HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Works/Planning - 06/07/2010 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MINUTES
Monday, June 7, 2010
COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Committee Chair Debbie Raplee and committee members
Ron Harmon and Dennis Higgins were present. The meeting was called to order at 4:04 p.m.
ITEM 1 - Approval of Minutes Dated May 17, 2010:
Committee Member Harmon moved to approve the minutes of May 17, 2010. The
motion was seconded by Higgins and passed 3-0.
ITEM 2 - Transportation Financing Consultant Agreement w/Fehr & Peers, Inc:
Cathy Mooney, Senior Transportation Planner noted that the city is investigating future financing
alternatives associated with the transportation capital projects indentified in the 2008
Transportation Master Plan (TMP). Fehr and Peers, Inc. performed the transportation demand
forecast modeling and prepared the needs analysis which formed the basis for the 22-year
transportation plan.
Mooney went on the explain that the consultant (Fehr & Peers) will review and rework the
financial forecasts associated with the transportation funding analysis, since previous work is out
of date. They will look further at funding sources.
Payment for this work is available in our TMP budget, $20,000.
Higgins moved to recommend authorization for the Mayor to sign a Consultant Services
Agreement between the City of Kent and Fehr and Peers, Inc not to exceed $20,000 to
conduct transportation funding analysis and provide recommendations for financing
the transportation capital needs indentified in the 2008 Transportation Master Plan
subject to terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and the Public Works
Director. The motion was seconded by Harmon and passed 3-0.
ITEM 3 -Draft 2011 - 2016 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP):
Steve Mullen Transportation Engineering Manager stated that when all added up the
Transportation Improvement Plan is over $622 million in projects. None of the projects from last
year have been completed therefore are still on the list. Mullen requested that the committee
forward the Draft 2011 - 2016 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program to the full Council
so that they may set a Public Hearing. The TIP includes planning studies, street, bicycle,
pedestrian, traffic signal, and transit improvements as well as street maintenance and
preservation projects. Mullen briefly went over the four new projects totaling $81,400,000 which
are mostly in the new Panther Lake annexation area.
Including all of these projects in the Six Year TIP allows the City to begin looking for funding
partners and applying for grants to see if these projects will be feasible. State law requires that
each city develop a local TIP and that it be updated annually (RCW 35.77.010).
Harmon moved to recommend that the Public Works Committee forward the Draft
2011-2016 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) to the full Council and
recommend that Council set a date for a Public Hearing. The motion was seconded by
Higgins and passed 3-0.
ITEM 4 - S. 2241h Street/SR 167 Bridge Consultant Agreement with Shearer Design
Garrett Inouye, P.E., Project Engineer gave a brief history of the project. He explained that the
S. 2241h Street project was approved by council on April 1, 2008. The Project will extend S. 2241h
Street near East Valley Highway to Benson Road. The project includes a bridge over SR 167 and
Monday, June 7, 2010
881h Avenue S. The Consultant will provide structural engineering services for the design of the
new bridge and wall structures. The consultant will also assist in obtaining WSDOT and
environmental permits to construct the project. Harmon asked if any homes are going to be
acquired for this project; Inouye stated four or five homes are identified in the EIS as needing to
be acquired and those citizens are able to see which homes have been identified. Higgins asked
about the bidding process. LaPorte stated that firms were short listed and interviewed.
Higgins moved to recommend authorizing the Mayor to sign a Consultant Services
Agreement with Shearer Design LLC for the purpose of designing the S. 2241h Street/SR
167 Bridge and assist in obtaining WSDOT Developer Services permits in an amount not
to exceed $262,540.00.00 upon concurrence of final terms and conditions by the City
Attorney and the Public Works Director. The motion was seconded by Harmon and
passed 3-0.
ITEM 5 — Daniel and Horizon Safe Walking Routes to School Proiect:
Mark Madfai, Design Engineering Supervisor gave a brief PowerPoint Presentation outlining the
history of the project. He also showed a map of the areas and went over the funding sources.
The project will provide new sidewalks where none currently exist to provide safe walking routes
to Daniel Elementary School on SE 2481h St. between 1081h Ave. SE and 1161h Ave. SE and to the
Horizon Elementary School on 1441h Ave. SE from SE 2761h PI. and SE 2881h Street.
We are currently waiting for Washington Department of Transportation's approval to bid the
project. The project will utilize two federal grants totaling $1,334,100. Federal projects require
more steps and review time from Washington State Department of Transportation who administer
federal funds. Madfai further noted that it is our goal to have the project substantially complete
by September 1, 2010 to allow the sidewalks to be available for the next school year. Having
prior approval will save several weeks in the schedule and allow construction to begin earlier.
Harmon moved to authorize the Mayor to sign a contract for award of the Daniel and
Horizon Safe Walking Routes to School Project to the lowest responsive and
responsible bidder within the engineer's estimate, upon opening of bids subject to the
approval of the City Attorney. The motion was seconded by Higgins and passed 3-0.
Item 6 — Levee Certification Analysis Consultant Agreement with Northwest Hydraulic
Consultants Inc:
Mike Mactutis, P.E., Environmental Engineering Manager explained that the Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA) is in the process of revising its flood insurance rate maps for the
Green River Basin with the new flood hazard areas being based on the conclusion that the Green
River levees in Kent are not federally certified. He noted that in order for the City to prioritize
and submit requests to FEMA, the city must determine the effects to the flood hazard area of
certifying the proposed levees.
Northwest Hydraulic Consultants (NHC) has done much of the recent hydrologic and hydraulic
modeling work in the Green River Valley related to establishing flood hazard boundaries and
depths. This proposed consultant services agreement will allow NHC to conduct their analyses
and levee certifications in Kent.
Higgins moved to authorize the Mayor to sign a consultant services contract with
Northwest Hydraulic Consultants Inc in the amount of $32,324.00 for the purpose of
analyzing and reporting on proposed changes to flood hazard areas under a series of
Green River levee certification alternatives with concurrence of the language therein by
Monday, June 7, 2010
the City Attorney and the Public Works Director. The motion was seconded by Harmon
and passed 3-0.
Item 7 —Riverview Park Restoration Proiect Agreement with Kina Conservation District
WRIA 9 Forum:
Beth Tan, Environmental Engineer noted that staff has secured two grants. She went on to give
a brief history of the project which is located on City Park Department property known as
Riverview Park which is located along the Green River south of Willis Street and west of SR 167.
Currently the park is a passive use park.
Tan stated that by the creation of a new off-river channel, the project will provide summer
rearing habitat and high flow winter refuge for salmon along the Green River. Major excavating
work will be done moving 60 thousand cubic yards of materials (approximately 6,000 truckloads).
The City of Kent was awarded a $690,000.00 grant from the King Conservation District (KCD) to
complete construction of the project. The grant fund will be used as a portion of the City of
Kent's payment to the Army Corps of Engineers for its share of the 2011 construction of the
Riverview Park Restoration Project.
Harmon moved to recommend authorizing the Mayor to sign the King Conservation
District WRIA 9 Forum's Agreement for the city to receive a $690,000.00 grant award
to be used for the City of Kent's Riverview Park Restoration Project upon concurrence
of the language therein by the Public Works Director and the City Attorney. The motion
was seconded by Higgins and passed 3-0.
Item 8 — Riverview Park Restoration Proiect Agreement with Washington State
Recreation and Conservation Office throuah the Salmon Recovery Fundina Board:
Beth Tan, Environmental Engineer stated that this project is the same as item 7. In March of
2010, the City of Kent received a $500,000 grant from the Washington State Recreation and
Conservation Office Salmon Recovery Funding Board. The grant fund will be used as a portion of
the City of Kent's payment to the Army Corps of Engineers for its share of the 2011 construction
of the Riverview Park Restoration Project.
Accepting the grant funds for construction is one of the final steps to complete this critical salmon
habitat restoration project.
Higgins moved to recommend authorizing the Mayor to sign the Washington State
Recreation and Conservation Office Salmon Recovery Funding Board Agreement to
receive a $500,000.00 grant award to be used for the City of Kent's Riverview Park
Restoration Project upon concurrence of the language therein by the Public Works
Director and City Attorney. The motion was seconded by Harmon and passed 3-0.
Item 9 — Railroad Ouiet Zone — Union Pacific Reimbursement:
Tim LaPorte noted at the beginning of the meeting that this item will be presented as an
information only item. Steve Mullen, Transportation Engineering Manager explained that the
Union Pacific Railroad will not agree to meet unless its costs are reimbursed by the City. If Union
Pacific does not participate, it would be very difficult to determine if a quiet zone could be
established for its crossings.
Staff recommends not entering into an agreement to pay for these services at this time. We will
apply what we learn from the Burlington Northern review.
Monday, June 7, 2010
No Motion Required/Information Only
Item 10 — Information Only/Clark Springs Water Supply Habitat Conservation Plan
Kelly Peterson, AICP, Environmental Conservation Supervisor, presented an informative
PowerPoint presentation explaining what a Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) is and why Kent is in
the process of negotiating one with the USFWS and NOAA Fisheries. He showed a vicinity map
and elements of the draft HCP. Peterson went over required HCP mitigation projects and briefly
explained each one. For more information you can contact Peterson at (253) 856-5547.
No Motion Required/Information Only
The meeting was adjourned at 5:07 p.m.
Next Regularly Scheduled Meeting:
Monday, June 21, 2010 at 4:00 p.m.
Cheryl Viseth, Public Works Secretary
Monday, June 7, 2010
COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Committee Chair Debbie Raplee and committee members
Ron Harmon and Dennis Higgins were present. The meeting was called to order at 4:04 p.m.
ITEM 1 - Approval of Minutes Dated May 17, 2010:
Committee Member Harmon moved to approve the minutes of May 17, 2010. The
motion was seconded by Higgins and passed 3-0.
ITEM 2 - Transportation Financing Consultant Agreement w/Fehr & Peers, Inc:
Cathy Mooney, Senior Transportation Planner noted that the city is investigating future financing
alternatives associated with the transportation capital projects indentified in the 2008
Transportation Master Plan (TMP). Fehr and Peers, Inc. performed the transportation demand
forecast modeling and prepared the needs analysis which formed the basis for the 22-year
transportation plan.
Mooney went on the explain that the consultant (Fehr & Peers) will review and rework the
financial forecasts associated with the transportation funding analysis, since previous work is out
of date. They will look further at funding sources.
Payment for this work is available in our TMP budget, $20,000.
Higgins moved to recommend authorization for the Mayor to sign a Consultant Services
Agreement between the City of Kent and Fehr and Peers, Inc not to exceed $20,000 to
conduct transportation funding analysis and provide recommendations for financing
the transportation capital needs indentified in the 2008 Transportation Master Plan
subject to terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and the Public Works
Director. The motion was seconded by Harmon and passed 3-0.
ITEM 3 -Draft 2011 - 2016 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP):
Steve Mullen Transportation Engineering Manager stated that when all added up the
Transportation Improvement Plan is over $622 million in projects. None of the projects from last
year have been completed therefore are still on the list. Mullen requested that the committee
forward the Draft 2011 - 2016 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program to the full Council
so that they may set a Public Hearing. The TIP includes planning studies, street, bicycle,
pedestrian, traffic signal, and transit improvements as well as street maintenance and
preservation projects. Mullen briefly went over the four new projects totaling $81,400,000 which
are mostly in the new Panther Lake annexation area.
Including all of these projects in the Six Year TIP allows the City to begin looking for funding
partners and applying for grants to see if these projects will be feasible. State law requires that
each city develop a local TIP and that it be updated annually (RCW 35.77.010).
Harmon moved to recommend that the Public Works Committee forward the Draft
2011-2016 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) to the full Council and
recommend that Council set a date for a Public Hearing. The motion was seconded by
Higgins and passed 3-0.
ITEM 4 - S. 2241h Street/SR 167 Bridge Consultant Agreement with Shearer Design
Garrett Inouye, P.E., Project Engineer gave a brief history of the project. He explained that the
S. 2241h Street project was approved by council on April 1, 2008. The Project will extend S. 2241h
Street near East Valley Highway to Benson Road. The project includes a bridge over SR 167 and
Monday, June 7, 2010
881h Avenue S. The Consultant will provide structural engineering services for the design of the
new bridge and wall structures. The consultant will also assist in obtaining WSDOT and
environmental permits to construct the project. Harmon asked if any homes are going to be
acquired for this project; Inouye stated four or five homes are identified in the EIS as needing to
be acquired and those citizens are able to see which homes have been identified. Higgins asked
about the bidding process. LaPorte stated that firms were short listed and interviewed.
Higgins moved to recommend authorizing the Mayor to sign a Consultant Services
Agreement with Shearer Design LLC for the purpose of designing the S. 2241h Street/SR
167 Bridge and assist in obtaining WSDOT Developer Services permits in an amount not
to exceed $262,540.00.00 upon concurrence of final terms and conditions by the City
Attorney and the Public Works Director. The motion was seconded by Harmon and
passed 3-0.
ITEM 5 — Daniel and Horizon Safe Walking Routes to School Proiect:
Mark Madfai, Design Engineering Supervisor gave a brief PowerPoint Presentation outlining the
history of the project. He also showed a map of the areas and went over the funding sources.
The project will provide new sidewalks where none currently exist to provide safe walking routes
to Daniel Elementary School on SE 2481h St. between 1081h Ave. SE and 1161h Ave. SE and to the
Horizon Elementary School on 1441h Ave. SE from SE 2761h PI. and SE 2881h Street.
We are currently waiting for Washington Department of Transportation's approval to bid the
project. The project will utilize two federal grants totaling $1,334,100. Federal projects require
more steps and review time from Washington State Department of Transportation who administer
federal funds. Madfai further noted that it is our goal to have the project substantially complete
by September 1, 2010 to allow the sidewalks to be available for the next school year. Having
prior approval will save several weeks in the schedule and allow construction to begin earlier.
Harmon moved to authorize the Mayor to sign a contract for award of the Daniel and
Horizon Safe Walking Routes to School Project to the lowest responsive and
responsible bidder within the engineer's estimate, upon opening of bids subject to the
approval of the City Attorney. The motion was seconded by Higgins and passed 3-0.
Item 6 — Levee Certification Analysis Consultant Agreement with Northwest Hydraulic
Consultants Inc:
Mike Mactutis, P.E., Environmental Engineering Manager explained that the Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA) is in the process of revising its flood insurance rate maps for the
Green River Basin with the new flood hazard areas being based on the conclusion that the Green
River levees in Kent are not federally certified. He noted that in order for the City to prioritize
and submit requests to FEMA, the city must determine the effects to the flood hazard area of
certifying the proposed levees.
Northwest Hydraulic Consultants (NHC) has done much of the recent hydrologic and hydraulic
modeling work in the Green River Valley related to establishing flood hazard boundaries and
depths. This proposed consultant services agreement will allow NHC to conduct their analyses
and levee certifications in Kent.
Higgins moved to authorize the Mayor to sign a consultant services contract with
Northwest Hydraulic Consultants Inc in the amount of $32,324.00 for the purpose of
analyzing and reporting on proposed changes to flood hazard areas under a series of
Green River levee certification alternatives with concurrence of the language therein by
Monday, June 7, 2010
the City Attorney and the Public Works Director. The motion was seconded by Harmon
and passed 3-0.
Item 7 —Riverview Park Restoration Proiect Agreement with Kina Conservation District
WRIA 9 Forum:
Beth Tan, Environmental Engineer noted that staff has secured two grants. She went on to give
a brief history of the project which is located on City Park Department property known as
Riverview Park which is located along the Green River south of Willis Street and west of SR 167.
Currently the park is a passive use park.
Tan stated that by the creation of a new off-river channel, the project will provide summer
rearing habitat and high flow winter refuge for salmon along the Green River. Major excavating
work will be done moving 60 thousand cubic yards of materials (approximately 6,000 truckloads).
The City of Kent was awarded a $690,000.00 grant from the King Conservation District (KCD) to
complete construction of the project. The grant fund will be used as a portion of the City of
Kent's payment to the Army Corps of Engineers for its share of the 2011 construction of the
Riverview Park Restoration Project.
Harmon moved to recommend authorizing the Mayor to sign the King Conservation
District WRIA 9 Forum's Agreement for the city to receive a $690,000.00 grant award
to be used for the City of Kent's Riverview Park Restoration Project upon concurrence
of the language therein by the Public Works Director and the City Attorney. The motion
was seconded by Higgins and passed 3-0.
Item 8 — Riverview Park Restoration Proiect Agreement with Washington State
Recreation and Conservation Office throuah the Salmon Recovery Fundina Board:
Beth Tan, Environmental Engineer stated that this project is the same as item 7. In March of
2010, the City of Kent received a $500,000 grant from the Washington State Recreation and
Conservation Office Salmon Recovery Funding Board. The grant fund will be used as a portion of
the City of Kent's payment to the Army Corps of Engineers for its share of the 2011 construction
of the Riverview Park Restoration Project.
Accepting the grant funds for construction is one of the final steps to complete this critical salmon
habitat restoration project.
Higgins moved to recommend authorizing the Mayor to sign the Washington State
Recreation and Conservation Office Salmon Recovery Funding Board Agreement to
receive a $500,000.00 grant award to be used for the City of Kent's Riverview Park
Restoration Project upon concurrence of the language therein by the Public Works
Director and City Attorney. The motion was seconded by Harmon and passed 3-0.
Item 9 — Railroad Ouiet Zone — Union Pacific Reimbursement:
Tim LaPorte noted at the beginning of the meeting that this item will be presented as an
information only item. Steve Mullen, Transportation Engineering Manager explained that the
Union Pacific Railroad will not agree to meet unless its costs are reimbursed by the City. If Union
Pacific does not participate, it would be very difficult to determine if a quiet zone could be
established for its crossings.
Staff recommends not entering into an agreement to pay for these services at this time. We will
apply what we learn from the Burlington Northern review.
Monday, June 7, 2010
No Motion Required/Information Only
Item 10 — Information Only/Clark Springs Water Supply Habitat Conservation Plan
Kelly Peterson, AICP, Environmental Conservation Supervisor, presented an informative
PowerPoint presentation explaining what a Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) is and why Kent is in
the process of negotiating one with the USFWS and NOAA Fisheries. He showed a vicinity map
and elements of the draft HCP. Peterson went over required HCP mitigation projects and briefly
explained each one. For more information you can contact Peterson at (253) 856-5547.
No Motion Required/Information Only
The meeting was adjourned at 5:07 p.m.
Next Regularly Scheduled Meeting:
Monday, June 21, 2010 at 4:00 p.m.
Cheryl Viseth, Public Works Secretary
Monday, June 7, 2010
COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Committee Chair Debbie Raplee and committee members
Ron Harmon and Dennis Higgins were present. The meeting was called to order at 4:04 p.m.
ITEM 1 - Approval of Minutes Dated May 17, 2010:
Committee Member Harmon moved to approve the minutes of May 17, 2010. The
motion was seconded by Higgins and passed 3-0.
ITEM 2 - Transportation Financing Consultant Agreement w/Fehr & Peers, Inc:
Cathy Mooney, Senior Transportation Planner noted that the city is investigating future financing
alternatives associated with the transportation capital projects indentified in the 2008
Transportation Master Plan (TMP). Fehr and Peers, Inc. performed the transportation demand
forecast modeling and prepared the needs analysis which formed the basis for the 22-year
transportation plan.
Mooney went on the explain that the consultant (Fehr & Peers) will review and rework the
financial forecasts associated with the transportation funding analysis, since previous work is out
of date. They will look further at funding sources.
Payment for this work is available in our TMP budget, $20,000.
Higgins moved to recommend authorization for the Mayor to sign a Consultant Services
Agreement between the City of Kent and Fehr and Peers, Inc not to exceed $20,000 to
conduct transportation funding analysis and provide recommendations for financing
the transportation capital needs indentified in the 2008 Transportation Master Plan
subject to terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and the Public Works
Director. The motion was seconded by Harmon and passed 3-0.
ITEM 3 -Draft 2011 - 2016 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP):
Steve Mullen Transportation Engineering Manager stated that when all added up the
Transportation Improvement Plan is over $622 million in projects. None of the projects from last
year have been completed therefore are still on the list. Mullen requested that the committee
forward the Draft 2011 - 2016 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program to the full Council
so that they may set a Public Hearing. The TIP includes planning studies, street, bicycle,
pedestrian, traffic signal, and transit improvements as well as street maintenance and
preservation projects. Mullen briefly went over the four new projects totaling $81,400,000 which
are mostly in the new Panther Lake annexation area.
Including all of these projects in the Six Year TIP allows the City to begin looking for funding
partners and applying for grants to see if these projects will be feasible. State law requires that
each city develop a local TIP and that it be updated annually (RCW 35.77.010).
Harmon moved to recommend that the Public Works Committee forward the Draft
2011-2016 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) to the full Council and
recommend that Council set a date for a Public Hearing. The motion was seconded by
Higgins and passed 3-0.
ITEM 4 - S. 2241h Street/SR 167 Bridge Consultant Agreement with Shearer Design
Garrett Inouye, P.E., Project Engineer gave a brief history of the project. He explained that the
S. 2241h Street project was approved by council on April 1, 2008. The Project will extend S. 2241h
Street near East Valley Highway to Benson Road. The project includes a bridge over SR 167 and
Monday, June 7, 2010
881h Avenue S. The Consultant will provide structural engineering services for the design of the
new bridge and wall structures. The consultant will also assist in obtaining WSDOT and
environmental permits to construct the project. Harmon asked if any homes are going to be
acquired for this project; Inouye stated four or five homes are identified in the EIS as needing to
be acquired and those citizens are able to see which homes have been identified. Higgins asked
about the bidding process. LaPorte stated that firms were short listed and interviewed.
Higgins moved to recommend authorizing the Mayor to sign a Consultant Services
Agreement with Shearer Design LLC for the purpose of designing the S. 2241h Street/SR
167 Bridge and assist in obtaining WSDOT Developer Services permits in an amount not
to exceed $262,540.00.00 upon concurrence of final terms and conditions by the City
Attorney and the Public Works Director. The motion was seconded by Harmon and
passed 3-0.
ITEM 5 — Daniel and Horizon Safe Walking Routes to School Proiect:
Mark Madfai, Design Engineering Supervisor gave a brief PowerPoint Presentation outlining the
history of the project. He also showed a map of the areas and went over the funding sources.
The project will provide new sidewalks where none currently exist to provide safe walking routes
to Daniel Elementary School on SE 2481h St. between 1081h Ave. SE and 1161h Ave. SE and to the
Horizon Elementary School on 1441h Ave. SE from SE 2761h PI. and SE 2881h Street.
We are currently waiting for Washington Department of Transportation's approval to bid the
project. The project will utilize two federal grants totaling $1,334,100. Federal projects require
more steps and review time from Washington State Department of Transportation who administer
federal funds. Madfai further noted that it is our goal to have the project substantially complete
by September 1, 2010 to allow the sidewalks to be available for the next school year. Having
prior approval will save several weeks in the schedule and allow construction to begin earlier.
Harmon moved to authorize the Mayor to sign a contract for award of the Daniel and
Horizon Safe Walking Routes to School Project to the lowest responsive and
responsible bidder within the engineer's estimate, upon opening of bids subject to the
approval of the City Attorney. The motion was seconded by Higgins and passed 3-0.
Item 6 — Levee Certification Analysis Consultant Agreement with Northwest Hydraulic
Consultants Inc:
Mike Mactutis, P.E., Environmental Engineering Manager explained that the Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA) is in the process of revising its flood insurance rate maps for the
Green River Basin with the new flood hazard areas being based on the conclusion that the Green
River levees in Kent are not federally certified. He noted that in order for the City to prioritize
and submit requests to FEMA, the city must determine the effects to the flood hazard area of
certifying the proposed levees.
Northwest Hydraulic Consultants (NHC) has done much of the recent hydrologic and hydraulic
modeling work in the Green River Valley related to establishing flood hazard boundaries and
depths. This proposed consultant services agreement will allow NHC to conduct their analyses
and levee certifications in Kent.
Higgins moved to authorize the Mayor to sign a consultant services contract with
Northwest Hydraulic Consultants Inc in the amount of $32,324.00 for the purpose of
analyzing and reporting on proposed changes to flood hazard areas under a series of
Green River levee certification alternatives with concurrence of the language therein by
Monday, June 7, 2010
the City Attorney and the Public Works Director. The motion was seconded by Harmon
and passed 3-0.
Item 7 —Riverview Park Restoration Proiect Agreement with Kina Conservation District
WRIA 9 Forum:
Beth Tan, Environmental Engineer noted that staff has secured two grants. She went on to give
a brief history of the project which is located on City Park Department property known as
Riverview Park which is located along the Green River south of Willis Street and west of SR 167.
Currently the park is a passive use park.
Tan stated that by the creation of a new off-river channel, the project will provide summer
rearing habitat and high flow winter refuge for salmon along the Green River. Major excavating
work will be done moving 60 thousand cubic yards of materials (approximately 6,000 truckloads).
The City of Kent was awarded a $690,000.00 grant from the King Conservation District (KCD) to
complete construction of the project. The grant fund will be used as a portion of the City of
Kent's payment to the Army Corps of Engineers for its share of the 2011 construction of the
Riverview Park Restoration Project.
Harmon moved to recommend authorizing the Mayor to sign the King Conservation
District WRIA 9 Forum's Agreement for the city to receive a $690,000.00 grant award
to be used for the City of Kent's Riverview Park Restoration Project upon concurrence
of the language therein by the Public Works Director and the City Attorney. The motion
was seconded by Higgins and passed 3-0.
Item 8 — Riverview Park Restoration Proiect Agreement with Washington State
Recreation and Conservation Office throuah the Salmon Recovery Fundina Board:
Beth Tan, Environmental Engineer stated that this project is the same as item 7. In March of
2010, the City of Kent received a $500,000 grant from the Washington State Recreation and
Conservation Office Salmon Recovery Funding Board. The grant fund will be used as a portion of
the City of Kent's payment to the Army Corps of Engineers for its share of the 2011 construction
of the Riverview Park Restoration Project.
Accepting the grant funds for construction is one of the final steps to complete this critical salmon
habitat restoration project.
Higgins moved to recommend authorizing the Mayor to sign the Washington State
Recreation and Conservation Office Salmon Recovery Funding Board Agreement to
receive a $500,000.00 grant award to be used for the City of Kent's Riverview Park
Restoration Project upon concurrence of the language therein by the Public Works
Director and City Attorney. The motion was seconded by Harmon and passed 3-0.
Item 9 — Railroad Ouiet Zone — Union Pacific Reimbursement:
Tim LaPorte noted at the beginning of the meeting that this item will be presented as an
information only item. Steve Mullen, Transportation Engineering Manager explained that the
Union Pacific Railroad will not agree to meet unless its costs are reimbursed by the City. If Union
Pacific does not participate, it would be very difficult to determine if a quiet zone could be
established for its crossings.
Staff recommends not entering into an agreement to pay for these services at this time. We will
apply what we learn from the Burlington Northern review.
Monday, June 7, 2010
No Motion Required/Information Only
Item 10 — Information Only/Clark Springs Water Supply Habitat Conservation Plan
Kelly Peterson, AICP, Environmental Conservation Supervisor, presented an informative
PowerPoint presentation explaining what a Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) is and why Kent is in
the process of negotiating one with the USFWS and NOAA Fisheries. He showed a vicinity map
and elements of the draft HCP. Peterson went over required HCP mitigation projects and briefly
explained each one. For more information you can contact Peterson at (253) 856-5547.
No Motion Required/Information Only
The meeting was adjourned at 5:07 p.m.
Next Regularly Scheduled Meeting:
Monday, June 21, 2010 at 4:00 p.m.
Cheryl Viseth, Public Works Secretary