HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Fireman's Relief and Pension Board - 03/05/1997 Firemen ' s Relief & Pension Board March 5, 1997 Boardmembers Present: Jon Johnson, Mary Berg, Gene Grenstad, Brenda Jacober, Alternate Sam Grubbs Others Present: Laurie Murray Johnson called the meeting to order at 4 : 10 p.m. Approval of Minutes. Berg moved to accept the minutes of the February 5, 1997 , meeting. Grenstad seconded and the motion carried. Approval of December Financial Transactions. Murray stated that the January financial transactions will be available next month. She distributed documentation of December transactions and explained that the year ended with $7, 070 in cash, that investments looked good at $2 , 318 , 857, that accrued interest is down, that accrued expenses were $2, 901, and that retained earnings were $2 , 328, 165. She noted that there were extra expenses because of the audit, and explained the statement of cash flows, investments, schedule of changes in cash and investments, estimated cash flow and type comparison. Berg moved to accept the December financial reports. Grenstad seconded and the motion carried. Military Time - Sam Grubbs. Berg explained that Sam Grubbs worked for the Fire Department under the Firemen ' s Relief and Pension Act, went into the military and while he was in the military LEOFF 1 was enacted. He was automatically brought in to LEOFF 1 when he returned. He explained that LEOFF now says the time that Grubbs was in active service with the Fire Department prior to going into the military will be accredited under LEOFF 1, as well as the time after he came back to work, but that they will not give him credit for the three years he was in the military because he was not part of LEOFF 1 while the time was being served. He noted that LEOFF feels this fund is liable for those credits. It was clarified that Grubbs is the only person in this position. Berg agreed to check with Seattle and Tacoma to see if they have had anyone in this position and how it was handled. Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 4 : 20 p.m. i i � Brenda Jacober CMC City Clerk/Boa rdmember