HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Fireman's Relief and Pension Board - 11/07/2000 (3) Firemen' s Relief & Pension Board November 7 , 2000 Boardmembers Present : Jim White, Sam Grubbs, Al Bond, Brenda Jacober Others Present : Bonnie Fell, Brigitte Hoopes and Paula Barry of the Finance Dept . The Mayor called the meeting to order at 3 : 00 p .m. Approval of Minutes . Bond moved to approve the minutes of the October 3 , 2000 meeting. Grubbs seconded and the motion carried. Approval of September Financial Transactions Fell distributed copies of the September financial transactions, and noted that there have been no big changes . Grubbs moved to accept the September financial report . Bond seconded and the motion carried. Other Business - City Clerk Absence Procedure. Grubbs noted that the Deputy City Clerk attended the last meeting in the absence of the City Clerk, and questioned whether the deputy is considered part of a quorum and has a vote . Jacober agreed to research the issue and report back at the next meeting. Other Business - Investment Report. Barry stated that she purchased an investment for $90, 000 earning a yield of 7 . 24% . She distributed and explained information showing the yield curve, and noted that there is approximately $100, 000 in the pool earning 6 . 4% . Barry explained that $500, 000 will mature in November and will need to be reinvested. She recommended keeping the portfolio diversified and buying $250 , 000 worth of investments to fill in the 1-3 year gap . All agreed. Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 3 : 11 p.m. ;�\._{ ZR...vt.✓.ems. �'`f�-x_C.o -��J�...'. I 7 Brenda Jacober�,%CMC City Clerk/Boardmember