HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Fireman's Relief and Pension Board - 06/08/1999 Firemen' s Relief & Pension Board June 8, 1999 Boardmembers Present : Mary Berg, Sam Grubbs, Brenda Jacober Others Present : John Hillman, Brigitte Hoopes Berg called the meeting to order at 4 : 02 p.m. Annroval of Minutes. Grubbs moved to approve the minutes of May 11, 1999 . Jacober seconded and the motion carried. Approval of March and April Financial Transactions Hillman distributed copies of the financial statements for April and noted that March information was mailed out . He said that investments are up about 2% . He added that approximately $94, 000 in fire premiums is expected this year, which is more than last year. Grubbs moved to approve the financial report . Jacober seconded and the motion carried. Election. Jacober reported that Berg' s term on the Board will be filled by Albert Bond, as of July 1st CPI for July. Hoopes reported that the CPI for July is 2 . 8%, and explained who would receive increases . Other Business - Funeral Expense. Grubbs moved to ratify payment of $500 to the Smail family for funeral expenses . Berg seconded and the motion carried. Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 4 : 10 p.m. 2 F Brenda Jacob r, CMC City Clerk/ ardmember