HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Fireman's Relief and Pension Board - 03/09/1999 Firemen' s Relief & Pension Board March 9, 1999 Boardmembers Present : Berg, Grubbs, Jacober, Alternate Grenstad Others Present : Hillman, Hoopes Berg called the meeting to order at 4 : 05 p.m. Approval of Minutes . Grubbs moved to approve the minutes of the February 9, 1999 meeting. Jacober seconded and the motion carried. Approval of January Financial Transactions . Hillman distributed copies of financial information and noted that the fund has gained $138 , 000 in a month. He added that total expenses for January were $17, 000 and interest earned was $5, 300 . Grubbs moved to accept the January financial transactions . Jacober seconded and the motion carried. Actuarial Study. Hillman explained that a study is not required this year, as one was done last January. Other Business - Pension Fund. Hillman distributed copies of a letter from Milliman & Robertson regarding Senate Bill 5102 which would cut funding to cities from 45% of the state fire insurance premium taxes to 25% . He said the difference would be approximately $30, 000 . It was determined that a copy of the Bill would be mailed to members . Other Business - Election. The City Clerk noted that an election must be held soon, and agreed to discuss with the City Attorney ways in which the meetings could be held. There was no further business and the meeting adjourned at 4 : 15 p.m. Brenda Jacgbo2r, CMC Boardmembe��City Clerk i