HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Fireman's Relief and Pension Board - 01/05/1995 (3) li Firemens Relief & Pension Board January 5, 1995 4 : 30 p.m. Present: Boardmembers White, Berg, Tilley, and Jacober, City Attorney Lubovich, Finance Director Miller, Laurie Murray, Don Fronsdahl and James Smail. Minutes. Tilley moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of December 1, 1994 . Jacober seconded and the motion carried. Financial Transactions. Murray distributed copies of the assets and liabilities, operating revenues and expenditures, and investments, as of November 30, 1994 . Miller noted that she and R. L. Evans are reviewing the mutual funds and may recommend some changes. She agreed to provide information at the next meeting. She noted that the funds in the overnight pool are very safe. Tilley moved to accept the financial transactions. Berg seconded and the motion carried. Status Report - Retroactive Pay. Murray distributed copies of the bill from Turner & Associates in the amount of $13 ,585. 00 for the calculation of retirement benefits to specified firefighters between February 1973 and September 30, 1994 . She explained that the report has been completed and that they will review the document and check Turner's assumptions before the next Board meeting. She clarified that the amount budgeted was between $5, 000 and $7, 000, and explained that although all of the records required were provided, staff spent quite a bit of time working with Turner. Murray explained for Tilley that the bill will remain as is unless Turner is convinced that his assumptions are not correct; she added that he is very thorough and the assumptions are mostly likely correct. Tilley then moved to approve payment of $13 , 585 . 00 to Turner & Associates. Berg seconded and the motion carried. Murray stated that she will mail out copies of the report to the Boardmembers before the next meeting for review. Tilley commended Miller and Murray for their work on this issue. Schedule of 1995 Meetings. Mayor White pointed out that State law requires this Board to meet monthly. Tilley spoke in favor of calling the Secretary when members cannot attend the monthly meetings, and noted that if there is not a quorum, the meeting cannot be held. It was also noted that if there was no business to come before the Board, the Secretary could simply post a notice that the meeting is postponed. Mayor White noted that he has a conflict at the time currently scheduled for this Board to meet, and all agreed to work around his schedule. It was determined that Thursday is the best day for most people, and that the Board Secretary will work with Administration to come up with a more convenient time. Other Business. 1. Murray noted that at the last meeting, Berg explained that he has provided documentation for all members with duty-related disabilities, with the exception of Gary Tilley, so that 1099's would not be issued. She noted that she has not been able to obtain the required information, and Tilley agreed to provide it. 2 . Berg noted receipt of a letter from the State Retirement System on a potential retiree, Sam Grubbs, and said he feels that their decision is incorrect. He noted that Grubbs was a member of this system for a year prior to going into the military, and that the State Retirement System said they will give Grubbs credit for the year he worked prior to going into the military, but not for the three years he was in the military because he was not a member of LEOFF at the time of it's inception. He said the retirement system feels benefits for those three years should come from this Board. Tilley stated that members were automatically rolled over into LEOFF 1. Berg said that this would not impact Grubbs directly, but that this Board would be impacted. Tilley agreed that the decision is wrong and suggested that Lubovich look into the matter. Berg agreed to provide Lubovich with a copy of the letter and noted that Grubbs plans to appeal . 3 . Berg noted that his term on this Board is about to expire, and explained that the membership elects Boardmembers. It was pointed out that Tilley was re-elected in August, after serving one year on the Board. The Secretary agreed to check the records regarding the t elections. Berg said the membership will address this issue. 4 . Murray clarified for Fronsdahl that the contract was recently settled and is for two years. She added that retirees pay will be changed. Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 5 : 05 p.m. r, Brenda Jacober Board Secretary l