HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Fireman's Relief and Pension Board - 12/07/1999 (3) Firemen' s Relief & Pension Board December 7, 1999 Boardmembers Present : Judy Woods, Sam Grubbs, Alternate Gene Grenstad, Brenda Jacober Others Present : John Hillman Grubbs called the meeting to order at 3 : 02 p.m. Approval of Minutes. Woods moved to approve the minutes of October 5, 1999 . Grenstad seconded and the motion carried. Approval of September and October Financial Transactions. Hillman distributed copies of the September and October financial reports and explained that approximately $367, 000 was made in sales in September, and $1, 337, 000 worth of new investments were purchased in October. He said yields varied from 5 . 67% to 7 .41% . He predicted that there will be $400 , 000 available to invest next month. Woods moved to approve the financial reports . Grenstad seconded and the motion carried. Actuarial Study - Added Other Business Item. Hillman noted that it has been two years since an actuarial study was done and that the cost of such a study should not be over $5, 000 . Grenstad moved to hire a company to do an actuarial study. Woods seconded and the motion carried. Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 3 : 07 p.m. Brenda Jacober�/CMC Boardmemberfc-ity Clerk