HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Economic and Community Development - 01/12/2015 i
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JANUARY 12, 2015
Committee Members Committee Chair Bill Boyce, Dennis Higgins, and Dana Ralph in
attendance for Jim Berrios. Boyce called the special meeting to order at 3:35 pm.
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Changes to the Agenda
4. Approval of Minutes
Higgins MOVED and Ralph SECONDED a Motion to Approve the Minutes of
November 11, 2014. Motion PASSED 3-0.
S. Kent Downtown Partnership (KDP) Consulting Agreement
Kurt Hanson, Economic Development Manager, stated that the 2015 annual contracted
amount has not changed from 2014. Hanson mentioned that KDP's involvement in the new
tourism branding and downtown development has increased and expressed his gratitude for
having an organization that's willing to work with all of the different work groups in the city.
Ralph MOVED and Higgins SECONDED a Motion to recommend Council approval of
the 2015 Consultant Services Agreement with Kent Downtown Partnership in the
amount not to exceed $33,600. This agreement will expire on December 31, 2015.
Motion PASSED 3-0.
6. Kent Chamber of Commerce Tourism Agreement
Hanson stated that the Kent Chamber of Commerce is paid out of lodging tax; the lodging
committee has approved and built into their budget the annual contract amount, which is
the same as in 2014. Hanson stated that the annual return has more than doubled off of
their ShoWare series contract.
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7. Green River Community College Small Business Assistance Center Agreement
Hanson stated that the city partners with Green River Community College (GRCC) annually
on their small business assistance center. The contract amount is still being negotiated but
will be presented at the next ECDC meeting as an action item.
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S. 2015 ECD Work Program
Ben Wolters, ECD Director, presented an overview of the 2015 ECD work program and
stated that the outline is similar to the work program in 2014. The work program identifies
major areas that the department is currently working on, and establishes timeframes and
strategies related to those items. Wolters highlighted key components of the Economic
Development Plan Implementation, Economic Development Strategies, and City property
acquisition, sale or development.
Fred Satterstrom, Planning Director, expanded on the Comprehensive Plan Update and the
Downtown Subarea Plan Implementation. Satterstrom advised that the Comprehensive Plan
update must be adopted by summer 2015. The Transportation and Capital Facilities
Elements will go to the Land Use and Planning Board (LUPB) at the end of January and in
February. The LUPB will hold a public hearing in March or April. Satterstrom stated that the
Comprehensive Plan Survey will be presented at the February ECDC meeting.
Wolters briefly described some major projects, industrial lands & zoning,
transportation/land use/economic development, code enforcement, code amendments,
Sound Transit planning/South Corridor, and organizational development.
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9. Sound Transit Update
Charlene Anderson, Planning Manager, stated that letters related to the Lightrail station
and alignments have been sent to property owners. Letters will also be sent to mobile
home owners and tenants of properties potentially affected sometime in January.
Anderson stated that Sound Transit (ST) is incorporating transit oriented development
(TOD) in its Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) which is planned for release in
March or April. Anderson added that the Urban Land Institute (ULI) Report will be finalized
at the end of January and there will be a briefing on the entire project at the February 171h
Anderson conveyed the importance of supporting TOD to the maximum extent possible.
Due to TOD potential, Kent does not agree with some of the other cities (Federal Way and
Des Moines) regarding the recommended 1-5 station and alignments. Anderson stated that
during the February 171h workshop, ST will speak to elements of the EIS and issues related
to TOD. Anderson stated that Kent will send a comment letter recommending an option.
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10. Economic Development Update Report
Wolters advised that research is ongoing on the Jones-Lang-La-Salle (JLL) market analysis
for the Riverbend site. Wolters referenced a statement from Matt Kemper, ILL Vice
President, which states that considering the city's goals and current economic environment,
ILL has determined that the best use and possible opportunities for the Kent Riverbend site
that will generate the most revenue in return will be a build-to-suit office; office built for a
particular user, or a phased mixed use multifamily and commercial development. The city
will continue to work with ILL to provide the Council with a more complete report.
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Chair Boyce adjourned the meeting at 4:15 p.m. k
Alixandria L cr t ,
Economic & Community Development Committee
at\PriPianning\ECDg2015\Minutes�1-12-15 Min.docx
ECDC Minutes
January 12,2015
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