HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Fireman's Relief and Pension Board - 04/05/2011 KENT Firemen's Relief & Pension Board w.s. , . . April 5, 2011 Board Members Present: Suzette Cooke, Les Thomas, Sam Grubbs, Al Bond, Brenda Jacober Others Present: Bonnie Fell, Susanne Shaw The Mayor called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. and introductions were made. Minutes of January 4, 2011. Grubbs moved to approve the minutes of January 4, 2011. Bond seconded and the motion carried. Financial Transactions for December 2010 and January and February 2011. There were no questions and Bond moved to accept the December 2010 and January and February 2011financial transactions. Grubbs seconded and the motion carried. Investment Policy Ordinance Update. It was noted that the investment policy ordinance is on an upcoming Operations Committee agenda. Excess Pension Benefits. Bonnie Fell said that although a statement has not yet been received, she has confirmed a COLA increase of .78%, and distributed copies of the benefit changes, She pointed out that the changes are minimal and the total amount paid by the city has decreased by $279.80 per month. Cost of Living Allowance. Fell noted that there was no COLA in January 2011 which would apply to the benefits the city would pay firefighters. She added that there are only two non-duty-related members who would be affected by a July I" COLA, and that if there is a COLA in July, their benefits will be recalculated. Election for Board Position No. 2. Jacober noted that Position No. 2 expires on July 1" and that an election by mail will be held as usual. She agreed to research who is eligible to serve on the Board, and to provide that information to the Board members by email. Next Meeting Date. It was noted that the next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 5, 2011. Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 3:45 p.m. -r Brenda Jacober, CMS Board member/City Clerk