HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Safety (Committee) - 10/08/2013 KENT „AS"JNora, CITY OF KENT PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES October 8, 2013 COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Council President Dennis Higgins, Les Thomas. (Absent - Dana Ralph - ill, Bill Boyce - out of town on work assignment). The meeting was called to order by Council President Higgins at 5:31 p.m. Changes to the Agenda: Item number 8 was removed from the agenda. Council President Higgins approved the move. 1. Approval of Minutes Councilmember Thomas MOVED and Council President Higgins SECONDED a Motion to approve the September 10, 2013 minutes. Motion PASSED 3-0 with concurrence from Council member Ralph. 2. Target Zero manager Grant and Memorandum of Understanding Sara Wood, Public Education Specialist and King County Target Zero Manager presented information on the Target Zero Manager Grant and Memorandum of Understanding. This is the third year of the Target Zero Teams DUI enforcement project. This $26,336 grant will fund the traffic unit and other officers in our department; overtime for the law enforcement liaison; and an education outreach campaign. Council President Higgins expressed concerns over potentially not receiving this grant in the future. Sara Wood indicated that this grant is funded through the Washington Traffic Commission who then allocates funds to the counties. Council President Higgins questioned if the City will continue to receive these grant funds. Sara Wood indicated that the Washington Legislature allocates monies for this program and she is waiting to see what is decided for the next fiscal year. After deliberating, Councilmember Thomas MOVED and Council President SECONDED a Motion to recommend Council accept the Target Zero Teams Community Outreach grant in an amount of $26,336.00 for funding the Target Zero Teams Enforcement, media outreach, target zero teams manager, and law enforcement liaison overtime, amend the budget, and authorize expenditure of the funds in accordance with the grant terms acceptable to the police chief and city attorney. Motion PASSED 3-0, with concurrence from Councilmember Ralph. 3. DOJ Bulletproof Vest Partnership Grant Award Debra Leroy, Research and Development Analyst with the Kent Police Department, presented information regarding the Department of Justice Bulletproof Vest Partnership Grant. The City has received this grant annually for over 10 years. This year's allocation maximum was $13,151 which funds 50% (28 vests) of new hire and replacements vests. After deliberating, Councilmember Thomas MOVED and Council President Higgins SECONDED a Motion to recommend Council accept the Bulletproof Vest Partnership FY 2013 grant in an amount of $13,151.46, amend the budget, and authorize expenditure of the funds in accordance with the grant terms acceptable to the police chief and city attorney. Motion PASSED 3-0 with concurrence from Councilmember Ralph. Public Safety Committee Minutes October 8, 2013 1 4. Kent Drug Free Communities Support Program Grant Debra Leroy, Research and Development Analyst with the Kent Police Department, presented information regarding the Kent Drug Free Communities Support Program Grant that funds Kent's Drug Free Communities Grant. The City received a no-cost extension for the Sth year on the City's Drug Free Communities Grant. The City works to prevent youth from using any type of drug, alcohol, marijuana or prescription drugs. In the no-cost extension, the City had a previous unused balance from 2011 that the City had deobligated. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration advised that the 2011 funds were awarded to the City and are for their use. The total, including the carryover from year four brings the total funds available for year five to $104,988. There is a $72,000 balance that needs to be spent by June 30, 2014, which will be used to support the Game of Life and follow up projects in addition to supporting a town hall meeting. Additional youth activities will also be supported with these grant funds. Although the City applied for and was denied the 6th year of the grant, the City, in conjunction with a consultant, is preparing a reapplication for the 6tn year of the grant. After deliberating, Councilmember Thomas MOVED and Council President Higgins SECONDED a Motion that Council accept the Kent Drug Free Coalition grant from the Department of Health and Human Services in the amount of $104,988, amend the budget and authorize expenditure of the funds in accordance with the grant terms acceptable to the police chief and city attorney. Motion PASSED 3-0 with concurrence from Councilmember Ralph. S. Emergency Management Performance Grant Contract Brian Felczak, Deputy Emergency Manager of Emergency Management, presented information regarding the Emergency Management Performance Grant that is awarded through the Department of Homeland Security. The Washington State Military Department, Emergency Management Division, receives grant monies each year from the Department of Homeland Security through the Emergency Management Performance Grant. A portion of this grant is earmarked by the State to be passed through to local jurisdictions that have emergency management programs to supplement their local emergency management operating budget in an effort to enhance their emergency management programs. This is the eighth consecutive year that the City has received this grant and has used it to protect against, militate against, respond to, and recover from disasters. Funds are used to support the maintenance of core and extension capabilities. Funds can be used to purchase equipment, training, as well as communication and organization which allows for the enhancement of capabilities beyond the core capabilities. Council President Higgins asked about future funding. Brian Felczak indicated that this is a top priority for the Emergency Management Performance Grant managers. Formulas may be revised to increase funding to counties that may not have capabilities which would decrease funding to larger cities. Councilmember Thomas indicated that the 11th legislative district is missing from the grant paperwork. Brian Felczak will make the change and provide an updated version of the grant agreement. Public Safety Committee Minutes October 8, 2013 2 After deliberating, Councilmember Thomas MOVED and Council President Higgins SECONDED a Motion to recommend the Mayor accept the 2013 Emergency Management Performance Grant from the State of Washington Military Department, Emergency Management Division, in the amount of $108,112, authorize amending the budget and authorize execution of any related documents, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the city attorney and emergency manager. Motion PASSED 3- 0 with concurrence from Councilmember Ralph. 6. Law Enforcement Mutual Aid & Mobilization Interlocal Agreement Pat Fitzpatrick, Acting City Attorney, presented information on the Law Enforcement Mutual Aid and Mobilization Interlocal Agreement. Pat Fitzpatrick indicated that the Interlocal Agreement (ILA) in the committee packet is incorrect and he provided copies of the Interlocal Agreement that is currently in effect. The parties to this ILA include agencies within the Puget Sound area for mutual cooperation when responding to an emergency event. The City currently has this type of agreement with every city in the State of Washington. This ILA establishes protocol of how assistance is to occur. The current ILA is expiring and needs to be resigned. Discussion will take place at a Chief's meeting that may make minor changes to the Agreement, mainly to the names of the parties signing the Interlocal Agreement. After deliberating, Councilmember Thomas MOVED and Council President Higgins SECONDED a Motion to recommend the Mayor sign an Interlocal cooperative agreement between numerous law enforcement agencies to provide law enforcement mutual aid and mobilization between the numerous participating agencies, subject to terms acceptable to the police chief and city attorney. Motion PASSED 3-0 with concurrence from Councilmember Ralph. 7. School Sneed Zone Traffic Safety Camera Program — Information Only Pat Fitzpatrick provided an update on the School Speed Zone Traffic Safety Camera Program. Due to issues with the contractor's inability to get plans in on time for permits, the program will be delayed. As of today, the signs are up at Sunrise elementary and Neely-Obrien, so people are now on notice that school speed zone camera photo enforcement is coming. These are school speed zone cameras, not red light cameras, which will be operating at two elementary schools in Kent during the period of time that children will be travelling to and from school. The purpose of these cameras is to improve traffic safety and slow traffic down in high pedestrian areas. The delay in this program was due to the inability to tap into a power source at Sunrise elementary. Permits and construction should start soon. Automated Traffic Solutions assured Pat that the system will be operable on November 18th, A warning period will begin on November 18th. Beginning on January 6, 2014, the first day of school after the winter break, citations will start being issued. Public education will include press releases and the Kent School District will help inform parents of the program. Council President Higgins asked about City's plan for public relations. Pat advised that Michelle Wilmot, Communications/Public Affairs Manager is planning three public relations outreach notices in addition to creating a webpage for this program. Public Safety Committee Minutes October 8, 2013 3 Councilmember Thomas reiterated that these are not red light cameras; they are school zone traffic safety cameras. 8. Police Chief Update Chief Ken Thomas informed the committee that if the City did not continue to receive Target Zero grant funding, that the City would find a way to fund the program since it is a matter of public safety to keep impaired drivers off the roadway. The Kent Police Department is one of five jurisdictions in the State that will participate in a pilot program that monitors repeat DUI offenders. Chief Thomas and Assistant Chief Padilla have indicated that the extra work for staff will be minimal compared to the benefits of keeping our community safe. The Cities of Kent and Centralia, and the Counties of Spokane, Chelan, and Thurston are the participating agencies. Chief Thomas indicated that Debra Leroy, Research and Development Analyst, is retiring and Sara Wood, currently the Community Education Specialist (CES) with the police department will replace Debra. Recruitment is currently in the process for filling the soon-to-be vacant CES position. Council President Higgins and Councilmember Thomas thanked Debra Leroy and indicated they appreciated their interactions with her and all of the contributions she has made to the police department. Chief Thomas also indicated that the funding that Debra has secured for the department has been amazing. Commander Diane McCuistion and Administrative Assistant Jill Fuller presented information on the medical billing process at the jail. Jill explained the process that is in place for verifying all aspects of the medical bills received for medical services provided to inmates. Jill Fuller has created a review process for the medical billing that has saved the City a tremendous amount of money. The City contracts with Interplan, a discount medical billing service. The City enters all of the medical information into Interplan and then Interplan discounts the bill. Interplan receives 25% of the savings realized. Over the last three years there has been a total savings of $21,000 of which Interplan received $5,200, so the total savings for the City was $15,000. For the years 2011 through 2013, Jill has saved the City $156,872; 2012 $69,400; and for 2013, year-to-date $17,600, due to her declining to pay the random bills for inmates that were either never in custody, or released prior to the services provide. Council President Higgins was pleased that the savings to the Kent Residents can be used for other productive uses. Commander McCuistion presented information on the Bureau of Justice Assistance Grant for the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program. Funds can be used when the City is holding an INS inmate. The total grant for the year is $3,890 and will be used for disaster preparedness training for corrections. The training will be in cooperation with corrections, the fire department, the police department, and facilities. This is the third year the City has received this grant. Adiournment Council President Higgins adjourned the meeting at 6:10 p.m. vlA/� 0'• Kim A. Komoto Public Safety Committee Minutes October 8, 2013 4