HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Works/Planning - 03/17/2003 i Public Works Committee Agenda March 17, 2003 ACTION I . Street Vacation Madison Ave Yes Wickstrom 10 min & Harrison Street- Set Hearing Date 2. Stiener Property Charge in Lieu Of Assessment —Authorize Yes Wickstrom 10 min I it PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MINUTES MARCH 17, 2003 COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Tim Clark, Julie Peterson, Rico Yingling STAFF PRESENT: Don Wickstrom, Gary Gill, Jackie Bicknell The meeting was called to order at 5:00 P.M. by Chair Tim Clark. Approval of Minutes of March 3, 2003 Committee Member Rico Yingling moved to approve the minutes of March 3, 2003. The motion was seconded by Committee Member Julie Peterson and passed 3-0. Street Vacation—Madison Ave. and Harrison Street: Set Hearine Date Public Works Director Don Wickstrom said the City of Kent had received a valid petition to vacate a portion of Madison Avenue and Harrison Street, and in accordance with state law, a public hearing must be held. The Public Works Department is recommending a date of May 201h, 2003. Julie Peterson moved to recommend that the Council adopt a resolution setting a public hearing date of May 20, 2003 for the street vacation located along a portion of Madison Avenue and Harrison Street. The motion was seconded by Rico Yingling and passed 3-0. Steiner Property—Charge in Lieu of Assessment: Authorize Don Wickstrom said that the City of Kent had purchased the Steiner and English properties in conjunction with its development of the 272° Corridor project. Because those two properties abutted each other, the remnants were combined and subdivided into five residential parcels. The City has just finished extending sewer service into the Steiner property, and the sewer that was extended to service those lots can also service the adjacent and abutting property on the southerly side of the City's property. That property has the potential to be subdivided into at least two lots. The Public Works Department is recommending that a charge in lieu of assessment be approved which would allow the City to collect a pro rate of the cost the City incurred for providing sewer service to the property. The connection charge is $10,145.19 per sewer service connection, and the property owner would only pay the charge when connection was made to the sewer. Rico Yingling recommended that Council authorize a charge in lieu of assessment for the f Steiner property. The motion was seconded by Julie Peterson. A friendly amendment was to add that it was the suggested sewer connection as discussed in the tenant letter. The motion and friendly amendment passed 3-0. The meeting adjourned at 5:06 PM. Jackie Bicknell Council Secretary i PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Dori E. Wickstrom, P.E. Public Works Director • Phone: 253-856-5500 jt1CN T Fax: 253-856-6500 WASHTNOTON Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent,WA 98032-5895 Date: March 17, 2003 i To: Pubic orks Committee From: Don ickstrom, Public Works Director Regarding: Madison Avenue and Harrison Streets Vacation - We have received a valid petition to vacate a portion of Madison Avenue and Harrison Streets. In accordance with state law, a public hearing must be held. The Public Works Department recommends adoption of a resolution setting the public hearing date. MOTION: Recommend Council adoption of a resolution setting a public hearing date of May 201h for the street vacation located along a portion of Madison Avenue and Harrison Streets. DEPARTMENT OF PUBL IC WORKS Date: i TO: City Cleric FROM: Jerry McCaughan RE: Street Vacation �Tu" i� Regarding subject matter, please be advised that I have reviewed same and found everything in order. Therefore I am filing the original application with you and at the same time, by copy of this memo to the Public Works Director, the process should begim i cc: Don Wicicstrom Planning Manager Attachment: Maps TrAtt- st.vac to KENT (D w^= „ , , RlayorAiulWhile e1 KIYAII: '.. -- ninn,TO: l? 2002� APPLICANT: KEN N.e�r i°.Cd,u.veN CIJ Y OF KEN'I' G��S O GEN'SER NAIVE: G4MPOE�./rl�,�oh�d tlssa. Property Management rGRM1T ' 220 S.4"'Avenue P ADDRESS: 5`Zo W. P-;e1z1srnf .STEZOZ— '. Kenl, R'ashingloo 93032 Alter Jeny MCCaoghnn ,��./> WA ?603Z 1'IIONE: _Z53-8S4r-Z f'�-o STIZPL'T AND/OR ALLEY VACATION APPLICATION AND PETITION Dear Mayor and Kent City Council: We, (Ile undersigned abutting properly owners,hereby respectfully request that certain F-x-rloNS op MAorsai A✓awo BHAazisoN SnEHshereby be vacated. Legal Description of Strecl/Alley Sought lobe Vacated (HAls( Contain Total Square Peet of Area Sought To Be Vacated) L ern/ O S cry,X ir/ Z111i1iT 4 BRIEF SI'ATI'sMENT NVI1Y VACATION IS BRING SOUGIIT A"CURRENT" title report must be submitted with this application that covers all the abultiog properties conligtmus 10 alley or street sought to be vacated. When Corporations, Partnerships, etc. me being signed for, and then proof of individual's authority to sign for saute shall also be submitted. '.. Attach n color-coded map of a scale of not less than 1"=200' of the area sought for vacation. (NOTE) Map most correspond with legal descriptioo. ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS TAX 1,01'11 SIGNATURES A DAD- ESSES 1,0T, BLOCK�F PLAT/SEC.T0WN.RG. /� 2951900005 Mv/24 ZZ ff .. / •�`� 29Sf 900015 Nr/ 2f 22 4 295/900045 2451900060 14W y4 AZ 4 $150.00 Fee Paid 1 l r' Treasurer's Receipt No. I Appraisal Pee Paid Treasurer's Reccipl No. Land Value Paid Treasurer's Receipt No. Deed Accepted Dale i Trodc Accepted Dale s sr,„.,..iy .......,nw,",ai,,,Apisilhoc RECEIVED FEB 2 7 u)�J KENT ,,, T o„ w,. cMenr 111:tpa',Iim lYh ilc I<nrAa: ZoZ3ods (•h\IL'I'q: APPLICANT: CI11'Olr KENT NAME: GA.hPeEct-�/>'irai✓�Assce. L'' Property MaimgemenL 220 S.4"'Avenue ADDRFSS: 2L2 yJ. (-FnzKrScyi! Sre Ze Kent,WMIliogton 98032 Alin: Jerry t`1cCaugbao �PJVT V-/A '/003Z '.. P110NE: STIUM'ANll/OR ALLEY VACATION APPLICATION AND PETITION Dear Mayor and Kent Cily Cowicil: We, the undersigned abulling properly owners, hereby respectfully regtresl that certain Px rfori- oF lierebybevacaled. Legal Description of Shecl/Alley Sought to be Vacated (Must Contain Total Square Feet of Area Sought To Be Vacated) , BRIEF S'I'ATEPMENT W1IY VACATION IS 111"]NG SOUGI IT i A"CURRENT"title report must be submitted will this application j Ilial covers all the abulling properties contiguous to alley or street sought to be vacated When Coiporalions, Partnerships, etc. are being signed for, and then floor of individual's authority to sign for same shall also be submitted. Attach a color-coded nap ora scale ofuol less Ilan I 200'or the lien sought I'or vacation. (NOTE) Map must correspond with legal description. ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS TAX.LOT R SIGNATURES A D AD ESSES LOT, BLOCK& PLAT/SEC.TOWN.RG. �^�— 295/9000a5 Vt L42z f{ REC- Ct VCR, FEES 2 ? 2003 PIIOPEHiY OF MANAGEMENT T Nlapar.lim Wilk, KIVAII: ZoZ306s NA II,'10: APPLICANT: CITY OP KIdN'r NAME: G+rrPt=Ert- NiroiJdAsscn. Properly Management 220 S.J"Avenue ADDIUSS: 151-a y./. NAQ:zrsoN Sre Z Kent, 1Vashinglon 93032 Atln: Jerry hdecaugh:'nW;a 9fi032- STREET AND/OIL ALLEV VACATION APPLICATION AND PETITION Dear Mayor mnl Kent City Council We, the undersigned abutting properly owners, hereby respectfully request that eel laiu PoaTio s ,P MAPSa Ay&N— 0 NARC oop/Snec+sherehy be vacated. Legal Description of Street/Alley Sought to be Vacelecl ((\dust Conlain Total Square Peet ofArea Sought To He Vacaled) BRIEIP STATEN'IENT 1Vlll' VACATION IS ACING SOUGHT A"CURRENT"title report must be submitted With this application d1,1 covers all the abulling properties contiguous to alley or street sought to be vacated. When Corporations, Partnerships, etc, are being signed fm, and then proof of individual's authority to sign I'm r same shall also be submitted. Allach a color-coded map of a scale of not less than I"=200' of the area sought for vacation. (NOTE) Map must correspond tvilh legal description. A[3UTTING PROPERTY OWNERS TAX LOT R SIGNATURES A D AD tES5E5 LOT, BLOCK SPLAT/SEC:I'011'N.RG. Cu. 295f90000S NN/2422�F 1 _�a Y1,4 zz g i i EXHIBIT "A" THAT PORTION OF MADISON AVENUE AND OF Ht1RRISON STREET AS DEDICATED WITHIN THE PLAT OF GUIBERSONS ADDITION IN VOLUME 14 OF PLATS PAGE 49 LYING SOUTH OF SMITH STREET EAST OF LINCOLN AVENUE AND LYING NORTHERLY AND WESTERLY OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF BLOCK 2 IN SAID PLAT BEING THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING OF LINE HEREIN DESCRIBED; THENCE ON A CURVE WITH A RADIUS OF 60.00 FEET WHICH CENTER OF SAID RADIUS BEARS DUE SOUTH 60.00 FEET IN A WESTERLY AND SOUTHERLY DIRECTION TO 'THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF BLOCK 4 IN SAID PLAT AND THE TERMINUS OF LINE HEREIN DESCRIBED. TOTAL SQUARE FOOT OF AREA TO BE VACATED ����✓� 3 O ol 5.c. aL•c 044ZZ-7 qa' m; 1 SMITH ST. . z7,211f , i43.0s L7 �.�.`` .S e9.¢S-o6W D logs I� 4,\ If 4,1 I of a 0 r - U� I L � 1 J�1• � � V � . rr ',. 00 Li �I u Z 7L z a ° I � f� NIP ills I asm _d e`��� �n��(,�� U) a yo 0 I ,°Q w� \ - Cn�O o" a h 0 IS O+ J a� �9, a le 7 °y %- j F h M ',.... it AV T— n J r ono"b` ao D. � v a 0 0°dry 6�° W P- qo O�� ` r{' v V V 4p°�• 1 r ias.el 9 _ co 72.k 72 7 f � Ne9..50.30C t 04 D-32 N W. 1 bo 6o C IO 50 �wt cz.i se irk ♦_2r -L 6 G N OCID all °10C' c po yP+� I 'ulyl A�i�� '� V cc?,) 1041 QI 4Z . N 83.z O 6 us* 1 70 60 D b _ qo1 E 63 Z U Lj N Q OO J N 0 I +h 82 D-75 0 <� DO` m d I J D 76 iU '- 0 LLJ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 400 Don E. Wickstrom, P.E. Public Works Director • KENT Phone: 253-856-5500 W ASIIINGTON Fax: 253-856-6500 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032-5895 Date: March 17, 2003 To: Public works Committee t \y,J From: Don Wickstrom, P.E. Public Works Director RE: Stiener Property Charge in Lieu of Assessment The City has just finished extending sewer service to the City's Stiener property. The City purchased the Stiener property and the English property in conjunction with its development of the 272nd Corridor project. We needed these properties as both fell within the alignment of the new road and in the case of the English property it also offered a site to construct the road related storm water detention system. Because the Stiener and English properties abutted each other we combined the remnants and subsequently subdivided same into five residential parcels. As reflected in the attached map the sewer we extended to service these lots can also service the adjacent and abutting property on the southerly side of the City's property. Further that property has the potential to be subdivided into at least two lots. As such the Public Works Department is recommending that a charge in lieu of assessment be approved which would allow the city to collect a pro rata of the cost the City incurred per providing sewer service to the property. This property owner would only pay this charge upon connecting to the sewer. Should he/she never connect then no monies would be due. The connection charge is $10,145.19 per sewer service connection, which is simply the total cost divided by the total number of lots potentially served. All monies received from said connect charge would go into the 272/277`h Corridor fund. The monies received therefrom just like the monies receive from the eventual sales of lots would be used to offset the city's costs in the project. Presently there is still a significant amount of work yet to be completed on this corridor project. Said work relates to completion of the bike trail system from 108t Ave to the Green River road and some stoma water detention work. MOTION: Recommend to full council the authorization of the respective charge in lieu of assessment. 03 C4) L I cvz - I r LEGAL DESCRIPTION THE NORTH 120 FEET OF THE SOUTH 270 FEET OF THE WEST HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER IN SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 5. E.W.M., KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON EXCEPT ROADS I I ( / _ Ln Ln S ST — N SE 2 40TH ST - 7 Ld En Ld a SE 44TH ST CLARK a\ rn (n SE 46TH 53 d -- J S P52N ST y 0 jALT S SE 2 �TH S LLJ LLJ > _ SE 2 TH ST GAR N SE 264TH ST W W I _ 27 TH _ - WAY PRICYJ --- KENT TY LIMITS LOGS E STEINER PROPERTY s EP r < r 5 e� A ��.j * ez i�t YYW - { 2 co fR y 1 � y �✓ 7 e" �r q r v >p JTROf'ERTY INVOLVED" , LN CWARGE .fib- `LIEU STEINER PROPERTY