HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Fireman's Relief and Pension Board - 02/04/1998 i- Firemen' s Relief & Pension Board February 4 , 1998 Boardmembers Present: Mayor White, Gene Grenstad, Sam Grubbs, Acting City Clerk Swaw Others Present: Susan Narick, John Hillman Mayor White called the meeting to order at 9 : 05 a.m. Approval of Minutes of December 3, 1997, January 7, 1998, and January 16, 1998 Special Meeting. Grubbs noted that Tilley had contacted him and said that COLAs are generally received mid-year while raises are received at the beginning of the year, and therefore the word "COLA" should be changed to "raise" in the minutes of January 16 . Hillman agreed to look into that. GRUBBS MOVED to approve the minutes, as amended. Grenstad seconded and the motion carried. Approval of December Financial Transactions. Hillman distributed preliminary statements and noted that not all of the accrued interest is shown. He explained that the fund balance and the net income would be approximately $100, 000 more than shown. He noted that the fire insurance premium tax went down. Narick stated that the market value of the mutual fund purchased in June has increased substantially. She noted that the broker has inquired as to whether the Board would be interested in purchasing more mutual funds, but said she felt it would be best to wait. She suggested re-evaluating at mid-year and the Board agreed. Grubbs said that the State is attempting to take the revenue left over when the last person in the retirement system is gone and disburse it among other pension systems. He added that at age 50, he is the youngest in the system. Grenstad said it is his understanding that this includes spouses. Grubbs said Berg is agreeable. Grenstad asked that copies be provided to everyone at the next meeting. Actuarial Study. Hillman noted that the cost of an actuarial study will be approximately $2 , 840, and that it is done every two years. It was agreed to discuss this issue in March. Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 9 : 25 a.m. Donna Swaw Acting City Clerk