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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Works/Planning - 07/19/2004 Public WOr ks %uoii mittee "Age„da Coullclilllernbe c; Ron Hannon#Debbie Ranlee#Rruc_e White, Chair KENT July 19, 2004 WAS HINGTON 5:00 P.M. Item De5erlUt1011 Action Sneaker Time Page 1. Approval of minutes dated June 21,2004 Yes none 5 1 2. Equipment Surplus Yes Wickstrom 5 3 3. LID 355 Confirmation of Final Assessment Roll Set Hearing Date Yes Wickstrom 5 5 4. LID 356 Confirmation of Final Assessment Roll Set Hearing Date Yes Wickstrom 5 9 5. LID 357 Confirmation of Final Assessment Roll Set Hearing Date Yes Wickstrom 5 13 i i i Unless otherwise noted,the Public Works Committee meets at 5:00 pan.on the 1"&3rd Mondays of each month. Council Chambers East,Kent City Hall,220 4th Avenue South,Kent,98032-5895. For information please contact Public Works Administration(253) 856-5500. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk's Office at (253) 856-5725 in advance. For TDD relay service call the Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 1-800-833-6388. P:Tublic\Ad",dslrative Supporffanet\Public Works Committee Meelings`,PW Ageuda's\040719.doc PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MINUTES June 21, 2004 i COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Committee Chair Bruce White and Committee Member Debbie Raplee The meeting was called to order by Committee Chair Brice White at 5:10 P.M. Bruce White phoned and spoke with Committee Member Ron Harmon, Ron gave his concurrence on the five agenda items. Approval of Minutes Dated June 7, 2004 Committee Member Debbie Raplee moved to approve the minutes of June 7, 2004. The motion was seconded by Committee Chair Bruce White and passed 2-0. Bruce White stated he had concurrence from Ron Hamron. Pacific Hiehway HOV Project Appraisal& Appraisal Review Service Contracts Don Wickstrom said additional consultant services are needed for acquisition of rights of way and easements associated with the Pacific highway HOV project, Under the City's procurement policy consultant service contracts for$25,000 or more excluding those associated with Architectural and Engineering services require council concurrence in order to be binding. Debbie Raplee moved to recommend the Council authorize the Mayor to sign the Consultant Services Agreement for right of way/easements acquisition appraisals with the Eastman Company and for appraisal review with the Granger Company. The motion was seconded by Bruce White and passed 2-0. Bruce White stated he had concurrence from Ron Harmon. Condemnation Ordinance for Pacific Hiehwav S. HOV Lanes Protect Don Wickstrom said in order to construct the Pacific Highway HOV Lanes Project it will be necessary to acquire private property from 64 property owners. This ordinance will provide the mechanism if needed to proceed, if necessary, to condemnation on those properties for which typical methods of negotiation have failed. Debbie Raplee moved to recommend to the full Council authorization to adopt Condemnation Ordinance for obtaining needed right-of-way for the Pacific Highway South HOV Lanes Project. The motion was seconded by Bruce White and passed 2-0. Bruce White stated he had concurrence from Ron Harmon. Adoption of City of Kent West Nile Virus Response Plan Mike Mactutis, Environmental Engineering Supervisor said there is a high likelihood that the West Nile Virus will be detected in Washington State this summer. King County Public Health is the lead agency for the coordination of West Nile Virus status and monitoring programs in our area, if needed KCPH will be issuing permits to allow application of larvicide in water. As a requirement for obtaining the permit agencies must adopt a mosquito response plan incorporating education and surveillance. 2 Debbie Raplee moved to recommend authorization to the full Council for adoption of the City of Kent West Nile Virus Response Plan. The motion was seconded Bruce White and passed 2-0. Bruce White stated he had concurrence from Ron Harmon. I' Russell Road & Utility Relocation Project Accept as Complete Don Wickstrom said when construction contracts have exceeded 10% of the original bid amount the Public Works Department has sought committee concurrence prior to seeking council acceptance of the project. Debbie Raplee moved to recommend to the full Council acceptance of the project as complete upon standard releases from state and release of any liens. Bruce White and passed 2-0. Bruce White stated he had concurrence from Ron Harmon. The meeting adjourned at 5:30 P.M. Beth Peterson Administrative Secretary I PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Don E. Wickstrom, P.E. Public Works Director ENT Phan 253-856-5500 Fax:: 253-856-6500 WASHINGTON Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent,WA. 98032-5895 DATE: July 14, 2004 TO: Mayor White and Kent City Council FROM: Don Wickstrom, Public Works Director THROUGH: Larry R. Blanchard SUBJECT: Equipment Surplus MOTION: Reeommend that the City Council authorise staff to appropriately dispose of the PquipmPnt as described in this memorandum and listed below. SUMMARY: The equipment described on the attached list was salvaged from the demolition of the following sanitary sewer pump stations: Seven Oaks and Del Webb. (These pump stations were replaced by the Lindenthal Sanitary Sewer Lift Station.) These pumps and associated equipment are obsolete and no longer compatible with other sanitary sewer pump stations in our system--therefore selling this equipment is recommended. Sale of this equipment will be done according to current policies for sale or disposal of surplus equipment. i BUDGETIMPACT: The monetary returns from the sale or disposal of this equipment will be incorporated into the 1 Utility-Sewer Fund. This is a positive budget impact. BACKGROUND: Equipment List uanti Description Pumps/Motors: 2 40-HP Serial Numbers 876616A-1 and 876616A-2 (Del Webb) 2 15-HP Serial numbers 797307k-3 and 797307K-4 (Meadow Hills) Generators: l 10OKW Serial Number I870925326 Model Number 100.ODGDB-L/30594A (Del Webb) 1 20KW Serial Number L840741515 Model Number 20.OES-15R24163B (Seven Oaks) uantit Description P:/Operations/ADMIN12004PnmpStationSurplusMemoCouncil Page 1 Transfer Switches: 1 For 100KW Serial Number I870921314 Model Number OTCU225-G/226 (Del Webb) 1 For 20KW Serial Number B850750621 Model Number OTBCA100-4XU/3101E (Seven Oaks) Variable Frequency Drive Controller: 1 Toshiba Serial Number 9A1092c9 Model Number 4055-TO420K (Del Webb) i i i i II �I I I II i I i i P:/Operations/ADMIN\2004PmnpStationSurplusMemoCounoil Page 2 I i I PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Don E. Wickstrom, P.E. Public Works Director Phone;253-856-5500 ® Fax: 253-856-6500 KE1� Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. WASHINGTON Kent,WA. 98032-5895 DATE: July 19, 2004 TO: Public orks Committee FROM: Don bids lcstrom, Public Works Director SUBJECT: LID 355—SE 216th Street and 104`h Place SE Sanitary Sewer— Setting Public Hearing Date for Confirmation of Final Assessment Roll. MOTION: The committee recommends that the City Council set September 7, 2004 for the public hearing on the confirmation of the final assessment roll for LID 355. SUMMARY: The construction of LID 355 is nearing completion. The Public Works department is ready to have the final assessment roll confirmed and requests that the public hearing date thereon be set for the September 7, 2004 council meeting. BUDGET IMPACT:No Unbudgeted Fiscal/Personnel Impact BACKGROUND: Due to numerous septic problems in the area, a number of the property owners signed an LID petition. The City Council adopted Ordinance # 3653 on August 5, 2003 forming LID 355 for sanitary sewer to service 39 properties, mostly single family residential and one larger lot that is in the process of being platted into single family lots. City Council awarded the construction contract on April 6, 2004. The construction is nearing completion and it is time to finalize the assessment roll. The final assessments will be the same as the preliminary. i i 1 i 1- -- `SODS CREEK WATER AND- -. SEWER DISTRICT � KENT SEWER EXISTING-- - SERVICE AREA SANITARY BOUNDARY SEWER O *O 10 LID BOUNDARY I I ' OI I O ASSESSMENT 1 I , O I 14 NUMBER _ LID PARCEL 21 _ PROPOSED SEWERRY . . . _..... . 18 117 _.... 16 ...... . .. I NA NOT ASSESSED QUESTIONNAIRE NA \ * RESPONSE O "X 31 32 33 "PROCEED" * S. 9T+o T. _ 22 23 24 . � 36 35 34 I, LID BOUNDARY 25 37 �38 39 -.. ... . 26 E.220TH ®AEAW I S E d 27 28 29 30 1 ( C� CITY OF KENT -m ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 400 W. GOWE ST KENT, WA. 98032 S.E. 216TH STREET AND 104TH PLACE S.E. `OKENT PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER LID MAP MAY, 2003 a u i PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Don E. Wickstrom, P.E. Public Works Director Phone:253-856-5500 ® Fax: 253-856-6500 KE lV Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. WASHINGTON Kent,WA.98032-5895 DATE: July 19, 2004 TO: Public Works Committee FROM: Don Wickstrom, Public Works Director SUBJECT: LID 356— 111`h Avenue Sanitary Sewer (SE 256`h Street to 850 feet north) — Setting Public Hearing Date for Confirmation of Final Assessment Roll. MOTION: The Committee recommends that the City Council set September 21, 2004 for the public hearing on the confirmation of the final assessment roll for LID 356. SUMMARY: The construction of LID 356 is nearing completion. The Public Works department is ready to have the final assessment roll confirmed and requests that the public hearing date thereon be set for the September 21, 2004 council meeting. BUDGET IMPACT:No Unbudgeted Fiscal/Personnel Impact BACKGROUND: Due to septic problems in the area, a number of the property owners signed an LID petition. The City Council adopted Ordinance 43657 on September 2, 2003 forming LID 356 for sewer service to 11 single family properties. City Council awarded the construction contract on April 6, 2004. The construction will soon be complete and it is time to finalize the assessment roll. The final assessments will be the same as the preliminary. 1 1 N ¢ m x .E. 16 H ST. `a m S 218TH T im SE 223R0 ST a I^ CITY OF KENT / o S 26 T �A Pam' ST in S ST SE 40 ST w w w N a m SE 447 ST > CLARK SMITH T � LK: r EE rn x m m SE 48TH ST >a pe S N ST < - ^T o r \ o /1 w WAL T S S 56TH v w k ¢ / S. 2 9TH ST �o Fh'T w � R r w SE 264TH ST U N / � W G'q > w Fty ¢ x 10 r / 01 0 d R j d R 'a S 277 H ST o f/ s CITY OF KENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ` 400 W. GOWE 5T KENT. WA. 98032 PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER L.I.D. VICINITY MAP y Ze'KF- j 111TH AVENUE S.E. ` (S.E. 256TH STREET TO 850 FT. NORTH) JUNE. 2003 o � i ti 1 - - 252ND ST � I i PROPOSED6 ; -EXISTING SANITARY I SANITARY -- SEWER SEW ER PROPOSED -- W W. S.NITARY - - --___-T ER j w LEGEND SEW EXISTING ASSESSMENT ZSIDE SEWER NUMBER I t � - 1 - jO� LID PARCEL I 6 i I i ��� I _ ---PROPOSED " �— SANITARY SEWER L.I.D. ;��� ,k SIGNED NEW BOUNDARY ;/ PETITION 0-4 /�� S.E. 256TH ST � I o I e I R a I s T CITY OF KENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 400 W. DOWE ST KENT. WA. 98052 � PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER L.I.D. BOUNDARY MAP w /ICENT IIITH AVENUE S.E. (S.E. 256TH STREET TO 850 FT. NORTH) u JUNE. 2003 w I 9 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Don E. Wickstrom, P.E. Public Works Director ® Phone:253-856-5500 F Fax: 253-856-6500 li KE W T Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. WASH IN GTON .i Kent,WA.98032-5895 i DATE: Jul 9, 004 TO: P i orks Committee FROM: Don Wrekstrom,Public Works Director i SUBJECT: LID 357—120`t'Place SE Sanitary Sewers (SE 256`h Street to 200 feet south) — Setting Public Hearing Date for Confirmation of Final Assessment Roll. i MOTION: The Committee recommends that the City Council set September 21, 2004 for the public hearing on the confirmation of the final assessment roll for LID 357. SUMMARY: The construction of LID 357 is nearing completion. The Public Works department is ready to have the final assessment roll confirmed and requests that the public hearing date thereon be set for the September 21, 2004 council meeting. f BUDGET IMPACT: No Unbudgeted Fiscal/Personnel Impact BACKGROUND: Due to septic problems in the area, a number of the property owners signed an LID petition. The City Council adopted Ordinance # 3662 on October 7, 2003 forming LID 357 for sewer service to 6 single family properties. City Council awarded the construction contract on April 6, 2004. The construction will soon be complete and it is time to finalize the assessment roll. The final assessments will be the same as the preliminary. 1 S 206T1-� 3 r ¢ ,o x a .E. 16 ST. m S 218TH T I � I 7 w ��1 U SE 223RD ST ¢ CITY OF KENT z U u GI S 228 1 N / m N � SE 2 �. SST SE 40 ST w rn � a m SE '44 ST CLARK j LK' a ¢ �D � x m In SE 46TH ST w ¢ I w I S 2N ST o ECT > L T N z ry W � AL T S Sl 56TH S '^ a 9TH ST moo keNT R SE 264TH ST w w cPFFti SR 6 R�R c 77 ST Y CITY OF KENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT AOO W. GOWE 5T KENT, WA. 98032 PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER L.I.D. VICINITY MAP aNT 120TH PL S.E. (S.E. 256TH STREET TO 200 FT. SOUTH) JULY. 2003 u I - � I i EXISTINGi SANITART ---- SEWER WET,LANO < � I t � S.E. 256TH ST LEGEND Oy rreiLaF[5 - O ASSESSMENT �I ie , NUMBER i 6 _ PROPOSED (2) 'I -5 8.. SANITARY - LID PARCEL ER j SEW I I �g I - �, —PROPOSED SANITARY U OIz L.l,D. SEWER ! BOUNDARY ..-..I * SIGNED NEW ' --- PETITION !, I KENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION OFFICES R � a 6 ' F 3 - CITY OF KENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 400 W. GOWE ST KENT, WA. 99032 PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER L.I.D. BOUNDARY MAP _ �NT 120TH PL S.E. (S.E. 256TH STREET TO 200 FT. SOUTH) yJULY. 2003