HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Fireman's Relief and Pension Board - 07/14/1998 I Firemen' s Relief & Pension Board July 14, 1998 Boardmembers Present : Judy Woods, Mary Berg, Gene Grenstad, Brenda Jacober, Alternate Sam Grubbs Others Present : Susan Narick Woods called the meeting to order at 4 : 05 p.m. Approval of Minutes. Berg moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of June 9, 1998 . Grenstad seconded and the motion carried. Approval of Financial Transactions . Narick distributed additional pages relating to the May financial trans- actions . She noted that the Board had planned to discuss the possible purchase of mutual funds this summer, and said that she does not recommend buying at this time. She explained that the portfolio looks fine, the cash flow is good, and the yield on mutual funds is good. After a brief discussion about the Year 2000 situation, investments and cash, Berg moved to accept the May financial transactions . Grenstad seconded and the motion carried. Board Position Election. Jacober noted that ballots for the Board position have been received and that Sam Grubbs was the unanimous choice . It was determined that elections will be held by June of each year so that the new Board- member will be in place by July 1st. Berg noted that Gene Grenstad will be the alternate. CPI Index. Jacober distributed copies provided by Brigitte Hoopes showing CPI comparison calculations . Berg moved to approve the calculations . Grenstad seconded and the motion carried. Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 4 : 20 p .m. 1 Brenda JaQober CMC City Clerk/Boardmember i