HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Works/Planning - 08/19/2013 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MINUTES August 19, 2013 Committee Members Present: Committee Chair Elizabeth Albertson and Committee members Dennis Higgins and Dana Ralph were present. The meeting was called to order at 4:05 PM. Item 1 - Approval of Meeting Minutes Dated July 15, 2013: Committee member Higgins MOVED to approve the minutes of July 15, 2013. The motion was SECONDED by Committee member Ralph and PASSED 3-0. Item 2 - Information Only/2013 Street Maintenance Program - Update: Bill Thomas, Street Superintendent gave an update on the Asphalt Inlay/Overlay Program, as well as budget expenditures using the B&O funds. All of the inlay/overlay work has been completed except a very small section that will be completed by August 23rd. As a byproduct of the inlay program this year, 5,000 tons of millings have been kept instead of paying to have them disposed. The millings have been used to grade into our shoulders and alleyways which has saved the city a significant amount of money. Public Works Director, Tim LaPorte mentioned that in Public Work's 2014 mid-year budget request we will be requesting a patrol grader which will have the ability to better spread this material out. Capital expenditures: $283,380 Asphalt materials - this is an overage because some of the streets needed more help than anticipated, but significant amounts have been saved in other areas to cover the overage. $50,525 Asphalt grinding - 99% complete and under budget. $120,000 Line striping - begun today on the west hill, with eight more days to go. $37,000 (Phase 1) Concrete materials - for phase 1 through winter and spring of this year; phase 2 will use the additional $60,000 allotted. $15,000 Crack sealing materials purchased, and will install this fall. $40,000 Materials have been purchased to replace approximately 650 signs and posts for our retro-reflectivity mandate (required by FHWA) which keeps us on schedule to be compliant by the 2018 season. $195,300 Crack sealing - contract is complete, $195,300 awarded, $1,100 under budget. $226,510 Thermoplastic markings - contract is two-thirds complete with a significant savings and are looking for additional areas to mark. $125,532 (2013) Vehicle detector loops - 2012 contract complete with a savings of $20,000; 2013 contract about 50% complete. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MINUTES August 19, 2013 --- Street lights - had 56 lights that needed to be replaced, 14 of which have been replaced so far. More poles have been ordered and are planned to be replaced in the near future. LaPorte mentioned he checked with the Finance department and are expenditures are under the anticipated revenue for the B&O income for this year. We plan to come back in November with a recommended list of projects for 2014. Information Only/No Motion Required Item 3 — Information Only/2013 Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) Grants - Update: Chad Bieren, City Engineer provided an update on the Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) grant applications that are due on August 23rd. The three projects that we plan to apply for funding are: 1. S. Central: pavement rehabilitation project Already have a small $300,000 federal grant and we are applying for the remaining costs to rehabilitate this portion of S. Central. 2. 80th Ave. S. (188th to 196th): pavement rehabilitation project 3. S. 224th St. Corridor, Phase II (88th Ave. S. to 94th Ave. S.): construct around the corner onto 218th across Garrison Creek. • Phase I was already awarded a $5 million TIB grant to construct a bridge over SR 167. • A lot of the costs would be funded by the drainage fund and the utilities to get the bridge completed. • There's also a potential LID for frontage improvements on private properties that are located east of the road. These properties are not included in the current LID 363. If we score high enough to be awarded funding, we would come back to Committee and Council to accept the grant. Tim LaPorte, mentioned that TIB unveiled a new state-wide program for preservation and has $47 million available for the program in the Puget Sound area. 80th Ave. S. and S. Central would fall under the criteria for this new program. Information Only/No Motion Required Item 4 —South County Area Transportation Board Agreement: Cathy Mooney, Senior Transportation Planner explained that the South County Area Transportation Board (SCATBd) Agreement is a routine renewal of this agreement PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MINUTES August 19, 2013 and confirms the city's intent to continue participation in this board. This board is comprised of elected officials from the whole S. King Co. area and encompasses 16 cities, three transit agencies, nine legislative districts, represents just under 700,000 people, and over 300,000 jobs. The board makes policy recommendations and planning on transportation projects. The board is our voice for regional, statewide and federal legislation having to do with transportation that would impact this area. This agreement would sign on for an additional two years with extensions through 2017. Committee member Ralph MOVED to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign the South County Area Transportation Board Agreement for the period January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2015, with an automatic renewal through December 31, 2017. The motion was SECONDED by Committee member Higgins and PASSED 3-0. Item 5 — Limited Use Agreement with Zavo Group, LLC: Chad Bieren, City Engineer stated that the Zayo Group is a telecommunications company and has requested a limited street license in city right-of-way, specific to areas they impact. Zayo will pay a one-time fee of $4,611 to cover the city's administrative costs and will be required to obtain permits to install their facilities. Committee member Higgins MOVED to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign a Limited Street License with Zayo Group, LLC subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. The motion was SECONDED by Committee member Ralph and PASSED 3-0. Item 6 — Information Only/Lower Russell Road Levee Work: Alex Murillo, Environmental Engineering Supervisor gave an update on the Russell Road Levee project. The Russell Road Upper Levee will impact The Lakes community. A meeting was recently held for The Lakes community and was well attended and productive. Downstream to the north reach levee we are building a secondary levee which will leave the existing riverbank in place and build a new certifiable levee behind it. LaPorte mentioned that staff has been very careful to convey to The Lakes community and the homeowners associations that the levee will be closer to the backs of their homes. Murillo mentioned that in addition to the community meeting, staff will be going door-to-door to every unit to make homeowners aware of the levee construction work. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MINUTES August 19, 2013 The construction entrance will likely be Russell Woods Park and another area south that has not been determined yet. Construction vehicles will not be going through the private residences and the construction sequencing will be well thought out. The King Co. Flood Control District has money budgeted to repair the Russell Road Lower Levee adjacent to Van Doren's Park next year. We would like this repair completed, as well as the entire levee reach to get the levee certified. Information Only/No Motion Required Item 7 — Information Only/Clark Springs — Landsbura Mine and HCP — U pdate: Kelly Peterson, Environmental Conservation Supervisor gave an update on the Clark Springs Water Supply. The Landsburg Mine is located approximately a '/z mile to the east of the Clark Springs Water intake. From the 1960s — 1970s 1/2 million gallons of industrial waste, solvents, heavy metals and sludge were illegally dumped there. At present the Department of Ecology is working with the potentially liable parties and a draft clean-up action plan is anticipated to be issued very soon. Not knowing what is going to happen, we have prepared to monitor the groundwater to protect the water supply. In addition, Peterson gave an update on the Clark Springs Water Supply Habitat Conservation Plan. In 2011 the city received permits to continue operations and operate our water supply consistent with that agreement. Part of the agreement is for the city to implement habitat projects. One of the habitat projects is a habitat fund ($1.6 million) and staff is currently looking for opportunities to secure habitat for the resources. Information Only/No Motion Required Item 8 — Information Only/Water System — Update: Brad Lake, Public Works Operations Manager sat in for Sean Bauer and gave an update on the city's water system. Lake showed a graph of our water use pattern over the last 5 years. We are slightly higher than our 5 year average (up 5% over July of last year). Total production to date this year is about 1.5 billion gallons for the system. Sources: • Clark Springs produced about 50% of our total supply • Kent Springs 30% of our total supply • Tacoma Supply 10% of our total supply PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MINUTES August 19, 2013 Transmission mains (how we convey water to town): • Maple Valley, connects our sources with our in town customers. We have noticed increasing development in the area. We are watching closely to make sure the new development does not affect our supply and our transmission mains and are planning to work closely with developers and have available resources to acquire wider easements for transmission mains. • City of Covington, is looking to widen a two lane section of SR 516 crossing Jenkins Creek. We have two transmission mains that cross through there. We are working with Covington to allow for pipelines to be rebuilt/reinstalled so we have continuity of our water supply through there. This project will have a financial impact as well as an operational impact. Committee member Higgins asked about the lifespan of our pipeline. Lake reported that Clark Springs transmission main is our oldest, built in the late 50's with a life expectancy of 75 years. We're starting to think about how to maintain its integrity. Kent Springs transmission main was replaced within the last 20 years in segments and is fully replaced, life expectancy 100+ years. Laporte said securing the wider easements is most critical right now. Several projects have taken place this summer. Lake gave an overview of these projects. Park Orchard - pipe has deteriorated and our crews are finishing up replacing 500 feet of pipeline with a new pipe that does not corrode. Cost average is $100 a foot for our crew, vs. $200 a foot for a typical Contractor. Residents will notice an increase in flow. 237th — crew just starting to replace 1,200 feet of water main. Garrison Creek Crossing — a pair of pipelines that cross Garrison Creek on S. 218th St. will be incorporated in future improvements in the area. Blue Boy Reservoir — just started today to install a new 16 inch water line along James St. up 112th Ave. and along 236th PI. The line will provide for the new 640 zone as well as discharge line for the pump station that will be built in that area. 240th will be impacted until September 20th by this project. 640 Zone — an overview showed three locations that we are working on design for pressure reducing valves that will connect the 640 zone with the existing 590 zone. The 640 tank recently had a coating inspection that went very well. Tacoma Green River Filtration Project — overview of the construction site. 43% complete, on time and under budget. Anticipated completion Dec 2014. Auburn Pipeline 5 connection - recently connected to the Tacoma pipeline in the valley to provide water to the north end of Auburn. Fish Bypass — Corps of Engineers is going through a biological assessment on their system and once completed will release it to two federal agencies who PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MINUTES August 19, 2013 will provide a biological opinion which will determine the future of this project which is required for Tacoma's Habitat Conservation Plan. • East Hill Well Emergency back-up power project - currently in the middle of construction which will provide emergency power for one of our largest in-town sources of supply. • Reservoir Maintenance - 6 Million Gallon Reservoir tends to collect mildew on the outside from condensation. Crews are working on cleaning it to protect the integrity of paint, and later this fall/winter a diver will inspect interior of tank. • Replacement of a pair water services at Hexcel and Phoenix Academy. • Project maintenance improvements - 212th Water Treatment Plant, Armstrong Springs, Pump Station #5 & 7. Information Only/No Motion Required Item 9 - SE 2561h Street Improvements - Public Right of Way Dedication: Mark Madfai, Design Engineering Supervisor explained that as part of the SE 256th Street Improvements project, property was purchased in anticipation of the project for placement of PSE facilities that were needed for the underground conversion. We would like to convert the property that was purchased to public right of way, and this is required as part of the franchise. Committee member Higgins MOVED to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign the Municipal Quit Claim Deed dedicating City owned property as City Right of Way for the SE 2561h Street Project, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and the Public Works Director. The motion was SECONDED by Committee member Ralph and PASSED 3-0. Item 10 - Information Only/September 2, 2013 Public Works Committee Meeting - Cancelled: It was noted by Committee Chair Albertson that there will not be a Public Works Committee meeting on Monday, September 2, 2013. Information Only/No Motion Required The meeting was adjourned at 5:12 p.m. Nancy Yoshitake Council Committee Recorder