HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Works/Planning - 05/05/2014 1 Public Works Committee Agenda 40 A. Councilmembers: Brenda Fincher • Dana Ralph • Dennis Higgins, Chair �� KENT WASHINGTON MaY 5, 2014 4:00 P.m. Item Description Action Speaker Time Page 1. Approval of Meeting Minutes for April 21, 2014 YES None 03 03 2. Consultant Services Agreement with Geo YES Todd 5 05 Engineers for Low Impact Development Hunsdorfer 3. Aquatic Lands Easement - Sanitary Sewer and YES Kelly Peterson 05 23 Pedestrian Bridges 4. Information Only - Litter Reduction Campaign NO Gina Hungerford 05 77 TeamUp2CleanUp Event May 17, 2014 5. Information Only - Briefing on Upcoming Metro NO Monica Whitman 20 79 Service Cuts 6. Information Only - 2121h/2281h Railroad Grade NO Chad Bieren 20 81 Separation Funding Options 7. Information Only/Transportation Funding NO Tim LaPorte 20 83 Options: - Solid Waste Utility Franchise - Transportation Benefit District 8. Information Only - Desimone Levee Repair NO Ken Langholz 05 93 Schedule 9. Information Only - Parking Zones Amendment NO Ben Wolters 15 97 Unless otherwise noted, the Public Works Committee meets at 4:00 p.m. on the 1"& 3rd Mondays of each month. Council Chambers East, Kent City Hall, 220 4th Avenue South, Kent, 98032-5895. For information please contact Public Works Administration (253) 856-5500. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk's Office at (253) 856-5725 in advance. For TDD relay service call the Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 1-800-833-6388. z This page intentionally left blank. 3 Public Works Committee Minutes April 21, 2014. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Committee Chair, Dennis Higgins and Committee members Dana Ralph and Brenda Fincher were present. The meeting was called to order at 4:02 p.m. Committee Chair, Higgins said a few words in memory of Mark Prothero, prominent local attorney who passed away over the weekend. Item 1 — Approval of Meeting Minutes Dated April 7, 2014: Committee member Fincher MOVED to approve the minutes of April 7, 2014. The motion was SECONDED by Committee member Ralph and PASSED 3-0. Item 2 —Telecommunications Franchise with tw telecom of washington Ilc: Chad Bieren, City Engineer, noted that tw telecom of washington Ilc is a telecommunications company that wishes to install and operate telecommunications equipment in the city's streets. This equipment will be used to provide data, dedicated internet access, and local and long distance voice services. tw telecom has requested that the City grant them a franchise laying out the terms and conditions under which this equipment is installed and the services provided. Bieren noted that the City has the authority to grant non-exclusive franchises for use of public streets and other rights-of-way. This franchise does not grant tw telecom authority to install any facilities without first obtaining appropriate permits, leases, easements, or other approvals as req u i red. Committee member Ralph MOVED to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign an ordinance granting tw telecom of washington Ilc a franchise to install and maintain facilities for a telecommunications network within the public rights-of-way of the City, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. The motion was SECONDED by Committee member Fincher and PASSED 3-0. Item 3 — Puget Sound Energy Conversion — Schedule 74 Design Agreement for State Route 516 to S. 231" Way/Russell Road Upper Levee-James Street & Russell Road Intersection South Reach Levee: Toby Hallock, Environmental Engineer II, presented pictures of the Russell Road Upper Levee and portions of the SR 516 to S. 231s' Way Levee along the James Street and Russell Road intersection. Hallock noted repairs are required in order to meet federal levee safety standards. Existing overhead electrical power and other utilities at this location will need to be relocated underground as part of the project improvements. The schedule 74 underground conversation design agreement with Puget Sound Energy (PSE) allows PSE to prepare designs to relocate their overhead power facilities to underground. Costs to convert the power lines to underground would be part of the levee reconstruction project, which would be completed under an agreement with the King County Flood Control District. PSE has estimated the cost to design the underground conversion to be $21,000. The design costs include engineering, management, and overhead costs. 4 Public Works Committee Minutes April 21, 2014. The conversion with PSE is governed by Schedule 74 Tariff G, administered by the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission. Pursuant to the tariff PSE will pay 60% of the conversion and the city pays 40%. The city also provides the trench and backfill. Committee member Fincher MOVED to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign a Project Design Agreement with Puget Sound Energy for the Upper Russell Road Levee in an amount not to exceed $21,000 subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. The motion was SECONDED by Committee member Ralph and PASSED 3-0. Item 4 — Information Only/Safe Routes to School Grant Funding — Local Match: Monica Whitman, Sr. Transportation Planner and Sara Wood, Kent Police, Grant Research and Development Analyst explained that there are three elements to each Safe Routes to School program. Whitman went over those elements and then gave a brief description of the three schools and the estimated project cost for each school. • Meridian Elementary is located near the intersection of SE 2561h Street and 1401h Avenue SE. Increased development in the area has resulted in heavy traffic around the school. The proposed project is estimated to cost $448,000 and will provide a traffic signal and asphalt walkway adjacent to the signal to assist crossing guards, parents, students, and motorists. • Daniel Elementary is located near SE 2481h Street and 1161h Avenue SE. The proposed project is estimated to cost $100,000 and will relocate an existing crosswalk and overhead crosswalk sign to provide improved access for students walking to and from school. This project will also improve traffic flow through this segment of SE 2481h Street. • Neely O'Brien Elementary is located near 641h Avenue South and South 2361h Street. The proposed project is estimated to cost $350,000 and will include installation of a new traffic signal and pedestrian crosswalk at the intersection of 641h Avenue South and South 2361h Street. This project also includes the relocation and installation of traffic enforcement cameras. Whitman further noted that the level of funding for this grant cycle is significantly less than in previous years, making it particularly competitive. Currently $8 million is anticipated, statewide, for both the Pedestrian and Bicycle Program and the Safe Routes to School Program for the 2015- 2017; whereas, $30 million was awarded in the 2013-2015 cycle. No match is required. However, preference is given to projects that provide a local match. Public Works engineering staff analyzed the amount of local matching funds successful jurisdictions have provided in recent years for similar projects. The majority of the projects that were awarded funding provided a local match in the range of 5 -15%. Information Only/No Motion Required The meeting was adjourned at 4:27 p.m. Cheryl Viseth Council Committee Recorder 5 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Timothy J. LaPorte P.E., Public Works Director Phone: 253-856-5500 KEN T Fax: 253-856-6500 WASH IN GTO N Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032-5895 Date: April 29, 2014 To: Chair Dennis Higgins and Public Works Committee Members PW Committee Meeting Date: May 5, 2014 From: Todd Hunsdorfer, Conservation Coordinator - NPDES Through: Mike Mactutis P.E., Environmental Engineering Manager Chad Bieren P.E., City Engineer Subject: Consultant Services Agreement with GeoEngineers, for the Mill Creek Neighborhood Low Impact Development Project Item - 2 Motion: Move to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign a Consultant Services Agreement with GeoEngineers in an amount not to exceed $52,186.00 to provide geotechnical engineering services for the Mill Creek Neighborhood Low Impact Development Project, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. Summary: In 2012, the City of Kent received Washington State Department of Ecology grant funds for the planning and design of a low impact development project. Low impact development is an emerging strategy for managing stormwater, and it relies heavily on understanding the existing hydrology and geology. The grant provides up to $120,000 for this effort. Geotechnical analyses of soil borings will be used to determine if low impact development construction is suitable in this area. In general, infiltration of stormwater is a major component of low impact methods. The results will be used by city design staff to layout alternatives for capturing and treating stormwater before it is discharged to Mill Creek. Budget Impact: This contract will be 100% grant funded by the Washington State Department of Ecology 2013-2015 Biennial Municipal Stormwater Capacity Grant. 6 This page intentionally left blank. 7 KENT CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT between the City of Kent and GeoEngineers, Inc. THIS AGREEMENT is made between the City of Kent, a Washington municipal corporation (hereinafter the "City"), and GeoEngineers, Inc. organized under the laws of the State of Washington, located and doing business at 1101 S. Fawcett Ave., Suite 200, Tacoma, WA 98402, Phone: (253) 383-4940/Fax: (253) 383-4923, Contact: Lyle Stone (hereinafter the "Consultant"). I. DESCRIPTION OF WORK. Consultant shall perform the following services for the City in accordance with the following described plans and/or specifications: The Consultant shall provide site suitability assessment, geotechnical engineering and hydrology support for the design of Low Impact Development improvements for a Mill Creek Neighborhood. For a description, see the Consultant's Scope of Work which is attached as Exhibit A and incorporated by this reference. Consultant further represents that the services furnished under this Agreement will be performed in accordance with generally accepted professional practices within the Puget Sound region in effect at the time those services are performed. II. TIME OF COMPLETION. The parties agree that work will begin on the tasks described in Section I above immediately upon the effective date of this Agreement. Consultant shall complete the work described in Section I by January 31, 2015. III. COMPENSATION. A. The City shall pay the Consultant, based on time and materials, an amount not to exceed Fifty Two Thousand, One Hundred Eighty Six Dollars ($52,186.00), for the services described in this Agreement. This is the maximum amount to be paid under this Agreement for the work described in Section I above, and shall not be exceeded without the prior written authorization of the City in the form of a negotiated and executed amendment to this agreement. The Consultant agrees that the hourly or flat rate charged by it for its services contracted for herein shall remain locked at the negotiated rate(s) for a period of one (1) year from the effective date of this Agreement. The Consultant's billing rates shall be as delineated in Exhibit B. CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT - 1 (Over$10,000) 8 B. The Consultant shall submit monthly payment invoices to the City for work performed, and a final bill upon completion of all services described in this Agreement. The City shall provide payment within forty-five (45) days of receipt of an invoice. If the City objects to all or any portion of an invoice, it shall notify the Consultant and reserves the option to only pay that portion of the invoice not in dispute. In that event, the parties will immediately make every effort to settle the disputed portion. IV. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. The parties intend that an Independent Contractor-Employer Relationship will be created by this Agreement. By their execution of this Agreement, and in accordance with Ch. 51.08 RCW, the parties make the following representations: A. The Consultant has the ability to control and direct the performance and details of its work, the City being interested only in the results obtained under this Agreement. B. The Consultant maintains and pays for its own place of business from which Consultant's services under this Agreement will be performed. C. The Consultant has an established and independent business that is eligible for a business deduction for federal income tax purposes that existed before the City retained Consultant's services, or the Consultant is engaged in an independently established trade, occupation, profession, or business of the same nature as that involved under this Agreement. D. The Consultant is responsible for filing as they become due all necessary tax documents with appropriate federal and state agencies, including the Internal Revenue Service and the state Department of Revenue. E. The Consultant has registered its business and established an account with the state Department of Revenue and other state agencies as may be required by Consultant's business, and has obtained a Unified Business Identifier (UBI) number from the State of Washington. F. The Consultant maintains a set of books dedicated to the expenses and earnings of its business. V. TERMINATION. Either party may terminate this Agreement, with or without cause, upon providing the other party thirty (30) days written notice at its address set forth on the signature block of this Agreement. After termination, the City may take possession of all records and data within the Consultant's possession pertaining to this project, which may be used by the City without restriction. If the City's use of Consultant's records or data is not related to this project, it shall be without liability or legal exposure to the Consultant. VI. DISCRIMINATION. In the hiring of employees for the performance of work under this Agreement or any subcontract, the Consultant, its subcontractors, or any person acting on behalf of the Consultant or subcontractor shall not, by reason of race, religion, color, sex, age, sexual orientation, national origin, or the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability, discriminate against any person who is qualified and available to perform the work to which the employment relates. Consultant shall execute the attached City of Kent Equal Employment CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT - 2 (Over$10,000) 9 Opportunity Policy Declaration, Comply with City Administrative Policy 1.2, and upon completion of the contract work, file the attached Compliance Statement. VII. INDEMNIFICATION. Consultant shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees, agents and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits, including all legal costs and attorney fees, arising out of or in connection with the Consultant's performance of this Agreement, except for that portion of the injuries and damages caused by the City's negligence. For claims arising or alleged to arise from Consultant's professional services only, Consultant's duty to defend and indemnify under this paragraph shall be limited to claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits asserted on the basis of negligence or willful misconduct. The City's inspection or acceptance of any of Consultant's work when completed shall not be grounds to avoid any of these covenants of indemnification. Should a court of competent jurisdiction determine that this Agreement is subject to RCW 4.24.115, then, in the event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of the Consultant and the City, its officers, officials, employees, agents and volunteers, the Consultant's liability hereunder shall be only to the extent of the Consultant's negligence. IT IS FURTHER SPECIFICALLY AND EXPRESSLY UNDERSTOOD THAT THE INDEMNIFICATION PROVIDED HEREIN CONSTITUTES THE CONSULTANT'S WAIVER OF IMMUNITY UNDER INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE, TITLE 51 RCW, SOLELY FOR THE PURPOSES OF THIS INDEMNIFICATION. THE PARTIES FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THEY HAVE MUTUALLY NEGOTIATED THIS WAIVER. In the event Consultant refuses tender of defense in any suit or any claim, if that tender was made pursuant to this indemnification clause, and if that refusal is subsequently determined by a court having jurisdiction (or other agreed tribunal) to have been a wrongful refusal on the Consultant's part, then Consultant shall pay all the City's costs for defense, including all reasonable expert witness fees and reasonable attorneys' fees, plus the City's legal costs and fees incurred because there was a wrongful refusal on the Consultant's part. The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. VIII. INSURANCE. The Consultant shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement, insurance of the types and in the amounts described in Exhibit C attached and incorporated by this reference. IX. EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION. The City will provide its best efforts to provide reasonable accuracy of any information supplied by it to Consultant for the purpose of completion of the work under this Agreement. X. OWNERSHIP AND USE OF RECORDS AND DOCUMENTS. Original documents, drawings, designs, reports, or any other records developed or created under this Agreement shall belong to and become the property of the City. All records submitted by the City to the Consultant will be safeguarded by the Consultant. Consultant shall make such data, documents, and files available to the City upon the City's request. The City's use or reuse of any of the documents, data and files created by Consultant for this project by anyone other than Consultant on any other project shall be without liability or legal exposure to Consultant. CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT - 3 (Over$10,000) 10 XI. CITY'S RIGHT OF INSPECTION. Even though Consultant is an independent contractor with the authority to control and direct the performance and details of the work authorized under this Agreement, the work must meet the approval of the City and shall be subject to the City's general right of inspection to secure satisfactory completion. XII. WORK PERFORMED AT CONSULTANT'S RISK. Consultant shall take all necessary precautions and shall be responsible for the safety of its employees, and agents in the performance of the contract work and shall utilize all protection necessary for that purpose and shall cause any subcontractors hired by Consultant to be responsible for the safety of its employees and agents. All work shall be done at Consultant's own risk, and Consultant shall be responsible for any loss of or damage to materials, tools, or other articles used or held for use in connection with the work. XIII. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. A. Recyclable Materials. Pursuant to Chapter 3.80 of the Kent City Code, the City requires its contractors and consultants to use recycled and recyclable products whenever practicable. A price preference may be available for any designated recycled product. B. Non-Waiver of Breach. The failure of the City to insist upon strict performance of any of the covenants and agreements contained in this Agreement, or to exercise any option conferred by this Agreement in one or more instances shall not be construed to be a waiver or relinquishment of those covenants, agreements or options, and the same shall be and remain in full force and effect. C. Resolution of Disputes and Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. If the parties are unable to settle any dispute, difference or claim arising from the parties' performance of this Agreement, the exclusive means of resolving that dispute, difference or claim, shall only be by filing suit exclusively under the venue, rules and jurisdiction of the King County Superior Court, King County, Washington, unless the parties agree in writing to an alternative dispute resolution process. In any claim or lawsuit for damages arising from the parties' performance of this Agreement, each party shall pay all its legal costs and attorney's fees incurred in defending or bringing such claim or lawsuit, including all appeals, in addition to any other recovery or award provided by law; provided, however, nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to limit the City's right to indemnification under Section VII of this Agreement. D. Written Notice. All communications regarding this Agreement shall be sent to the parties at the addresses listed on the signature page of the Agreement, unless notified to the contrary. Any written notice hereunder shall become effective three (3) business days after the date of mailing by registered or certified mail, and shall be deemed sufficiently given if sent to the addressee at the address stated in this Agreement or such other address as may be hereafter specified in writing. E. Assignment. Any assignment of this Agreement by either party without the written consent of the non-assigning party shall be void. If the non-assigning party gives its consent to any assignment, the terms of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect and no further assignment shall be made without additional written consent. CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT - 4 (Over$10,000) 11 F. Modification. No waiver, alteration, or modification of any of the provisions of this Agreement shall be binding unless in writing and signed by a duly authorized representative of the City and Consultant. G. Entire Agreement. The written provisions and terms of this Agreement, together with any Exhibits attached hereto, shall supersede all prior verbal statements of any officer or other representative of the City, and such statements shall not be effective or be construed as entering into or forming a part of or altering in any manner this Agreement. All of the above documents are hereby made a part of this Agreement. However, should any language in any of the Exhibits to this Agreement conflict with any language contained in this Agreement, the terms of this Agreement shall prevail. H. Compliance with Laws. The Consultant agrees to comply with all federal, state, and municipal laws, rules, and regulations that are now effective or in the future become applicable to Consultant's business, equipment, and personnel engaged in operations covered by this Agreement or accruing out of the performance of those operations. I. City Business License Required. Prior to commencing the tasks described in Section I, Contractor agrees to provide proof of a current city of Kent business license pursuant to Chapter 5.01 of the Kent City Code. J. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall constitute an original, and all of which will together constitute this one Agreement. IN WITNESS, the parties below execute this Agreement, which shall become effective on the last date entered below. CONSULTANT: CITY OF KENT: By: By: (signature) (signature) Print Name: Print Name: Suzette Cooke Its Its Mayor (title) DATE: DATE: NOTICES TO BE SENT TO: NOTICES TO BE SENT TO: CONSULTANT: CITY OF KENT: Lyle Stone Timothy J. LaPorte, P.E. GeoEngineers, Inc. City of Kent 1101 S. Fawcett Ave., Suite 200 220 Fourth Avenue South Tacoma, WA 98402 Kent, WA 98032 (253) 383-4940 (telephone) (253) 856-5500 (telephone) (253) 383-4923 (facsimile) (253) 856-6500 (facsimile) CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT - 5 (Over$10,000) 12 APPROVED AS TO FORM: Kent Law Department GeoEnglneers-LID MITI Crk/Hunsdorter CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT - 6 (Over$10,000) 13 DECLARATION CITY OF KENT EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY POLICY The City of Kent is committed to conform to Federal and State laws regarding equal opportunity. As such all contractors, subcontractors and suppliers who perform work with relation to this Agreement shall comply with the regulations of the City's equal employment opportunity policies. The following questions specifically identify the requirements the City deems necessary for any contractor, subcontractor or supplier on this specific Agreement to adhere to. An affirmative response is required on all of the following questions for this Agreement to be valid and binding. If any contractor, subcontractor or supplier willfully misrepresents themselves with regard to the directives outlines, it will be considered a breach of contract and it will be at the City's sole determination regarding suspension or termination for all or part of the Agreement; The questions are as follows: 1. I have read the attached City of Kent administrative policy number 1.2. 2. During the time of this Agreement I will not discriminate in employment on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, age, or the presence of all sensory, mental or physical disability. 3. During the time of this Agreement the prime contractor will provide a written statement to all new employees and subcontractors indicating commitment as an equal opportunity employer. 4. During the time of the Agreement I, the prime contractor, will actively consider hiring and promotion of women and minorities. 5. Before acceptance of this Agreement, an adherence statement will be signed by me, the Prime Contractor, that the Prime Contractor complied with the requirements as set forth above. By signing below, I agree to fulfill the five requirements referenced above. By: Fo r: Title: Date: EEO COMPLIANCE DOCUMENTS - 1 14 CITY OF KENT ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY NUMBER: 1.2 EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 1998 SUBJECT: MINORITY AND WOMEN SUPERSEDES: April 1, 1996 CONTRACTORS APPROVED BY Jim White, Mayor POLICY: Equal employment opportunity requirements for the City of Kent will conform to federal and state laws. All contractors, subcontractors, consultants and suppliers of the City must guarantee equal employment opportunity within their organization and, if holding Agreements with the City amounting to $10,000 or more within any given year, must take the following affirmative steps: 1. Provide a written statement to all new employees and subcontractors indicating commitment as an equal opportunity employer. 2. Actively consider for promotion and advancement available minorities and women. Any contractor, subcontractor, consultant or supplier who willfully disregards the City's nondiscrimination and equal opportunity requirements shall be considered in breach of contract and subject to suspension or termination for all or part of the Agreement. Contract Compliance Officers will be appointed by the Directors of Planning, Parks, and Public Works Departments to assume the following duties for their respective departments. 1. Ensuring that contractors, subcontractors, consultants, and suppliers subject to these regulations are familiar with the regulations and the City's equal employment opportunity policy. 2. Monitoring to assure adherence to federal, state and local laws, policies and guidelines. EEO COMPLIANCE DOCUMENTS - 2 15 CITY OF KENT EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COMPLIANCE STATEMENT This form shall be filled out AFTER COMPLETION of this project by the Contractor awarded the Agreement. I, the undersigned, a duly represented agent of Company, hereby acknowledge and declare that the before-mentioned company was the prime contractor for the Agreement known as that was entered into on the (date), between the firm I represent and the City of Kent. I declare that I complied fully with all of the requirements and obligations as outlined in the City of Kent Administrative Policy 1.2 and the Declaration City of Kent Equal Employment Opportunity Policy that was part of the before-mentioned Agreement. By: Fo r: Title: Date: EEO COMPLIANCE DOCUMENTS - 3 16 EXHIBIT A GEOENGINEERS, INC. LOW IMPACT DEVELOPMENT WATER QUALITY TREATMENT AND FLOW CONTROL MILL CREEK NEIGHBORHOOD GEOTECHNICAL AND HYDROLOGY SUPPORT KENT, WASHINGTON APRIL 25, 2014 FILE NO. 0410-190-00 INTRODUCTION The purpose of the project is to improve stormwater runoff quality from the Mill Creek Neighborhood. This neighborhood currently has no water treatment facilities and the City of Kent has identified the need for water quality improvements in the area due to its proximity to Mill Creek. The City has received funding from the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) for the planning and design of Low Impact Development(LID)facilities. We understand that bioswales are currently being considered as a stormwater treatment method. The site comprises roughly four city blocks to the east of Mill Creek. The site is generally bounded by East James Street to the north, East Temperance Street to the south, Prospect Avenue North to the east, and Clark Avenue to the west. Stormwater improvements are proposed for East Temperance, Prospect Avenue North, Clark Avenue, and Cedar Street, encompassing approximately 3,300 feet of roadway. The purpose of our services is to provide a site suitability assessment, geotechnical engineering and hydrology support for the design of LID stormwater improvements. We understand thatthe City of Kent will provide the civil design for the project including layout of stormwater improvements and associated roadway and sidewalk improvements. The City will also develop plans and specifications for construction. We anticipate that the project will be completed in the following phases: uuuu Initial Site Evaluation (GeoEngineers with input from City of Kent). uuuu Geotechnical Site Soils Evaluation (GeoEngineers). uuuu Develop a baseline hydrology model to calculate road runoff under pre-developed conditions (GeoEngineers). uuuu Develop up to two preliminary concepts for options for improving stormwater quality. The preliminary concepts will include general order of magnitude quantities for design elements such as stormwater storage, quantity of treatment facilities (i.e., total required square footage of bioswales), and anticipated stormwater runoff quantities for each concept (GeoEngineers). uuuu Develop a preliminary layout plan based on one of the preliminary concepts with specific site locations of each of the design elements (City of Kent). uuuu Revise and iterate the final hydrology model based on the preferred layout(GeoEngineers). uuuu Finalize Plans and Specifications(City of Kent with input from GeoEngineers). 17 army apr iRoa aiin��uu ,yau,t4 ; SCOPE OF SERVICES Our specific scope of services for the Mill Creek Neighborhood Low Impact Development Water Quality Treatment and Flow Control project includes: 1. Attending one on-site meeting with the City of Kent. The purpose of this meeting will be to develop a better understanding of project requirements and regulatory and physical site constraints. 2. Reviewing Ecology's Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington with regard to project specific criteria. We will also review the Ecology funding requirements for this City of Kent project to determine additional technical requirements and Ecology's expectations for the project. 3. Coordinating subsurface explorations. We will mark exploration locations and contact the "One-Call" utility locate service prior to beginning our explorations. The explorations will be completed on existing City of Kent right-of-way(ROW). We understand permitting and site access coordination for explorations will be completed as necessary by the City of Kent. 4. Installing four monitoring wells across the project site. The purpose of these wells is to evaluate the regional groundwater level and gradient. We have based our budget on installing four piezometers to 20 feet below ground surface (bgs). Electronic data loggers will be installed in each well to monitor groundwater levels for up to 1 year. 5. Performing shallow (less than 5 feet bgs) explorations on the shoulders of the road. The purpose of these explorations is to identify areas suitable for low volume stormwater infiltration. We have budgeted for about 30 shallow explorations to be completed over two days. The amount of subsurface explorations completed will depend in part on site access and project requirements. 6. Performing laboratory testing of samples obtained from our explorations. We have budgeted for up to 30 sieve analyses (used to estimate infiltration rates) and up to 10 Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) tests (used to estimate water treatment potential). 7. Providing design infiltration rates based on the results of oursieve analyses in accordance with Ecology guidelines. 8. Preparing a stormwater infiltration and treatment feasibility report presenting the results of our soils investigation and our conclusions and recommendations. 9. Developing a baseline hydrologic model. We will develop a "without controls"stormwater model using Western Washington Hydrology Model (2012 version). This model will be used to establish the flow volumes generated from each roadway, and define the inputs for treatment options in later models. This task includes basin delineation using topographic survey(provided by City)and/or Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data. 10. Performing preliminary hydrologic modeling of proposed conditions. Upon development of preliminary design alternatives (City and GeoEngineers), we will develop preliminary models to evaluate the potential effectiveness of each option (up to two)to treat stormwater runoff to the required criteria. 11. Preparing a preliminary design memorandum including the results of our baseline and preliminary hydrologic model analysis. 12. Developing a final hydrologic model. After the selection of the preferred alternative and the City of Kent completes the project layout,we will run multiple iterations of the hydrologic model to evaluate the final GEOENGINEERS 18 city rpr IRS*a Alp i lilll 18,2014 1lar;a 3 project layout. If necessary, we will coordinate with the City of Kent to modify the final layout to meet treatment criteria or to improve treatment to the extent practical. 13. Preparing a final stormwater design report for submittal to Ecology. 14. Reviewing plans and specifications prepared by the City of Kent. Our scope of services does not include preparing construction plans and specifications or construction observation and support. l..is:rrrs:n Attachment: Exhibit B Fee Estimate Dlsdaimen Any eledronic tann,'lacnimile er hai d mpiy ef'the eribScal docu Ienl(eniall,'Iext,'llah{e,and/er'ligure),if iinovided,and any al:lachnien Us am only a mp y ef'lllie OYO�INaI6jeC,LRiE'XIC.The eliginal docunievill isslloredd'yGeoEngneus,Inc.and will seefe&'i,'llhe olfcal docu Ienlof I'ecud. Gepl}�I'I�h'C(C�`)..(f'f.�d'P�GEteEYi�INEe"}Inc. All Iigh'ls eseeed. GEOENGINEERS d N O N O O fD a 0 N a N cal N WY W •� ro » N IfJ ro » d ro of ro (+J N N IV Idw ts3 ts3 t� ts3 f.9 t� 2 ts3 z. z rI O Nx1 l+ IfJ 0 C 6 �j Li » V Li Li Li E E E E E R = W O W N W w 0 W � ti � ro 2 N o r 3 p d N M p N N N = CL v C d y d 2 J U R A e~•I O � o ro cc M p 2 A Q N d d d d � -i d V R 00 U. cc f: M O •pe°Y C U R d ei O ro ro W _ _ p M ` •�1CIC fd7 d OS d V_ J • `d � r 3 a ro W N d J •=L Ow d M a J y ~ W N n � � V O N O O y 0 W W a — o oo E d E d m o m m o Q R O « o ff O x o 20 EXHIBIT C INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENTS Insurance The Consultant shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Consultant, their agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. A. Minimum Scope of Insurance Consultant shall obtain insurance of the types described below: 1. Automobile Liability insurance covering all owned, non-owned, hired and leased vehicles. Coverage shall be written on Insurance Services Office (ISO) form CA 00 01 or a substitute form providing equivalent liability coverage. If necessary, the policy shall be endorsed to provide contractual liability coverage. 2. Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written on ISO occurrence form CG 00 01 and shall cover liability arising from premises, operations, independent contractors, products-completed operations, personal injury and advertising injury, and liability assumed under an insured contract. The City shall be named as an insured under the Consultant's Commercial General Liability insurance policy with respect to the work performed for the City using ISO additional insured endorsement CG 20 10 11 85 or a substitute endorsement providing equivalent coverage. 3. Workers' Compensation coverage as required by the Industrial Insurance laws of the State of Washington. 4. Professional Liability insurance appropriate to the Consultant's profession. B. Minimum Amounts of Insurance Consultant shall maintain the following insurance limits: 1. Automobile Liability insurance with a minimum combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage of $1,000,000 per accident. 2. Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written with limits no less than $2,000,000 each occurrence, $2,000,000 general aggregate and a $1,000,000 products-completed operations aggregate limit. zi EXHIBIT C (Continued) 3. Professional Liability insurance shall be written with limits no less than $2,000,000 per claim and $2,000,000 policy aggregate limit. C. Other Insurance Provisions The insurance policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions for Automobile Liability and Commercial General Liability insurance: 1. The Consultant's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respect the City. Any Insurance, self-insurance, or insurance pool coverage maintained by the City shall be excess of the Consultant's insurance and shall not contribute with it. 2. The Consultant's insurance shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be cancelled by either party, except after thirty (30) days prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the City. 3. The City of Kent shall be named as an additional insured on all policies (except Professional Liability) as respects work performed by or on behalf of the Consultant and a copy of the endorsement naming the City as additional insured shall be attached to the Certificate of Insurance. The City reserves the right to receive a certified copy of all required insurance policies. The Consultant's Commercial General Liability insurance shall also contain a clause stating that coverage shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respects to the limits of the insurer's liability. D. Acceptability of Insurers Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best rating of not less than ANII. E. Verification of Coverage Consultant shall furnish the City with original certificates and a copy of the amendatory endorsements, including but not necessarily limited to the additional insured endorsement, evidencing the insurance requirements of the Contractor before commencement of the work. F. Subcontractors Consultant shall include all subcontractors as insureds under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates and endorsements for each subcontractor. All coverages for subcontractors shall be subject to all of the same insurance requirements as stated herein for the Consultant. zz This page intentionally left blank. 23 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Timothy J. LaPorte, P.E., Public Works Director Phone: 253-856-5500 KEN T Fax: 253-856-6500 WASH IN GTO N Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032-5895 Date: April 25, 2014 To: Chair Dennis Higgins and Public Works Committee Members PW Committee Meeting Date: May 5, 2014 From: Kelly Peterson, AICP, Special Projects Manager Through: Chad Bieren, P.E., City Engineer Subject: Aquatic Lands Easements — Sanitary Sewer & Pedestrian Bridge Item - 3 Motion: Move to authorize the Mayor to sign Aquatic Lands Easements from the Washington Department of Natural Resources for the exiting sanitary sewer and pedestrian bridge crossing over the Green River subject to terms and conditions acceptable to the Public Works Director and City Attorney. Summary: In 2000, the City of Kent secured 12 year Aquatic Lands Easements from the Washington Department of Natural Resources (WA DNR) for a sanitary sewer line (Easement No. 51-A71747) and pedestrian bridge crossing (Easement No. 51- A71513) over the Green River. These facilities serve the Riverview neighborhood on the west side of the river. The easements for these facilities have expired. Staff has worked with WA DNR to develop 30-year Aquatic Lands Easements for these crossings. The WA DNR manages state owned aquatic lands including navigable rivers such as the Green River. The easements are a state requirement. Budget Impact: There is no unbudgeted fiscal impact. P TWC@014105 05 2014.doc 24 This page intentionally left blank. 25 When recorded, return to: City of Kent 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA98032 04r INIVAI vnn�xait IAaiaxaiaxav�l i��xuau WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF Natural Resources Peter Goldmark-Commissioner of Public Lands AQUATIC LANDS EASEMENT Easement No. 51-A71747 Grantor: Washington State Department of Natural Resources Grantee(s): City of Kent Legal Description: Section 10, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M. Assessor's Property Tax Parcel or Account Number: Not Applicable Assessor's Property Tax Parcel or Account Number for Upland parcel used in conjunction with this Easement: Not Applicable THIS AGREEMENT is made by and between the STATE OF WASHINGTON, acting through the Department of Natural Resources ("State"), and the CITY OF KENT, a government agency/entity("Grantee"). State has authority to enter into this Easement under Chapter 43.12 RCW, Chapter 43.30 RCW, and Title 79 of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW). THE Parties agree as follows: SECTION 1 GRANT OF EASEMENT 1.1 Easement Defined. (a) State grants and conveys to Grantee a nonexclusive easement, subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement, over, upon, and under the real property at the Green River: described in Exhibit A. hi this agreement, the term "Easement" means this agreement and the rights granted; the term "Easement Property"means the real property subject to the easement. Aquatic Lands Easement Page 1 of 26 Easement No. 51-A71747 26 (b) This Easement is subject to all valid interests of third parties noted in the records of King County, or on file in the Office of the Commissioner of Public Lands, Olympia, Washington; rights of the public under the Public Trust Doctrine or federal navigation servitude; and treaty rights of Indian Tribes. (c) This Easement does not include any right to harvest, collect or damage any natural resource, including aquatic life or living plants, any water rights, or any mineral rights, including any right to excavate or withdraw sand, gravel, or other valuable materials. (d) This Easement does not include the right to grant easements and franchises to third parties. State reserves the right to reasonably grant, condition, or approve all third party easements and franchises regardless of whether the third party's use is incidental to the Easement. State shall not unreasonably condition or deny third- party easements or franchises necessary for continuation of utilities, including communication systems. 1.2 Survey and Easement Property Descriptions. (a) Grantee prepared Exhibit A, which describes the Easement Property. Grantee represents that Exhibit A is a true and accurate description of the Easement boundaries and the improvements to be constructed or already existing in the Easement area. Grantee's obligation to provide a true and accurate description of the Easement Property boundaries is a material term of this Easement. (b) State's acceptance of Exhibit A does not constitute agreement that Grantee's property description accurately reflects the actual amount of land used by Grantee. State reserves the right to retroactively adjust fees if at any time during the Term State discovers a discrepancy between Grantee's property description and the area actually used by Grantee. 1.3 Condition of Easement Property. State makes no representation regarding the condition of the Easement Property, improvements located on the Easement Property, the suitability of the Easement Property for Grantee's Permitted Use, compliance with governmental laws and regulations, availability of utility rights, access to the Easement Property, or the existence of hazardous substances on the Easement Property. SECTION 2 USE 2.1 Permitted Use. Grantee shall use the Easement Property for: a sewer force main (the "Permitted Use"), and for no other purpose, including utilities unless specifically identified as part of the Permitted Use. The Permitted Use is described or shown in detail in Exhibit B. 2.2 Restrictions on Use. (a) The limitations in this Paragraph 2.2 apply to the Property and adjacent state- owned aquatic land. Grantee's compliance with this Paragraph 2.2 does not limit Grantee's liability under any other provision of this Easement. (b) Grantee shall not cause or permit: Aquatic Lands Easement Page 2 of 26 Easement No. 51-A71747 27 (1) Damage to natural resources, (2) Waste, or (3) Deposit of material, unless approved by State in writing. This prohibition includes deposit of fill, rock, earth, ballast, wood waste, refuse, garbage, waste matter, pollutants of any type, or other matter. 2.3 Conformance with Laws. Grantee shall keep current and comply with all conditions and terms of any permits, licenses, certificates, regulations, ordinances, statutes, and other government rules and regulations regarding Grantee's use of the Easement Property. 2.4 Liens and Encumbrances. Grantee shall keep the Easement Property free and clear of any liens and encumbrances arising out of or relating to its use of the Easement Property, unless expressly authorized by State in writing. 2.5 Interference with Other Uses. (a) Grantee shall exercise Grantee's rights under this Easement in a manner that minimizes or avoids interference with the rights of State, the public or others with valid right to use or occupy the Easement Property or surrounding lands and water. (b) To the fullest extent reasonably possible, Grantee shall place and construct Improvements in a manner that allows unobstructed movement in and on the waters above and around the Easement Property. (c) Except in an emergency, Grantee shall provide State with written notice of construction or other significant activity on Easement Property at least thirty(30) days in advance. "Significant Activity"means any activity that may affect use or enjoyment by the State, public, or others with valid rights to use or occupy the Easement Property or surrounding lands and water. (d) Grantee shall mark the location of any hazards associated with the Permitted Use and any Improvements in a manner that ensures reasonable notice to the public. SECTION 3 TERM 3.1 Term Defined. The term of this Easement is Thirty(30)years (the "Term"), beginning on the 15a' day of March, 2014 (the "Commencement Date"), and ending on the 14a' day of March, 2044 (the "Termination Date"), unless terminated sooner under the terms of this Easement. 3.2 Renewal of the Easement. This Easement does not provide a right of renewal. Grantee may apply for a new Easement, which State has discretion to grant. Grantee must apply for a new Easement at least one (1) year prior to Termination Date. State shall notify Grantee within ninety(90) days of its intent to approve or deny a new Easement. Aquatic Lands Easement Page 3 of 26 Easement No. 51-A71747 2s 3.3 End of Term. (a) Upon the expiration or termination of this Easement, Grantee shall remove Improvements in accordance with Section 7, Improvements, and surrender the Easement Property to State in the same or better condition as on the Commencement Date, reasonable wear and tear excepted. (b) Definition of Reasonable Wear and Tear. (1) Reasonable wear and tear is deterioration resulting from the Permitted Use that has occurred without neglect, negligence, carelessness, accident, or abuse by Grantee or Grantee's contractors, agents, invitees, guests, employees, affiliates, licensees, or permittees. (2) Reasonable wear and tear does not include any deposit of material prohibited under Paragraph 2.2(b)unless expressly permitted by State in writing and regardless of whether the deposit is incidental to or the byproduct of the Permitted Use. (c) If Easement Property is in worse condition, excepting for reasonable wear and tear, on the surrender date than on the Commencement Date,the following provisions apply. (1) State shall provide Grantee a reasonable time to take all steps necessary to remedy the condition of the Easement Property. State may require Grantee to enter into a right-of-entry or other use authorization prior to the Grantee entering the Easement Property to remedy any breach of this Paragraph 3.3. (2) If Grantee fails to remedy the condition of the Easement Property in a timely manner, State may take any steps reasonably necessary to remedy Grantee's failure. Upon demand by State, Grantee shall pay all costs of such remedial action, including but not limited to the costs of removing and disposing of any material deposited improperly on the Easement Property, lost revenue resulting from the condition of the Easement Property prior to and during remedial action, and any administrative costs associated with the remedial action. SECTION FEES 4.1 Fee. For the Term, Grantee shall pay to State a use fee of Zero Dollars (SO) and an administrative fee calculated in accordance with RCW 79.110.240(4) payable on or before the Commencement Date. Any payment not paid by State's close of business on the date due is past due. 4.2 Payment Place. Grantee shall make payment to Financial Management Division, 1111 Washington St SE, PO Box 47041, Olympia, WA 98504-7041. Aquatic Lands Easement Page 4 of 26 Easement No. 51-A71747 29 SECTION 5 OTHER EXPENSES 5.1 Utilities. Grantee shall pay all fees charged for utilities required or needed by the Permitted Use. 5.2 Taxes and Assessments. Grantee shall pay all taxes, assessments, and other governmental charges, of any kind whatsoever, applicable or attributable to the Easement and the Permitted Use. 5.3 Failure to Pay. If Grantee fails to pay any of the amounts due under this Easement, State may pay the amount due, and recover its cost in accordance with Section 6. SECTION 6 LATE PAYMENTS AND OTHER CHARGES 6.1 Failure to Pay. Failure to pay any fees or other expenses is a default by Grantee. State may seek remedies in Section 14 as well as late charges and interest as provided in this Section 6. 6.2 Late Charge. If State does not receive any payment within ten (10) days of the date due, Grantee shall pay to State a late charge equal to four percent(4%) of the unpaid or Fifty Dollars ($50), whichever is greater,to defray the overhead expenses of State incident to the delay. 6.3 Interest Penalty for Past Due Fees and Other Sums Owed. (a) Grantee shall pay interest on the past due fee at the rate of one percent(1%) per month until paid, in addition to paying the late charges determined under Paragraph 6.2. Fee not paid by the close of business day on the due date will begin accruing interest the day after the due date. (b) If State pays or advances any amounts for or on behalf of Grantee, Grantee shall reimburse State for the amount paid or advanced and shall pay interest on that amount at the rate of one percent(1%)per month from the date State notifies Grantee of the payment or advance. This includes, but is not limited to taxes, assessments, insurance premiums, costs of removal and disposal of unauthorized materials pursuant to Paragraph 2.2 above, costs of removal and disposal of improvements pursuant to Section 7 below, or other amounts not paid when due. 6.4 Referral to Collection Agency and Collection Agency Fees. If State does not receive payment within thirty (30) days of the due date, State may refer the unpaid amount to a collection agency as provided by RCW 19.16.500 or other applicable law. Upon referral, Grantee shall pay collection agency fees in addition to the unpaid amount. 6.5 No Accord and Satisfaction. If Grantee pays, or State otherwise receives, an amount less than the full amount then due, State may apply such payment as it elects. No endorsement or statement on any check, any payment, or any letter accompanying any check or payment constitutes accord and satisfaction. Aquatic Lands Easement Page 5 of 26 Easement No. 51-A71747 30 SECTION 7 IMPROVEMENTS 7.1 Improvements Defined. (a) "Improvements," consistent with RCW 79.105 through 79.145, are additions within, upon, or attached to the land. This includes, but is not limited to, structures and fixtures. (b) "Personal Property"means items that can be removed from the Easement Property without(1) injury to the Easement Property, adjacent state-owned lands or Improvements or (2) diminishing the value or utility of the Easement Property, adjacent state-owned lands or Improvements. (c) "State-Owned Improvements" are Improvements made or owned by State. State- Owned Improvements includes any construction, alteration, or addition to State- Owned Improvements made by Grantee. (d) "Grantee-Owned Improvements" are Improvements made by Grantee with State's consent. (e) "Unauthorized Improvements" are Improvements made on the Easement Property without State's prior consent or Improvements made by Grantee that do not conform with plans submitted to and approved by the State. (f) "Improvements Owned by Others" are Improvements made by Others with a right to occupy or use the Easement Property or adjacent state-owned lands. 7.2 Existing Improvements. On the Commencement Date,the following Improvements are located on the Easement Property: City of Kent Pedestrian Bridge 51-071513 (Grantee Owned) TCI Cablevision of Washington Fiber Optic Cable 51-071597 (Owned by Others)Puget Sound Energy Powerline 51-071748 (Owned by Others) Qwest Corporation Fiber Optic Cable 51- 077142 (Owned by Others). 7.3 Construction, Major Repair, Modification, and Demolition. (a) This Paragraph 7.3 governs construction, alteration, replacement, major repair, modification alteration, demolition and deconstruction of Improvements ("Work"). Section 11 governs routine maintenance and minor repair of Improvements and Easement Property. (b) All Work must conform with State's standards for Improvements current at the time Grantee submits plans and specifications for State's approval. (c) Except in an emergency, Grantee shall not conduct any Work without State's prior written consent, as follows: (1) State may deny consent if State determines that denial is in the best interests of the State. State may impose additional conditions reasonably intended to protect and preserve the Easement Property. If Work is for removal of Improvements at End of Term, State may waive removal of some or all Improvements. (2) Except in an emergency, Grantee shall submit to State plans and specifications describing the proposed Work at least sixty (60) days before submitting permit applications to regulatory authorities unless Grantee and State otherwise agree to coordinate permit applications. At a minimum, or Aquatic Lands Easement Page 6 of 26 Easement No. 51-A71747 31 if no permits are necessary, Grantee shall submit plans and specifications at least ninety(90) days before commencement of Work. (3) State waives the requirement for consent if State does not notify Grantee of its grant or denial of consent within sixty(60) days of submittal. (d) Grantee shall notify State of emergency Work within five (5)business days of the start of such Work. Upon State's request, Grantee shall provide State with plans and specifications or as-builts of emergency Work. (e) Grantee shall not commence or authorize Work until Grantee has: (1) Obtained a performance and payment bond in an amount equal to zero percent(0%)of the estimated cost of construction. Grantee shall maintain the performance and payment bond until Grantee pays in full the costs of the Work, including all laborers and material persons. (2) Obtained all required permits. (3) Provided notice of Significant Activity in accordance with Paragraph 2.5(c). (f) Grantee shall preserve and protect Improvements Owned by Others, if any. (g) Grantee shall preserve all legal land subdivision survey markers and witness objects ("Markers.") If disturbance of a Marker will be a necessary consequence of Grantee's construction, Grantee shall reference and/or replace the Marker in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations current at the time, including, but not limited to Chapter 58.24 RCW. At Grantee's expense, Grantee shall retain a registered professional engineer or licensed land surveyor to reestablish destroyed or disturbed Markers in accordance with U.S. General Land Office standards. (h) Before completing Work, Grantee shall remove all debris and restore the Easement Property, as nearly as possible, to the condition prior to the commencement of Work. If Work is intended for removal of Improvements at End of Term, Grantee shall restore the Easement Property in accordance with Paragraph 3.3, End of Term. (i) Upon completing work, Grantee shall promptly provide State with as-built plans and specifications. (j) State shall not charge rent for authorized Improvements installed by Grantee during this Term of this Easement, but State may charge rent for such Improvements when and if the Grantee or successor obtains a subsequent use authorization for the Easement Property and State has waived the requirement for Improvements to be removed as provided in Paragraph 7.4. 7.4 Grantee-Owned Improvements at End of Easement. (a) Disposition. (1) Grantee shall remove Grantee-Owned Improvements in accordance with Paragraph 7.3 upon the expiration, termination, or cancellation of the Easement unless State waives the requirement for removal. (2) Grantee-Owned Improvements remaining on the Easement Property on the expiration, termination, or cancellation date become State-Owned Aquatic Lands Easement Page 7 of 26 Easement No. 51-A71747 32 Improvements without payment by State, unless State elects otherwise. State may refuse or waive ownership. (3) If Grantee-Owned Improvements remain on the Easement Property after the expiration, termination, or cancellation date without State's consent, State may remove all Improvements and Grantee shall pay the costs of removal and disposal. (b) Conditions Under Which State May Waive Removal of Grantee-Owned Improvements. (1) State may waive removal of any or all Grantee-Owned Improvements whenever State determines that it is in the best interests of the State. (2) If Grantee renews the Easement or enters into a new Easement, State may waive requirement to remove Grantee-Owned Improvements. State also may consent to Grantee's continued ownership of Grantee-Owned Improvements. (3) If Grantee does not renew the Easement or enter into a new Easement, State may waive requirement to remove Grantee-Owned Improvements upon consideration of a timely request from Grantee, as follows: (i) Grantee must notify State at least one (1) year before the Termination Date of its request to leave Grantee-Owned Improvements. (ii) State, within ninety(90) days, will notify Grantee whether State consents to any or all Grantee-Owned Improvements remaining. State has no obligation to grant consent. (iii) State's failure to respond to Grantee's request to leave Improvements within ninety(90) days is a denial of the request. (c) Grantee's Obligations if State Waives Removal. (1) Grantee shall not remove Improvements if State waives the requirement for removal of any or all Grantee-Owned Improvements. (2) Grantee shall maintain such Improvements in accordance with this Easement until the expiration, termination, or cancellation date. Grantee is liable to State for cost of repair if Grantee causes or allows damage to Improvements State has designated to remain. 7.5 Disposition of Unauthorized Improvements. (a) Unauthorized Improvements belong to State, unless State elects otherwise. (b) State may either: (1) Consent to Grantee ownership of the Improvements, or (2) Charge use and occupancy fee in accordance with RCW 79.105.200 of the Improvements from the time of installation or construction and (i) Require Grantee to remove the Improvements in accordance with Paragraph 7.3, in which case Grantee shall pay use and occupancy fee for the Improvements until removal, (ii) Consent to Improvements remaining and Grantee shall pay use and occupancy fee for the use of the Improvements, or Aquatic Lands Easement Page 8 of 26 Easement No. 51-A71747 33 (iii) Remove Improvements and Grantee shall pay for the cost of removal and disposal, in which case Grantee shall pay use and occupancy fee for use of the Improvements until removal and disposal. 7.6 Disposition of Personal Property. (a) Grantee retains ownership of Personal Property unless Grantee and State agree otherwise in writing. (b) Grantee shall remove Personal Property from the Easement Property by the Termination Date. Grantee is liable for any damage to the Easement Property and to any Improvements that may result from removal of Personal Property. (c) State may sell or dispose of all Personal Property left on the Easement Property after the Termination Date. (1) If State conducts a sale of Personal Property, State shall apply proceeds first to the State's administrative costs in conducting the sale, second to payment of amount that then may be due from the Grantee to the State, and State shall pay the remainder, if any, to the Grantee. (2) If State disposes of Personal Property, Grantee shall pay for the cost of removal and disposal. SECTION 8 ENVIRONMENTAL LIABILITY/RISK ALLOCATION 8.1 Definitions. (a) "Hazardous Substance" means any substance that now or in the future becomes regulated or defined under any federal, state, or local statute, ordinance, rule, regulation, or other law relating to human health, environmental protection, contamination, pollution, or cleanup. (b) "Release or threatened release of Hazardous Substance"means a release or threatened release as defined under any law described in Paragraph 8.1(a). (c) "Utmost care"means such a degree of care as would be exercised by a very careful, prudent, and competent person under the same or similar circumstances; the standard of care applicable under the Washington State Model Toxics Control Act("MTCA"), Chapter 70.105 RCW, as amended. (d) "Grantee and affiliates"when used in this Section 8 means Grantee or Grantee's subgrantees, contractors, agents, employees, guests, invitees, licensees, affiliates, or any person on the Easement Property with the Grantee's permission. (e) "Liabilities" as used in this Section 8 means any claims, demands, proceedings, lawsuits, damages, costs, expenses,fees (including attorneys' fees and disbursements), penalties, or judgments. 8.2 General Conditions. (a) Grantee's obligations under this Section 8 extend to the area in, on, under, or above: (1) The Easement Property and Aquatic Lands Easement Page 9 of 26 Easement No. 51-A71747 34 (2) Adjacent state-owned aquatic lands if affected by a release of Hazardous Substances that occurs as a result of the Permitted Use. (b) Standard of Care. (1) Grantee shall exercise the utmost care with respect to Hazardous Substances. (2) As relates to the Permitted Use, Grantee shall exercise utmost care for the foreseeable acts or omissions of third parties with respect to Hazardous Substances, and the foreseeable consequences of those acts or omissions, to the extent required to establish a viable,third-party defense under the law. 8.3 Current Conditions and Duty to Investigate. (a) State makes no representation about the condition of the Easement Property. Hazardous Substances may exist in, on, under, or above the Easement Property. (b) This Easement does not impose a duty on State to conduct investigations or supply information to Grantee about Hazardous Substances. (c) Grantee is responsible for conducting all appropriate inquiry and gathering sufficient information about the existence, scope, and location of Hazardous Substances on or near the Property necessary for Grantee to meet Grantee's obligations under this Easement and utilize the Property for the Permitted Use. 8.4 Use of Hazardous Substances. (a) Grantee and affiliates shall not use, store, generate, process, transport, handle, release, or dispose of Hazardous Substances, except in accordance with all applicable laws. (b) Grantee shall not undertake, or allow others to undertake by Grantee's permission, acquiescence, or failure to act, activities that result in a release or threatened release of Hazardous Substances. (c) If use of Hazardous Substances related to the Permitted Use results in a violation of law: (1) Grantee shall submit to State any plans for remedying the violations, and (2) Grantee shall implement any measures to restore the Easement Property or natural resources that State may require in addition to remedial measures required by regulatory authorities. 8.5 Management of Contamination,if any. (a) Grantee and affiliates shall not undertake activities that: (1) Damage or interfere with the operation of remedial or restoration activities, if any; (2) Result in human or environmental exposure to contaminated sediments, if any; (3) Result in the mechanical or chemical disturbance of on-site habitat mitigation, if any. (b) If requested, Grantee shall allow reasonable access to: Aquatic Lands Easement Page 10 of 26 Easement No. 51-A71747 35 (1) Employees and authorized agents of the Environmental Protection Agency, the Washington State Department of Ecology, health department, or other similar environmental agencies; and (2) Potentially liable or responsible parties who are the subject of an order or consent decree that requires access to the Easement Property. Grantee may negotiate an access agreement with such parties, but Grantee may not unreasonably withhold such agreement. 8.6 Notification and Reporting. (a) Grantee shall immediately notify State if Grantee becomes aware of any of the following: (1) A release or threatened release of Hazardous Substances; (2) Any new discovery of or new information about a problem or liability related to, or derived from,the presence of Hazardous Substances; (3) Any lien or action arising from Hazardous substances; (4) Any actual or alleged violation of any federal, state, or local statute, ordinance, rule, regulation, or other law pertaining to Hazardous Substances; (5) Any notification from the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or the Washington State Department of Ecology(DOE)that remediation or removal of Hazardous Substances is or may be required at the Easement Property. (b) Grantee's duty to report under Paragraph 8.6(a) extends to lands described in Paragraph 8.2(a) and to any other property used by Grantee in conjunction with the Easement Property if a release of Hazardous Substances on the other property could affect the Easement Property. (c) Grantee shall provide State with copies of all documents Grantee submits to any federal, state, or local authorities concerning environmental impacts or proposals relative to the Easement Property. Documents subject to this requirement include, but are not limited to, applications, reports, studies, or audits for National Pollution Discharge and Elimination System Permits; Army Corps of Engineers permits; State Hydraulic Project Approvals (HPA); State Water Quality certification; Substantial Development permit; and any reporting necessary for the existence, location, and storage of Hazardous Substances on the Property. 8.7 Indemnification. (a) Grantee shall fully indemnify, defend, and hold State harmless from and against Liabilities that arise out of, or relate to: (1) The use, storage, generation, processing,transportation, handling, or disposal of any Hazardous Substance by Grantee and affiliates occurring whenever Grantee uses or has used the Easement Property; (2) The release or threatened release of any Hazardous Substance resulting from any act or omission of Grantee and affiliates occurring whenever Grantee uses or has used the Easement Property. Aquatic Lands Easement Page 11 of 26 Easement No. 51-A71747 36 (b) Grantee shall fully indemnify, defend, and hold State harmless for any Liabilities that arise out of or relate to Grantee's breach of obligations under Paragraph 8.5. (c) Grantee has no duty to indemnify State for acts or omissions of third parties unless and only if an administrative or legal proceeding arising from a release or threatened release of Hazardous Substances finds or holds that Grantee failed to exercise care as described in Paragraph 8.2(b)(2). In such case, Grantee shall fully indemnify, defend, and hold State harmless from and against Liabilities arising from the acts or omissions of third parties in relation to the release or threatened release of Hazardous Substances. This includes Liabilities arising before the finding or holding in the proceeding. 8.8 Reservation of Rights. (a) For Liabilities not covered by the indemnification provisions of Paragraph 8.7, the Parties expressly reserve and do not waive any rights, claims, immunities, causes of action, or defenses relating to Hazardous Substances that either Party may have against the other under law. (b) The Parties expressly reserve all rights, claims, immunities, and defenses either Party may have against third parties. Nothing in this Section 8 benefits or creates rights for third parties. (c) The allocations of risks, Liabilities, and responsibilities set forth in this Section 8 do not release either Party from or affect the liability of either Party for Hazardous Substances claims or actions by regulatory agencies. 8.9 Cleanup. (a) If Grantee's act, omission, or breach of obligation under Paragraph 8.4 results in a release of Hazardous Substances that exceeds the threshold limits of any applicable regulatory standard, Grantee shall, at Grantee's sole expense, promptly take all actions necessary or advisable to clean up the Hazardous Substances in accordance with applicable law. (b) Grantee may undertake a cleanup of the Property pursuant to the Washington State Department of Ecology's Voluntary Cleanup Program, provided that Grantee cooperates with the Department of Natural Resources in development of cleanup plans. Grantee shall not proceed with Voluntary Cleanup without the Department of Natural Resources approval of final plans. Nothing in the operation of this provision is an agreement by the Department of Natural Resources that the Voluntary Cleanup complies with any laws or with the provisions of this Easement. Grantee's completion of a Voluntary Cleanup is not a release from or waiver of any obligation for Hazardous Substances under this Easement. 8.10 Sampling by State, Reimbursement, and Split Samples. (a) State may conduct sampling, tests, audits, surveys, or investigations ("Tests") of the Easement Property at any time to determine the existence, scope, or effects of Hazardous Substances. Aquatic Lands Easement Page 12 of 26 Easement No. 51-A71747 37 (b) If such Tests, along with any other information, demonstrate a breach of Grantee's obligations regarding Hazardous Substances under this Easement, Grantee shall promptly reimburse State for all costs associated with the Tests, provided State gave Grantee thirty (30) calendar days advance notice in nonemergencies and reasonably practical notice in emergencies. (c) In nonemergencies, Grantee is entitled to obtain split samples of Test samples, provided Grantee gives State written notice requesting split samples at least ten (10) calendar days before State conducts Tests. Upon demand, Grantee shall promptly reimburse State for additional cost, if any, of split samples. (d) If either Party conducts Tests on the Property,the conducting Party shall provide the other with validated final data and quality assurance/quality control/chain of custody information about the Tests within sixty(60) calendar days of a written request by the other party, unless Tests are part of a submittal under Paragraph 8.6(c) in which case Grantee shall submit data and information to State without written request by State. Neither party is obligated to provide any analytical summaries or the work product of experts. SECTION 9 ASSIGNMENT Grantee shall not assign any part of Grantee's interest in this Easement or the Easement Property or grant any rights or franchises to third parties without State's prior written consent, which State shall not unreasonably condition or withhold. State reserves the right to reasonably change the terms and conditions of this Easement upon State's consent to assignment. SECTION 10 INDEMNITY, FINANCIAL SECURITY, INSURANCE 10.1 Indemnity. Each Party is responsible for the actions and inactions of itself and its own officers, employees, and agents acting within the scope of their authority. 10.2 Insurance Terms. (a) Insurance Required. (1) Grantee certifies that it is self-insured for all the liability exposures, its self-insurance plan satisfies all State requirements, and its self-insurance plan provides coverage equal to that required in this Paragraph 10.2 and by Paragraph 10.3, Insurance Types and Limits. Grantee shall provide to State evidence of its status as a self-insured entity. Upon request by State, Grantee shall provide a written description of its financial condition and/or the self-insured funding mechanism. Grantee shall provide State with at least thirty (30) days' written notice prior to any material changes to Grantee's self-insured funding mechanism. (2) Unless State agrees to an exception, Grantee shall provide insurance issued by an insurance company or companies admitted to do business in the State of Washington and have a rating of A- or better by the most Aquatic Lands Easement Page 13 of 26 Easement No. 51-A71747 38 recently published edition of Best's Reports. Grantee may submit a request to the risk manager for the Department of Natural Resources to approve an exception to this requirement. If an insurer is not admitted, the insurance policies and procedures for issuing the insurance policies must comply with Chapter 48.15 RCW and 284-15 WAC. (3) All general liability, excess, umbrella, property, builder's risk, and pollution legal liability insurance policies must name the State of Washington, the Department of Natural Resources, its elected and appointed officials, agents, and employees as an additional insured. (4) All insurance provided in compliance with this Easement must be primary as to any other insurance or self-insurance programs afforded to or maintained by State. (b) Waiver. (1) Grantee waives all rights against State for recovery of damages to the extent insurance maintained pursuant to this Easement covers these damages. (2) Except as prohibited by law, Grantee waives all rights of subrogation against State for recovery of damages to the extent that they are covered by insurance maintained pursuant to this Easement. (c) Proof of Insurance. (1) Grantee shall provide State with a certificate(s) of insurance executed by a duly authorized representative of each insurer, showing compliance with insurance requirements specified in this Easement and, if requested, copies of policies to State. (2) The certificate(s) of insurance must reference additional insureds and the Easement number. (3) Receipt of such certificates or policies by State does not constitute approval by State of the terms of such policies. (d) State must receive written notice before cancellation or non-renewal of any insurance required by this Easement, as follows: (1) Insurers subject to RCW 48.18 (admitted and regulated by the Insurance Commissioner): If cancellation is due to non-payment of premium, provide State ten (10) days' advance notice of cancellation; otherwise, provide State forty-five (45) days' advance notice of cancellation or non- renewal. (2) Insurers subject to RCW 48.15 (surplus lines): If cancellation is due to non-payment of premium, provide State ten (10) days' advance notice of cancellation; otherwise, provide State thirty(30) days' advance notice of cancellation or non-renewal. (e) Adjustments in Insurance Coverage. (1) State may impose changes in the limits of liability for all types of insurance as State deems necessary. (2) Grantee shall secure new or modified insurance coverage within thirty (30) days after State requires changes in the limits of liability. Aquatic Lands Easement Page 14 of 26 Easement No. 51-A71747 39 (f) If Grantee fails to procure and maintain the insurance described above within fifteen (15) days after Grantee receives a notice to comply from State, State may either: (1) Deem the failure an Event of Default under Section 14, or (2) Procure and maintain comparable substitute insurance and pay the premiums. Upon demand, Grantee shall pay to State the full amount paid by State, together with interest at the rate provided in Paragraph 6.2 from the date of State's notice of the expenditure until Grantee's repayment. (g) General Terms. (1) State does not represent that coverage and limits required under this Easement are adequate to protect Grantee. (2) Coverage and limits do not limit Grantee's liability for indemnification and reimbursements granted to State under this Easement. (3) The Parties shall use any insurance proceeds payable by reason of damage or destruction to Easement Property first to restore the Easement Property, then to pay the cost of the reconstruction, then to pay the State any sums in arrears, and then to Grantee. 10.3 Insurance Types and Limits. (a) General Liability Insurance. (1) Grantee shall maintain commercial general liability insurance (CGL) or marine general liability (MGL) covering claims for bodily injury, personal injury, or property damage arising on the Easement Property and/or arising out of the Permitted Use and, if necessary, commercial umbrella insurance with a limit of not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) per each occurrence. If such CGL or MGL insurance contains aggregate limits, the general aggregate limit must be at least twice the "each occurrence" limit. CGL or MGL insurance must have products-completed operations aggregate limit of at least two times the "each occurrence" limit. (2) CGL insurance must be written on Insurance Services Office (ISO) Occurrence Form CG 00 01 (or a substitute form providing equivalent coverage). All insurance must cover liability arising out of premises, operations, independent contractors, products completed operations, personal injury and advertising injury, and liability assumed under an insured contract(including the tort liability of another party assumed in a business contract) and contain separation of insured (cross-liability) condition. (3) MGL insurance must have no exclusions for non-owned watercraft. (b) Workers' Compensation. (1) State of Washington Workers' Compensation. (i) Grantee shall comply with all State of Washington workers' compensation statutes and regulations. Grantee shall provide workers' compensation coverage for all employees of Grantee. Coverage must include bodily injury (including death)by accident Aquatic Lands Easement Page 15 of 26 Easement No. 51-A71747 40 or disease, which arises out of or in connection with the Permitted Use or related activities. (ii) If Grantee fails to comply with all State of Washington workers' compensation statutes and regulations and State incurs fines or is required by law to provide benefits to or obtain coverage for such employees, Grantee shall indemnify State. Indemnity includes all fines; payment of benefits to Grantee, employees, or their heirs or legal representatives; and the cost of effecting coverage on behalf of such employees. (2) Longshore and Harbor Workers' and Jones Acts. Longshore and Harbor Workers' Act(33 U.S.C. Section 901 et seq.) and/or the Jones Act(46 U.S.C. Section 688) may require Grantee to provide insurance coverage in some circumstances. Grantee shall ascertain if such insurance is required and, if required, shall maintain insurance in compliance with law. Grantee is responsible for all civil and criminal liability arising from failure to maintain such coverage. (c) Employers' Liability Insurance. Grantee shall procure employers' liability insurance, and, if necessary, commercial umbrella liability insurance with limits not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) each accident for bodily injury by accident or One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) each employee for bodily injury by disease. 10.4 Financial Security. (a) At its own expense, Grantee shall procure and maintain during the Term of this Easement a corporate security bond or provide other financial security that State may approve ("Security"). Grantee shall provide Security in an amount equal to Zero Dollars ($0), which is consistent with RCW 79.105.330, and secures Grantee's performance of its obligations under this Easement, with the exception of the obligations under Section 8, Environmental Liability/Risk Allocation. Grantee's failure to maintain the Security in the required amount during the Term constitutes a breach of this Easement. (b) All Security must be in a form acceptable to the State. (1) Bonds must be issued by companies admitted to do business within the State of Washington and have a rating of A-, Class VII or better, in the most recently published edition of Best's Reports, unless State approves an exception. Grantee may submit a request to the Risk Manager for the Department of Natural Resources for an exception to this requirement. (2) Letters of credit, if approved by State, must be irrevocable, allow State to draw funds at will, provide for automatic renewal, and comply with RCW 62A.5-101, et. seq. (3) Savings account assignments, if approved by State, must allow State to draw funds at will. (c) Adjustment in Amount of Security. (1) State may require an adjustment in the Security amount: (i) At the same time as revaluation, if any, Aquatic Lands Easement Page 16 of 26 Easement No. 51-A71747 41 (ii) As a condition of approval of assignment of this Easement, (iii) Upon a material change in the condition or disposition of any Improvements, or (iv) Upon a change in the Permitted Use. (2) Grantee shall deliver a new or modified form of Security to State within thirty(30) days after State has required adjustment of the amount of the Security. (d) Upon any default by Grantee in its obligations under this Easement, State may collect on the Security to offset the liability of Grantee to State. Collection on the Security does not(1)relieve Grantee of liability, (2) limit any of State's other remedies, (3)reinstate or cure the default or (4) prevent termination of the Easement because of the default. SECTION 11 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR 11.1 State's Repairs. This Easement does not obligate State to make any alterations, maintenance, replacements, or repairs in, on, or about the Easement Property, during the Term. 11.2 Grantee's Repairs and Maintenance. (a) Routine maintenance and repair are acts intended to prevent a decline, lapse or, cessation of the Permitted Use and associated Improvements. Routine maintenance or repair is the type of work that does not require regulatory permits. (b) At Grantee's sole expense, Grantee shall keep and maintain all Grantee-Owned Improvements and the Easement Property as it relates to the Permitted Use in good order and repair and in a safe condition. State's consent is not required for routine maintenance or repair. (c) At Grantee's own expense, Grantee shall make any additions, repairs, alterations, maintenance, replacements, or changes to the Easement Property or to any Improvements on the Easement Property that any public authority requires because of the Permitted Use. (d) Upon completion of maintenance activities, Grantee shall remove all debris and restore the Easement Property, as nearly as possible, to the condition prior to the commencement of work. SECTION 12 DAMAGE OR DESTRUCTION 12.1 Notice and Repair. (a) In the event of any known damage to or destruction of the Easement Property or any Improvements, Grantee shall promptly give written notice to State. State does not have actual knowledge of the damage or destruction of the Easement Property or any Improvements without Grantee's written notice. (b) Unless otherwise agreed in writing, Grantee shall promptly reconstruct, repair, or replace any Improvements in accordance with Paragraph 7.3, Construction, Major Aquatic Lands Easement Page 17 of 26 Easement No. 51-A71747 42 Repair, Modification, and Demolition, as nearly as possible to its condition immediately prior to the damage or destruction. Where damage to state-owned aquatic land or natural resources is attributable to the Permitted Use or related activities, Grantee shall promptly restore the lands or resources to the condition preceding the damage in accordance with Paragraph 7.3 unless otherwise agreed in writing. 12.2 State's Waiver of Claim. State does not waive any claims for damage or destruction of the Easement Property unless State provides written notice to Grantee of each specific claim waived. 12.3 Insurance Proceeds. Grantee's duty to reconstruct, repair, or replace any damage or destruction of the Easement Property or any Improvements on the Easement Property is not conditioned upon the availability of any insurance proceeds to Grantee from which the cost of repairs may be paid. The Parties shall use insurance proceeds in accordance with Paragraph 10.2(g)(3). SECTION 13 CONDEMNATION In the event of condemnation, the Parties shall allocate the award between State and Grantee based upon the ratio of the fair market value of(1) Grantee's rights in the Easement Property and Grantee-Owned Improvements and (2) State's interest in the Easement Property; the reversionary interest in Grantee-Owned Improvements, if any; and State-Owned Improvements. In the event of a partial taking, the Parties shall compute the ratio based on the portion of Easement Property or Improvements taken. If Grantee and State are unable to agree on the allocation, the Parties shall submit the dispute to binding arbitration in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association. SECTION 14 REMEDIES AND TERMINATION 14.1 Breach. (a) State may terminate this Easement upon Grantee's failure to cure a breach of its terms within sixty (60) days of State's written notice of breach. (b) For nonmonetary breach not capable of cure within sixty (60) days, State will not unreasonably withhold approval of a reasonable alternative cure schedule. Grantee must submit a cure schedule within thirty (30) days of a notice of breach. State shall not terminate if State approves the schedule and Grantee works diligently and in good faith to execute the cure. State may terminate if Grantee fails to timely submit a schedule or fails to cure in accordance with an approved schedule. (c) If breach arises from Grantee's failure to comply with restrictions on Permitted use under Paragraph 2.2, State may, without terminating this Easement, restore the natural resources or Property and charge Grantee restoration costs and/or Aquatic Lands Easement Page 18 of 26 Easement No. 51-A71747 43 charge Grantee damages. On demand by State, Grantee shall pay all costs and/or damages. 14.2 Termination by Nonuse. If Grantee does not use the Easement Property for a period of three (3) successive years, this Easement terminates without further action by State. Grantee's rights revert to State upon Termination by Nonuse. 14.3 Termination by Grantee. Grantee may terminate this Easement upon providing State with sixty (60) days written notice of intent to terminate. Grantee shall comply with Paragraph 3.3, End of Term. 14.4 Remedies Not Exclusive. The remedies specified under this Section 14 are not exclusive of any other remedies or means of redress to which the State is lawfully entitled for Grantee's breach or threatened breach of any provision of this Easement. SECTION 15 NOTICE AND SUBMITTALS Following are the locations for delivery of notice and submittals required or permitted under this Easement. Any Party may change the place of delivery upon ten (10) days written notice to the other. State: DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES Shoreline District Aquatics 950 Farman Avenue North Enumclaw, WA 98022-9282 Grantee: CITY OF KENT 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA98032 The Parties may deliver any notice in person, by facsimile machine, or by certified mail. Depending on the method of delivery, notice is effective upon personal delivery, upon receipt of a confirmation report if delivered by facsimile machine, or three (3) days after mailing. All notices must identify the Easement number. On notices transmitted by facsimile machine,the Parties shall state the number of pages contained in the notice, including the transmittal page, if any. SECTION 16 MISCELLANEOUS 16.1 Authority. Grantee and the person or persons executing this Easement on behalf of Grantee represent that Grantee is qualified to do business in the State of Washington, that Grantee has full right and authority to enter into this Easement, and that each and every person Aquatic Lands Easement Page 19 of 26 Easement No. 51-A71747 44 signing on behalf of Grantee is authorized to do so. Upon State's request, Grantee shall provide evidence satisfactory to State confirming these representations. 16.2 Successors and Assigns. This Easement binds and inures to the benefit of the Parties, their successors, and assigns. 16.3 Headings. The headings used in this Easement are for convenience only and in no way define, limit, or extend the scope of this Easement or the intent of any provision. 16.4 Entire Agreement. This Easement, including the exhibits and addenda, if any, contains the entire agreement of the Parties. This Easement merges all prior and contemporaneous agreements, promises, representations, and statements relating to this transaction or to the Easement Property. 16.5 Waiver. (a) The waiver of any breach or default of any term, covenant, or condition of this Easement is not a waiver of such term, covenant, or condition; of any subsequent breach or default of the same; or of any other term, covenant, or condition of this Easement. State's acceptance of payment is not a waiver of any preceding or existing breach other than the failure to pay the particular payment that was accepted. (b) The renewal of the Easement, extension of the Easement, or the issuance of anew Easement to Grantee, does not waive State's ability to pursue any rights or remedies under the Easement. 16.6 Cumulative Remedies. The rights and remedies of State under this Easement are cumulative and in addition to all other rights and remedies afforded by law or equity or otherwise. 16.7 Time is of the Essence. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE as to each and every provision of this Easement. 16.8 Language. The word "Grantee" as used in this Easement applies to one or more persons, as the case may be. The singular includes the plural, and the neuter includes the masculine and feminine. If there is more than one Grantee, their obligations are joint and several. The word "persons,"whenever used, includes individuals,firms, associations, and corporations. The word "Parties"means State and Grantee in the collective. The word "Party"means either or both State and Grantee, depending on context. 16.9 Invalidity. The invalidity, voidness, or illegality of any provision of this Easement does not affect, impair, or invalidate any other provision of this Easement. 16.10 Applicable Law and Venue. This Easement is to be interpreted and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. Any reference to a statute means that statute as presently enacted or hereafter amended or superseded. Venue for any action arising Aquatic Lands Easement Page 20 of 26 Easement No. 51-A71747 45 out of or in connection with this Easement is in the Superior Court for Thurston County, Washington. 16.11 Recordation. At Grantee's expense and no later than thirty (30) days after receiving the fully-executed Easement, Grantee shall record this Easement in the county in which the Property is located. Grantee shall include the parcel number of the upland property used in conjunction with the Property, if any. Grantee shall provide State with recording information, including the date of recordation and file number. 16.12 Modification. No modification of this Easement is effective unless in writing and signed by the Parties. Oral representations or statements do not bind either Party. 16.13 Survival. Any obligations of Grantee not fully performed upon termination of this Easement do not cease, but continue as obligations of the Grantee until fully performed. Aquatic Lands Easement Page 21 of 26 Easement No. 51-A71747 46 16.14 Exhibits. All referenced exhibits are incorporated in this Easement unless expressly identified as unincorporated. CITY OF KENT Dated: 120 By: SUZETTE COOKE Title: Mayor Address: 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES Dated: 120 By: PETER GOLDMARK Title: Commissioner of Public Lands Address: Shoreline District Aquatics 950 Farman Avenue North Enumclaw, WA 98022-9282 Approved as to form this 16 day of June 2010 Janis Snoey, Assistant Attorney General Aquatic Lands Easement Page 22 of 26 Easement No. 51-A71747 47 REPRESENTATIVE ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF ) ss County of ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that SUZETTE COOKE is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that she signed this instrument, on oath stated that she was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the Mayor of the CITY OF KENT to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated: (Signature) (Seal or stamp) (Print Name) Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at My appointment expires Aquatic Lands Easement Page 23 of 26 Easement No. 51-A71747 48 STATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OF ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that PETER GOLDMARK is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he signed this instrument, on oath stated that he was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC LANDS, and ex officio administrator of the DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated: (Signature) (Seal or stamp) (Print Name) Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at My appointment expires Aquatic Lands Easement Page 24 of 26 Easement No. 51-A71747 49 EXHIBIT A A STRIP OF LAND 1.83 FEET IN WIDTH OVER A PORTION OF GOVERNMENT LOT 3 IN SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M. AND IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SAID STRIP BEING 0.915 FEET ON EACH SIDE OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED CENTERLINE: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTH ONE QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION 10; THENCE S89039'21"E ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 10, A DISTANCE OF 1,543.72 FEET TO A POINT ON THE CENTERLINE OF FRAGER ROAD, SAID POINT BEING ON A 2,400.00 FOOT RADIUS CIRCULAR CURVE TO THE RIGHT, THE CENTER OF WHICH BEARS S65048'49"E; THENCE, NORTHEASTERLY, ALONG SAID CURVE AND CENTERLINE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 00004'17", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 2.99 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENCY WITH A 2,400,00 FOOT RADIUS CIRCULAR CURVE TO THE LEFT; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY, ALONG SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 03034'52", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 150,00 FEET; THENCE S70003'20"E 58.00 FEET, MORE OR LESS TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY LINE OF ORDINARY HIGH WATER OF THE GREEN RIVER AND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE HERIN DESCRIBED CENTERLINE; THENCE CONTINUING S070003'20"E 95.00 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE EASTERLY LINE OF ORDINARY HIGH WATER OF THE GREEN RIVER AND THE TERMINUS OF SAID CENTERLINE. THE SIDELINES OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED STRIP OF LAND SHALL BE LENGTHENED OR SHORTENED, AS REQUIRED, TO INTERSECT THE EASTERLY AND WESTERLY LINES OF ORDINARY HIGH WATER OF SAID GREEN RIVER. Aquatic Lands Easement Page 25 of 26 Easement No. 51-A71747 50 EXHIBIT B 1. DESCRIPTION OF PERMITTED USE A. Existing Facilities. An 8" sewer force main enclosed in a 12" conduit, attached to the City of Kent pedestrian bridge (easement no. 51-071513). B. Proposed Facilities. Grantee proposes no new facilities. Aquatic Lands Easement Page 26 of 26 Easement No. 51-A71747 51 When recorded, return to: City of Kent 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA98032 04r INIVAI vnn�xait IAaiaxaiaxav�l i��xuau WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF Natural Resources Peter Goldmark-Commissioner of Public Lands AQUATIC LANDS EASEMENT Easement No. 51-A71513 Grantor: Washington State Department of Natural Resources Grantee(s): City of Kent Legal Description: Section 10, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M. Assessor's Property Tax Parcel or Account Number: Not Applicable Assessor's Property Tax Parcel or Account Number for Upland parcel used in conjunction with this Easement: Not Applicable THIS AGREEMENT is made by and between the STATE OF WASHINGTON, acting through the Department of Natural Resources ("State"), and the CITY OF KENT, a government agency/entity("Grantee"). State has authority to enter into this Easement under Chapter 43.12 RCW, Chapter 43.30 RCW, and Title 79 of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW). THE Parties agree as follows: SECTION 1 GRANT OF EASEMENT 1.1 Easement Defined. (a) State grants and conveys to Grantee a nonexclusive easement, subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement, over, upon, and under the real property at Green River: described in Exhibit A. hi this agreement, the term "Easement"means this agreement and the rights granted; the term "Easement Property"means the real property subject to the easement. Aquatic Lands Easement Page 1 of 26 Easement No. 51-A71513 52 (b) This Easement is subject to all valid interests of third parties noted in the records of King County, or on file in the Office of the Commissioner of Public Lands, Olympia, Washington; rights of the public under the Public Trust Doctrine or federal navigation servitude; and treaty rights of Indian Tribes. (c) This Easement does not include any right to harvest, collect or damage any natural resource, including aquatic life or living plants, any water rights, or any mineral rights, including any right to excavate or withdraw sand, gravel, or other valuable materials. (d) This Easement does not include the right to grant easements and franchises to third parties. State reserves the right to reasonably grant, condition, or approve all third party easements and franchises regardless of whether the third party's use is incidental to the Easement. State shall not unreasonably condition or deny third- party easements or franchises necessary for continuation of utilities, including communication systems. 1.2 Survey and Easement Property Descriptions. (a) Grantee prepared Exhibit A, which describes the Easement Property. Grantee represents that Exhibit A is a true and accurate description of the Easement boundaries and the improvements to be constructed or already existing in the Easement area. Grantee's obligation to provide a true and accurate description of the Easement Property boundaries is a material term of this Easement. (b) State's acceptance of Exhibit A does not constitute agreement that Grantee's property description accurately reflects the actual amount of land used by Grantee. State reserves the right to retroactively adjust fees if at any time during the Term State discovers a discrepancy between Grantee's property description and the area actually used by Grantee. 1.3 Condition of Easement Property. State makes no representation regarding the condition of the Easement Property, improvements located on the Easement Property, the suitability of the Easement Property for Grantee's Permitted Use, compliance with governmental laws and regulations, availability of utility rights, access to the Easement Property, or the existence of hazardous substances on the Easement Property. SECTION 2 USE 2.1 Permitted Use. Grantee shall use the Easement Property for: a pedestrian bridge (the "Permitted Use"), and for no other purpose, including utilities unless specifically identified as part of the Permitted Use. The Permitted Use is described or shown in detail in Exhibit B. 2.2 Restrictions on Use. (a) The limitations in this Paragraph 2.2 apply to the Property and adjacent state- owned aquatic land. Grantee's compliance with this Paragraph 2.2 does not limit Grantee's liability under any other provision of this Easement. (b) Grantee shall not cause or permit: Aquatic Lands Easement Page 2 of 26 Easement No. 51-A71513 53 (1) Damage to natural resources, (2) Waste, or (3) Deposit of material, unless approved by State in writing. This prohibition includes deposit of fill, rock, earth, ballast, wood waste, refuse, garbage, waste matter, pollutants of any type, or other matter. 2.3 Conformance with Laws. Grantee shall keep current and comply with all conditions and terms of any permits, licenses, certificates, regulations, ordinances, statutes, and other government rules and regulations regarding Grantee's use of the Easement Property. 2.4 Liens and Encumbrances. Grantee shall keep the Easement Property free and clear of any liens and encumbrances arising out of or relating to its use of the Easement Property, unless expressly authorized by State in writing. 2.5 Interference with Other Uses. (a) Grantee shall exercise Grantee's rights under this Easement in a manner that minimizes or avoids interference with the rights of State, the public or others with valid right to use or occupy the Easement Property or surrounding lands and water. (b) To the fullest extent reasonably possible, Grantee shall place and construct Improvements in a manner that allows unobstructed movement in and on the waters above and around the Easement Property. (c) Except in an emergency, Grantee shall provide State with written notice of construction or other significant activity on Easement Property at least thirty(30) days in advance. "Significant Activity"means any activity that may affect use or enjoyment by the State, public, or others with valid rights to use or occupy the Easement Property or surrounding lands and water. (d) Grantee shall mark the location of any hazards associated with the Permitted Use and any Improvements in a manner that ensures reasonable notice to the public. SECTION 3 TERM 3.1 Term Defined. The term of this Easement is Thirty(30)years (the "Term"), beginning on the 15a' day of March, 2014 (the "Commencement Date"), and ending on the 14a' day of March, 2044 (the "Termination Date"), unless terminated sooner under the terms of this Easement. 3.2 Renewal of the Easement. This Easement does not provide a right of renewal. Grantee may apply for a new Easement, which State has discretion to grant. Grantee must apply for a new Easement at least one (1) year prior to Termination Date. State shall notify Grantee within ninety(90) days of its intent to approve or deny a new Easement. Aquatic Lands Easement Page 3 of 26 Easement No. 51-A71513 54 3.3 End of Term. (a) Upon the expiration or termination of this Easement, Grantee shall remove Improvements in accordance with Section 7, Improvements, and surrender the Easement Property to State in the same or better condition as on the Commencement Date, reasonable wear and tear excepted. (b) Definition of Reasonable Wear and Tear. (1) Reasonable wear and tear is deterioration resulting from the Permitted Use that has occurred without neglect, negligence, carelessness, accident, or abuse by Grantee or Grantee's contractors, agents, invitees, guests, employees, affiliates, licensees, or permittees. (2) Reasonable wear and tear does not include any deposit of material prohibited under Paragraph 2.2(b)unless expressly permitted by State in writing and regardless of whether the deposit is incidental to or the byproduct of the Permitted Use. (c) If Easement Property is in worse condition, excepting for reasonable wear and tear, on the surrender date than on the Commencement Date,the following provisions apply. (1) State shall provide Grantee a reasonable time to take all steps necessary to remedy the condition of the Easement Property. State may require Grantee to enter into a right-of-entry or other use authorization prior to the Grantee entering the Easement Property to remedy any breach of this Paragraph 3.3. (2) If Grantee fails to remedy the condition of the Easement Property in a timely manner, State may take any steps reasonably necessary to remedy Grantee's failure. Upon demand by State, Grantee shall pay all costs of such remedial action, including but not limited to the costs of removing and disposing of any material deposited improperly on the Easement Property, lost revenue resulting from the condition of the Easement Property prior to and during remedial action, and any administrative costs associated with the remedial action. SECTION FEES 4.1 Fee. For the Term, Grantee shall pay to State a use fee of Zero Dollars (SO) and an administrative fee calculated in accordance with RCW 79.110.240(4)payable on or before the Commencement Date. Any payment not paid by State's close of business on the date due is past due. 4.2 Payment Place. Grantee shall make payment to Financial Management Division, 1111 Washington St SE, PO Box 47041, Olympia, WA 98504-7041. Aquatic Lands Easement Page 4 of 26 Easement No. 51-A71513 55 SECTION 5 OTHER EXPENSES 5.1 Utilities. Grantee shall pay all fees charged for utilities required or needed by the Permitted Use. 5.2 Taxes and Assessments. Grantee shall pay all taxes, assessments, and other governmental charges, of any kind whatsoever, applicable or attributable to the Easement and the Permitted Use. 5.3 Failure to Pay. If Grantee fails to pay any of the amounts due under this Easement, State may pay the amount due, and recover its cost in accordance with Section 6. SECTION 6 LATE PAYMENTS AND OTHER CHARGES 6.1 Failure to Pay. Failure to pay any fees or other expenses is a default by Grantee. State may seek remedies in Section 14 as well as late charges and interest as provided in this Section 6. 6.2 Late Charge. If State does not receive any payment within ten (10) days of the date due, Grantee shall pay to State a late charge equal to four percent(4%) of the unpaid or Fifty Dollars ($50), whichever is greater,to defray the overhead expenses of State incident to the delay. 6.3 Interest Penalty for Past Due Fees and Other Sums Owed. (a) Grantee shall pay interest on the past due fee at the rate of one percent(1%) per month until paid, in addition to paying the late charges determined under Paragraph 6.2. Fee not paid by the close of business day on the due date will begin accruing interest the day after the due date. (b) If State pays or advances any amounts for or on behalf of Grantee, Grantee shall reimburse State for the amount paid or advanced and shall pay interest on that amount at the rate of one percent(1%)per month from the date State notifies Grantee of the payment or advance. This includes, but is not limited to taxes, assessments, insurance premiums, costs of removal and disposal of unauthorized materials pursuant to Paragraph 2.2 above, costs of removal and disposal of improvements pursuant to Section 7 below, or other amounts not paid when due. 6.4 Referral to Collection Agency and Collection Agency Fees. If State does not receive payment within thirty (30) days of the due date, State may refer the unpaid amount to a collection agency as provided by RCW 19.16.500 or other applicable law. Upon referral, Grantee shall pay collection agency fees in addition to the unpaid amount. 6.5 No Accord and Satisfaction. If Grantee pays, or State otherwise receives, an amount less than the full amount then due, State may apply such payment as it elects. No endorsement or statement on any check, any payment, or any letter accompanying any check or payment constitutes accord and satisfaction. Aquatic Lands Easement Page 5 of 26 Easement No. 51-A71513 56 SECTION 7 IMPROVEMENTS 7.1 Improvements Defined. (a) "Improvements," consistent with RCW 79.105 through 79.145, are additions within, upon, or attached to the land. This includes, but is not limited to, structures and fixtures. (b) "Personal Property"means items that can be removed from the Easement Property without(1) injury to the Easement Property, adjacent state-owned lands or Improvements or (2) diminishing the value or utility of the Easement Property, adjacent state-owned lands or Improvements. (c) "State-Owned Improvements" are Improvements made or owned by State. State- Owned Improvements includes any construction, alteration, or addition to State- Owned Improvements made by Grantee. (d) "Grantee-Owned Improvements" are Improvements made by Grantee with State's consent. (e) "Unauthorized Improvements" are Improvements made on the Easement Property without State's prior consent or Improvements made by Grantee that do not conform with plans submitted to and approved by the State. (f) "Improvements Owned by Others" are Improvements made by Others with a right to occupy or use the Easement Property or adjacent state-owned lands. 7.2 Existing Improvements. On the Commencement Date,the following Improvements are located on the Easement Property: City of Kent Sewer Main 51-071747 (Grantee Owned), TCI Cablevision of Washington Fiber Optic Cable 51-071597 (Owned by Others), Puget Sound Energy Powerline 51-071748 (Owned by Others), Qwest Corporation Fiber Optic Cable 51- 077142 (Owned by Others). 7.3 Construction, Major Repair, Modification, and Demolition. (a) This Paragraph 7.3 governs construction, alteration, replacement, major repair, modification alteration, demolition and deconstruction of Improvements ("Work"). Section 11 governs routine maintenance and minor repair of Improvements and Easement Property. (b) All Work must conform with State's standards for Improvements current at the time Grantee submits plans and specifications for State's approval. (c) Except in an emergency, Grantee shall not conduct any Work without State's prior written consent, as follows: (1) State may deny consent if State determines that denial is in the best interests of the State. State may impose additional conditions reasonably intended to protect and preserve the Easement Property. If Work is for removal of Improvements at End of Term, State may waive removal of some or all Improvements. (2) Except in an emergency, Grantee shall submit to State plans and specifications describing the proposed Work at least sixty (60) days before submitting permit applications to regulatory authorities unless Grantee and State otherwise agree to coordinate permit applications. At a minimum, or Aquatic Lands Easement Page 6 of 26 Easement No. 51-A71513 57 if no permits are necessary, Grantee shall submit plans and specifications at least ninety(90) days before commencement of Work. (3) State waives the requirement for consent if State does not notify Grantee of its grant or denial of consent within sixty(60) days of submittal. (d) Grantee shall notify State of emergency Work within five (5)business days of the start of such Work. Upon State's request, Grantee shall provide State with plans and specifications or as-builts of emergency Work. (e) Grantee shall not commence or authorize Work until Grantee has: (1) Obtained a performance and payment bond in an amount equal to Zero percent(0%)of the estimated cost of construction. Grantee shall maintain the performance and payment bond until Grantee pays in full the costs of the Work, including all laborers and material persons. (2) Obtained all required permits. (3) Provided notice of Significant Activity in accordance with Paragraph 2.5(c). (f) Grantee shall preserve and protect Improvements Owned by Others, if any. (g) Grantee shall preserve all legal land subdivision survey markers and witness objects ("Markers.") If disturbance of a Marker will be a necessary consequence of Grantee's construction, Grantee shall reference and/or replace the Marker in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations current at the time, including, but not limited to Chapter 58.24 RCW. At Grantee's expense, Grantee shall retain a registered professional engineer or licensed land surveyor to reestablish destroyed or disturbed Markers in accordance with U.S. General Land Office standards. (h) Before completing Work, Grantee shall remove all debris and restore the Easement Property, as nearly as possible, to the condition prior to the commencement of Work. If Work is intended for removal of Improvements at End of Term, Grantee shall restore the Easement Property in accordance with Paragraph 3.3, End of Term. (i) Upon completing work, Grantee shall promptly provide State with as-built plans and specifications. (j) State shall not charge rent for authorized Improvements installed by Grantee during this Term of this Easement, but State may charge rent for such Improvements when and if the Grantee or successor obtains a subsequent use authorization for the Easement Property and State has waived the requirement for Improvements to be removed as provided in Paragraph 7.4. 7.4 Grantee-Owned Improvements at End of Easement. (a) Disposition. (1) Grantee shall remove Grantee-Owned Improvements in accordance with Paragraph 7.3 upon the expiration, termination, or cancellation of the Easement unless State waives the requirement for removal. (2) Grantee-Owned Improvements remaining on the Easement Property on the expiration, termination, or cancellation date become State-Owned Aquatic Lands Easement Page 7 of 26 Easement No. 51-A71513 58 Improvements without payment by State, unless State elects otherwise. State may refuse or waive ownership. (3) If Grantee-Owned Improvements remain on the Easement Property after the expiration, termination, or cancellation date without State's consent, State may remove all Improvements and Grantee shall pay the costs of removal and disposal. (b) Conditions Under Which State May Waive Removal of Grantee-Owned Improvements. (1) State may waive removal of any or all Grantee-Owned Improvements whenever State determines that it is in the best interests of the State. (2) If Grantee renews the Easement or enters into a new Easement, State may waive requirement to remove Grantee-Owned Improvements. State also may consent to Grantee's continued ownership of Grantee-Owned Improvements. (3) If Grantee does not renew the Easement or enter into a new Easement, State may waive requirement to remove Grantee-Owned Improvements upon consideration of a timely request from Grantee, as follows: (i) Grantee must notify State at least one (1) year before the Termination Date of its request to leave Grantee-Owned Improvements. (ii) State, within ninety (90) days, will notify Grantee whether State consents to any or all Grantee-Owned Improvements remaining. State has no obligation to grant consent. (iii) State's failure to respond to Grantee's request to leave Improvements within ninety(90) days is a denial of the request. (c) Grantee's Obligations if State Waives Removal. (1) Grantee shall not remove Improvements if State waives the requirement for removal of any or all Grantee-Owned Improvements. (2) Grantee shall maintain such Improvements in accordance with this Easement until the expiration, termination, or cancellation date. Grantee is liable to State for cost of repair if Grantee causes or allows damage to Improvements State has designated to remain. 7.5 Disposition of Unauthorized Improvements. (a) Unauthorized Improvements belong to State, unless State elects otherwise. (b) State may either: (1) Consent to Grantee ownership of the Improvements, or (2) Charge use and occupancy fee in accordance with RCW 79.105.200 of the Improvements from the time of installation or construction and (i) Require Grantee to remove the Improvements in accordance with Paragraph 7.3, in which case Grantee shall pay use and occupancy fee for the Improvements until removal, (ii) Consent to Improvements remaining and Grantee shall pay use and occupancy fee for the use of the Improvements, or Aquatic Lands Easement Page 8 of 26 Easement No. 51-A71513 59 (iii) Remove Improvements and Grantee shall pay for the cost of removal and disposal, in which case Grantee shall pay use and occupancy fee for use of the Improvements until removal and disposal. 7.6 Disposition of Personal Property. (a) Grantee retains ownership of Personal Property unless Grantee and State agree otherwise in writing. (b) Grantee shall remove Personal Property from the Easement Property by the Termination Date. Grantee is liable for any damage to the Easement Property and to any Improvements that may result from removal of Personal Property. (c) State may sell or dispose of all Personal Property left on the Easement Property after the Termination Date. (1) If State conducts a sale of Personal Property, State shall apply proceeds first to the State's administrative costs in conducting the sale, second to payment of amount that then may be due from the Grantee to the State, and State shall pay the remainder, if any, to the Grantee. (2) If State disposes of Personal Property, Grantee shall pay for the cost of removal and disposal. SECTION 8 ENVIRONMENTAL LIABILITY/RISK ALLOCATION 8.1 Definitions. (a) "Hazardous Substance" means any substance that now or in the future becomes regulated or defined under any federal, state, or local statute, ordinance, rule, regulation, or other law relating to human health, environmental protection, contamination, pollution, or cleanup. (b) "Release or threatened release of Hazardous Substance"means a release or threatened release as defined under any law described in Paragraph 8.1(a). (c) "Utmost care"means such a degree of care as would be exercised by a very careful, prudent, and competent person under the same or similar circumstances; the standard of care applicable under the Washington State Model Toxics Control Act("MTCA"), Chapter 70.105 RCW, as amended. (d) "Grantee and affiliates"when used in this Section 8 means Grantee or Grantee's subgrantees, contractors, agents, employees, guests, invitees, licensees, affiliates, or any person on the Easement Property with the Grantee's permission. (e) "Liabilities" as used in this Section 8 means any claims, demands, proceedings, lawsuits, damages, costs, expenses, fees (including attorneys' fees and disbursements), penalties, or judgments. 8.2 General Conditions. (a) Grantee's obligations under this Section 8 extend to the area in, on, under, or above: (1) The Easement Property and Aquatic Lands Easement Page 9 of 26 Easement No. 51-A71513 60 (2) Adjacent state-owned aquatic lands if affected by a release of Hazardous Substances that occurs as a result of the Permitted Use. (b) Standard of Care. (1) Grantee shall exercise the utmost care with respect to Hazardous Substances. (2) As relates to the Permitted Use, Grantee shall exercise utmost care for the foreseeable acts or omissions of third parties with respect to Hazardous Substances, and the foreseeable consequences of those acts or omissions, to the extent required to establish a viable,third-party defense under the law. 8.3 Current Conditions and Duty to Investigate. (a) State makes no representation about the condition of the Easement Property. Hazardous Substances may exist in, on, under, or above the Easement Property. (b) This Easement does not impose a duty on State to conduct investigations or supply information to Grantee about Hazardous Substances. (c) Grantee is responsible for conducting all appropriate inquiry and gathering sufficient information about the existence, scope, and location of Hazardous Substances on or near the Property necessary for Grantee to meet Grantee's obligations under this Easement and utilize the Property for the Permitted Use. 8.4 Use of Hazardous Substances. (a) Grantee and affiliates shall not use, store, generate, process, transport, handle, release, or dispose of Hazardous Substances, except in accordance with all applicable laws. (b) Grantee shall not undertake, or allow others to undertake by Grantee's permission, acquiescence, or failure to act, activities that result in a release or threatened release of Hazardous Substances. (c) If use of Hazardous Substances related to the Permitted Use results in a violation of law: (1) Grantee shall submit to State any plans for remedying the violations, and (2) Grantee shall implement any measures to restore the Easement Property or natural resources that State may require in addition to remedial measures required by regulatory authorities. 8.5 Management of Contamination,if any. (a) Grantee and affiliates shall not undertake activities that: (1) Damage or interfere with the operation of remedial or restoration activities, if any; (2) Result in human or environmental exposure to contaminated sediments, if any; (3) Result in the mechanical or chemical disturbance of on-site habitat mitigation, if any. (b) If requested, Grantee shall allow reasonable access to: Aquatic Lands Easement Page 10 of 26 Easement No. 51-A71513 61 (1) Employees and authorized agents of the Environmental Protection Agency, the Washington State Department of Ecology, health department, or other similar environmental agencies; and (2) Potentially liable or responsible parties who are the subject of an order or consent decree that requires access to the Easement Property. Grantee may negotiate an access agreement with such parties, but Grantee may not unreasonably withhold such agreement. 8.6 Notification and Reporting. (a) Grantee shall immediately notify State if Grantee becomes aware of any of the following: (1) A release or threatened release of Hazardous Substances; (2) Any new discovery of or new information about a problem or liability related to, or derived from,the presence of Hazardous Substances; (3) Any lien or action arising from Hazardous substances; (4) Any actual or alleged violation of any federal, state, or local statute, ordinance, rule, regulation, or other law pertaining to Hazardous Substances; (5) Any notification from the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or the Washington State Department of Ecology(DOE)that remediation or removal of Hazardous Substances is or may be required at the Easement Property. (b) Grantee's duty to report under Paragraph 8.6(a) extends to lands described in Paragraph 8.2(a) and to any other property used by Grantee in conjunction with the Easement Property if a release of Hazardous Substances on the other property could affect the Easement Property. (c) Grantee shall provide State with copies of all documents Grantee submits to any federal, state, or local authorities concerning environmental impacts or proposals relative to the Easement Property. Documents subject to this requirement include, but are not limited to, applications, reports, studies, or audits for National Pollution Discharge and Elimination System Permits; Army Corps of Engineers permits; State Hydraulic Project Approvals (HPA); State Water Quality certification; Substantial Development permit; and any reporting necessary for the existence, location, and storage of Hazardous Substances on the Property. 8.7 Indemnification. (a) Grantee shall fully indemnify, defend, and hold State harmless from and against Liabilities that arise out of, or relate to: (1) The use, storage, generation, processing,transportation, handling, or disposal of any Hazardous Substance by Grantee and affiliates occurring whenever Grantee uses or has used the Easement Property; (2) The release or threatened release of any Hazardous Substance resulting from any act or omission of Grantee and affiliates occurring whenever Grantee uses or has used the Easement Property. Aquatic Lands Easement Page 11 of 26 Easement No. 51-A71513 62 (b) Grantee shall fully indemnify, defend, and hold State harmless for any Liabilities that arise out of or relate to Grantee's breach of obligations under Paragraph 8.5. (c) Grantee has no duty to indemnify State for acts or omissions of third parties unless and only if an administrative or legal proceeding arising from a release or threatened release of Hazardous Substances finds or holds that Grantee failed to exercise care as described in Paragraph 8.2(b)(2). In such case, Grantee shall fully indemnify, defend, and hold State harmless from and against Liabilities arising from the acts or omissions of third parties in relation to the release or threatened release of Hazardous Substances. This includes Liabilities arising before the finding or holding in the proceeding. 8.8 Reservation of Rights. (a) For Liabilities not covered by the indemnification provisions of Paragraph 8.7, the Parties expressly reserve and do not waive any rights, claims, immunities, causes of action, or defenses relating to Hazardous Substances that either Party may have against the other under law. (b) The Parties expressly reserve all rights, claims, immunities, and defenses either Party may have against third parties. Nothing in this Section 8 benefits or creates rights for third parties. (c) The allocations of risks, Liabilities, and responsibilities set forth in this Section 8 do not release either Party from or affect the liability of either Party for Hazardous Substances claims or actions by regulatory agencies. 8.9 Cleanup. (a) If Grantee's act, omission, or breach of obligation under Paragraph 8.4 results in a release of Hazardous Substances that exceeds the threshold limits of any applicable regulatory standard, Grantee shall, at Grantee's sole expense, promptly take all actions necessary or advisable to clean up the Hazardous Substances in accordance with applicable law. (b) Grantee may undertake a cleanup of the Property pursuant to the Washington State Department of Ecology's Voluntary Cleanup Program, provided that Grantee cooperates with the Department of Natural Resources in development of cleanup plans. Grantee shall not proceed with Voluntary Cleanup without the Department of Natural Resources approval of final plans. Nothing in the operation of this provision is an agreement by the Department of Natural Resources that the Voluntary Cleanup complies with any laws or with the provisions of this Easement. Grantee's completion of a Voluntary Cleanup is not a release from or waiver of any obligation for Hazardous Substances under this Easement. 8.10 Sampling by State, Reimbursement, and Split Samples. (a) State may conduct sampling, tests, audits, surveys, or investigations ("Tests") of the Easement Property at any time to determine the existence, scope, or effects of Hazardous Substances. Aquatic Lands Easement Page 12 of 26 Easement No. 51-A71513 63 (b) If such Tests, along with any other information, demonstrate a breach of Grantee's obligations regarding Hazardous Substances under this Easement, Grantee shall promptly reimburse State for all costs associated with the Tests, provided State gave Grantee thirty (30) calendar days advance notice in nonemergencies and reasonably practical notice in emergencies. (c) In nonemergencies, Grantee is entitled to obtain split samples of Test samples, provided Grantee gives State written notice requesting split samples at least ten (10) calendar days before State conducts Tests. Upon demand, Grantee shall promptly reimburse State for additional cost, if any, of split samples. (d) If either Party conducts Tests on the Property, the conducting Party shall provide the other with validated final data and quality assurance/quality control/chain of custody information about the Tests within sixty(60) calendar days of a written request by the other party, unless Tests are part of a submittal under Paragraph 8.6(c) in which case Grantee shall submit data and information to State without written request by State. Neither party is obligated to provide any analytical summaries or the work product of experts. SECTION 9 ASSIGNMENT Grantee shall not assign any part of Grantee's interest in this Easement or the Easement Property or grant any rights or franchises to third parties without State's prior written consent, which State shall not unreasonably condition or withhold. State reserves the right to reasonably change the terms and conditions of this Easement upon State's consent to assignment. SECTION 10 INDEMNITY, FINANCIAL SECURITY, INSURANCE 10.1 Indemnity. Each Party is responsible for the actions and inactions of itself and its own officers, employees, and agents acting within the scope of their authority. 10.2 Insurance Terms. (a) Insurance Required. (1) Grantee certifies that it is self-insured for all the liability exposures, its self-insurance plan satisfies all State requirements, and its self-insurance plan provides coverage equal to that required in this Paragraph 10.2 and by Paragraph 10.3, Insurance Types and Limits. Grantee shall provide to State evidence of its status as a self-insured entity. Upon request by State, Grantee shall provide a written description of its financial condition and/or the self-insured funding mechanism. Grantee shall provide State with at least thirty (30) days' written notice prior to any material changes to Grantee's self-insured funding mechanism. (2) Unless State agrees to an exception, Grantee shall provide insurance issued by an insurance company or companies admitted to do business in the State of Washington and have a rating of A- or better by the most Aquatic Lands Easement Page 13 of 26 Easement No. 51-A71513 64 recently published edition of Best's Reports. Grantee may submit a request to the risk manager for the Department of Natural Resources to approve an exception to this requirement. If an insurer is not admitted, the insurance policies and procedures for issuing the insurance policies must comply with Chapter 48.15 RCW and 284-15 WAC. (3) All general liability, excess, umbrella, property, builder's risk, and pollution legal liability insurance policies must name the State of Washington, the Department of Natural Resources, its elected and appointed officials, agents, and employees as an additional insured. (4) All insurance provided in compliance with this Easement must be primary as to any other insurance or self-insurance programs afforded to or maintained by State. (b) Waiver. (1) Grantee waives all rights against State for recovery of damages to the extent insurance maintained pursuant to this Easement covers these damages. (2) Except as prohibited by law, Grantee waives all rights of subrogation against State for recovery of damages to the extent that they are covered by insurance maintained pursuant to this Easement. (c) Proof of Insurance. (1) Grantee shall provide State with a certificate(s) of insurance executed by a duly authorized representative of each insurer, showing compliance with insurance requirements specified in this Easement and, if requested, copies of policies to State. (2) The certificate(s) of insurance must reference additional insureds and the Easement number. (3) Receipt of such certificates or policies by State does not constitute approval by State of the terms of such policies. (d) State must receive written notice before cancellation or non-renewal of any insurance required by this Easement, as follows: (1) Insurers subject to RCW 48.18 (admitted and regulated by the Insurance Commissioner): If cancellation is due to non-payment of premium, provide State ten (10) days' advance notice of cancellation; otherwise, provide State forty-five (45) days' advance notice of cancellation or non- renewal. (2) Insurers subject to RCW 48.15 (surplus lines): If cancellation is due to non-payment of premium, provide State ten (10) days' advance notice of cancellation; otherwise, provide State thirty(30) days' advance notice of cancellation or non-renewal. (e) Adjustments in Insurance Coverage. (1) State may impose changes in the limits of liability for all types of insurance as State deems necessary. (2) Grantee shall secure new or modified insurance coverage within thirty (30) days after State requires changes in the limits of liability. Aquatic Lands Easement Page 14 of 26 Easement No. 51-A71513 65 (f) If Grantee fails to procure and maintain the insurance described above within fifteen (15) days after Grantee receives a notice to comply from State, State may either: (1) Deem the failure an Event of Default under Section 14, or (2) Procure and maintain comparable substitute insurance and pay the premiums. Upon demand, Grantee shall pay to State the full amount paid by State, together with interest at the rate provided in Paragraph 6.2 from the date of State's notice of the expenditure until Grantee's repayment. (g) General Terms. (1) State does not represent that coverage and limits required under this Easement are adequate to protect Grantee. (2) Coverage and limits do not limit Grantee's liability for indemnification and reimbursements granted to State under this Easement. (3) The Parties shall use any insurance proceeds payable by reason of damage or destruction to Easement Property first to restore the Easement Property, then to pay the cost of the reconstruction, then to pay the State any sums in arrears, and then to Grantee. 10.3 Insurance Types and Limits. (a) General Liability Insurance. (1) Grantee shall maintain commercial general liability insurance (CGL) or marine general liability (MGL) covering claims for bodily injury, personal injury, or property damage arising on the Easement Property and/or arising out of the Permitted Use and, if necessary, commercial umbrella insurance with a limit of not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) per each occurrence. If such CGL or MGL insurance contains aggregate limits, the general aggregate limit must be at least twice the "each occurrence" limit. CGL or MGL insurance must have products-completed operations aggregate limit of at least two times the "each occurrence" limit. (2) CGL insurance must be written on Insurance Services Office (ISO) Occurrence Form CG 00 01 (or a substitute form providing equivalent coverage). All insurance must cover liability arising out of premises, operations, independent contractors, products completed operations, personal injury and advertising injury, and liability assumed under an insured contract(including the tort liability of another party assumed in a business contract) and contain separation of insured (cross-liability) condition. (3) MGL insurance must have no exclusions for non-owned watercraft. (b) Workers' Compensation. (1) State of Washington Workers' Compensation. (i) Grantee shall comply with all State of Washington workers' compensation statutes and regulations. Grantee shall provide workers' compensation coverage for all employees of Grantee. Coverage must include bodily injury (including death)by accident Aquatic Lands Easement Page 15 of 26 Easement No. 51-A71513 66 or disease, which arises out of or in connection with the Permitted Use or related activities. (ii) If Grantee fails to comply with all State of Washington workers' compensation statutes and regulations and State incurs fines or is required by law to provide benefits to or obtain coverage for such employees, Grantee shall indemnify State. Indemnity includes all fines; payment of benefits to Grantee, employees, or their heirs or legal representatives; and the cost of effecting coverage on behalf of such employees. (2) Longshore and Harbor Workers' and Jones Acts. Longshore and Harbor Workers' Act(33 U.S.C. Section 901 et seq.) and/or the Jones Act(46 U.S.C. Section 688) may require Grantee to provide insurance coverage in some circumstances. Grantee shall ascertain if such insurance is required and, if required, shall maintain insurance in compliance with law. Grantee is responsible for all civil and criminal liability arising from failure to maintain such coverage. (c) Employers' Liability Insurance. Grantee shall procure employers' liability insurance, and, if necessary, commercial umbrella liability insurance with limits not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) each accident for bodily injury by accident or One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) each employee for bodily injury by disease. 10.4 Financial Security. (a) At its own expense, Grantee shall procure and maintain during the Term of this Easement a corporate security bond or provide other financial security that State may approve ("Security"). Grantee shall provide Security in an amount equal to Zero Dollars ($0), which is consistent with RCW 79.105.330, and secures Grantee's performance of its obligations under this Easement, with the exception of the obligations under Section 8, Environmental Liability/Risk Allocation. Grantee's failure to maintain the Security in the required amount during the Term constitutes a breach of this Easement. (b) All Security must be in a form acceptable to the State. (1) Bonds must be issued by companies admitted to do business within the State of Washington and have a rating of A-, Class VII or better, in the most recently published edition of Best's Reports, unless State approves an exception. Grantee may submit a request to the Risk Manager for the Department of Natural Resources for an exception to this requirement. (2) Letters of credit, if approved by State, must be irrevocable, allow State to draw funds at will, provide for automatic renewal, and comply with RCW 62A.5-101, et. seq. (3) Savings account assignments, if approved by State, must allow State to draw funds at will. (c) Adjustment in Amount of Security. (1) State may require an adjustment in the Security amount: (i) At the same time as revaluation, if any, Aquatic Lands Easement Page 16 of 26 Easement No. 51-A71513 67 (ii) As a condition of approval of assignment of this Easement, (iii) Upon a material change in the condition or disposition of any Improvements, or (iv) Upon a change in the Permitted Use. (2) Grantee shall deliver a new or modified form of Security to State within thirty(30) days after State has required adjustment of the amount of the Security. (d) Upon any default by Grantee in its obligations under this Easement, State may collect on the Security to offset the liability of Grantee to State. Collection on the Security does not(1)relieve Grantee of liability, (2) limit any of State's other remedies, (3)reinstate or cure the default or (4) prevent termination of the Easement because of the default. SECTION 11 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR 11.1 State's Repairs. This Easement does not obligate State to make any alterations, maintenance, replacements, or repairs in, on, or about the Easement Property, during the Term. 11.2 Grantee's Repairs and Maintenance. (a) Routine maintenance and repair are acts intended to prevent a decline, lapse or, cessation of the Permitted Use and associated Improvements. Routine maintenance or repair is the type of work that does not require regulatory permits. (b) At Grantee's sole expense, Grantee shall keep and maintain all Grantee-Owned Improvements and the Easement Property as it relates to the Permitted Use in good order and repair and in a safe condition. State's consent is not required for routine maintenance or repair. (c) At Grantee's own expense, Grantee shall make any additions, repairs, alterations, maintenance, replacements, or changes to the Easement Property or to any Improvements on the Easement Property that any public authority requires because of the Permitted Use. (d) Upon completion of maintenance activities, Grantee shall remove all debris and restore the Easement Property, as nearly as possible, to the condition prior to the commencement of work. SECTION 12 DAMAGE OR DESTRUCTION 12.1 Notice and Repair. (a) In the event of any known damage to or destruction of the Easement Property or any Improvements, Grantee shall promptly give written notice to State. State does not have actual knowledge of the damage or destruction of the Easement Property or any Improvements without Grantee's written notice. Aquatic Lands Easement Page 17 of 26 Easement No. 51-A71513 68 (b) Unless otherwise agreed in writing, Grantee shall promptly reconstruct, repair, or replace any Improvements in accordance with Paragraph 7.3, Construction, Major Repair, Modification, and Demolition, as nearly as possible to its condition immediately prior to the damage or destruction. Where damage to state-owned aquatic land or natural resources is attributable to the Permitted Use or related activities, Grantee shall promptly restore the lands or resources to the condition preceding the damage in accordance with Paragraph 7.3 unless otherwise agreed in writing. 12.2 State's Waiver of Claim. State does not waive any claims for damage or destruction of the Easement Property unless State provides written notice to Grantee of each specific claim waived. 12.3 Insurance Proceeds. Grantee's duty to reconstruct, repair, or replace any damage or destruction of the Easement Property or any Improvements on the Easement Property is not conditioned upon the availability of any insurance proceeds to Grantee from which the cost of repairs may be paid. The Parties shall use insurance proceeds in accordance with Paragraph 10.2(g)(3). SECTION 13 CONDEMNATION In the event of condemnation, the Parties shall allocate the award between State and Grantee based upon the ratio of the fair market value of(1) Grantee's rights in the Easement Property and Grantee-Owned Improvements and (2) State's interest in the Easement Property; the reversionary interest in Grantee-Owned Improvements, if any; and State-Owned Improvements. In the event of a partial taking, the Parties shall compute the ratio based on the portion of Easement Property or Improvements taken. If Grantee and State are unable to agree on the allocation, the Parties shall submit the dispute to binding arbitration in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association. SECTION 14 REMEDIES AND TERMINATION 14.1 Breach. (a) State may terminate this Easement upon Grantee's failure to cure a breach of its terms within sixty (60) days of State's written notice of breach. (b) For nonmonetary breach not capable of cure within sixty (60) days, State will not unreasonably withhold approval of a reasonable alternative cure schedule. Grantee must submit a cure schedule within thirty (30) days of a notice of breach. State shall not terminate if State approves the schedule and Grantee works diligently and in good faith to execute the cure. State may terminate if Grantee fails to timely submit a schedule or fails to cure in accordance with an approved schedule. Aquatic Lands Easement Page 18 of 26 Easement No. 51-A71513 69 (c) If breach arises from Grantee's failure to comply with restrictions on Permitted use under Paragraph 2.2, State may, without terminating this Easement, restore the natural resources or Property and charge Grantee restoration costs and/or charge Grantee damages. On demand by State, Grantee shall pay all costs and/or damages. 14.2 Termination by Nonuse. If Grantee does not use the Easement Property for a period of three (3) successive years, this Easement terminates without further action by State. Grantee's rights revert to State upon Termination by Nonuse. 14.3 Termination by Grantee. Grantee may terminate this Easement upon providing State with sixty (60) days written notice of intent to terminate. Grantee shall comply with Paragraph 3.3, End of Term. 14.4 Remedies Not Exclusive. The remedies specified under this Section 14 are not exclusive of any other remedies or means of redress to which the State is lawfully entitled for Grantee's breach or threatened breach of any provision of this Easement. SECTION 15 NOTICE AND SUBMITTALS Following are the locations for delivery of notice and submittals required or permitted under this Easement. Any Party may change the place of delivery upon ten (10) days written notice to the other. State: DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES Shoreline District Aquatics 950 Farman Avenue North Enumclaw, WA 98022-9282 Grantee: CITY OF KENT 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA98032 The Parties may deliver any notice in person, by facsimile machine, or by certified mail. Depending on the method of delivery, notice is effective upon personal delivery, upon receipt of a confirmation report if delivered by facsimile machine, or three (3) days after mailing. All notices must identify the Easement number. On notices transmitted by facsimile machine,the Parties shall state the number of pages contained in the notice, including the transmittal page, if any. Aquatic Lands Easement Page 19 of 26 Easement No. 51-A71513 70 SECTION 16 MISCELLANEOUS 16.1 Authority. Grantee and the person or persons executing this Easement on behalf of Grantee represent that Grantee is qualified to do business in the State of Washington, that Grantee has full right and authority to enter into this Easement, and that each and every person signing on behalf of Grantee is authorized to do so. Upon State's request, Grantee shall provide evidence satisfactory to State confirming these representations. 16.2 Successors and Assigns. This Easement binds and inures to the benefit of the Parties, their successors, and assigns. 16.3 Headings. The headings used in this Easement are for convenience only and in no way define, limit, or extend the scope of this Easement or the intent of any provision. 16.4 Entire Agreement. This Easement, including the exhibits and addenda, if any, contains the entire agreement of the Parties. This Easement merges all prior and contemporaneous agreements, promises, representations, and statements relating to this transaction or to the Easement Property. 16.5 Waiver. (a) The waiver of any breach or default of any term, covenant, or condition of this Easement is not a waiver of such term, covenant, or condition; of any subsequent breach or default of the same; or of any other term, covenant, or condition of this Easement. State's acceptance of payment is not a waiver of any preceding or existing breach other than the failure to pay the particular payment that was accepted. (b) The renewal of the Easement, extension of the Easement, or the issuance of a new Easement to Grantee, does not waive State's ability to pursue any rights or remedies under the Easement. 16.6 Cumulative Remedies. The rights and remedies of State under this Easement are cumulative and in addition to all other rights and remedies afforded by law or equity or otherwise. 16.7 Time is of the Essence. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE as to each and every provision of this Easement. 16.8 Language. The word "Grantee" as used in this Easement applies to one or more persons, as the case may be. The singular includes the plural, and the neuter includes the masculine and feminine. If there is more than one Grantee, their obligations are joint and several. The word "persons,"whenever used, includes individuals,firms, associations, and corporations. The word "Parties"means State and Grantee in the collective. The word "Party"means either or both State and Grantee, depending on context. Aquatic Lands Easement Page 20 of 26 Easement No. 51-A71513 71 16.9 Invalidity. The invalidity, voidness, or illegality of any provision of this Easement does not affect, impair, or invalidate any other provision of this Easement. 16.10 Applicable Law and Venue. This Easement is to be interpreted and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. Any reference to a statute means that statute as presently enacted or hereafter amended or superseded. Venue for any action arising out of or in connection with this Easement is in the Superior Court for Thurston County, Washington. 16.11 Recordation. At Grantee's expense and no later than thirty (30) days after receiving the fully-executed Easement, Grantee shall record this Easement in the county in which the Property is located. Grantee shall include the parcel number of the upland property used in conjunction with the Property, if any. Grantee shall provide State with recording information, including the date of recordation and file number. 16.12 Modification. No modification of this Easement is effective unless in writing and signed by the Parties. Oral representations or statements do not bind either Party. 16.13 Survival. Any obligations of Grantee not fully performed upon termination of this Easement do not cease, but continue as obligations of the Grantee until fully performed. Aquatic Lands Easement Page 21 of 26 Easement No. 51-A71513 72 16.14 Exhibits. All referenced exhibits are incorporated in this Easement unless expressly identified as unincorporated. THIS AGREEMENT requires the signature of all Parties and is effective on the date of the last signature below. CITY OF KENT Dated: 120 By: SUZETTE COOKE Title: Mayor Address: 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES Dated: 120 By: PETER GOLDMARK Title: Commissioner of Public Lands Address: Shoreline District Aquatics 950 Farman Avenue North Enumclaw, WA 98022-9282 Approved as to form this 16 day of June 2010 Janis Snoey, Assistant Attorney General Aquatic Lands Easement Page 22 of 26 Easement No. 51-A71513 73 REPRESENTATIVE ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF ) ss County of ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that SUZETTE COOKE is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that she signed this instrument, on oath stated that she was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the Mayor of the CITY OF KENT to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated: (Signature) (Seal or stamp) (Print Name) Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at My appointment expires Aquatic Lands Easement Page 23 of 26 Easement No. 51-A71513 74 STATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OF ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that PETER GOLDMARK is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he signed this instrument, on oath stated that he was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC LANDS, and ex officio administrator of the DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated: (Signature) (Seal or stamp) (Print Name) Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at My appointment expires Aquatic Lands Easement Page 24 of 26 Easement No. 51-A71513 75 EXHIBIT A Legal Description - Proposed Pedestrian Easement A STRIP OF LAND 30.00 FEET IN WIDTH OVER A PORTION OF GOVERNMENT LOT 3 IN SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M. AND IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SAID STRIP BEING 15.00 FEET ON EACH SIDE OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED CENTERLINE: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTH ONE QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION 10; THENCE S89039'21"E ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 10, A DISTANCE OF 1 ,543.72 FEET TO A POINT ON THE CENTERLINE OF FRAGER ROAD, SAID POINT BEING ON A 2,400.00 FOOT RADIUS CIRCULAR CURVE TO THE RIGHT, THE CENTER OF WHICH BEARS S65048'49"E; THENCE, NORTHEASTERLY, ALONG SAID CURVE AND CENTERLINE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 00004" 7", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 2.99 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENCY WITH A 2,400,00 FOOT RADIUS CIRCULAR CURVE TO THE LEFT; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY, ALONG SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 03034'52", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 150,00 FEET; THENCE S70003'20"E 58.00 FEET, MORE OR LESS TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY LINE OF ORDINARY HIGH WATER OF THE GREEN RIVER AND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE HERIN DESCRIBED CENTERLINE; THENCE CONTINUING S070003'20"E 95.00 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE EASTERLY LINE OF ORDINARY HIGH WATER OF THE GREEN RIVER AND THE TERMINUS OF SAID CENTERLINE. THE SIDELINES OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED STRIP OF LAND SHALL BE LENGTHENED OR SHORTENED, AS REQUIRED, TO INTERSECT THE EASTERLY AND WESTERLY LINES OF ORDINARY HIGH WATER OF SAID GREEN RIVER. Aquatic Lands Easement Page 25 of 26 Easement No. 51-A71513 76 EXHIBIT B 1. DESCRIPTION OF PERMITTED USE A. Existing Facilities. A 180-foot pedestrian and utility bridge crossing the Green River at approximately river mile 19 in Kent, WA. Attached to the existing pedestrian bridge and under separate DNR agreements are: City of Kent Sewer Main 51-071747 TCI Cablevision of Washington Fiber Optic Cable 51-071597 Puget Sound Energy Powerline 5 1-07 1 748 Qwest Corporation Fiber Optic Cable 5 1-077 1 42 B. Proposed Facilities. Grantee proposes no new facilities. Aquatic Lands Easement Page 26 of 26 Easement No. 51-A71513 77 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Timothy J. LaPorte P.E., Public Works Director Phone: 253-856-5500 KEN T Fax: 253-856-6500 WASH IN GTO N Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032-5895 Date: March 28, 2014 To: Chair Dennis Higgins and Public Works Committee Members PW Committee Meeting Date: May 5, 2014 From: Gina Hungerford, Conservation Coordinator Through: Kelly Peterson, AICP, Special Projects Manager Mike Mactutis, P.E., Environmental Engineering Manager Chad Bieren, P.E., City Engineer Subject: Information Only/City-wide TeamUp2CleanUp Event Item - 4 Motion: Information Item/No Motion Required Summary: On March 27, 2014 an in-house committee, joined by Barbara Smith from the Downtown Partnership, Andrea Keikkala from the Kent Chamber of Commerce, John Hines & Cynthia Tanis from Kent Station and Jeff Wagner from Republic Waste Services, met to discuss ways to increase participation at the city-wide litter cleanup event planned for Saturday, May 17, 8:00 am - Noon. A second Press Release will be sent out along with ramping up the social media campaign. In addition, flyers and posters will be distributed to promote the event. Residents, businesses and organizations are invited to register now at http://KentWA.clov/TalkinciTrash. To make participation easy, there will be three Check-In/Supply Stations where volunteers can pick up bags and gloves on event day: Downtown — Kherson Park, 307 West Gowe Street East Hill — Golden Steer Steak & Rib House parking lot, 23826 104th Ave SE West Hill — Trinity Community Church parking lot, 3807 Reith Road To make sure the event is not "all work and no play", we've incorporated a fun Scavenger Hunt and a Photo Contest! For more information, visit the aforementioned website, or call 253-856-5549. Budget Impact: None 78 This page intentionally left blank. 79 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Timothy J. LaPorte P.E., Public Works Director Phone: 253-856-5500 KEN T Fax: 253-856-6500 WASH IN GTO N Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032-5895 Date: March 29, 2014 To: Chair Dennis Higgins and Public Works Committee Members PW Committee Meeting Date: May 5, 2014 From: Monica Whitman, Senior Transportation Planner Through: Chad Bieren, P.E., City Engineer Subject: Information Only/Briefing on Upcoming Metro Service Cuts Item - 5 Motion: Information Item/No Motion Required Summary: With the failure of Proposition 1, a measure that would have charged $60 per year for vehicle license fees and raised the sales tax 0.1 percent to help pay for Metro Transit bus service as well as road projects in the county and cities within the county, King County Metro is faced with making deep, system-wide cuts. King County Metro funding is heavily reliant on sales tax and was greatly impacted by the recession. Although the worst of the recession has passed and sales tax revenues are slowly recovering, the economy has not recovered enough to generate the sustained sales tax revenues needed to close this financial gap. Since 2009, Metro has undertaken a series of actions to address the revenue shortfall, closing the financial gap by approximately $148 million annually. Despite this effort, Metro still has a revenue gap. Additionally, a temporary Congestion Relief Charge ($20 Vehicle License Fee) is set to expire in June 2014. To close the annual budget gap, Metro is proposing to reduce 550,000 annual hours of transit service over the course of four service changes: September 2014, February 2015, June 2015 and September 2015. In Kent, 9 routes are proposed to be deleted (Routes: 152, 158, 159, 161, 173, 190, 192, 913 and 916), 4 routes are proposed to be revised or reduced (Routes: 157, 168, 197, and 914), and 8 routes remain unchanged. The proposed phasing seeks to: • Maximize and maintain as much ridership as possible throughout the transit system • Distribute reductions geographically to the extent possible • Consider staff attrition, coach replacement, and organizational capacity to implement changes to the transit system • Limit impacts on minority and low-income communities relative to the entire system Local impacts will include fewer travel options for riders, longer waits at bus stops, more transfers instead of direct connections, and more-crowded buses. Budget Impact: None 80 This page intentionally left blank. 81 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Timothy J. LaPorte P.E., Public Works Director Phone: 253-856-5500 KEN T Fax: 253-856-6500 WASH 1NGTON Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032-5895 Date: May 2, 2014 To: Chair Dennis Higgins and Public Works Committee Members PW Committee Meeting Date: May 5, 2014 From: Chad Bieren, P.E., City Engineer Subject: Information Only/South 212th and South 228th Street Railroad Grade Separation Funding Options Item — 6 Information Only/No Motion Required Summary: The next Washington State Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board (FMSIB) quarterly meeting will be held in Vancouver on May 30, 2014. FMSIB is expecting the city of Kent to provide a funding plan for completing the So. 228th/Union Pacific, So. 212th/Union Pacific and So. 212th/BNSF railroad grade separation projects. FMSIB monies have been available for construction of these projects since 2002 (228th) and 2005 (212th). While we continue to pursue other grants to fund these projects, FMSIB wants assurances their money will be spent in the near term. Accordingly, direction from Council to move forward with formation of a Local Improvement District (LID) to provide a funding match for the grants that we already have, would show FMSIB a good faith effort to complete the projects. LIDs have been used successfully by the city to build other projects over the past few decades. The most recent successes of similar scale are LID 340 and LID 353. As shown on the attached maps LID 340 ($21,516,000) helped pay for the So. 196th Street railroad grade separation and LID 353 ($14,329,000) funded roughly 1/2 the cost of the So. 228th Street extension (Veterans Drive). Several different methods are used to assess properties for the 'special benefit' provided by the constructed improvements. In both LID 340 and LID 353 the values were determined based on the distance from the new and improved roadways. The closer the property is to the improvements, the more direct the special benefit and greater the assessment. A similar method was used by a certified appraiser hired by the city to explore the potential for a LID related to So. 212th and 228th Street Railroad grade separations. The special benefit to properties surrounding the project would nearly match the cost of construction. Therefore, Council could form a LID to help pay for the projects. Final assessments would not be determined until construction contracts are awarded and after we have presumably obtained other grants this would ultimately lower the costs levied on benefitted properties. 82 This page intentionally left blank. 83 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Timothy J. LaPorte P.E., Public Works Director Phone: 253-856-5500 KEN T Fax: 253-856-6500 WASH IN GTO N Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032-5895 Date: May 2, 2014 To: Chair Dennis Higgins and Public Works Committee Members PW Committee Meeting Date: May 5, 2014 From: Chad Bieren, P.E., City Engineer Subject: Information Only/Transportation Funding Options: - Solid Waste Utility Franchise - Transportation Benefit District Item — 7 Motion: Information Only/No Motion Required Summary: Staff have reviewed a number of options to finance transportation projects, including Transportation Impact Fees (adopted 2010) Business License Fee (adopted 2012), Bonds, Real Estate Excise Tax, Local Improvement Districts and a Transportation Benefit District (TBD). Based on continuing needs, we will present the TBD again, along with a another option - a franchise fee for the solid waste utility that operates on city streets. Transportation Benefit District: In 2005 the Washington State Legislature passed legislation allowing municipalities to form a TBD councilmanic approval that assesses an annual $20 fee per registered vehicle. TBDs also allow several other revenue options subject to voter approval: a property tax, 1-year excess levy or recurring excess levy, for capital purposes; up to 0.2% sales and use tax; and up to an annual $100 vehicle fee per vehicle registered in the district. Staff reviewed the $20 vehicle fee alternative several years ago. Using numbers from the Washington State Vehicle Licensing Department staff estimated at that time that there are approximately 72,000 vehicles licensed in the city of Kent. Accordingly, a license tab fee would generate approximately $1,440,000 annually. A tab fee authorized by the District may not be collected until six months after approval by the Council the Council can authorize a tab fee up to $20 without a vote or up to $100 with a community vote. There are a number of communities in Washington that have already implemented vehicle license tab fees. A listing of these cities and their corresponding fees is attached. The source of information is from the Association of Washington Cities, the Washington State Department of 84 Licensing, and the Municipal Research and Services Center of Washington. This proposal was last reviewed by Council on July 20, 2012. Solid Waste Franchise: The Solid Waste Utility is owned by the city of Kent, operates on city streets and covers the entire city. The city has mandatory garbage collection service. The city maintains 320 centerline miles of streets, over half of which are residential. All of these streets are affected by the Solid Waste Utility. On residential streets the weekly garbage pickup and weekly recycling or yard waste pickup requires the heaviest vehicles these streets will carry. Using numbers from the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) institute, one garbage truck produces the wear and tear of 1,500 cars. This takes into account the aluminum composition used for these trucks. We have analyzed this option and produced a table showing what the effect would be if a franchise fee was included as a percent of the waste hauler's gross income. Because of complexity, the comparison was made using a standard 32-gallon cart for residential service. Staff have also researched which other cities have a franchise fee and will present that data. Currently the city contracts with Republic Services for the entire city with a contract covering the time period of April 1, 2011 to March 31, 2018. If Council desires further analysis, discussions would also need to take place with our current service provider, Republic Services. Ln / ...... „_.,,,,,.��( / 0 � � ( $ = � $ / 2 i t E m mjj 'a 0 / 0 ° § ice , 2 / % 0 2 \ ° 6 ( E ƒ / % ) @ 2 § } ( a j / ® . ( § ( % / ± . � \ ( / 0 2 i } w c ° LO 0co 2 e 2 f ? / — ) , q / f / � ƒCU 70 % fm 0 % % $ • / / _: m § 2 Q A« «. . \ \\ 2 L — 2 m R �+: n / m 0 � > Q •r . , ? • _ > \ » If ` w y uj} 7 86 This page intentionally left blank. 87 Franchise Fee as an increase per customer Sm=6% 2m=12% 3m=18% 4m=24°% Monthly Rates for Garbage Pick Up 2014 Increase Increase Increase Increase Residential Monthly Fees Weekly One 13-gallon Micro-Cart $ 5.14 $ 5.45 $ 5.76 $ 6.07 $ 6.37 -. Residential One 20 gallon Mini-Can $ 10.27 $ 10.89 $ 11.50 $ 12.12 $ 12.73 Curbside Service 132-gallon Garbage Cart $ 17.09 $ 18.12 $ 1914 $ 20.17 $ 21,19 145-gallon Garbage Cart $ 24.76 $ 26.25 $ 27.73 $ 29.22 $ 30.70 164-gallon Garbage Cart $ 37.47 $ 39.72 $ 41.97 $ 44.21 $ 46.46 1 96-gallon Garbage Cart $ 56.20 $ 59.57 $ 62.94 $ 66.32 $ 69.69 Multifamily Monthly Fees Weekly 132-gallon Garbage Cart $ 13.18 $ 13.97 $ 14.76 $ 15.55 $ 16.34 Multifamily Cart 145-gallon Garbage Cart $ 19.08 $ 20.22 $ 21.37 $ 22.51 $ 23.66 164-gallon Garbage Cart $ 28.86 $ 30.59 $ 32.32 $ 34.05 $ 35.79 1-96 gallon Garbage Cart $ 43.28 $ 45.88 $ 48.47 $ 51.07 $ 53.67 Multifamily 1 Cubicyard,1 pickup/week $ 63.29 $ 67.09 $ 70.88 $ 74.68 $ 78.48 Detachable 1 Cubic yard,2 pickups/week $ 126.59 $ 134.18 $ 141.78 $ 149.37 $ 156.97 Container 1 Cubic yard,3 pickupsMeek $ 189.88 $ : 201.27 $ 212,66 $ 224.05 $ 235.45 1 Cubic yard,4 pickups/week $ 253.17 $ 268.36 $ 283.55 $ 298,74 $ 313.93 1 Cubic yard,5 pickups/week $ 316A6 $ 335A5 $ 354.44 $ 373,42 $ 392.41 1.5 Cubic Yard, 1 pickup/week $ 87.73 $ 92.99 $ 98.25 $ 103.52 $ 108.78 1,5 Cubic Yard,2 pickups/week $ 175.44 $ 185.97 $. 196.49 $ 207,02 $ 217.55 1.5 Cubic Yard,3 pickups/week $ 263.16 $ 278.95 $ 294.74 $ 310.53 $ 326.32 1,5 Cubic Yard,4 pickups/week $ 350.88 $ 371.93 $ 392.98 $ 414.04 $ 435,09 1. 1.5 Cubic Yard,5 pickups/week $ 438.60 $ 464.92 $ 491.24 $ 517.55 $ 543.87 2 Cubic Yard,1 pickuptweek $ 112.15 $ 119.88 $ 125.61 $ 132.34 $ 139.07 2 Cubic Yard,2 pickups/week $ 224.29 $ 237.75 $ 251.21 $ 264,66 $ 278.12 2 Cubic Yard,3 pickups/week $ 336.44 $ 356.63 $ 376.82 $ 397.00 $ 417.19 2 Cubic Yard,4 pickups/week $ 448.60 $ 475.51 $ 502.43 $ 529.34 $ 556.26 2 Cubic Yard 5 pickups/week $ 560.74 $ 594.38 $ 62803 $ 661.67 $ 695.31 3 Cubic Yard 1pickup/week S 161.01 $ 170.67 $ 180.33 $ 189.99 $ 199.65 3 Cubic Yard,2 pickups/week $ 322.01 $ 341.33 $ 360,65 $ 379.97 $ 399.29 3 Cubic Yard,3 pickupslweek $ 483.00 $ 511.98 $ 540.96 $ 569.94 $ 598.92 3 Cubic Yard 4pickups/week $ 644.01 $ 68265 $.. 721.29 $ 759,93 $ 798.57 3 Cubic Yard,5 pickups/week $ 806.01 $ 8S3.31 $ 901.61 $ 949.91 $ 998.21 4 Cubic Yard, 1 pickup/week $ 209.86 $ . 222.45 $ 235.04 $ 247,63 $ 260.22 4 Cubic Yard,2 pickupstweek $ 419.71 $ 444.90 $ 470.08 $ 495.26 $ 520.45 4 Cubic Yard,3 pickupstweek $ 629.57 $ 667.34 $ 705.12 $ 742.89 $ 780.67 4 Cubic Yard,4 pickups/week $ 839.43 $ 889.79 $ 940.16 $ 990.53 $ 1,040.89 4 Cubic Yard,5 pickups/week $ 1,049.28 $ 1,112.24 $ 1,175.20 '$ 1,238,16 $ 1,301A1 6 Cubic Yard, 1 pickup/week $ 307.56 $ 326.02 $ 344.47 $ 362.92 $ 381.38 6 Cubic Yard,2 pickupsMeek $ 616.12 $ 652.03 $ 688.94 $ 725,85 $ 762.75 6 Cubic Yard,3 pickups/week $ 922.70 $ 978.06 $ 1,033.42 $ 1,088.78 $ 1,144.15 6 Cubic Yard,4 pickups/week $ 1,230.26 $ 1,304.08 $ 1,377,89 $ 1,451,71 $ 1,525 52 6 Cubic Yard, 5 pickups/week $ 1,537.82 $ 1,630.09 $ 1,722.36 $ 1,814.63 $ 1,906.90 8 Cubic Yard,1 pickupMeek. $ 405.27 $ 429.58 $ 453.90 $ 478.22 $ 502,53 8 Cubic Yard,2 pickups/week $ 810.55 $ 859.18 $ 907.81 $ 956,44 $ 1,005.08 '8 Cubic Yard,3 pickups/week $ 1,215,81 $ 1,288,76 $ r 1,361.71 $ 1,434,66 $ 1,50761 8 Cubic Yard,4 pickups/week $ 1,621,09 $ 1,718.36 $ 1,815.62 $ 1,912.89 $ 2,010.15 8 Cubic Yard,5 pickups/week $ 2,026.36 $ 2,147,94 $ 2,269.52 $ 2,391.11 $ 2,512 69'.. ReWsed41112014 88 lm=6% 2m=12% 3m=18% 4m=24% Monthly Rates for Garbage Pick Up 2014 Increase Increase Increase Increase Commercial Monthly Fees Weekly 1 32-gallon Garbage Cart $ 13.18 $ 13.97 $ 14,76 $ 15,55 $ 16.34 Commercial Cart 1 45-gallon Garbage Cart $ 19.08 $ 20.23 $ 21.37 $ 22.52 $ 23.66 1 64-gallon Garbage Cart $ 26.86 $ 30.59 $ 32,32 $ 34.05 $ 35,78 1 96-gallon Garbage Cart $ 43,28 $ 45.88 $ 48.48 $ 51.07 $ 53.67 Weekly 1 Cubic Yard Container $ 237.60 $ 251.85 $ 266.11 $ 280,36 $ 294.62 Commercial 1.5 Cubic Yard Container $ 295.92 $ 313.68 $ 331.43 $ 349.19 $ 366.94 Detachable 2 Cubic Yard Container $ 386.21 $ 40938 $ 432,56 $ 455,73 $ 478.90 Container, 3 Cubic Yard Container $ 496.36 $ 526.15 $ 555.93 $ 585.71 $ 615.49 Compacted 4 Cubic Yard Container. $ 596,04 $ 631.80 $ 667.57 $ 703,33 $ 739,09 6 Cubic Yard Container $ 770.08 $ 816.28 $ 862.49 $ 908.69 $ 954.90 Commercial 1 Cubic yard,1 pickup/week $ 63.29 $ 67.09 $ 70.88 '.$ 74.68 $ 78.48 Detachable 1 Cubic yard,2 pickups/week $ 126.59 $ 134.18 $ 141.78 $ 149.37 $ 156.97 Container,Loose 1 Cubic yard,3 pickups/week $ 189.88 $ 201.27 $ 212,66 $ 224.05 $ 235.45 1 Cubic yard,4 pickups/week $ 253,17 $ 268.36 $ 283.55 $ 298.74 $ 313.93 1 Cubic yard,5 pickups/week $ 316.46 $ 335.45 $ 354.44 $ 373.42 $ 392,41 1.5 Cubic Yard, 1 pickup/week $ 87.73 $ 92.99 $ 98.25 $ 103.52 $ 108.78 1.5 Cubic Yard,2pickups/week $ 175.44 $ 185.97 $ 196.49 $ 207.02 $ 217.55 1.5 Cubic Yard,3 pickups/week $ 263.16 $ 278.95 $ 294.74 $ 310.53 $ 326.32 1.5 Cubic Yard,4 p ckupstweek $ 350.88 $ 371.93 $ 392,98 $ 414.04 $ 435.09 1.5 Cubic Yard,5 pickups/week $ 438.60 $ 464.92 $ 491,24 $ 517.55 $ 543.87 2 Cubic Yard 1 pickup/week $ 112.15 $ 118.88 $ 125.61 $ 132.34 $ 139.07 2 Cubic Yard,2 pickups/week $ 224.29 $ 237.75 $ 251,21 $ 264.66 $ 278.12 2 Cubic Yard,3 pickups/week $ 336.44 $ 356.63 $ 376.82 $ 397,00 $ 417.19 2 Cubic Yard,4 pickups/week $ 448.60 $ 475.51 $ 502.43 $ 529.34 $ 556.26 2 Cubic Yard,5 pickupstweek $ 560.74 $ 594.38 $ 628.03 $ 661,67 $ 695.31 3 Cubic Yard, 1 pickup/week $ 161.01 $ 170.67 $ 180.33 $ 189.99 $ 199.65 3 Cubic Yard,2 pickups/week $ 322,01 $ 34133 $ 360,65 $ 379,97 $ 399.29 3 Cubic Yard 3 pickups/week $ 483.00 $ 511.98 $ 540.96 $ 569.94 $ 598.92 3 Cubic Yard,4 pickups/week. $ 644.01 $ 682.65 $ 721.29 $ 759,93 $ 798.57 3 Cubic Yard,5 pickups/week $ 805.01 $ 853.31 $ 901.61 $ 949.91 $ 998.21 4 Cubic Yard, 1 pickup/week $ 209.86 $ 222,45 $ 235,04 $ 247.63 $ 260,22 4 Cubic Yard,2 pickups/week $ 419.71 $ 444.90 $ 470.08 $ 495.26 $ 520.45 4 Cubic Yard,3 pickups/week $ 629.57 $ 667.34 $ 705,12 $ 742.89 $ 780.67 !. 4 Cubic Yard,4 pickups/week $ 839.43 $ 889.79 $ 940.16 $ 990.53 $ 1,040.89 4 Cubic Yard,5 pickups/week $ 1,049.28 $ 1,112,24 $ 1,175.20 $ 1,23816 $ 1,301,11 6 Cubic Yard, 1 pickup/week $ 307.56 $ 326.02 $ 344.47 $ 362.92 $ 381.38 6 Cubic Yard,2 pickups/week $ .615.12 $ 652,03 $ 688.94 $ 725.85 $ 762,75 6 Cubic Yard 3 pickups/week $ 922.70 $ 978.06 $ 1,033.42 $ 1,088.78 $ 1,144.15 6 Cubic Yard,4 pickups/week $ 1,230.26 $ 1,304,08 $ 1,377.89 $ 1,451.71 $ 1,525.52 i 6 Cubic Yard,5 pickups/week $ 1,537.82 $ 1,630.09 $ 1,722.36 $ 1,814.63 $ 1,906.90 8 Cubic Yard, 1 pickup/week $ 405.27 $ 429.58 $ 453,90 $ 47&22 $ 502.53 8 Cubic Yard,2 pickups/week $ 810.55 $ 859.18 $ 907.81 $ 956.44 $ 1,005.08 8 Cubic Yard,3 pickups/week $ 1,215.81 $. . 1,288.76 $ . 1,361.71 $ 1,434,66 $ 1,507.61 1 8 Cubic Yard,4 pickups/week $ 1,621.09 $ 1,718.36 $ 1,815.62 $ 1,912.89 $ 2,010.15 8 Cubic Yard,5 pickupshveek $ 2,026.36 $. 2,147 94 $ 2,269,52 ,$ 2,391,11 $ 2,512,69 Franchise Fee as a percent of Revenue Month Acutals 1 million 2 million 3 million 4 million January 2014 $ 1,381,320.21 6% 12% 18% 24% February 2014 $ 1,273,377.84 7% 13% 20% 26% Expected Montly 1/12 split $ 83,333.33 $ 166,666.67 $ 250,000.00 $ 333,333.33 Month Acutals 1 million 2 million 3 million 4 million January 2014 $ 1,381,320.21 $ 82,879.21 $ 165,758.43 $ 248,637.64 $ 331,516.85 February 2014 $ 1,273,377.84 $ 76,402.67 $ 152,805.34 $ 229,208.01, $ 305,610.68 Based entirely on percentage 6.0% 12% 18% 24% Revised41112014 89 Transportation Benefit District Fee Effective date (Tabs expiring on or after...) Bainbridge Island $20 1-Aug-13 Bremerton $20 1-Jul-12 Buckley $20 1-Feb-14 Burien No. 1 $10 1-Feb-11 Carbonado $20 1-Nov-13 Des Moines $20 1-Sep-09 DuPont $20 1-Sep-13 Edgewood $20 1-Jul-14 East Wenatchee $20 1-Aug-13 Eatonville $20 1-Mar-13 Electric City $20 1-May-13 Edmonds $20 1-Sep-09 Enumclaw $20 1-Sep-14 Grandview $20 1-Feb-12 Kalama $20 1-Oct-13 Kelso $20 1-Jul-13 Kenmore $20 1-Jun-13 Kittitas $20 1-Dec-12 Lake Forest Park $20 1-Sep-09 Lynnwood $20 1-Jul-11 Mabton $20 1-Dec-11 Maple Valley $20 1-Jul-13 90 Mountlake Terrace $20 1-Aug-12 Olympia $20 1-Oct-09 Orting February 1, 2013- 31-Jan-15 $20 (Fee applies to all renewals with these registration dates, including renewals paid after Feb. 1, 2015.) Prosser $20 1-Nov-09 Royal City $20 1-Nov-12 Seattle $20 1-May-11 Shoreline $20 1-Feb-10 Snoqualmie $20 1-Mar-11 Soap Lake $20 1-Nov-13 Spokane $20 1-Sep-11 Tacoma $20 1-Jun-13 Toppenish $20 1-Dec-12 Wapato $20 1-Apr-13 Wenatchee $20 1-Aug-12 Zillah $20 1-Jul-12 Transportation Benefit District Salex Tax Aberdeen $0.0013 sales tax (passed, election 02/12/2013) effective 07/01/2013 Arlington $0.002 sales tax (passed, election 8/2013) Marysville Sales tax on April 2014 ballot 91 Transportation Benefit District Salex Tax Castle Rock $0.002 sales tax (passed, election 11/06/2012) effective 04/01/2013 Lynden $0.002 sales tax (passed, election 11/06/2012) effective 04/01/2013 Stanwood $0.002 sales tax (passed, election 02/12/2013) effective 07/01/2013 Waitsburg $0.002 sales tax (passed, election 04/17/2012) Ferndale $0.002 sales tax (passed, election 02/14/2012) Northbend $0.002 sales tax (passed, election 11/08/2011 Walla Walla $0.002 sales tax (passed, election 02/14/2012) Bellingham $0.002 sales tax (04/01/2011) Leavenworth $0.002 sales tax (04/01/2011) Snohomish $0.002 sales tax (passed 08/16/2011) Ridgefield Sales tax repealed effective 10/01/2012 - $0.002 sales tax Sequim $0.002 sales tax (04/01/2010) 92 This page intentionally left blank. 93 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Timothy J. LaPorte P.E., Public Works Director Phone: 253-856-5500 KEN T Fax: 253-856-6500 WASH 1NGTON Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032-5895 Date: May 2, 2014 To: Chair Dennis Higgins and Public Works Committee Members PW Committee Meeting Date: May 5, 2014 From: Chad Bieren, P.E., City Engineer Subject: Information Only/Desimone Levee Repair Schedule Item — 8 Information Only/No Motion Required Summary: The Briscoe Levee is located in Kent, while the Desimone Levee is in Tukwila. Work on these levees was approved concurrently by the King County Flood Control District; however, work on the Desimone section requires permits from the City of Tukwila. Construction of a sheet pile flood wall is underway on the Briscoe Levee and we anticipate most of the work needed for levee certification to be completed before the next flood season begins in November. To that end, we expect sheet piles to arrive the middle of this month and the contractor will be able to install them along the river at the rate of 50 feet per day. This type of sheet pile takes about 3 and a half months after they are ordered to arrive from the manufacturer. In Tukwila, the Desimone levee was damaged in the same period of time as the Oso landslide in Snohomish County, which struck at the end of our normal flood season. The interlocal agreement with Tukwila was signed in March and it enables Kent to move ahead with the levee work at the earliest opportunity. Kent staff is expediting design work. It is also necessary to obtain right of way and/or easements from two properties in Tukwila. Staff has met with property owners to negotiate necessary details. A Shoreline Management permit will still be needed from the City of Tukwila. Other significant permits including Fisheries, discussions with the Muckleshoot Nation and SEPA have already been concluded or obtained. Because of the new damage noted at the end of March staff will present some intentions such as bidding and ordering the steel sheet piles in advance to enable the repair work to progress as rapidly as possible. Please see the attached map for a depiction of the Briscoe and Desimone levee reaches. Budget Impact: None 94 This page intentionally left blank. Ln sown uon ......_. „vm aes®aoae R933• / //G7ir» 1 „ira urn,ran.�yr1 � ✓ i WWemammmwwmomWWl ,i/r�i!�'�)'y"""'�) 1 '%,/ , ✓,, u'r I���I �UiI� s Ujll'/I�r!�//�H (,� Illyf �i�� r(r�/" eaiiii,miuom/ii„mrru»eoa,lrolwrnnrlrlllra'mlrDrr O r y ^,�y� ",�., 'u',m„„,„.,.,„� "✓' %%;,,1 r ?mrr,Ir m�oY�r�I.J�il. p 'V N41��;1f1( Yl "� ?�� I' i��%i%/%i�� b4i:1�388 ���/�^r�'N�. I`s.,r(/�f�ff�!(fI111111IuxY� %,. u'd�� nr � Y �����%� '// ///� :I) 1 / ; ' ��I��'�%�//! ✓d �//lI1l2N�rl 'r'�I� ' It%,.a Jx��1�I% ,ri ,�����I� �,,, /r/j/r ��4i���/J ✓r ��J�� °" '`��p/,X r�� �/. WVp� �l! /j m N+ 'pp / /l�� // //,:/%i///// r� `(rrmyr r✓ �""'1re ���(p;.'a(f�l �/f/v rrftry �'1f�jY � �, „ ,,«�llll��llGrlrlUru��cuniin�irriravtlrrny �rrf7u'r�ay,�rr/a rttiaaaiiaiaociirrr��iainaiimrr, r o�/�i///m„ ,,, o � � n er -r�� rr ;� ��8�� v���U��//,/��, �,¢�66, ! 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Kent, WA 98032-5895 Date: April 30, 2014 To: Chair Dennis Higgins and Public Works Committee Members PW Committee Meeting Date: May 5, 2014 From: Ben Wolters, Economic & Community Development Director Subject: Parking Zones Amendment MOTION: Information Only/No Motion Required Summary: Several months ago, a collaboration of the Kent Downtown Partnership City Economic & Community Development and Police Departments determined changes were needed to parking zones within the City to better align with customer and employee parking needs and provide clear enforcement parameters in downtown. The parking zone change was put on hold because around the same time the Downtown Subarea Action Plan (DSAP) was to be updated and the City received approval from King County Metro for a pilot project to assess parking code amendments and parking management strategies for the downtown. The project included an inventory of existing on-street and off-street stalls. A consultant team identified parking challenges and barriers in the downtown and recommended solutions to those challenges. One of the recommended solutions is to better manage parking supply to assure customers get priority access to downtown businesses. Background: The DSAP represents the community's vision for the urban center and serves as a basis for development in the center by providing a framework for project-level planning. The DSAP focuses on actions to implement the objectives and ideas presented in the vision. These recommended actions include regulatory measures, capital investments, and public programs. Policy T-2 of the DSAP states, Take actions to ensure that adequate public parking is available to support existing uses and facilitate future development in the Urban 98 Center. This includes efficient management of on-street spaces and future development and enhancement of structured, off-street parking. As a member of the team supporting the pilot project, Rick Williams Consulting identified challenges and barriers for downtown parking strategies to address. These challenges included consistent information of parking expectations to businesses, employees, and customers; support of a long-term goal of assuring that customers get priority to on-street/curb access to downtown businesses; specifically dedicated employee parking; and focused enforcement of parking policies. Recommended solutions to the parking challenges include creating distinct parking areas to reduce conflicts between visitors and employees, and initiating limited parking enforcement activities in the downtown to assure existing time zones are honored and system utilization/turnover is operating as intended. The proposed changes to the on-street parking zones in the downtown support surrounding businesses by promoting appropriate turnover of parking stalls, accommodate enforcement efforts by limiting the number of different parking zones, and accommodate employee parking in areas removed from customer prioritized areas. CA:BW/pm S:\Perm it\PI a n\COM P_PLAN_AM EN DM ENTS\2012\C PA-2012-1 Downtown\Parking\05052014_P WMemo_Parki ng_Ordi nance.doc Att: Map of changes to parking zones; Ordinance cc: Ben Wolters, ECD Director Fred Satterstrom, AICP, Planning Director Charlene Anderson,AICP, Planning Manager 99 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City Council.4f the City of Kent, Washington, amending Section 9.38.060 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Two -(2) hour parking zones," increasing the parking to (4) four hour parking zones. RECITALS A. Right Size Parking (RSP) is a three year grant project funded by the Federal Highway Administration's Value Pricing Pilot Program and managed by King County Metro- The overarching goal of the project is to foster livable communities by optimizing the allocation of parking resources. B. The amount of parking is optimized, i.e., right sized, when it strikes a balance between supply and demand, and the challenge lies in determining the correct balance with confidence. C. King County Metro approved the Kent Policy Demonstration Project to provide for the implementation of a pilot project supporting jurisdictional parking policy change that enables priced and 'right-sized' parking in downtown Kent. The overall objective of this Project is to 1 Amend KCC 9.38 Downtown Parking Ordinance 100 ensure parking is managed for livability and economic development within the downtown area through right-sizing the parking supply. D. With support from King County Metro and the City of Kent, Rick Williams Consulting (RWC) conducted a comprehensive study of parking occupancy and utilization in downtown Kent. Information derived from this study was used to (a) develop a better understanding of the actual use dynamics of parking within the downtown on a 'typical day,' (b) provide a foundation of objective data upon which meaningful parking management strategies can be established and implemented and, (c) assist the community in taking advantage of opportunities that will strengthen Kent's downtown and adjoining commercial areas. Strategies developed will result in better management of on-street parking to support smart growth for multifamily development as it is integrated into the downtown. Right-sizing will also minimize the impact of off-street parking on land use and support a more compact urban form that is well connected to transit and other alternative mode systems (e.g., bike, walk, rideshare). E. The consultant" team identified challenges and barriers for downtown parking strategies to address, including among other strategies, consistent information. of parking expectations to businesses, employees, and customers; support of a long-term goal of assuring that customers get priority to 'on-street/curb access to downtown businesses; specifically dedicated employee; parking; and focused enforcement of parking policies. F. Recommended near-term strategies for solving the parking challenges in downtown include creating distinct parking areas to reduce conflicts between visitors and employees, and initiating limited parking enforcement activities in the downtown to assure existing time zones are honored and system utilization/turnover is operating as intended. 2 Amend KCC 9.38 Downtown Parking Ordinance 101 NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE SECTION 1. -Amendment. Section 9.38 of the Kent City Code, entitled, "Parking," is hereby amended as follows: Sec. 9.38.060. Two (2) hour parking zones. A. Except for KCC 9.38.070 and permits issued by the city facilities manager under KCC 9.38.170, at such times as the director of public works or designee shall place the appropriate sign, it shall be illegal to park any motor or other vehicle for an uninterrupted period in excess of two (2) hours between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on either side of, unless otherwise indicated, the following streets, public parking lots, public parking garages,: or portions thereof: 1. Centennial Parking ,Garage: that portion of the first floor as posted. 2. City; Hall parking lot between City Hall and the Centennial Building: all parking` stalls unless otherwise posted. 3. East Pioneer Street: from Central Avenue North easterly approximately one hundred fifty (150) feet to the alley east of Central Avenue North, south side only. 3 Amend KCC 9.38 Downtown Parking Ordinance 102 4. First Avenue North and First Avenue South: from a point two hundred (200) feet north of West Meeker Street to West Titus Street. 5. Railroad Avenue North and Railroad Avenue South: from East James Street to East Plee'EeFSmith Street, east side only; and from East ,ekerSmith Street to East Gowe Street. 6. Ramsay Way: from two hundred thirty._(230) feet east of 4th Avenue North to three hundred fifty (350) feet east of 4th Avenue North. 7. Ramsay Way: from four hundred forty (440) feet ,east of 4th Avenue North to five hundred twenty (520):feet east of 4th Avenue North, south side only. S. Ramsay Way: from four hundred eighty�(480) feet east of 4th Avenue North to five hundred twenty (520) feet east of 4th Avenue North, north side only. 9. Ramsay Way: from thirty (30) feet north of West Temperance Street to one hundred fifty (150) feet north of West Temperance Street. 10. i Second Avenue North and Second Avenue South: from West Harrison Street to West Titus Streetand the two (2) nqaFlEed paFlEing stalls en the east side ef West Titus StFeet. 11. State Avenue North and State Avenue South: from East Smith Street to East ,TeekerGowe Street. 12. West Gowe Street and East Gowe Street: from Fourth Avenue South to Central Avenue South. 4 Amend KCC 9.38 Downtown Parking Ordinance 103 13. West Meeker Street and East Meeker Street: from Fourth Avenue to State Avenue. 14. West Harrison Street: from Fourth Avenue North to Second Avenue North. 15. West Titus Street: from Second Aven[ae'South to First Avenue South, north side only. Provided, that this section shall not apply on Sundays or holidays, B. Penalty. Any violation of the provisions .of this section shall be an infraction punishable by a monetary penalty of thirtydollars ($30). Vehicles parked in violation of this section are subject to impoundment as provided by law. Sec. 9.38.065. Four (4) hour garkina zones. A. Except for KCC 9.38.070 and permits issued by the city facilities manager under KCC 9.38.170, at such times as the director of public works or designee shall place the appropriate sign, it shall be illegal to park any motor :or other vehicle for an uninterrupted period in excess of four (4) hours between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on either side of, unless otherwise indicated, the following streets, public parking lots, public parking garages, or portions thereof: 1. Railroad Avenue North and Railroad Avenue South: from East Smith Street to East Gowe Street. 5 Amend KCC 9.38 Downtown Parking Ordinance 104 Provided, that this section shall not apply on Sundays or holidays. B. Penalty. Any violation of the provisions of this section shall be an infraction punishable by a monetary penalty of thirty dollars ($30). Vehicles parked in violation of this section are subiect to impoundment as provided by law. Sec. 9.38.070 Holiday parking — Penalty., A. From the day after Thanksgiving until January 2nd of.the following year, all two (2) hour parking zones shall be considered three (3) hour parking zones, and it shall be illegal to park any motor or other vehicle for an uninterrupted period in excess of three (3) hours between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on the roadways designated ;in KCC 9.38.060 as two (2) hour parking zones. There shall be no enforcement of limited duration parking restrictions, in those zones designated for two (2) hour parking, on Saturdays during the period from the day after Thanksgiving until January 2nd of!the following year. B. A violation of--this section shall be an infraction and punishable by a monetary penalty of fifty dollars ($50). Vehicles parked in violation of this section are subject to impoundment as provided by law. SECTION 2;' Corrections by City Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon approval of the City Attorney, the City Clerk and the code reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the correction of clerical errors; ordinance, section, or subsection numbering; or references to other local, state or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations. 6 Amend KCC 9.38 Downtown Parking Ordinance 105 SECTION 3, — SeverabilitY. If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this ordinance is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, that decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and that remaining portion shall maintain its full force and effect. SECTION 4, — Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage and publication, as provided by law. SUZETTt COOKE," MAYOR ATTEST: RONALD F. MOORE, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: ARTHUR"FITZPATRICK, ACTING CITY ATTORNEY PASSED: day of 2014. APPROVED: day of 2014. PUBLISHED: day of 2014. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. 7 Amend KCC 9.38 Downtown Parking Ordinance 106 (SEAL) RONALD F. MOORE, CITY CLERK F AOvilAO,d nznre\Fzh n9 H¢9 09 060.do, 8 Amend KCC 9.38 Downtown Parking Ordinance 0 O Y O N z: (6 � n E .S >. 5 0 0 n m �,,,,� N na3lriauls,�, � , , l',< • - v o = = W J ° E v �n /✓ll d((jf� d(IittP^ i n (6 n X 0 /�f 0 N O x m a N m F 1 ux 0 w 6 1 T YsaN O m o Yr c O '6 oEU)O o a�/ ME M6 - p it ,�. ° um-,' �I� iCr (l ^ ' „ ,,,� L. M •,,, ICI p W M a u N nn anoal�i�na f�,;, s nn anoalina O L. O C y, , W � o �f iJ � I 3 / N N N v o m o M a N a a Al, OI OI I OI w w w �a