HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Economic and Community Development - 08/10/2015 • III
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August 10, 2015
Committee Members Committee Chair Bill Boyce, Dana Ralph, and Jim Berrios. Boyce
called the meeting to order at 5:00 pm.
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Changes to the Agenda
4. Approval of Minutes
Berrios MOVED and Ralph SECONDED a Motion to Approve the Minutes of
July 13, 2015. Motion PASSED 3-0.
S. Genesis Marketing Campaign Agreement
Ben Wolters, Economic and Community Development Director, gave an overview of the
Genesis Marketing Campaign Agreement for $150,000 to put together and implement a
marketing campaign to bring visitors to Kent; the agreement has been unanimously
approved by the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee. The campaign will produce radio and
T.V. ads during the Seahawks season to bring visitors from the Portland Metropolitan area
to stay in Kent when they come for Seahawks games. There are a number of Portland area
Seahawks fans and the campaign is seen as an opportunity for Kent to connect with the
fans and advertisethe value of staying in Kent and going to the Seahawks games in Seattle.
The campaign is part of the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee's developing strategy for a
more expansive marketing of Kent as a place to stay and a place to do business.
Committee Chair Bill Boyce stated the $150,000 is not part of the city's budget. Wolters
stated it is part of the Lodging Tax Dollars which has approximately $300,000 in reserves
and more than enough funds to support the $150,000 contract.
The hoteliers felt the campaign had a good chance of being successful and the community
members of the committee agreed. This is an outgrowth of Kent no longer being a member
of Seattle Southside, which is a South County Visitor/Information Bureau. The Committee
felt the need for marketing that was more Kent-focused.
Ralph MOVED and Berrios SECONDED a motion to recommend the City Council
authorize the Mayor to sign the contract with Genesis Marketing not to exceed
$150,000 for the marketing services described. Motion PASSED 3-0.
6. Re-appointments of David Kwok and John Casey to the Lodging Tax Advisory
Ben Wolters, Economic and Community Development Director and staff to the Lodging Tax
Advisory Committee brought forward the motion from the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee
to re-appoint David Kwok, owner and operator of the Hampton Inn and John Casey, a local
attorney. Both have served very well on the committee and both have shown an interest in
continuing to serve for another 4 year term. Bill Boyce, Chair stated both have added value
to the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee.
Berrios MOVED and Ralph SECONDED a motion to recommend the City Council
approve the re-appointments of David Kwok and John Casey to the Lodging Tax
Advisory Committee. Motion PASSED 3-0
7. Fire Impact Fee
Economic and Community Development Director Ben Wolters introduced the topic
as replying to the City Council's interest and willingness to support a Fire Impact
Fee which would help support the needs of the Regional Fire Authority in continuing
to provide excellent Fire Services in Kent.
Impact Fees are based on paying for growth. Kent has seen a tremendous amount
of population and business growth in the past ten to fifteen years. This has
necessitated the Fire Authority to look at the need for new stations and new
equipment in order to continue providing services. Fire Impact Fees are a way to
collect the funds in order to pay for the need under State Law.
The Committee has already reviewed a lot of this material; this is just an update of
information. The ordinance needs to await the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan
Updatewherein the Capital Plan for the Regional Fire Authority is referenced. Once
the Comprehensive Plan Update is adopted, there is a basis for the City Council to
adopt the Fire Impact Fee. Chair Boyce asked for the rough date when the
Comprehensive Plan will be adopted. Wolters responded August 24, 2015,
depending on the speed the Committee and Full Council is willing to act on the
elements of the Comprehensive Plan Update. August 24, 2105 is the target date to
bring the Comprehensive Plan Update to the ECD Committee.
Matt Gilbert, Current Planning Manager added the Comprehensive Plan contains
elements that are required by state law to be in place prior to passing the Fire
Impact Fee. Once those elements are in place, the Fire Impact Fees will have
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82.02 RCW lays out parameters for impact fees. Section 82.02 RCW applies to
impact fees, e.g., Transportation Impact Fees, School Impact Fees, and Fire Impact
Fees. The City has experience with implementation of impact fees and the
background documents which are required to form the rational basis. The State
Law has principles about not being arbitrary or duplicative and that the fees must
be in proportion to the cost of the system improvements.
The documents coming forward with the Comprehensive Plan will provide the basis
for the need and how the need should be addressed now. There is growth coming
which will exacerbate the ability of the Fire Authority to meet the need. There is a
plan to build and equip stations. The Fire Impact Fee will contribute to funding that
plan in a proportional manner.
The documents in the PowerPoint reference the RFA Capital Facilities and
Equipment Plan and RFA Standard of Cover document. With the Ordinance there
will be an attachment for Mitigation and Level of Service Policy which the RFA has
developed. This policy will set some of the parameters and identify needs on which
the Impact Fee will be based. There will also be an Inter-local Agreement with the
City and the RFA as it relates to assessing, collecting, and handling the Impact Fee.
Captain Larry Rebel presented the RFA's Portion of the Capital Plan Elements by
PowerPoint showing the updating of the text to be consistent with the formation of
the RFA, updates on the level of service from the previous 2008 version to present,
as well as introduction of the RFA's Capital Facilities & Equipment Plan. This plan
will provide inventory of fire facilities and associated resources. It defines the level
of service standards and performance measures, describes impacts of growth,
identifies future resources needed and the costs associated with those needs.
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Captain Rabel went through the RFA's current level of service deficiencies showing
the ability of the RFA's resources to respond and meet the level of service
The current level of service stated in the 2015 Comprehensive Plan suburban area
will have a 7 minutes and 40 second response time, which is most of the City of
Kent. Actual performance between the years of 2009-2014 was 8 minutes and 35
seconds, largely because of reliability issues and some capacity issues at some
stations. Those stations are where the capital facilities are needed to supply fire
engines and equipment. These costs are approximately $1 to $1.5 Million dollars.
This would bring the stations into service as well as adding three additional fire
stations. The service gap can be closed with funding through Impact Fees.
Captain Rabel described what the impact fees will mean to a single family home. A
single family home with no fire sprinklers in a green section on the service map
would get a discount based on meeting the level of service at the address or parcel
location, along with meeting the reliability, as well as it being in an area of good
water flow.
Fees in red and yellow are deficient areas of the map not meeting the level of
service, as well as not meeting the reliability, so those discounts would go away.
All the complexity of this will be addressed in the inter-local agreement with the
RFA and the City of Kent. A capacity analyst generator will be developed to be
used in the Permit Center to pick an address in a service area and determine what
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A residential home with fire sprinklers in a green area will get the discount for
meeting the level of service, meeting the reliability, meeting water availability, and
sprinklers. In the red area, the discount would only be for the sprinklers being
installed in the residence.
Dana Ralph, Council President asked for clarification if the residence installs
sprinklers does it no longer qualify for the 1500 gallon water discount. Captain
Rabel stated they would still qualify for the discount as long as the address is in an
area of good water flow.
Captain Rabel stated future development will pay only its share. Total capital
funding needed according to the Capital Facilities Plan is $87.5 Million, with the
existing Kent Fire Department RFA funding source at $62.7 Million, which is 71% of
the funding needs from 2014-2033. New development fees from Kent equal $20.6
Million, which is 24% of funding needs from 2015-2035. New development fees
from Covington equal $4.5 Million, which is 5% of funding needs for 2015-2035.
Jim Berrios, Council Member, asked for clarification that this is a one-time fee.
Captain Rabel responded yes. Berrios also asked about fees for a new business
that comes to town. Rabel responded he did not bring the example for a
commercial business but it would work the same way as the single family
residence. The base fee for commercial is $1.21 per square foot and they would
receive the same discounts except for sprinklers, because 99% of the commercial
buildings per building code should be designed with sprinklers. So with
commercial, there is no discount in this one-time fee for sprinklers, but there is in
the annual fire benefits charge, giving them a return on investment over time.
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Berrios asked clarification on what are the discounts for businesses. Captain Rabe]
responded the discounts are for meeting the level of service in the area, the
reliability in the area, and if the first alarm can be met in the area, then there is a
discount of 50% on the 3 categories. As the RFA's capacity grows, developers will
benefit from that.
Matt Gilbert summarized the City implementation of Fire Impact Fees. Economic &
Community Development Department staff will be administering the fee and fee
calculation. One-time collection will happen at building permit review, similar to
school and traffic impact fees. RFA staff will develop a calculator to ensure the
assessed fee is accurate and consistent. There will be an administrative fee
collected and that fee will be presented with the ordinance on August 24, 2015,
Changes are likely to deferral language contained in the draft ordinance. Looking
ahead to the meeting on August 24, 2015, it will be a public hearing for the
Comprehensive Pan and the Fire Impact Fees can be considered at the same time.
Staff will have a recommendation at that meeting for the Committee and hopes it
will move forward to Full Council on September 1, 2015. If so, the Council could
make a motion for the Mayor to authorize the inter-local agreement. Following
adoption, the Mayor would consider signing the inter-local and Kent could begin
implementation when the ordinance took effect.
Bill Boyce, Chair asked to clarify the calculation. Captain Rabel responded there
are several analysis zones, approximately 240 quarter sections; the RFA keeps
track of a three year time frame for each quarter section. All of the quarter
sections are identified in the current data base which is used for other funding
- purposes. The pe-rTormance-WfW-g into the data base with aFFthe-parcers so-when-
the developer comes in to get a permit, adding the parcel number into the
calculator will identify what quarter section it is in and then calculate all of the
discounts available for the area. It is slated to be up and running on the network
by approximately mid-September.
Jim Berrios stated what is being talked about is improving the overall performance
of saving lives. Captain Rabel was asked to speak to the critical difference between
7 minutes and 8 minutes. Captain Rabel stated with all the records kept over the
years, a non-breathing patient has never been saved when arrival is later than 7
minutes and 34 seconds. We are trying to set up the areas with stations and
equipment to not go over the 7 minutes and 34 second time frame. The closer to 7
minutes, the more likely a non-breathing patient can be saved and that a fire is still
contained in the room of origin. Rather than looking at an Impact Fee, this is a
level of service for the City of Kent. Dana Ralph, Council President is glad to see
this moving forward.
Matt Gilbert, added with this ordinance staff is proposing a small administrative fee
added to each impact fee; it is a flat fee added to both residential and commercial
for City staff time in calculating and administrating this program. At this time, the
estimation is $125 but staff is still waiting for all the information.
S. Land Use Plan and Zoning Districts Man and Text Amendments
Long Range Planning Manager Charlene Anderson stated that the proposed
amendments to the Land Use Plan and Zoning Districts maps support a mixture of
residential and commercial or a mixture of industrial and commercial, as well as
expand industrial park commercial and general commercial/mixed use. Staff is
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proposing to eliminate the Office and Office Mixed Use Zoning Districts, the
Industrial Agricultural Zoning District as well as the Gateway Commercial Zoning
Along with the map amendments, there are proposed text amendments to various
codes to accommodate the elimination of -the specified zoning districts, clarify
code, expand allowable commercial and industrial uses through such things as
make-in-back, sell-in—front, and add limited commercial uses in the Industrial
Park/Commercial designation. The amendments to the map designation and code
comprise half of the Comprehensive Plan Update (Comp Plan); the other half of the
Comp Plan includes text, elements, goals and policies which will be considered at a
public hearing to be held on August 24th at 4:30 pm. Any motion on the Comp Plan
will include both pieces of the update.
Anderson presented the proposed amendments to the land use plan and zoning
districts map designations.
Anderson conveyed that the Sound Transit Board adopted a preferred I-5
alignment for the Link Light Rail with a station preference within the Star Lake Park
and Ride site. Regardless of the City Council's decision on amendments to the land
use plan and zoning districts map , staff will be analyzing whether additional
commercial land use in this area would be appropriate based on what is decided for
the Link Light Rail Station location.
Anderson described the text amendments as generally code clarifications,
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infront, and minor additions to commercial uses allowed in the MI-C District.
Furthermore, there is a proposed text amendment for Community Commercial
Mixed-Use designation for parcels two acres or less in size, to make them feasible
for mixed use development allowing a minimum 5% rather than 25% in
commercial use.
Added Items
Jim Renton, 26416 991" PI S spoke about safety, connectivity and where the
economic resources will come from to pay for Kent's needs.
Far Ghoddeuss, 12120 SE 196th St., submitted a letter to the Committee
concerning his subdivision that he is trying to develop. He spoke about his
concerns with problems he has encountered trying to develop his property. He
asked if the Committee would assist him with gaining an extension beyond 2016
for development of his plat. Boyce assured him that he would speak with Ben
Wolters and Matt Gilbert regarding his concerns.
Adiournment _
Chair Boyce adjourned the meeting at 6:30 .m.
J ie P iam, Secretary,
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V & Community Development Committee
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ECDC Minutes
August 10,2015
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