HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Fireman's Relief and Pension Board - 02/05/1997 Firemen' s Relief & Pension Board February 5, 1997 Boardmembers Present: Mayor White, Mary Berg, Gene Grenstad, Brenda Jacober, Alternate Sam Grubbs others Present: John Hillman, Susan Narick, Brigitte Hoopes The Mayor called the meeting to order at 4 : 10 p.m. Approval of Minutes. Berg moved that the minutes of the December 4 , 1996 meeting be approved. Grenstad seconded and the motion carried. Approval of November Transactions. Berg moved to accept the November financial transactions. Grenstad seconded and the motion carried. Mutual Fund Investments Report. Susan Narick said that in her search for information on the Frank Russell Company, she discovered that since they are a privately held company and don't have any debt, there is no one who rates them. She recommended looking at reinvesting in a mutual fund as treasuries and agencies mature this year, though not necessarily with the Frank Russell Company, since she has not been able to obtain very much information on them. Hillman noted that the current mutual funds are doing well. Narick noted that the next thing to mature this year will be in August and all agreed to revisit this issue in May. Narick stated that she will have information on the Frank Russell Company and other possible mutual funds at that time. Fire Contract Brigitte Hoopes distributed copies of a worksheet regarding 1997 contract changes. Berg moved to approve the adjustments as shown on the worksheet. Grenstad seconded and the motion carried. Other Business. Jacober noted receipt of brochures and the 1996 Year-End Statement from Oppenheimer Funds. Narick provided an Annual Report from the Phoenix Series Fund, and said she will provide information on others. Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 4 : 20 p.m. r Brenda Jacober, , C City Clerk/Boardmember