HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Fireman's Relief and Pension Board - 05/03/1995 is I I Firemen's Relief & Pension Board May 3 , 1995 Present: Boardmembers Jon Johnson, Gene Grenstad, Gary Tilley, Mary Berg, Brenda Jacober. Others present: Laurie Murray, John Hillman, and Brigitte Hoopes of the Finance Department. In the absence of Mayor White, Johnson was selected as Chair, and he called the meeting to order at 9: 00 a.m. Approval of Minutes. Berg moved to approve the minutes of April 5, 1995, as written. Jacober seconded and the motion carried. Cost of Living Adjustment. Hoopes pointed out that at the meeting of April 5th, the Board voted to accept 3 . 8% for the July CPI for 1994 . She noted that that figure is for only half a year and that a full year's interest must be used. She said the average for the the first half of 1994 was 3 .5% and for the second half was 3 .8%, averaging 3 . 6% for the year. She distributed copies of her documentation. Berg moved to change the July CPI for 1994 to 3 . 6%. Jacober seconded. The motion carried. Approval of Financial Transactions. Murray distributed copies of the assets, liabilities, investments, revenues, expenditures, and cash flow, as well as an estimated cash flow for the rest of the year and a chart of the average cash balance from 1989 to 1995. Hillman explained that interest from direct investments made by the Pension Fund goes back into the Pension Fund, and that any residual cash goes into the General Fund. He noted that they try to invest up to the maximum possible. Murray explained that there is always excess, since a small cushion must be left, and that the excess funds at the end of the day are invested to make more money for the City to operate. Hillman noted that the average amount of cash in the fund is $5, 000, and that there was $5, 800 in it at the end of March. Tilley then moved to approve the financial transactions. Berg seconded and the motion carried. Actuarial Update. Murray distributed copies of letters (and attachments) dated April 24, 1995, from Milliman & Robertson regarding the actuarial update, and noted that Tilley had requested copies of the report. April Benefit Changes. Murray distributed a handout showing how rates had changed, and noted that all are going down. She noted that since one pay period has already passed, adjustments will be made. Tilley moved to approve the calculations. Berg seconded and the motion carried. Hoopes distributed copies of a letter from the Department of Retirement Systems explaining the timing of the calculations. She noted that she had received the information on April 19. It was it I noted that individuals will receive checks in two different amounts during the month, although the total will be the same, and that they will be one pay period behind. Interest Calculations. Murray noted that this morning she received information from Mr. Turner on the interest calculations, but that Turner needs to make a correction. It was decided that this will be added to the next agenda, and that only the summary sheet needs to be provided at the meeting. It was also determined that each individual's packet will go to them with their paycheck. Alternate Boardmember. Berg noted that the term of the Firefighter Alternate needs to be filled, and Gene Grenstad agreed to serve another two-year term. Orndorff Balance. Murray noted that she has written to Mr. Orndorff about the amount owing, and that since that amount has now changed, she will write a new letter. She said that his interest calculation shows that he owes money, and that the Board needs to decide at the next meeting whether to include that in what he is paying back. Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 9: 30 a.m. q _ 1 Brenda Jacober t` Boardmember% i