HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Fireman's Relief and Pension Board - 08/03/1999 (3) Firemen' s Relief & Pension Board August 3 , 1999 Boardmembers Present : Mayor White, Al Bond, Brenda Jacober, Alternate Gene Grenstad, and Sam Grubbs (who arrived at 3 : 12) Others Present : John Hillman, Gary Tilley The Mayor called the meeting to order at 3 : 04 p.m. Approval of Minutes . Bond moved to approve the minutes of July 13 , 1999, as printed. Grenstad seconded and the motion carried. Approval of June Financial Transactions. Hillman distributed copies of the June report and a Market Value Comparison. Grenstad moved to approve the June financial transactions . Bond seconded and the motion carried. ADDED OTHER BUSINESS ITEM Investment in Mutual Funds . Hillman noted that mutual funds make up about 42% of the total investments . He said he has found that because of a 1992 Senate bill, the Board can no longer invest in mutual funds . He added that he has spoken with the City Attorney, who agrees . Hillman suggested that the funds be sold and reinvested in two-year treasuries, which are running about 5 . 6%, or two-year government agencies, which are running about 6 .2 or 6 . 3% . After a brief discussion, it was determined that Hillman will make a recommendation at the next meeting as to where to reinvest the money and that he would obtain a copy of the Attorney' s opinion. Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 3 : 15 p.m. r � 9f y p p Brenda Jacob e IC Boardmember/City Clerk