HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council Workshop - Minutes - 07/01/2014 KENT Kent City Council Workshop Minutes July 1, 2014 The workshop meeting was called to order at 5:15 p.m, by Council President Ralph. Councilmembers present: Ralph, Boyce, Fincher, Higgins, Ranniger, and Thomas Recreation Program Cost Recovery and Resource Allocation. - Jeff Watling, Parks and Recreation Director discussed recreation program cost recovery and resource allocation. He discussed the work that the consultant, Green Play, did concerning the City's recreation programs. He thanked his staff for their work and introduced Chris Dropinski, Principal from Green Play, a parks and recreation management consulting firm. She reviewed the project goals and displayed a PowerPoint presentation. Dropinski replied to an inquiry from Councilmember Boyce and explained the tiers and different categories in the strategy. She added that the public sorting process identified what programs have more of an individual or community benefit, which eventually led to the different categories. Councilmember Higgins asked Watling for a copy of the raw data and for the rollup of everything in the department. Dropinski communicated the recommendations that were derived from the study, to include the primary, tier specific, and additional action steps. Dropinski also reviewed performance measures and thanked the City, staff, and public for this effort. Council President Ralph noted that this came from a workship discussion a year ago and she is supportive of this project. She thanked the City staff and Green Play for all the work. Councilmember Boyce verified that success would be dependent on what the City wants from the plan. Councilmember Fincher communicated that she wasn't on the Council when this was started. However, she has attended one of the six meetings. She said she enjoyed the process of determining the level of benefit of each program and that it was very eye- opening. Council President Ralph verified with Watling that the next steps are to refine cost recovery to increase the tier percentages. He also noted that they are going to be looking at policies within the department. Council Rules and Procedure Amendments, Resolution. - Acting City Attorney Pat Fitzpatrick highlighted the Council rules and procedure conversation that took place during the Council retreat. He stated that he looked at the resolution with Interim Chief Administrative Officer Tom Brubaker and has come up with suggestions for revisions. Fitzpatrick presented the revisions to the resolution. Councilmember Higgins inquired if this resolution is in alignment with other rules and procedures of other jurisdictions and Fitzpatrick confirmed it was. Kent City Council Workshop Minutes July 1, 2014 Councilmember Higgins verified that the public comment period is three minutes and Brubaker noted that the Council can shorten or lengthen it. It was also confirmed that the meeting is a meeting of the Council and the public cannot add anything to the agenda. Councilmember Boyce communicated that he doesn't see any language concerning personal attacks. Fitzpatrick communicated that there is language in Section 16 concerning impertinent, degrading or slanderous language. Councilmember Boyce communicated that there have been too many incidents concerning personnel matters being brought up at meetings and Fitzpatrick suggested that specific language not be added in the rules. Fitzpatrick and Brubaker noted that this is a valid concern, but it is hard to control people when they are on the microphone. Brubaker also noted that this is a freedom of speech issue and cities have been sued for blocking speech. He added that threats of violence are another issue, but name calling is hard to deal with. Brubaker reminded the Council that a posted regular meeting is owned by the Council and there aren't any restrictions on adding or dropping agenda items. Council President Ralph inquired about Section 19 and confirmed that the Council could make a motion, if necessary, concerning the basis for a councilmember to be expelled from the Council meeting. Councilmember Higgins confirmed with Brubaker that an expelled councilmember could obtain legal representation and take action against the City if they felt the expulsion was unwarranted. Councilmember Boyce verified with Fitzpatrick that the Council rules and procedures supersede Robert's Rules when it comes to the process of abstaining from a vote. City Clerk Ronald Moore explained the difference between Council recusal from hearing an item on the agenda and abstaining from a vote. Brubaker discussed the issues when it comes to who government attorneys represent. Councilmember Thomas discussed newly created Section 28 and stated that there are times when items are important and need to be placed on Other Business at the regular Council meetings. Fitzpatrick communicated that a vote "by concurrence" shouldn't be utilized by Councilmembers. The meeting adjourned at 6:34 p.m. Ronald F.,,Moore ,,AMC City Clerk Z ,Z KENT Wn Kent City Council Meeting Minutes July 1, 2014 The regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7:02 p.m. by Mayor Cooke. Councilmembers present: Ralph, Boyce, Fincher, Higgins, Ranniger, and Thomas. CHANGES TO THE AGENDA A. From Council, Administration, Staff. Interim Chief Administrative Officer Tom Brubaker noted that a revised public safety bond ordinance is located in front of the Councilmembers. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS A. Public Recognition. None, B. Community Events. Councilmember Ranniger discussed the 41h of July "Splash" event at Lake Meridian and the Summer Concert Series. Mayor Cooke announced that the Kent Cornucopia Days Festival is next weekend and highlighted various details about the event. C. Proclamation for Steve Dowell. Mayor Cooke presented the proclamation to Steve Dowell. She noted that he has been integral in the City's history and thanked him for his tireless efforts in serving the City. Mayor Cooke proclaimed Friday, July 11, 2014 as "Steve Dowell Day". Dowell thanked the Mayor and the Planning Department. Mayor Cooke thanked Planning Director Fred Satterstrom for his work on the proclamation. D. Proclamation for National Parks and Recreation Month. Mayor Cooke presented the proclamation to Parks and Recreation Director, Jeff Watling. Watling thanked the Mayor for the proclamation and discussed the City's Parks and Recreation system and goals. Watling thanked the Parks staff. He discussed the establishment of the Parks and Recreation Commission which was adopted in the Parks and Human Services Committee by a vote of 3-0. He added that work will begin this summer and the commission will be launched this fall. Councilmember Ranniger stated that it is time a Parks and Recreation Commission is established to obtain broader input on issues. Council President Ralph thanked Steve Dowell for his work over the years and for his work for the City of Kent. E. Intergovernmental Reports. Council President Ralph noted that the South County Area Transportation Board (SCATBD) and King County Regional Law Safety and Kent CityCouncil Meeting Minutes Jul 1, 2014 9 Y Justice Committee haven't met for the past two weeks. She added that she attended the Association of Washington Cities (AWC) Conference in Spokane. Councilmember Higgins communicated that he attended the Puget Sound Regional Council Executive Board meeting for Mayor Cooke last week. He stated that there was a reallocation of the Federal Transit Administration funds that the Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) receives, which won't mean much for Metro. He added that an adjustment was made to the Transportation Policy Board which made it possible for representatives from transit agencies to have a seat on that board. He added that the Sound Cities Association (SCA) Board of Directors met last week and a plan was implemented to add a staff person. They also set the rate for 2015 which is a slight increase over 2014. The King County Regional Transit Committee met, but he couldn't attend due to the AWC Conference, He noted that the cuts to Metro for September 2014 are occurring, but the 2015 cuts are in flux due to an ordinance forthcoming from the King County Council. He added that at the Regional Transit Committee started another ad hoc committee to discuss the Metro cuts. He also attended the Ad Hoc Oil/Rail Committee at the AWC Conference and their goal to obtain clear data from the Federal Government and determine mitigation for safety issues. He noted that they will be meeting at least two more times. Councilmember Boyce noted that there was on Sound Cities Association meeting and the next meeting will be on July 16. PUBLIC HEARINGS None. PUBLIC COMMENT 1. Richard Johnson, Kent - Johnson introduced the members of the Kent Black Action Commission (KBAC) that were in attendance with him. He communicated that the Juneteenth event was very well attended and thanked the Parks and Recreation Department for their assistance at their event on June 21. Johnson presented Parks and Recreation Director Jeff Watling with a Certificate of Appreciation for their assistance. Councilmember Ranniger commented that KBAC did an absolutely great job with the event. 2. David Malik, Kent - Malik supported the public safety bond. He noted that police are the first responders to emergencies and wants to ensure that all of the bond funds go directly to the building and training for the police department. 3. J. David Huhs, Kent - Huhs communicated that he supports the public safety bond. He stated that he loves Kent and works in the City. He added that from a business prospective the City can't afford to not support this bond. He stated that the infrastructure and the people of this City need to feel protected. 2 Kent City Council Meeting Minutes July 1, 2014 4. Libby Seidel, Kent - Seidel spoke in favor of the public safety bond. She noted that when she first moved here police response times were slow and it has greatly improved. She stated that there are very little negative comments being said about the police department. She noted that the building at the police department is inadequate at best and said this City needs to provide the police with what they need to do their jobs. She added that she is thrilled to have the proposed police building built on the same campus where City Hall and the Centennial Building are. 5. Dave Mortensen, Kent - Mortensen supported the bond. He noted that the City of Kent has a very diverse and talented community. He said he works with this very diverse community through the Kent International Festival. He noted that the police have done a great job with working with members of a diverse population. He felt nothing is more important than ensuring Kent is a safe community. He urged residents to say yes to the bond. CONSENT CALENDAR Council President Ralph moved to approve Consent Calendar Items A through K, seconded by Councilmember Thomas. A. Approval of the minutes - Approve. The minutes of the workshop and regular Council meeting of June 17, 2014 were approved. B. Boeing Levee Ecosystem Restoration Project, Project Partnership Agreement - Authorize. The Mayor was authorized to sign a Project Partnership Agreement with US Army Corps of Engineers for the Boeing Levee Ecosystem Restoration Project subject to the execution of an Interlocal Agreement with the King County Flood Control District and subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. C. Consultant Services Agreement with GeoEngineers for SE 240th Street Slone Stabilization and Pavement Restoration - Authorize. The Mayor was authorized to sign a Consultant Services Agreement with GeoEngineers in an amount not to exceed $66,000 to provide design services for slope stabilization and pavement restoration along SE 240th Street, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director, D. SE 240`h Street Slide Repair Proiect Pre-Approval - Authorize. The Mayor was authorized to sign all necessary documents to enter into a construction contract for the SE 240th Street Slide Repair Project, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and the Public Works Director up to a maximum amount of $700,000. E. Solid Waste Franchise Agreement - Authorize. The Mayor was authorized to begin the process to implement a solid waste franchise fee for the purposes of maintaining the city street network. F. Professional Services Agreement with Jason Engineering and Consulting Business, Inc. for 64th Avenue South Channel Improvements Union Pacific 3 Kent City Council Meeting Minutes July 1, 2014 Railroad Spur Culvert Replacement - Authorize. The Mayor was authorized to sign a Public Works Agreement with Jason Engineering & Consulting Business, Inc. for materials testing and inspection services of the 64th Avenue Channel Improvements, Union Pacific Railroad Spur Culvert Replacement project in an amount not to exceed $65,420, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. G. 2015 - 2020 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program — Set Hearing Date. The Council set July 15, 2014 as the Public Hearing date to consider the DRAFT 2015-2020 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program, H. HOME Interlocal Cooperation Agreement — Authorize. The Mayor was authorized to sign the 20015-2017 HOME Interlocal Cooperation Agreement with King County, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and the Parks Director, I. 2014 Western States Arts Federation Grant Award — Accept. The Mayor was authorized to accept the TourWest grant from Western States Arts Federation to support the 2014-2015 Kent Arts Commission Spotlight Series in the amount of $2,150, and authorize the expenditure of funds in accordance with the grant agreement. J. Ordinance to Establish a Parks and Recreation Commission — Adopt. The Council adopted Ordinance No. 4117 to establish a Parks and Recreation Commission K. Excused Absence for Councilmember Jim Berrios - Approve. The Council approved an excused absence for Councilmember Berrios as he was unable to attend the City Council meeting of July 1, 2014. OTHER BUSINESS A. Public Safety Bond Ordnance — Adopt. Police Chief Ken Thomas communicated that he appreciates the support of the Mayor, City Council, and community. He noted that the police station is a library that was renovated 20 years ago for 85 officers. Today, he said, there are 160 officers approved through 2017 and that doesn't include volunteers. He communicated that currently the police officers are spread out between four buildings. He pointed out that the building leaks when it rains and the HVAC died last year. Additionally, there is a lack of workspace and space for gear. He added that the training rooms are undersized and that the report writing rooms are not private. He communicated that there is a hallway in the building that has been converted to an office. Chief Thomas continued and noted that the evidence room is small and evidence is overstuffed into the corridors and stacked up to the ceiling. He communicated that there is insufficient vehicle parking with 20 parking spaces for 39 vehicles. He discussed the Kent City Jail and that crisis cells are needed because 50 percent of the jail population has mental health issues. He added that maintenance improvements are needed for plumbing and electrical wiring at the jail. He discussed the 25 year old firearms training facility and said an upgrade is needed for critical incident training. He concluded that the ordinance is for a new jail facility, crisis cells at the jail, and an improved firearms training facility. 4 Kent City Council Meeting Minutes July 1, 2014 Councilmember Ranniger verified with Chief Thomas that it will take approximately one year to build the new facility and funds have been budgeted to pay rent. However, the Fire Chief has agreed to house the Police Department in the Fire Department facility and there is some room in the Centennial Center. Additionally, he noted that there are some City buildings that are available to utilize, even with rental funds available. He communicated that there is buildable space between the current police building and City Hall and that if the footprint of the police building is moved closer to City Hall and two stories there would be enough room. Councilmember Thomas moved to adopt Ordinance No. 4118, providing for an election to authorize the City to issue general obligation bonds not to exceed $34,000,000 to construct and equip a new police headquarters and related training facilities, and to levy excess property taxes to pay the bonds, seconded by Council President Ralph. Councilmember Thomas communicated that if someone walks around the police building it is like a mouse running around in a maze. The conditions are deplorable. Councilmember Higgins communicated that he went on a ride along and there were a couple of incidents in the City. He announced that all the officers he encountered in both of the situations acted with tact and professionalism. He said he is very thankful of the police officers in Kent and highlighted that before he went out on the ride along he witnessed the officers going into the equipment room almost on top of each other and walking through hallways that are too small for two officers to walk past each other. He doesn't want to lose officers due to the conditions in that building and is excited to get to work on this item. Councilmember Ranniger communicated that this is the time for this to happen. She stated that during the recession it wasn't the time to bring this forward. Now it is and we have to invest in police infrastructure. Councilmember Fincher discussed the conditions and stated that there isn't any room for officers to train or to even walk through the hallways. She communicated that she witnessed an investigation and them being able to talk to each other is critical. She noted that she would gladly pay $57 a year for the police department. She stated that the Kent Police Department is a cut above. Council President Ralph stated that our police department is always here for us and protect our families every day. She added that they will help you get into your car if you lock yourself out. She said it is all about customer service and we need to support them the same way they support us every day. They allow us to go through our day being safe. She supported the motion. Councilmember Boyce stated he would be supporting the motion. He discussed an incident and his positive interaction with a Kent police officer who was very polite. He communicated that the police need the proper space to do their business, he concluded. 5 Kent City Council Meeting Minutes July 1, 2014 Interim Chief Administrative Officer Brubaker communicated that the staff will be looking at having a proposition number other than "One" to alleviate confusion with other measures before it goes to the voters in November. A vote was taken on the motion on the table to adopt Ordinance No. 4118, providing for an election to authorize the City to issue general obligation bonds not to exceed $34,000,000 to construct and equip a new police headquarters and related training facilities, and to levy excess property taxes to pay the bonds, which carried 7-0. Mayor Cooke thanked the Chief, the City staff and the citizens for their work and understanding the needs of the police department. BIDS A. Kentview Sanitary Sewer Interceptor Project - Approve. Public Works Director Tim LaPorte highlighted the bid award and communicated that the City has nine pump stations. He noted that two of them, which are temporary, will be eliminated. He pointed out that pump stations require significant maintenance and discussed the specifics of the project. Councilmember Higgins moved to award the Kentview Sanitary Sewer Interceptor Project to Scarsella Brothers, Inc. in the amount of $983,669.18 and authorize the Mayor to sign all necessary documents, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director, seconded by Council President Ralph. Motion carried 7-0. REPORTS FROM STANDING COMMITTEES, STAFF AND SPECIAL COMMITTEES A. Council President. Council President Ralph communicated that the Parks and Recreation Department presented the results of the GreenPlay Recreation Program Cost Recovery and Resource Allocation model and policy work at the workshop. She thanked the Parks staff. B. Mayor. Mayor Cooke communicated that the King County Flood Control District Advisory Committee reelected her as Chair with Council President Ralph being the alternate for that committee. She added that there was a telephonic meeting with King County Councilmember Dave Upthegrove concerning funding with Metro. She noted that they will be making the cuts in 2015 and are being made in the same manner and with the same criteria that the transit task force implemented four years ago. Mayor Cooke stated that she met with a representative from the Governor Inslee's Office and discussed how the City can capitalize on some of the Governor's priorities such as the environment and having people spaces. C. Administration. Tom Brubaker had no report and said there is no executive session. D. Economic & Community Development Committee. In the minutes. 6 Kent City Council Meeting Minutes July 1, 2014 E. Operations Committee. In the minutes. F. Parks and Human Services Committee. Councilmember Ranniger stated that they typically meet the third Thursday, but will be meeting the fourth Thursday in July. She stated that having a Parks and Recreation cost recovery and resource allocation study done came through the deep recession cuts and difficult discussions that were had at that time. She stated this study will carry the City well into the future and result in the Council making better decisions about how to best use taxpayer dollars to serve the greatest amount of people. G. Public Safety Committee. Councilmember Berrios said that the next meeting is on Tuesday, July 8. H. Public Works Committee. Councilmember Higgins reported that the next meeting is Monday, July 7 at 4pm. I. Regional Fire Authority. Councilmember Thomas communicated that the next meeting is July 9 at Station #74. EXECUTIVE SESSION None. ACTION AFTER EXECUTIVE SESSION None. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m. ,q F Ronald F. Mbore,,,MMC City Clerk I 7 L V � s�. O 4w a. O � - •- 4-1 � N O O L a _ O CL - O a � a� O V � 0 (1) ce ■ ■ D U G� O 7 CD co rCU n -s (D rt CD fD N. CD � Q. 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W PUBLIC COMMENT KENT SIGN UP SHEET W.Y- -C,- For the Kent City Council Meeting of: - f►' v � NAME Street Address Email Address Topic 1234 Main ] Street SE Comprehensive Ex Jane Doe Kent, WA 98 2 doe@hotmail.com Plan 1 - ct-1A�� -fie OT A 9' 3Q cC.J ff-co ti fnK �1V►f� 1l1 �11� l c� �16�1 f�J kr, I� ,�n cc�Zu K �o l.Ll SO, 3 cJ v= G{ t"lrtN� Can V✓� Cl ��3 Cr�1��. �S`/GrrIla }—!bb S-P.,`oleL_ 13 H a llv ' S 8 '3 I 17NL S ei�1 L�Nsn��Cc� �SU 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 .14 �.5 16 17 18 19 20 Members of the public are invited to speak under "Public Comment" Agenda Item #6. Please sign above and when asked by the Mayor, come to the podium. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes.