HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Economic and Community Development - 08/24/2015 A&L to KENT ,eeN2•np W 3. xu10 ECONOMIC & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE SPECIAL MEETING & HEARING MINUTES AUGUST 24, 2015 Committee Members Committee Chair Bill Boyce, Dennis Higgins, and Jim Berrios. Boyce called the meeting to order at 4:40 pm. 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Changes to the Agenda 4. Approval of Minutes Higgins MOVED and Berrios SECONDED a Motion to Approve the Minutes of August 10, 2015. Motion PASSED 3-0. 5. Public Hearing-Comprehensive Plan • Land Use Plan and Zoning district Map and Tent Amendments • Comprehensive Plan Elements and Background Reports Long Range Planning Manager Charlene Anderson stated that she will present the Land Use and Zoning District Maps amendments, then text amendments to Kent City Code, and finally the entire Comprehensive Plan Elements, Goals, Policies, and Text; to include map amendments presented at the August 10, 2015 meeting before the Economic and Community Development Committee (ECDC). Anderson submitted Exhibits #41-49 for the record related to the Land Use and Zoning Map Amendments; plus three (3) additional exhibits submitted at the meeting from Mr. Singh and Mr. Sahota, Mr. Basmajian, and Norma Yonce and Russell Everly. Anderson described previously considered zoning designation and land use designation map amendment proposals for the following locations: • Property North of 272°d next to Star Lake Park-N-Ride • The CVS Pharmacy Site properties at Kent Kangley Road and 1161h Ave and including two additional properties along 272 d • L-shaped property at the northeast corner of 2641h and 1041n • The Devore Property located at Kent Kangley Road and 220tn. • The KOA campground site located at 212th and Frager Road. Five additional options before the Committee for consideration include text amendments that were included in the ECDC's August loth packet and condensed into the following nine bullet points: • Deleted reference to and associated notes for Office (0), Office/Mixed Use (O-MU), Industrial Agricultural (MA) and Gateway Commercial (GWC) Zoning Districts. • For Community Commercial/Mixed Use zoned properties, allowed a reduction in minimum required commercial uses when residential uses are proposed: for parcels two acres or less in size the minimum is 5% commercial rather than 25%. • Added Secure Community Transition Facilities as a separate line in the Use Tables, with a note that they are allowed only as a Conditional Use Permit and only within the boundaries of the former GWC zoning district. • Provide for sales of product accessory to and directly related to the manufacturing or warehousing use on sites within the M1, MI-C, M2 and M3 zoning districts. • Clarified that in the Limited Industrial (M2) Zoning District, the 25% limitation on retail and services uses is a combined total for a multiple-building business park, and an individual limitation for single building parcels. • Broadened the uses in the Industrial Park/Commercial zoning district: a. Allow retail sales of tires, batteries and accessories for both industrial and personal vehicles and equipment. b. Allow convenience and deli marts without limitation. • Clarified that design review is required for mixed use development in the Community Commercial/Mixed Use (DD-MU) Zoning District. • Clarified that for rezones to Industrial Park/Commercial, citywide mapping proposals may be speculative in nature. • Incorporated housekeeping amendments such as correcting incorrect code reference, clarifying verbiage and syntax, adding a definition of mini-warehouses. Anderson entered into the record Comprehensive Plan Exhibits 12-15. The Comprehensive Plan (CP) Amendments will refresh the demographics and trends of the City. The Comprehensive Plan incorporates new goals and policies related to healthy living, social justice, food policies, climate change and promote a variety of housing options, good design, including street scape, and promotes protection of the environment. The CP supports Human Services and access to opportunities. The CP shows there is adequate capacity to accommodate our growth target and forecast to the year 2035. It uses growth centers approach to accommodate growth. Kent is both an urban center and a manufacturing industrial center in the region. Kent Downtown, the Industrial Center and in the future the Midway area will be designated as a center as envisioned the Midway Subarea Plan for growth. The CP emphasizes safe and multi-model transportation systems and provides a realistic picture of the needs for Parks and Recreation. The CP promotes conservation of natural resources and supports connectivity of Information Technology, promotes the action plan of the Economic Development Strategic Plan as well as incorporates other master plans within it. Growth Management requires 8 elements or chapters. Kent has added a Human Service Element and an introductory chapter. At the foundation of the plan it incorporates the City Council's Strategic Goals and looks at Place Making as a key element of those goals. The Capital Facilities Element requires adequate funding to meet the needs for accommodating growth, with the first 6 years of the plan constrained, and with a realistic but yet aspirational goal for the remainder of the 20 year plan. Higgins MOVED and Berrios SECONDED a motion to incorporate exhibits #12-15 into the record and also moved to include exhibits #41-52 into the record for the Land Use and Zoning District Text Amendments. Motion PASSED 3-0. Chair Boyce opened the public hearing Amy Gore with Future Wise highlighted two issues from Kent residents. 1) Affordable Housing and the increasing prices of housing in Kent. She was happy to see affordable housing addressed in the CP. Ms. Gore suggested changes to Policy H4.3 that would point out the tools which can be used to support housing development in this policy and that these tool should be used to support both affordable housing and market rate housing. 2) Would like Kent to include a policy to include working with other South King County City's to plan for affordability together as well as to share resources. Workforce development was highlighted as a need as 1 in 4 residents in Kent is an immigrant; suggested that the City add a goal or policy 6.2.5 regarding workforce development programs and strategies targeting these wide ranges of users. Penny Ackerson — DKT 2014-6; is asking the Committee to consider including her property which borders neighboring properties on Kent-Kangley and 116th in the zoning change. This is part of the recommendation to the Committee to vote on. ECDC Minutes August 24,2015 Page 2 of 5 David Konen - DKT 2014-6; stated he is Penny Ackerson's brother-in-law and owns property on Kent-Kangley Road. As part of the staff recommendation to be re-zoned, we are trying to include Ackerson's property. We are in a position where we have to learn to live with more noise or move on and sell the property. We would like to have both properties re-zoned together as it will make it much more attractive as a commercial development area with an overall acreage of about 1.76 acres. David Devore - Stated he presented to the Committee on August 18, 2015 a proposed agreement discussed with Chair Boyce and Ben Wolters. Mr. Devore referenced letters from residents around the area who are in agreement with the development. Within the letters was a letter voicing interest from a builder but retail would kill the deal. Mr. Devore stated that his proposal basically was that the City would agree that the northern part front on Kent-Kangley Road to high density without any of the 25% retail required. As an agreement with the City and Mr. Devore there would be a zero lot line set back and 100% lot coverage. The City would cooperate with up to 7 stories over underground parking. This would protect the back of the property and the wetland as well as allow for more density. Mr. Devore said as long as the City agrees to that he would agree to the back portion being zoned single family SR-6. Mr. Devore wanted to submit his proposal at this time and ask the Committee to make a motion to accept and forward this to Kent City Council. Chair Boyce asked for Mr. Devore's understanding of the zoning changes made to the Devore property in the proposed Zoning Map Amendments. Chair Boyce asked for further clarification from the City Attorney on what is being agreed on has been included in the packet. Assistant City Attorney, David Galazin stated that what is being agreed on is what has been presented pertaining to the rezoning and land use map changes. Any kind of an agreement that would coincide with those changes would be separate and not considered by this committee at this time. Anderson responded to Devore's concerns, stating that what is before the Committee is Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and zoning designations. Any issues related to variance in height or lot coverage or any of the development standards, if appropriate, would go through an Administrative Variance process or through the Hearing Examiner, which is not what is before the Committee at this time. Richard McPherson, Real Estate Broker, representing Mr. Devore, asked Charlene Anderson to clarify her statement where she talks about both medium density and high density in the same sentence. Anderson directed attention to page 90 of the packet, stating that this takes all of the designations for the Land Use Plan Map designations and indicates what zoning districts are allowed in those designations. Looking at Multifamily Residential MDMF, Medium Density Multifamily Residential. That designation accommodates Duplex, Medium Density, High Density, Multifamily Residential, Townhouse 12 & 16. McPherson commented what we have been trying to do is market this property, which has a lot of constraints due to wetlands, and being compressed up to Kent-Kangley. This property's highest probability for marketing is for low income Senior Housing. McPherson asked for clarification that on the front part of the property the land use and zoning would allow a residential facility to be built on it and not include commercial/retail along with the highest density available within the City of Kent. McPherson commented that the back part of the property is not an issue at this point. Chair Boyce asked Anderson to clarify McPherson's question of the front part of the land for multifamily residential housing (MRH). Anderson stated that MRH is the highest density for zoning and the commercial component; Multifamily does not have a commercial component requirement. ECDC Minutes August24,2045 Page 3 of 5 Scott & Debbie Ward - stated that across the street a developer has logged, developed, and built houses. The trees on their 3 acre property on the border of Kent and Covington, have fallen as a result of the logging. The Wards questioned how they could get their property rezoned to SF-6. Chair Boyce stated that Current Planning Manager Matt Gilbert would assist them. Hyung Seo - requested that her property be rezoned to Commercial, with Chair Boyce explaining that Matt Gilbert would also assist with her request. David Malik - DKT 2014-6, commented on CVS Pharmacy going in on 116th and Kent- Kangley. He stated that no public notice board has been posted on the property which has a wetland and creek on it. He questioned how the City of Kent did a wetland delineation. The intersection is a high accident area and will create a problem for police. He asked that the Council deny the zoning change on the CVS property. Chair Boyce asked City Attorney David Galazin about the wetland comment on the property; Galazin stated that changing the land use designation on the land use map and changing the zoning would change what is allowable, but would not necessarily preempt anything. Wetland delineation would have to be completed before any project would be done and would have to conform to the standards when a complete application was submitted. Traffic impact studies will be looked at typically for development. Richard Leonard - DKT 2014-4, stated that he owns one of the properties adjacent to the Star Lake Park-N-Ride. Leonard stated that he has submitted comments by email requesting the zoning not be changed to commercial. He is concerned about people coming off the highway creating congestion when there are already gas stations less than half a mile on the east side of the highway. With possible light rail coming to the Park-N-Ride he suggests no changes be made till further information is known about the Park-N-Ride and the Light Rail Station. Phil Kitzes - Dkt 2014-4, PK Enterprises; spoke in support of the zoning change for the property next to the Star Lake Park-N-Ride. George Basmajian - Dkt 2014-6, stated that he represents Norma Yonce, that he sent an exhibit to Charlene Anderson and would like the committee to take a look at the documents provided by Barghausen Engineers showing the potential use of the property. The property across the street is already zoned Commercial and they are in support of the zoning change. Chair Boyce asked for further speakers. With no further speakers, the Public Meeting was closed. Berrios MOVED, to recommend to the Full City Council approval of the four ordinances pertaining to the Comprehensive Plan Update to include amending comprehensive plan text, goals and policies, amending Land Use Plan and Zoning Districts Map Designations, and amending Kent City Code as recommended by staff, and as amended below: 1. For Dkt-2014-4, parcel number 768280-0195, maintain the northern half of the parcel as Low Density Multifamily (LDMF)/Multifamily Residential Townhouse (MRT-16) and change the southern half of the parcel from Low Density Multifamily (LDMF)/Multifamily Residential Townhouse (MRT-16) to Mixed Use (MU)/Community Commercial/Mixed Use (CC-MU); 2. For DKT-2014-6, change parcel number 7697900070 from Single Family Residential/Single Family Residential (SFG/SR-6) to Mixed Use (MU)/Community Commercial/Mixed Use (CC-MU); 3. For Bl.b East Hill South, change parcel 292205-9094 from Office (0) to Community Commercial/Mixed Use (CC-MU); 4. For Bl.c East Hill Eat, parcel number 282205-9164, change the area north of the southernmost stream from Commercial (C)/Office (0) to Medium ECDC Minutes August 24,2015 Page 4 of 5 ''i i Density Multifamily (MDMF)/High Density Multifamily (MR-H) and change the area south of the southernmost stream from Commercial (C)/Office (0) to Single Family Residential (SFG)/Single Family Residential (SR-6); 5. For B2.a Valley West, parcel number 112204-9065, change the parcel's split designations of Mobile Home Park (MHP)/ Industrial Agricultural (MA) to Industrial (I)/Industrial Park/Commercial (M1-C) in its entirety. ; Higgins SECONDED the Motion Chair Boyce opened for discussion; Anderson had a clarification for #4 to be south of the southernmost stream. Higgins added a proposed a friendly amendment that the motion be as written on the paper it was read from and not as spoken. Berrios agreed. Higgins, Berrios, and Boyce thanked staff, the LUPB Members, land owners and parties of interest for all their work on this project. Boyce directed a thank you to Charlene Anderson for a great job in being consistent and fair. He stated that this is the Committee's recommendation to the Full City Council. MOTION than Passed 3-0 6. Fire Impact Fees Captain Larry Rabel presented an overview of the process that has already taken place. Fire Impact fees are about level of service for the Fire Department into the future. He stated that the service area of the RFA has experienced growth rate of 9.3% on average, and have grown from 700 people per square mile to 3000 people per square mile. The impacts of traffic and development have really spread the fire stations apart and increased traffic has increased the response time by 59 seconds since 2001. The most notable change the Fire Department has seen is in EMS calls. The RFA does not get to collect revenue from Sales Tax, Permit Fee, or Real Estate tax. Impact Fees are set annually by the RFA Governance Board, and then presented to the Kent City Council for review, providing input to choose to accept or reject the proposal. Matt Gilbert continued with the review of the annual update of the Capital Facilities Plan, which will be accompanied with an analysis as to where the fees should be and which is largely contained within the document the Committee has in front of them. The analysis was not attached in the information only packet committee received earlier. A formula has been developed by the RFA to calculate the impact fees. The ordinance is similar to the ordinance committee saw at the August loth meeting. Changes consolidate and eliminate repeated language. No major content changes have been done since presented on August 10th. Similar changes have been made to the Interlocal Agreement. ECD is recommending that the Committee approve and pass on to Full Council. Higgins MOVED to recommend to the City Council to authorize adoption of the Ordinance, amending Title 12 of the Kent City Code by adding a new Chapter 12.15, entitled "Fire Impact Fees",: and authorizing the Mayor to sign the interlocal agreement between the City and Kent Fire Department Regional Fire Authority for the purposes of setting forth the duties and responsibilities of the parties with regard to the fire impact fee program, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Economic and Community Development Director. Berrios SECONDED. Motion Passed 3-0 Adiournment Chair Boyce adjourned the meeting at 6: p.m Juli Pulliam, Secretary, Ec nomic & Community Development Committee Jpl P:1Pianniog\ECDC�20151Minutes�8-24-15_Min.doo ECDC Minutes August 24,2015 '.. Page 5 of 5