HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Fireman's Relief and Pension Board - 04/01/2008 KENT w.=I1„..o,. Firemen's Relief & Pension Board April 1, 2008 Board Members Present: Suzette Cooke, Sam Grubbs, Brenda Jacober Others Present: Bonnie Fell, Kathleen Etheredge Mayor Cooke called the meeting to order at 3:38 p.m. Minutes. Bonnie Fell opined that the portion of the January 8, 2008, minutes which states "the only thing that has changed is the market value" should say "the only thing outside normal activity that has changed is the market value". Grubbs moved to approve the January 8, 2008, minutes as amended. Jacober seconded and the motion carried. i Financial Transactions. Fell distributed copies of the December 2007 and January and February 2008 financial transactions. She noted that there was a reduction of $37,988 in December's activity from November's activity, and that $11,543 of it was the difference between interest income and the decrease in value. She noted that retained earnings in January were up because the net income included the fair market value change of $56,964, for a total of $3,512,423. Fell noted that in February there was a decrease of $7,890 and with expenses and interest income of $4,719, the total decrease of $29,639 brought the balance to $3,482,784. Grubbs noted that there has been a bit of improvement in the last two years. He moved to accept the December 2007 and January and February 2008 financial transactions. Jacober seconded and the motion carried. COLA (Comparison of Benefits). Etheredge distributed copies of the COLA recalculation sheet showing 3.79%. Fell explained that it is based on the CPI-W for Seattle, Bremerton and Tacoma, and that the amount may be modified after the firefighters contract is signed. She noted that, based on the 3.79% estimate, the City's reduction will be $1,323.20 per month. Grubbs moved to adopt the COLA of 3.79% effective April 1, 2008, and to authorize Finance to adjust the payments to recipients. Jacober seconded and the motion carried. i Firemen's Relief & Pension Board April 1, 2008 Page Two Actuarial Study Update. Fell requested authorization to proceed with an actuarial study with Milliman Consultants and Actuaries. She noted that other cities use this firm because of their expertise. Mayor Cooke asked that Paula Barry research other actuarial firms and follow up in two months. Fell explained the fee schedule. Grubbs moved to accept the contract with Milliman Consultants and Actuaries for an actuarial study. Jacober seconded and the motion carried. CPI Percentage Rate Determination. No discussion was held and no action was taken. Board Position. Jacober noted that Board Position No, 1 will expire in July and that an election-by-mail will be held as usual. Other Business. There was no other business to conduct. Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m. Brenda Jacober ✓ City Clerk/Board Member i I