HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 11/03/2015 i OT li WAS„INoYO Kent City Council Meeting Minutes November 3, 2015 The regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 5:01 p.m. by Mayor Cooke. Councilmembers present: Ralph, Berrios, Boyce, Fincher, Higgins, Ranniger and Thomas. CHANGES TO THE AGENDA FROM COUNCIL ADMINISTRATION OR STAFF. Chief Administrative Officer added an Executive Session concerning potential litigation, as per RCW 42.30,110 (1)(i) for five minutes. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS A. Public Recognition - None. B. Community Events - None. C. Economic and Community Development Report - Economic and Community Development Director Ben Wolters communicated that the Sound Transit Board heard from the Sound Transit/Federal Way Link Light Rail Advisory Group and the recommendation is that the best location for the link light rail would be in the City of Kent, along the west side of 30`" Avenue. He displayed a map of the proposed project. He felt that this is the best outcome possible for the cities of Kent and Des Moines and will be a catalyst to attracting new development in the area. He noted that some grant funding will be needed for this, but all of it is in the realm of possibility. He displayed the timeline and noted that the project is currently in the environmental impact statement phase which ends in late 2016. He noted that construction should begin in 2019 with the station starting service in 2023. He stated that the marketplace is beginning to take note and developers have been inquiring about the general area. Wolters noted that there is an invitation from King County, the City of Seattle, and the Sound Cities Association for an Economic Development Summit on December 11, 2015 for elected officials. He noted that a group called "Challenge Seattle", which consists of the top 20 CEOs in the Puget Sound, have gotten together and will be at the Summit. D. Intergovernmental Reports - No report from Council President Ralph. She noted that Council applications to regional committees are due by November 12. Councilmember Higgins communicated that he attended the Sound Cities Association Board of Directors meeting and there was discussion on the cutting of United Way funds for senior programs. He stated that it is a done deal and there is nothing that can be done to reverse the cuts. He added that King County has a Bridges and Roads Task Force which has communicated that cities need to assist in paying for countywide roads. He noted that the King County Regional Transit Committee met and the King County Transit Chief noted that the City's Route 150 has some significant resources Kent City Council Meeting Minutes committed to it. He discussed bus ridership and stated that there are perception issues that need to be dealt with because people don't feel safe on the bus. He added that the Metro Service Guidelines Task Force presented its recommendations to the Committee. However, there is nothing that binds Metro to the guidelines. Councilmember Fincher noted that the King Conservation District wants to work with cities and private land owners concerning the urban tree forest. She noted that there is a $150,000 grant available to assist with projects to increase the urban tree canopy. PUBLIC HEARING None. PUBLIC COMMENT CONSENT CALENDAR Council President Ralph moved to approve Consent Calendar items A through G, seconded by Councilmember Thomas. Motion carried 7-0. A. Approval of Minutes — Approve. The minutes of the regular Council meeting of October 6, 2015 were approved. B. Reappointment of Lew Sellers to the Public Facilities District — Confirm. The Council confirmed the Mayor's re-appointment of Lew Sellers, to Position 5 of the Kent ShoWare Events Center Public Facilities District Board for a four-year-term. C. Re-appointment of Dan Cox and Bayard DuBois to the Arts Commission - Confirm. The Council confirmed the Mayor's reappointment of Dan Cox and Bayard DuBois to the Kent Arts Commission for additional four-year terms. D. Department of Ecology Coordinated Prevention Grant — Authorize. The Mayor was authorized to accept the Coordinated Prevention Grant in the amount of $123,522.67 and authorize expenditure of the grant funds, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. E. Local Hazardous Waste Management Program Grant Amendment No. 1 — Authorize. The Mayor was authorized to accept Amendment No. 1 to the Local Hazardous Waste Management Program extending the 2015 Grant thru the end of 2016, providing $35,082.26 for 2016, and authorizing expenditure of grant funds, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. F. 2015 Third Quarter Fee-in-lieu Funds - Accept. The Council accepted $46,350.00 for Fee-in-Lieu funds and amended the Community Parks Reinvestment Program budget for future expenditures in the Morrill Meadows Park budget. G. 2016 Community Development Block Grant Annual Action Plan - Approve. The Council approved the proposed Community Development Block Grant 2016 Annual 2 Kent City Council Meeting Minutes Action Plan, including funding allocations and contingency plans, and authorize the Mayor to execute the appropriate certifications and agreements. OTHER BUSINESS BIDS REPORTS FROM STANDING COMMITTEES, STAFF AND SPECIAL COMMITTEES A. Council President. - Council President Ralph communicated that there was no workshop. B. Mayor. - Mayor Cooke executed a proclamation that November was National American Indian Heritage Month in the City of Kent. She also noted that Kenyan Mayor Elizabeth Kangethe, the mayor of the Barking and Dagenham, UK visited the City. She noted that Mayor Kangethe has a best friend who resides in Kent. She also noted that there was a group from the Liberian Association of Washington that visited. She continued that a group from the Fiscal Committee from the Association of Washington Cities met and reviewed the facts behind the City of Walla Walla rising from being almost bankrupt to having a 16 percent surplus. Mayor Cooke communicated a historical note in honor of the City's 125th Anniversary. She stated that the election of November 1967 had 2,452 votes and noted that there was a City Council Treasurer elected to a four year term back then. C. Chief Administrative Officer. - Chief Administrative Officer Derek Matheson communicated that the Chief Administrative Officer Report was is in the packet and the executive session is proposed to be five minutes. D. Economic & Community Development Committee. - Councilmember Boyce introduced Steven Rosengren and Caysen Ayoso, two Boy Scouts in attendance working to obtain their Communications badge. Ayoso added that he is also going for his Citizenship in the Community badge. E. Operations Committee. - In the minutes. E. Parks and Human Services Committee. - Councilmember Ranniger communicated that the next Parks and Human Services Community meeting is on Tuesday, November 24. She stated that the Annual Senior Center Bazaar is on November 6 and 7. She noted that Martin Sortun and Sunrise Elementary Schools are also having their bazaars. G. Public Safety Committee. - Councilmember Berrios noted that the next Public Safety Committee meeting is next Tuesday, November 10. H. Public Works Committee. - Councilmember Higgins encouraged the public to view the video from the Multi-Service Center presentation. He noted that the City is on the cusp of moving the quieter zone proposal forward. He added that the Public Works Committee meeting is also worth watching to answer questions. 3 Kent City Council Meeting Minutes I. Regional Fire Authority. - Councilmember Thomas communicated that the next Regional Fire Authority meeting is tomorrow at Station #78 in Covington. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 5:33 p.m., Mayor Cooke announced that the Council would recess into an Executive Session for five minutes to discuss potential litigation as per RCW 42.30.110 (1)(1). At 5:38 p.m. Mayor Cooke extended the Executive Session for a period of five minutes. At 5:43 pm., the Executive Session concluded and Mayor Cooke reconvened the regular meeting. ACTION AFTER EXECUTIVE SESSION Councilmember Thomas moved to authorize the City Attorney to commence litigation against M.A. Mortenson Company to resolve existing construction design and defect claims and to authorize the City Attorney to settle any dispute or subsequent litigation upon terms acceptable to the Mayor or the Chief Administrative Officer, seconded by Council President Ralph. Motion carried 7-0. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 5:46 p.m. Ronald F. ore„MMC City Clerk r I 4