HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Fireman's Relief and Pension Board - 04/05/2005 e KEAIT Firemen's Relief & Pension Board o, April 5, 2005 Board Members Present: Jim White, Sam Grubbs, Al Bond, Brenda Jacober Others Present: Gene Grenstad, Bonnie Fell, Brigitte Hoopes Mayor White called the meeting to order at 3:33 p.m. Minutes of Previous Meeting. Bond moved to accept the minutes of January 4, 2005, as presented. Grubbs seconded and the motion carried. Financial Transactions. Fell distributed copies of the monthly financial reports for December 2004, January 2005 and February 2005. She noted that the fund is holding it's own. Grubbs moved to approve the December, January and February financial transactions. Bond seconded and the motion carried. Rate Adjustments — City COLA. Hoopes confirmed that the City COLA is the union contract, and distributed copies of the comparison to the 01-01-05 fire contract, retro calculations through 3-31-05, and rate tables, and added that all members except the CPI people get the increase. It was clarified that the Board prefers to hold a special election after the calculations have been completed to approve the rates. After a brief discussion, Grubbs moved to approve the City COLA, including the retro. Bond seconded and the motion carried. Rate Adiustments — LEOFF COLA. Hoopes noted that LEOFF applies their COLA effective 4-1-05, and that two of the three CPI people are affected by this. Grubbs moved to approve the LEOFF COLA based on 1.57%. Bond seconded and the motion carried. Election — Board Position No. 2. Jacober noted that Chief Bond's term will end on July 1, and that an election to fill the position must be held. Election —Alternate Board Position. Bond noted that Gene Grenstad has volunteered to serve as the Alternate Fire Fighter position. Other Business — Membership of Board. It was noted that if in the future there are no firefighters available to serve on the Board, there would still be a quorum consisting of the Mayor, Clerk and Chair of Operations Committee. I Firemen's Relief & Pension Board April 5, 2005 Page Two White stated that if there is an interest in pushing for a change to the State law, it should be brought to the attention of Administration so that it can be pursued during the next Legislative session. Grubbs voiced concern about changes recently made to the LEOFF Board. Adjournment. There was no further business to come before the Board, and the meeting adjourned at 3:53 p.m. Brenda Jacober, Civi'/ City Clerk