HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Fireman's Relief and Pension Board - 06/09/1998 (3) F Firemen' s Relief & Pension Board June 9, 1998 Boardmembers Present: Mary Berg, Gene Grenstad, Brenda Jacober, Alternate Sam Grubbs Others Present: John Hillman The meeting was called to order at 4 : 08 p.m. by Chief Berg. Approval of Minutes . Grenstad moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of May 6, 1998 . Berg seconded and the motion carried. Approval of Financial Transactions . Hillman distributed copies of the April financial transactions containing corrected dates . He noted that the market value is now $3, 234, 232, which is an increase of $110, 146 (3 . 5o) since January 19t. He explained that $10, 000 less than expected in fire insurance premiums was received and that total assets are down approximately $50, 000, but that market values are increasing and the fund is in better shape than the balance sheet shows . Grenstad moved to approve the April financial transactions . Berg seconded and the motion carried. Copies of a letter to shareholders and a statement from Putnam Investments were distributed. Board Position. Jacober reported that the City Attorney has determined that an election must be held to fill the Board position. After a brief discussion regarding nominations and terms, Berg moved to nominate Sam Grubbs to fill the position and to provide space on the ballot for write-in nominations . Grenstad seconded and the motion carried. CPI Index Change. Copies of Brigitte Hoopes' memo of May 4, 1998 regarding the July 1998 CPI rate, and showing the calculations and resulting 2 . 6% increase, were distributed. Grenstad moved to accept the CPI Index Change of 2 . 6% for 1998 . Berg seconded and the motion carried. I Actuarial Study. Copies of Hillman' s memo regarding the Actuarial Study were distributed. Hillman noted that he and the City Clerk have copies of the document and that the value of all future pension benefits amounts to $2, 261, 000 . He also stated that there is approximately $2, 000, 000 more than needed to fund the system at this time . I Fire Insurance Premium. Jacober distributed copies of a memo from the State Treasurer and a worksheet showing the amount of the fire insurance premium, which is $79, 607 . 50 . Adjournment. At 4 : 30 p .m. , Grenstad moved to adjourn. Berg seconded and the motion carried. I jf ,y <_J Brenda Jacbberl, CMC r City C1erkIBo'ardmember I i i�