HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Fireman's Relief and Pension Board - 04/21/2015 (3) ��iauuuuumux»>mltllof�l;�� u �. x�uuoinnom���nmauauai�Nt KENT XENt�� w,arinaon Firemen's Relief & Pension Board Minutes April 21, 2015 Board Members present: Mayor Suzette Cooke, City Clerk Ronald Moore, Al Bond, Gene Grenstad, and Sam Grubbs Others present: Finance Director Aaron BeMiller and Senior Financial Analyst Susanne Shaw Mayor Cooke called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. Minutes of January 6, 2015. Sam Grubbs moved to approve the minutes of January 6, 2015, as written, seconded by All Bond. Motion carried 5-0. 1st Quarter 2015 Financial Transactions. BeMiller communicated that the December 2014 report was also included in the packet which reflected the final numbers for 2014. He noted that the main difference on the balance sheet is the $1,170 in interest receivable. He highlighted that in March 2015 the City purchased about $1 million in government bonds from the firemen's pension fund money which was in the Local Government Investment Pool (LGIP). He noted that there is a retained earnings savings of $2,652,000. He continued and highlighted that the general contributions and the average pension cost, or salary amount, is $41,000. He noted that the benefit costs are set by the actuarial and for 2015 it is set at 226,000 and it includes a portion of the healthcare insurance and long term care insurance paid for by the City. He also mentioned that the increase in the fair value adjustment is not a real number, but it will be revealed at the end of the year. Right now, he stated that it is a negative $39,000, but it could be completely different by the end of the second quarter. He also noted that there is a net loss of $136,000, but that will change with the fair market value adjustment as time goes by. BeMiller explained the statement of cash flows. He noted that the operating loss for the year is an outflow of cash that is recouped by selling the LGIP investments. He noted that the operating loss for the quarter is going to be $136,000. Mayor Cooke confirmed with BeMiller that as of June 30, 2015 the City is projecting an increase of $5,000. BeMiller discussed the five-year comparison of investment type page. He communicated that the total investment in the pool has been revised based on the purchase of the bonds. He noted that a much better rate will be realized based on the maturity. He added that investments 2 — 4 are the new investments and the yield with the pool is 0.135 percent and the yield on the new investments is over 1 percent. BeMiller responded to Mayor Cooke that the state investment return rate has been affected by the federal short term rates which are historically very low. Mayor Cooke explained that the price of liquidity is a reduction in yield. BeMiller noted that these quarterly reports are very formal General Accepted Accounting Principal (GAAP) reports and communicated that management type reports could be given to make the financials more understandable and easier to read. He noted that these formal reports go into the comprehensive financial report. He suggested presenting management reports in the packet for the next meeting. Discussion continued concerning the specific format of the reports and staff was directed to present management reports at the next meeting. Al Bond moved to approve the 1st Quarter 2015 financial reports, seconded by Sam Grubbs. Motion carried 5-0. Mayor Cooke verified with BeMiller that if the legislature changes pension funding the City will be obligated to fill the gap through general fund dollars. BeMiller confirmed that the gap would be hundreds of thousands of dollars. Cost of Living Allowance - Information. Shaw communicated as of April 1, 2015 there would be a 1.93 percent cost of living adjustment. She noted that when LEOFF increases the City's obligation goes down slightly. Mayor Cooke confirmed that the pensions don't go down and Shaw added that when LEOFF goes down the City fills the financial gap to ensure the pension rate stays the same. 2014 Year End Financial Statements — Action. Discussion concerning the adoption of the 2014 Year End Financial Statements occurred. Consensus was that the December 2014 report was not adopted at the January 6 board meeting. 2 Sam Grubbs moved to approve the 2014 Year End Financial Statements, seconded by Al Bond. Motion carried 5-0. Other Business. None. Adiournment. The meeting adjourned at 3:58 p.m. Ronald F. Moore, MMC Board Secretary/City Clerk 3