HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Safety (Committee) - 08/13/2013 KENT
August 13, 2013
COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Les Thomas, Dana Ralph (excused absence), and William Boyce,
Chair. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson William Boyce at 5:32 p.m.
Changes to the Agenda:
Chief Ken Thomas moved Item seven - Cumulative grant donations to the Youth Conference and
Drinking Driver Task Force funds to item 4 and Item 10 - Post National Night Out report to item
1. Approval of Minutes
Councilmember Thomas MOVED and Councilmember Boyce SECONDED a Motion to
approve the June 11, 2013 minutes. Motion PASSED 2-0.
2. Contract/Bennett Group (Police Training)
Chief Ken Thomas presented information regarding the Bennett Group providing training to the
entire police department workforce on civility-type issues.
After deliberating, Councilmember Thomas MOVED and Councilmember Boyce
SECONDED a Motion to recommend authorizing the Mayor to sign a contract with the Bennett
Group, in an amount not to exceed $10,500 for police department training on workplace
civility as well as workplace bullying prevention and intervention issues and
strategies, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the city attorney and
police chief. Motion PASSED 2-0.
3. Agreement - King County Sheriff's Office Cost Reimbursement (Verification of
address and residency of registered sex and kidnapping offenders)
Debra Leroy, Research and Development Analyst with the Kent Police Department, presented
information regarding the annual contract with the King County Sheriff's Office for
reimbursement for overtime salaries and benefits for a detective to go out and verify sex
offender addresses.
After deliberating, Councilmember Thomas MOVED and Councilmember Boyce
SECONDED a Motion to recommend the Mayor sign the Cost Reimbursement
Agreement with the King County Sheriff's Office in the amount of $73,912.60, for the
purpose of verifying the address and residency of registered sex and kidnapping
offenders, with terms and conditions acceptable to the city attorney and police chief.
Motion PASSED 2-0.
4. WATPA Grant - PATROL Task Force
Debra Leroy, Research and Development Analyst with the Kent Police Department, presented
information on the Washington Auto Theft Prevention Authority Grant that is awarded to the
Federal Way Police Department with the Kent Police Department managing the grant. The City
has received this grant since 2008. The task force is the most productive auto theft task force
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in the state of Washington in addition to providing training to other jurisdictions throughout the
Debra Leroy presented the following statistics regarding the task force: The task force consists
of 17 cities and 2 King County precincts. From 2010 - 2012 the number of stolen vehicles in
the areas represented by these partner cities increased 9%, the number of recovered vehicles
increased 12%, and the number of auto theft-related arrests increased 52%.
This task force was instrumental in presenting legislation that increased the statute of limitations
for trafficking stolen vehicles from 3 to 6 years.
Chief Ken Thomas presented additional information regarding the success of the task force and
the benefit of the task force for the Kent Police Department.
After deliberating, Councilmember Thomas MOVED and Councilmember Boyce
SECONDED a Motion to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to accept the
Washington Auto Theft Prevention Authority grant award in the amount of
$1,614,000, authorize amending the budget and authorize expenditure of the funds in
accordance with the grant terms and conditions acceptable to the city attorney and
police chief. Motion PASSED 2-0.
S. Contract/North Star (Firing Range Repairs)
Chief Thomas presented information regarding the North Star Contract for repairs to the Kent
Police Department firing range.
After deliberating, Councilmember Thomas MOVED and Councilmember Boyce
SECONDED a Motion to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign a contract with
North Star Construction and Environmental for repairs to the Kent Police Department
firing range, in an amount not to exceed $49,767.75, subject to terms and conditions
acceptable to the police chief and city attorney. Motion PASSED 2-0.
6. Ordinance amending KCC 9.02, adding a new Section 9.02.295 entitled
"Menacing." establishing the crime of Menacing.
Julie Stormes, city of Kent Prosecuting Attorney, presented information on the Ordinance
amending the code to include the crime labeled "menacing." The prosecutor's office has
encountered facts where a suspect's actions fall short of the crime of stalking, only because his
or her behavior is continuous and not divided into two or more separate occasions.
Councilmember Thomas questioned if this same provision is found in other cities. Julie Stormes
indicated that she drafted the ordinance after looking at New York's statutes that were similar to
this proposed ordinance.
Councilmember Boyce questioned if the court is aware of this provision. Julie Stormes
responded that if this ordinance is adopted, the prosecutor's office would start citing this offense
that may or may not be challenged in Court.
After deliberating, Councilmember Thomas MOVED and Councilmember Boyce
SECONDED a Motion to recommend adoption of the ordinance amending Chapter 9.02
of the Kent City Code, entitled "Criminal Code," by adding a new Section 9.02.295
entitled "Menacing," that establishes the crime of menacing. Motion PASSED 2-0.
Councilmember Thomas recommended placing this item on "Other Business" on the Council
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7. Cumulative grant donations to the Youth Conference and Drinking Driver Task
Force funds
Sara Wood, Public Education Specialist with the Kent Police Department, presented information
regarding the two fund balances that have accumulated donation funds.
After deliberating, Councilmember Thomas MOVED and Councilmember Boyce
SECONDED a Motion to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to accept the current
Youth Conference Donation fund balance of $34,333, and the Drinking Driver Task
Force fund balance of $13,163, authorizing amending the budget and expenditure of
the funds in accordance with the grant terms and conditions acceptable to the police
chief and city attorney. Motion PASSED 2-0.
S. State Farm grant - Illegal Street racing enforcement
Sara Wood, Public Education Specialist with the Kent Police Department, presented information
regarding the State Farm grant to support implementation of an Illegal Street racing
enforcement operation. The City received a mini grant for operations that will take place from
August through the end of September.
After deliberating, Councilmember Thomas MOVED and Councilmember Boyce
SECONDED a Motion to recommend Council authorize the Mayor accept the State Farm
Grant, in the amount of $3,750, for implementation of an illegal street racing
enforcement operation, authorize amending the budget and expenditure of the funds
in accordance with the grant terms, subject to approval of the city attorney and police
chief. Motion PASSED 2-0.
9. Post National Night Out Report
Sara Wood, Public Education Specialist with the Kent Police Department, presented information
on the National Night Out event held August 61h. This was the 291h year that the city of Kent
participated. Target was a national sponsor of the event. There were 110 events throughout
the city of Kent: 65 on the East hill, 24 in the valley, 21 events on the West hill (12 events on
the West hill were new events). There were 80 visitors and 28 vehicles not including patrol cars
or fire trucks.
The Next step is to submit the application for an award. Last year the City received 10th in the
nation in the category for populations 100,000 to 299,000.
Next year August 5th is National Night Out. Additional information can be found on the City's
Facebook and website.
10. Post Fourth of July Report
Jon Napier, Division Chief Fire Marshall, Kent Regional Fire Authority presented an after action
report on the events of the Fourth of July.
After action report:
6 This year was a fairly quiet 4th of July
9 190 complaints were taken
6 71 fireworks seizures
Y 129 warnings issued
C 1 citation
1 arrest
6 No felony illegal explosive devices - rare
6 2 injuries
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6 3 fires
• Confiscated 150 pounds of fireworks
• Smoke bombs thrown into car by unknown juvenile - arson investigating.
• Allegations were made that they illegal fireworks were purchased from a local fireworks
stand. After an investigation, no illegal fireworks were found on the premises.
• A patrol officer viewed an explosion at a church and found that the suspect had altered
an illegal firework. The individual was cited with reckless discharge and use, which is a
gross misdemeanor.
• This year's report will serve as a baseline report for comparison in future years.
Councilmember Boyce thanked Jon Napier for organizing the partnership of the Kent Police
Department and Kent Regional Fire Authority so that baseline statistics could be gathered and
Councilmember Thomas asked how many complaints were responded to. Police Chief Ken
Thomas and Fire Marshall Napier indicated that every complaint was responded to.
11. Chief's Update — Information Oniv
Chief Kent Thomas informed the committee that additional information will be presented at a
2014 committee meeting requesting support of the "Alive and Free" gang outreach program for
intervention and prevention. The cities of Auburn, Kent, Renton, and Tukwila contribute
$30,000 annually to the program for the funding of two outreach workers. The funds come from
the city's seized asset funds.
This program provides positive outreach to kids through the schools in addition to contacting
kids prior to court dates to ensure they make it to court. This program provides a broad
approach in trying to get youth back on track and is very beneficial to the city of Kent.
Chief Thomas provided an update on police department staffing. Currently the police
department is allotted 144 commissioned police officer positions. Six are currently frozen
through the criminal justice fund. There are currently 135 officers. There are 8 officers in the
field training officer program or at the academy. The three at the academy are projected to be
out on their own in April, 2014. The 3 lateral officers are in various stages of training and are
expected to be out on their own around December, 2013.
The police department is making progress towards fully staffing the positions.
Assistant Chief Padilla is in charge of the support services division that is responsible for hiring
and recruiting officers and is working closely with officer Bobby Hollis.
Councilmember ZX7
the meeting at 6:07 p.m.
Kim A. Komoto
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