HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Fireman's Relief and Pension Board - 02/01/1995 (3) Firemens Relief & Pension Board February 1, 1995 9 : 00 a.m. Present: Boardmembers White, Berg, Tilley and Jacober, Finance Director Miller, Laurie Murray, Don Fronsdahl , Steve Barber, Charles Turner, Brigitte Hoopes, Gene Grenstad. Approval of Minutes. TILLEY MOVED, Berg seconded, to approve the minutes of January 5, 1995, as written. The motion carried. Approval of Financial Transactions. Murray distributed copies of investments, assets and liabilities, and operating revenues and expenses, as of December 31, 1994. BERG MOVED to approve the financial transactions. Tilley seconded and the motion carried. Report on Retroactive Pay. Murray introduced Charles Turner who conducted the audit on retroactive pay. Tilley commended Turner for his work on this project. He pointed out that there was a mistake regarding Mrs. Bridge and noted that it has been corrected. Upon a question from Hoopes, it was clarified that the figures for Mickelson changed due to the status of his children. Berg noted that Webster was a City employee long before the Fire Department was formed, and would have had the time in to get the $15. 00 longevity. Murray agreed. Fronsdahl said that he had recently spoken to Arnie Byrant who confirmed that his figures are correct. - 3 t4VJ .Z 'l is t� }y Murray noted that the 1994 �6alculations are now invalid since the Firefighters Union settled',, and that they will be redone. She added that the retro payments as far as Mr. Turner's work is concerned will be paid through 1993 and the redo of 1994 and the current wages will be reflected and changed on the next payroll . She asked that a special meeting be held within the next ten days to approve the retro payments due for 1994 and the current payments for 1995. Tilley suggested that Turner calculate the retro payments due for 1994 and for 1995, so that everything is current. It was agreed by all that Turner would do so. Murray pointed out that there will be an additional cost to the Board for this service. BERG MOVED that Turner & Associates be retained to refigure the schedule for 1994 and 1995 based on the current union contract. Tilley seconded and the motion carried. BERG THEN MOVED to pay the amounts due to each of the retirees through December of 1993 based on the report from Turner & Associates. Tilley seconded. The motion carried. Murray noted that some retirees have been overpaid and Tilley pointed out that prior overpayments to Bob See and Celestine Bridge were forgiven. He noted that at some point a decision must be made as to where to draw the line, or overpayments will continue to be made. Murray clarified that overpayments are still being made because in the past the Board decided to wait, and that she is not ready at this time to stop overpayments. Miller noted that action could be taken in March to do so. In regard to Mrs. Bridge, Tilley I noted that she could be asked to return the overpayment, that she could be paid only half the amount she has been receiving, or that she could not be paid at all. Murray suggested choosing a date such as 1-1-94 to say the difference is zero and go from there. Berg agreed. Murray stated that if the balance at the end of 1993 was zero, the City would owe Mrs. Bridge $209 . 73 a month. BERG MOVED to draw the line on overpayments for Bob See and Celestine Bridge at 1-1-94 . Tilley seconded. Miller clarified that the people who were owed would be paid and overpayments to others would be taken out of the retroactive checks. Tilley explained for Murray that if there is not enough in the retroactive check, the law states that she should take out what she can and then 50% after that. The motion then carried. Tilley noted that the increase in the union contract is 3 . 5% from January 1 through June 30, with a 1% increase on July 1. He asked how the 1% would be applied, and Murray said it will be based on the salary as of June 30. Tilley pointed out that the Board needs the information and figures relating to changes as of January, April, and July promptly so that approval can be given and members can be paid on a timely basis. He noted that there have been many problems in the past because timeliness was not applied. Miller pointed out that if the contract is not signed by December, they do not know what the figures will be. It was noted that the Fund does not reimburse staff for their time and that January is a very busy time for the Finance Department with Citywide W21s going out. Tilley stated that if the Finance Department does not have time, he is agreeable to hiring an outside firm to handle this Board's business and paying for it out of the System's funds. Miller and Tilley agreed that once the system is in place, the new rates will simply have to be input. Tilley noted that the Board must notify Finance when changes occur, such as a death, and that everything that is changed by Finance must be approved by the Board. Murray agreed to schedule the increases for January 1, April 1 and July 1. Tilley introduced Steve Barber and explained that because the City had reported a 1099 showing income, Mr. Barber must now deal with the fn + '" `' I IRo . Report on Board Elections. It was noted that Mary Berg's position on the Board is about to expire and that an election should be held to fill it. Berg explained that nomination forms will be mailed to the membership to obtain candidates, and then candidates will be voted on. 1995 Meeting Times. Tilley explained that he may not be able to attend morning meetings in the future. All agreed to continue meeting in the morning for now, with the next meeting being held at 9 : 00 a.m. on March 1st. Adiournment. The meeting adjourned at 9 : 45 a.m. rfi s Brenda Jacbber,f CMC City Clerk =-