HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Fireman's Relief and Pension Board - 07/01/2008 (3) I[CIEN 1 w.:xxarox Firemen's Relief & Pension Board July 1, 2008 Board Members Present: Suzette Cooke, Tim Clark, Sam Grubbs, Brenda Jacober, Gene Grenstad Other Present: Bonnie Fell, Kathleen Etheredge Mayor Cooke called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. Board Position Election Results. Jacober announced that Sam Grubbs was unanimously elected to fill the vacant Board position. The term is for two years. Minutes of April 1, 2008. Grubbs moved to accept the minutes of April 1, 2008, as written. Clark seconded and the motion carried. Financial Transactions of March, April and May, 2008. Fell distributed copies of the financial transactions and noted that retained earnings are up $59,000 since February, for a total of $3,538,803. She added that the state fire tax allocation in the amount of $131,000 was received in May. Fell noted that a dependent, Phyllis Sims, passed away on April 28, and that there are now 13 people on the system. Grubbs moved to accept the financial trans- actions for March, April and May 2008. Grenstad seconded and the motion carried. Conference Call Protocol. In response to a question at the last meeting about the possibility of conducting a meeting by phone, Jacober reported that the key requirements are that the meeting be held in a place that is open to the public, and that someone be present to let the public in and record the meeting. She noted that individual members of the Board can participate by phone, as long as they are connected by speakerphone so that their comments can be heard. Mayor Cooke noted that a speakerphone is avail- able in the room currently used for the meetings. Actuarial Firm Research. Fell noted that the contract for an actuarial study has not been awarded and that Paula Barry is looking at options which may result in a better price. She added that the matter is not urgent. i Firemen's Relief & Pension Board July 1, 2008 Page Two Other Business. Kathleen Etheredge distributed copies of a salary overview and Consumer Price Index and explained that because the Firefighter contract was recently settled, payments retroactive to January must be made for the COLA which was approved. She clarified that the payments will include July. She asked for approval to increase the salaries for Mickelson and See using a 3.8% COLA, effective July 1, 2008, and approval to make payments retroactive to January 1, 2008, for the approved salaries in the Firefighters contract and April 1, 2008, for the LEOFF increases. Clark moved to accept the Consumer Price Index as reported and to apply it to the pension fund as required by law. Grubbs seconded. Clark made a friendly amendment to include Mickelson and See and the others tied to the contract. Grubbs agreed to the friendly amendment. The motion as amended then carried. Adiournment. The meeting adjourned at 3:45 p.m. Brenda Jacober, C� �� '� City Clerk/Board ember I i