HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Fireman's Relief and Pension Board - 04/02/1997 Firemen's Relief & Pension Board April 2, 1997 Boardmembers Present: Mary Berg, Gene Grenstad, Brenda Jacober, Alternate Sam Grubbs others Present: John Hillman, Brigitte Hoopes Berg called the meeting to order at 4 : 00 p.m. Approval of Minutes. Grenstad moved to accept the minutes of the March 5, 1997, meeting as written. Grubbs seconded and the motion carried. Approval of Re-stated December Financial Transactions. Hillman explained that investments increased $93 ,431 over the previous December closing, and that there were also interest accruals. Grubbs moved to approve the re-stated December financial transactions. Grenstad seconded and the motion carried. _Approval of January Financial Transactions. Hillman stated that January was a fairly normal month and pointed out that although investments are $2 , 408, 245, the market value of the investments is $392, 000 more than that. Grubbs moved to approve the Janaury financial transactions, Grenstad seconded and the motion carried. CPI Chances. Hoopes distributed information on proposed CPI changes and explained her calculations, which resulted in 3 . 7%. All agreed to review this information and discuss it at the meeting in May. Mutual Fund Investments. Jacober reminded the Board that they had agreed in February to discuss mutual fund investments in May. Elections. Upon Berg' s suggestion, Jacober agreed to check on elections and report at the next meeting. Comparison of Benefits. Hoopes noted that the Comparison of Benefits sheets from LEOFF had not arrived, but that they should be here by the next meeting. Military Time - Sam Grubbs. Berg announced that he had spoken with Seattle and Tacoma regarding the time Grubbs spent in the military, and that they had had no one in a similar position. He agreed to check with Bellingham and possibly Spokane. He pointed out that there is no deadline, as Grubbs has no plans to retire soon and that if he goes out on disability, it becomes a moot point. Grubbs noted that there is no deadline on the appeal. Adiournment. The meeting adjourned at 4 : 15 p.m. 1�1 I 3t.f YY Brenda Jac6beroi CMC City Clerk/Boai'rdmember i