to serve as the alternate Firefighter member of the Board. Tilley pointed out that Grenstad can attend all Board meetings, and can vote if one of the regularly elected firefighters is not present. Tilley explained that last February he realized he was not being properly compensated for his disability retirement and contacted the City. He then received a letter stating that he was being properly paid. He did further research and still felt he had been improperly paid for sixteen months. He noted that prior to this meeting, he was told the City has recalculated his benefits. He added that approval of that payment is a Board action, as would be payments to any other persons who may be in arrears. He opined that the City has misinterpreted the law for the last four years, and noted that the City of Kelso had to reimburse firefighters backpay for 27 years, at 5% interest. He MOVED that calculations i be made by Payroll staff, that any monies due retired firefighters be paid promptly from the Pension Fund, that 5% interest be paid, and that it come before the Board for approval. Tilley pointed out that the staff is aware when firefighters get raises, and they should make the calculations and notify the Board when a differ- ential occurs. He noted that the City has been making the changes for cost of living increases in April, but not in January, which costs the retirees four months of benefits. Mayor Kelleher clarified that the motion is to modify the payment practices as described by Mr. Tilley. Berg seconded. The Mayor noted that he would prefer that research be done before taking the final vote. McCarthy noted that staff agrees that there was at least one erroneous calculation and that they are prepared to recalculate each case. Tilley suggested that the calculations be done and be brought to the next board meeting. Houser concurred. Lubovich added that they should be reviewed by the firefighters. It was agreed that calculations should be prepared for each firefighter and the report be presented at the next Board meeting, along with a report of what the 5% interest would be. It was determined that this is separate from the union contract. Berg noted that Firefighter Al Sims had passed away last month and questioned what action should be taken regarding his checks. The Mayor felt that there should be some by-laws so that procedures and options are clear. The Attorney agreed to report on this at the next meeting. r It was then determined that the Board meetings will be held at 5: 30 p.m. on the first Tuesday of each month. I The meeting adjourned at 6 : 00 p.m. t Brenda Jacobet, 01ty Clerk Secretary of,./ thelBoard