HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 04/15/2014 KENT WASHINGTON OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES April 15, 2014 Committee Members Present: Les Thomas, Chair, Bill Boyce and Dana Ralph. The meeting was called to order by L. Thomas at 4:02 p.m. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES DATED APRIL 1, 2014. B. Boyce moved to approve the Operations Committee minutes dated April 1, 2014. D. Ralph seconded the motion, which passed 3-0. 2. APPROVAL OF CHECK SUMMARY REPORTS DATED 3/16/2014 THROUGH 3/31/2014. D. Ralph moved to approve the check summary reports dated 3/16/2014 through 3/31/2014. B. Boyce seconded the motion and it passed 3-0. 3. R. L. EVANS CONSULTANT SERVICES- AUTHORIZE. B. Fowler presented this contract renewal with R.L. Evans Consultant Services. They have been working with the City for 20+ years. The consultant also advices the City on the new healthcare law. In addition to past services provided under this contract, R. L. Evans Consultant services have been key in understanding all the changes. This contract is already included in the budget. Committee member Boyce asked whether this contract has been awarded through a Request for Proposal process. Ms. Fowler indicated that this contract h ad not, but that the city would advertise to seek proposals from service providers for the 2015 calendar year. B. Boyce moved to recommend the 2014/15 Consultant Services Agreement with R.L. Evans Company, Inc., for brokerage and consultant services for the City's Health & Wellness programs be placed on the City Council consent calendar subject to final terms and conditions of the City Attorney. D. Ralph seconded the motion, which passed 3-0. 4. LIMITED TAX G.O. BONDS —INFORMATION ONLY. P. Barry presented information on the refunding process of 2004 Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds. These bonds were issued as a refunding of 1996 LTGO Bonds. Through refunding, the City is able to save $1,068,000 over 8 years, with the range of savings varying each year. This was finalized on April 91h S. FINANCIAL SUMMARY REPORT AS OF FEBRUARY 28, 2014 —INFORMATION ONLY. P. Barry informed that using information through February, the 2014 ending fund balance is very roughly estimated to increase by 1.2 million. Revenues are .4% above budget. Sales Tax and Utility Tax is also .3% above budget. Building permits are heading in the right direction. Plan check fees are over budget. Expenditures are currently .4% below budget. Data received from only the first two months of the year, however, is too minimal to reliably predict end-of-year trends. Operations Committee Minutes April 15, 2014 Page: 2 The meeting was adjourned at 4:15 p.m. by L. Thomas. � h t Satwinder Kaur Operations Committee Secretary