HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Land Use and Planning Board - 06/08/2015 LAND USE AND PLANNING BOARD
W�'NOTON JUNE 8, 2015
1. Call to Order
Chair Smith called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm
2. Roll Call
• LUPB Members: Randall Smith, Chair; Barbara Phillips, Vice Chair;
Navdeep Gill; Katherine Jones; and Jack Ottini were in attendance. Frank
Cornelius and Binoy Varughese were absent.
® City Staff: Charlene Anderson, Planning Manager; Todd Hunsdorfer,
Environmental Conservation Coordinator; and David Galazin, Civil
Attorney, were in attendance.
3. Approval of Minutes
Chair Smith asked for a Motion to approve the April 27, 2015 and May 11,
2015 minutes, Board Member Jones MOVED and Board Member Ottini
SECONDED a Motion to approve the Minutes. Chair Smith called for a
vote on the motion. MOTION PASSED.
4. Added Items
S. Communications
6. Notice of Upcoming Meetings
ECDC - July 13, 2015 at 5:00pm
7. Public Hearing
Chair Smith presented the purpose and procedures of a hearing and opened
the Public Hearing.
Todd Hunsdorfer, Public Works Environmental Conservation Coordinator,
presented changes to KCC 11.06, primarily relating to the administration of
the code, as well as changes to KCC 14,09, made in order to stay compliant
with FEMA guidance. Hunsdorfer stated that these changes presented today
were in addition to the changes presented at the 4-13-15 LUPB Hearing and
were also made as a result of compliance with the best available science.
Staff addressed questions posed by the Board. Chair Smith asked for
testimony from the Public. Seeing no speakers, Chair Smith declared the
Public Hearing closed.
Land Use& Planning Board Minutes
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June 8, 2015
Chair Smith asked for a motion, Board Member Ottini MOVED and Board
Member Phillips SECONDED a Motion to recommend to the Full City
Council APPROVAL of proposed amendments to Chapter 11.06 KCC,
Critical Areas Ordinance, and Chapter 14.09 KCC, Flood Hazard
Regulations, as presented by staff. No discussion. Chair Smith called for
a vote on the main motion. MOTION PASSED 5-0.
S. Public Meeting
Chair Smith presented the purpose and procedures of the meeting. Public
testimony was previously taken at the 4-27-15 and 5-11-15 LUPB Hearings.
Planning Manager Charlene Anderson did not give a formal presentation.
However, she addressed questions raised by the Board. After deliberating the
Board made the following motions.
Chair Smith asked for a Motion. Board Member Ottini MOVED and Board
Member Phillips SECONDED a Motion to recommend to the full City
Council modification of the map and text amendments to the City's
comprehensive plan and Kent City Code, as recommended by staff.
Discussion ensued on the Main Motion, particularly B2.a West Valley.
A Secondary Motion was made. Board Member Ottini MOVED and Board
Member Phillips SECONDED a Secondary Motion to recommend to the
full City Council to take no action on B2.a West Valley, parcel
112204-9065, at this time.
Discussion ensued between Members on the Secondary Motion. Chair Smith
called for a vote on the Secondary Motion. MOTION PASSED 5-0.
Discussion ensued again on the Main Motion, particularly B1.c East Hill East.
A Secondary Motion was made. Board Member Ottini MOVED and Board
Member Phillips SECONDED a Secondary Motion to recommend to the
City Council to take no action on B1.0 East Hill East; Parcel 282205-
Discussion ensued between Members on the Secondary Motion. Chair Smith
called for a vote on the Secondary Motion, MOTION PASSED 5-0.
Discussion ensued again on the Main Motion, particularly DKT-2014-7.
A Secondary Motion was made. Board Member Ottini MOVED to
recommend to the full City Council to take no action on DKT-2014-7.
No Board Member SECONDED. City Civil Attorney advised Board Member
Ottini. Board Member Ottini withdrew his Motion.
Land Use& Planning Board Minutes
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June B, 2015
A Secondary Motion was made. Board Member Ottini MOVED and Board
Member Jones SECONDED a Secondary Motion to recommend to the
full City Council to include the adjoining parcel to the North along
88'h Avenue S. with the property that is being rezoned in
Discussion ensued on the Secondary Motion. Chair Smith called for a vote on
the motion. MOTION PASSED 5-0.
A Secondary Motion was made. Board Member Phillips MOVED to
recommend to the full City Council to take no action on DKT-2014-6
CVS. No Second was made. MOTION DIED.
Chair Smith asked for the Main Motion, Board Member Ottini MOVED and
Board Member Jones SECONDED the Motion to recommend to the full
City Council modification of the map and text amendments to the
City's comprehensive plan and Kent City Code, with the three
exceptions. Chair Smith called for a vote on the motion. MOTION PASSED
Chair Smith announced that this item considers an update to the
Comprehensive Plan including text goals and policies. The map and text
amendments considered in the previous agenda items will also update the
Comprehensive Plan. The proposed amendments were the subject of a public
hearing on April 27`h and May 111h 2015. Staff is requesting the Board make
a definitive recommendation on all the comprehensive plan chapters. There is
no public testimony taken tonight.
Chair Smith asked for a Motion. Board Member Ottini MOVED and Board
Member Gill SECONDED a Motion to recommend to the full City
Council APPROVAL of the ten chapters or elements of the Kent
Comprehensive Plan, including associated Background and Technical
Reports, Maps and Memos as recommended by staff. Chair Smith called
for a vote on the motion. MOTION PASSED 5-0.
9. Adjournment
Chair Smith adjourned the meeting at 8:16pm
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Charlene Anderson, AICP, Planning Manager
LUPB Board Secretary
Land Use& Planning Board Minutes
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June 8, 2015