HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Land Use and Planning Board - 02/10/2014 •NT Land Use and Planning Board KE wAsHINGToN Agenda LUPB MEMBERS: •Frank Cornelius •Navdeep Gill •Alan Gray •Katherine Jones .Randall Smith .Barbara Phillips, Vice Chair .Jack Ottini, Chair WORKSHOP AGENDA February 10, 2014 7:00 p.m. Item Description ActionSpeaker(s) Time Pace 1. Approval of August 12, 2013 YES Jack Ottini 5 min 1 Minutes 2. Nomination and Election of Officers YES Jack Ottini 10 min 0 3. Workshop NO Gloria Gould-Wessen 25 min 5 Downtown Design Guidelines (Informational Only) 4. Workshop NO Charlene Anderson 25 min 57 Right Size Parking (Informational Only) Unless otherwise noted, the Land Use and Planning Board meets the 2nd and 4t' Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in Council Chambers East and West, Kent City Hall, 220 4th Avenue South, Kent, 98032-5895. No public testimony is taken at workshops, although the public is welcome to attend. For information on the above workshop item(s), the City of Kent's Website can be accessed at http://kentwa.igm2.com/citizens/Default.aspx?DepartmentID=1004 on Tuesday, February 4, 2014 or contact Julie Pulliam, Pam Mottram or the respective project planner in the Planning Division at (253) 856-5454 or as indicated on the agenda. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City in Advance for more information. For TDD relay service for Braille, call 1-800-833-6385, for the hearing impaired, call 1-800-833-6388 or call Economic & Community Development directly at(253) 856-5499 (TDD) or the main line at(253) 856-5454. 1 LAND USE & PLANNING BOARD • MINUTES KENT AUGUST 12, 2013 W� �..l Land Use & Planning Board Members: Chair Jack Ottini, Vice Chair Barbara Phillips, Frank Cornelius, Steve Dowell, Navdeep Gill, Alan Gray, and Randall Smith. Ottini called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. City Staff: Planning Director Fred Satterstrom, Planning Manager Charlene Anderson, Long-Range Planner Gloria Gould-Wessen, Assistant City Attorney David Galazin 3. Approval of Minutes Board member Gray Moved and Board member Phillips Seconded a Motion to approve the July 22, 2013 Minutes. Motion CARRIED 7-0. 4. Added Items - None S. Communications - None 6. Notice of Upcoming Meetings - None 7. CPZ/CPA-2012-1 Downtown Subarea Action Plan (DSAP) and DSAP Zoning Districts & Comprehensive Plan Map Amendments; and ZCA-2013-2 Mixed Use Overlay Regulations Planning Director Fred Satterstrom stated that the Board previously held five workshops and two public hearings on this issue. He stated that once the Board renders their recommendation, Kent City Council will hold a series of meetings beginning with a Council workshop, then move on to the Economic and Community Development Committee and then to the full City Council. Long-Range Planner Gloria Gould-Wessen addressed questions originating from the July 22, 2013 Land Use and Planning Board (LUPB) Hearing: (1)How would Downtown Design Review Guidelines be implemented in the GC- MU? Gould-Wessen disclosed that K-Mart's representative - Mr. Chuck Maduell - was no longer concerned with the design guidelines. (2) What mitigating measures would lessen the impact of development on the North Park single family neighborhood? Mitigation measures would apply to development in the entire area including downtown. North Park has been identified as needing sidewalks and bicycle improvements which would be worked out through the Infill Exemption and Planned Action Ordinances. (3)What would the impact be if the proposed rezone of MRT-16 to DCE was not completed? 2 Economic & Community Development Director Ben Wolters addressed Question 3, stating that the question is speculative and basically relates to economic impacts. He stated that this particular area of 10 parcels located on the northern part of the block, bounded by Cloudy St, Fourth Avenue, James and Fifth Street, it will be less likely to see any substantial commercial development on that part of the block already zoned Downtown Commercial Enterprise (DCE), which is precisely why we proposed the rezone on the northern part of the block to make the potential for redevelopment more likely. That particular block has some unique features and is bounded on three sides with either commercial development such as ShoWare Center, the Commons, and the Regional Justice Center; separated by major arterial streets such as Fourth Avenue and James Street to the south. Wolters stated that staff's proposal includes rezoning that area from Multifamily Residential Townhouse (MRT-16) to DCE so that it would be more likely that commercial development that is already allowed in the southern portion of the block would more likely happen. He stated that the subject site offer's potential for future development, and fits within the overall goals for downtown Kent as an Urban Center yet it is separated and isolated from the rest of the neighborhood. All of these features combine to make this a potentially attractive site. Wolters stated that any developer interested in that block would have to assemble sufficient parcels to make a developable site, convince individual property owners to sell by offering a premium price for those properties above the normal market value. A developer is more likely to offer a premium price if they can see a development potential large enough to carry the additional cost of that premium. This is not to say that development wouldn't occur in the DCE but suggests that it would be less likely. Slightly over half of the properties are rentals. Gould-Wessen described four proposed actions for the Board to consider. The DSAP (The Plan) is a vision for downtown 10-15 years out with associated actions that provides guidance for implementing the Plan. Three different land use alternatives are proposed with staff recommending Alternative Two 'a moderate growth option'. The Plan and Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) are required for a Planned Action and Infill Exemption Ordinance. The second proposed action amends the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map to support Alternative Two. Staff proposes changing a good portion of the downtown subarea to Urban Center and the other Land Use Designation change is an area for housekeeping purposes would change to Industrial. The third proposed action amends the zoning map; changes the zoning to Downtown Commercial Enterprise (DCE) for a North Park area and an area located along Meeker Street in old Downtown. She cited three areas proposed for rezone to GC-MU which is supported by a Mixed-Use Land Use Designation. The fourth action proposes amendments to Kent City Code Title 15 related to the Mixed-Use Overlay and specifically as it pertains to the GC-MU. The amendments concern building height increases, and Multifamily design review and expanded to include Downtown design review. The code amendments would also affect three areas located just outside the Downtown study area. LUPB Minutes August 12,2013 Page 2 of 3 3 Gray voiced concerns with the site bordered by Cloudy and Fourth Avenue, and questioned if that area was primarily rentals. Wolters stated that under half of the residents in that block are rentals. Gray stated that he still found it troubling and that he strongly feels it should be incumbent on us to consider retaining MRT-16 zoning for that area. Wolters stated that the area bordering the North Park Community has unique characteristics which adds to the balancing act for how the Planning Department determines what is compatible with the adjoining properties and how staff considers all aspects of one zoning district over another The Board members pondered the merits of how and where MRT-16 versus DCE should be applied bordering the North Park Neighborhood. Wolters stated that the City would like to incentivize both the commercial and residential communities to attract development. In response to concerns from Board members, Gould-Wessen stated that property taxes would increases when development occurs. Until development occurs, the North Park Community's tax base will not be affected. In response to Phillips, Wolters stated that an interested developer could request a rezone but would be required to undergo a lengthy process and the decision to rezone would go before Council. Concluding deliberations, Gray MOVED and Phillips SECONDED a MOTION to recommend to Kent City Council APPROVAL 1) The Downtown Subarea Action Plan and the Alternative 2 growth scenario as recommended by staff and approval of 2) All Option 1 Land Use Plan Map Amendments as recommended by staff; 3) All Option 1 Zoning Districts Map Amendments as recommended by staff; and 4) The Mixed Use Overlay Regulations Code Amendments pertaining to the General Commercial Mixed Use (GC-MU) Zoning District and the corrections to the code reference for the Downtown Design Review as recommended by staff; and further amending the Motion to exclude that portion of North Park west of Fourth and south of Cloudy Street as to the zoning change from MRT-16 to DCE defined as Site Z-11. Motion PASSED 4-3 with Dowell, Gill, and Smith opposed. Adiournment Ottini adjourned the meeting at 8:00 pm Charlene Anderson, AICP, Planning Manager/Board Secretary LUPB Minutes August 12,2013 Page 3 of 3 4 5 ECONOMIC and COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Ben Wolters, Director PLANNING DIVISION Fred N Satterstrom, AICP, Planning Director KEN T Charlene Anderson, AICP, Planning Manager WASH IN Grow Phone: 253-856-5454 Fax: 253-856-6454 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032-5895 February 3, 2014 To: Jack Ottini, Chair and Land Use and Planning Board Members From: Gloria Gould-Wessen, AICP, GIS Coordinator/Long Range Planner Subject: Downtown Design Guidelines (ZCA2014-1) (KNA-RPP6-2130117) Workshop — February 10, 2014 INTRODUCTION: The Downtown Design Review Guidelines (DDRG) update follows through on Council's strategic goal to 'Beautify Kent'with an objective to 'Implement a Plan for Private Property Beautification'. The update to the DDRG will reflect recent changes to the Downtown Subarea Action Plan (DSAP) and streamline the DDRG for clarity, brevity, and consistency. At the February loth workshop, staff will provide the Land Use & Planning Board (LU&PB) with an overview of the scope of work, project boundary, and proposed timeline. BACKGROUD: The 1989 Downtown Plan established a new direction for the Downtown Kent Planning Area. The first Downtown Design Review regulations associated with the 1989 Downtown Plan were established July 1992. Design review in Downtown Kent was expanded by Ordinance 3525 September 19, 2000 (see Attachment A) and these guidelines were later reformatted November 2003 (see Attachment B) into the document administered today. On October 14, 2013, staff presented to the Economic & Community Development Committee 'next steps' for the DSAP project which included an update to the DDRG in Phase II DSAP Implementation. The purpose of the DDRG update is to include and integrate the newly expanded Downtown Planning Area (see Attachment C) into the design guidelines for Downtown Kent, and to ensure that design guidelines reflect the recently updated vision for downtown Kent development. If there are any questions prior to the workshop, please contact Gloria Gould- Wessen at 253.856.5441. GGW/pm S:\Permit\Plan\ZONING_CODE_AMENDMENTS\2014\ZCA-2014-1 DwntDesignGuidelines\LUPB\02-10-14\Memo.docx Enc: Attach A— Ord. #3525 Attach B— 2003 Downtown Design Review Guidelines Attach C— 2013 Downtown Planning Area Map cc: Ben Wolters, ECD Director Fred Satterstrom,AICP, Planning Director Charlene Anderson,AICP, Planning Manager David Galazin,Assistant City Attorney File ZCA-2014-1 6 7 ATTACHMENT A ORDINANCE NO. -35a!5 AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending Section 15.09.046 of the Kent City Code relating to downtown design guidelines. WHEREAS, in 1998, the Kent Downtown Strategic Action Plan recommended detailed design guidelines for the entire downtown planning area; and WHEREAS, to implement this recommendation, the City adopted, in 1999, the Central Avenue Design Guidelines, which provided a basic set of guidelines to address immediate problems on Central Avenue and which formed the basis for future design guidelines for all districts in the downtown planning area; and WHEREAS, since the adoption of the Central Avenue Design Guidelines, the City's planning services staff has determined that all districts should have pedestrian orientation consistent with the community vision for downtown Kent; and WHEREAS, in order to accomplish pedestrian orientation and provide a guide that is appropriate for new development and major remodels in all districts, the City's planning services staff has prepared revised design guidelines that combine the basic guidelines developed for Central Avenue with special guidelines drafted by 1 Downtown Design Guidelines 8 staff to address the traditional character and commercial nature of the Historic Core District, the existing Class A and Class B street designations, and several new guidelines for mixed use and public buildings; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to amend KCC 15.09.046 in order to adopt and administer the proposed revised downtown design guidelines, a true and correct copy of which are attached hereto as Exhibit "A," through the downtown design review process; and WHEREAS, the Land Use and Planning Board, on August 28, 2000, recommended approval of the proposed amendments to the Kent City Code and adoption of the proposed revised downtown design guidelines; NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Section 15.09.046 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Downtown design review," is hereby amended to read as follows: See. 15.09.046. Downtown design review. A. Purpose and scope. 1. Downtown design review is an administrative process, the purpose of which is to implement and give effect to the downtown plan, its policies or parts thereof, through the adoption of downtown design guidelines, as set forth in subsection (D) below, efitefi for development within the downtown planning area, which is bounded by State Route 167 to the west, James Street to the north, Kennebeek/C1ark/Jason/Titus/Central Avenue to the east, and Willis Street to the south. The area is shown on the map below: 2 Downtown Design Guidelines 9 Downtown Planning Area Y a t sr nV 1 S1NTN. Y Y faA }} w Y • • Y /l S • is arm IT , SNna V I Igo > Y • C Gaut 7T �f i i 0 r 0[am IT AARTM IT Moms" sT sutnt r // as Ll S' '/� O L�J o• gl�o °as �.fo 0� � nvlo 6, a � °� and vao, /I rq = p 8,•: oG a 5 � j1 0o eaEL r�I o� f --i® ° F P a 1 Ej�9 LS o o d ❑�Q � \�\� Ilia 71L �° �,`� �`' e°=o o• ' �^o To to'� ��� ��o� �� ol�� ��p KENT DOWNTOWN PLANNING AREA 3 Downtown Design Guidelines 10 It is the intent of the city that this process will serve to aid applicants in understanding the principal expectations of the city concerning development in the downtown planning area and encourage a diversity of imaginative solutions to development through the review and application of the downtown design guidelines efitefi., deseri,ea in this ..eei e . These guidelines ^-°�rhave been formulated to ensure that the design, siting and construction of development will provide a quality pedestrian oriented urban environment in a manner consistent with established land use policies, the comprehensive plan, and zoning code of the city. 2. The adoption of the downtown design guidelines riiterie is an element of the city's regulation of land use, which is statutorily authorized. The downtown design review process adopted herein is established as an administrative function delegated to the the City's planning services officeplapiiiilg Elepfftffi pursuant to RC W Title 35A. Therefore, in implementing the downtown design review process, the planning direeter manager may adopt such rules and procedures as are necessary to provide for review of proposed projects. 3. All Ddevelopment in the ,1.yynt,... eemmereial (DC) a,.wnto.. districts within the downtown planning area shall be subject to the provisions of this section. 4 Applications for multifamily development in the DC WE and D M f i!oning dTstdets 844-4 .,et be st{bjeet to the—tfevisiens of KCC 15.09.045, Adminis4ative design review. 34. The downtown design review process is distinct from the multifamily design review process set forth in KCC 15.09.045. Applications for multifamily development within the DC, DCE and DLM zoning districts shall be subject to the provisions of KCC 15,09.045 in addition to the provisions of this section, except as provided in KCC 15.09.045(CD). However, the provisions of this section shall prevail in cases where a conflict may arise between the requirements of the two (2) sections. 4 Downtown Design Guidelines 11 B. Application and review process. The downtown design review process is administrative and is conducted as part of the permit review process. The applicant must make application for the design review process on forms provided by 1p anning services the _'an_:_g depai4me . Upon receipt of an application for design review, the planning director manager shall circulate the application to the pubhe vA ar4k director, building effieial, afid the eit y a 4ffiinist_.ateF appropriate city departments and offices for review. Prior to issuing a final decision, the planning direeter manager shall review any comments submitted for consideration. In the administration of this process, planning services the ..iawaing department may develop supplementary handbooks for the public, which shall pictorially illustrate and provide additional guidance on the interpretation of the criteria set forth in the downtown design guidelines subs ,;tion (C) of thi a ti, C. Design review committee. There is hereby established the downtown design review committee, which shall make all final decisions on applications for downtown design review. The committee shall be comprised of three (3) members, who shall be appointed by the planning direster manager under the authority delegated to him under RCW Title 35A. The members shall serve at the pleasure of the planning dirpw*R manager. The planning direeter manager shall, by administrative rule, establish the rules of procedure for the committee, which shall be made available to the public upon publication. D. Downtown design guidelines - adoption. The downtown design review committee shall use the downtown design guidelines in the evaluation and/or conditioning of applications under the downtown design review process. The downtown design guidelines, entitled "Kent Downtown Design Guidelines,' prepared by the City of Kent Planning Services in collaboration with MAKERS. Architecture and Urban Design and Mark Hinshaw of LMN Architecture, dated Member 19 2000 are hereby adopted by this reference as authorized pursuant to RCW 35A.12.140 and shall be placed on file in the offices of the city clerk and planning services. 5 Downtown Design Guidelines 12 follofollowing nrite«i.. n the e ...1n..tien «&er s nditianin.. of ,. nlie..tions . ndsr 4h wing .... ... ..... ................ w...�... ............... ..b . ..nYY.:. ..c 1 Cab a— The 9e—plan oen orins- withh the pedestrianer4y A...nts..e requirements for elsss A and elsss D streets included h d guidelines of the«la fining d,paft_...e«t b— Tr;e. site plan een€ems with the mwdmttm—setbaen si4:ed by the pedestrian plaiia erin.. e. The site plan pro .ides C a e setback F..r PrOj)ner4ien d. e s '�BsMaFxietn he her of ccrb $ics-iGecS$m.T-to P. Off street nnrb:ng afeas aFe l..ssted 4.. the rear or side o buildings and n well lighted ivlxoth public rights of way and privately owned Pedestrian s rrid..rs ....ts;de of h..ildings n elesrly narLed and well ligWe47 h. Pedesti3aix t faugx'hc�e'a s-afe pFeVided in long m iidiagss.. i The 't 1 d i nd/ t hl x'v site-pxaix-pi ob 3v'cs of vc.�icrpix`r'acc�nmvr-pxry ucv--x�avavro �. Landseflj3e design. a. Tholandsea.pe plan piovides ioi extensive landscaping of!aFg srl :fig ather h' h h G 4h 4 4 ♦1- ...... ... ....._. .e.Y� �._�� .....�.. �.... �� uvv.. ..v.�. u.0 uuvu v. v.uw pedestrian oriented area. b. The 4andseape plan e4imees pedesti ... a ,x..ties for an etbaek .r-ether oie. ni s.. .w.s .B.nh are being provided on the site. C. The lafidseape nl.fl ffthanees aii-y n 4e a&E) -- 6 Downtown Design Guidelines 13 a. BW!ding fleer area else. e C (4) ster:es. in height is s.etl.eel b. Buildings in thedo::ntewn commercial zoning distrirt ary Seale, ;wise kae: 6. Buildings in! a downtown a :el zoning d:s.tr:et provide eavef L r ..ed F.44:R..s, such e EMRingsalang the leng4h of an), F es.de abutting .. sidewalk. pedestrian erieiq4ed space minimize blank walls by pf&viding windows and/e pro,.iding an iffteresting design fieu+tff eq. e 11 ind.....e ....e Ee up the greatest .. en4age of the street level C eede afea t.. t..:..:...:..e 1ds...L walls iii the dey ffiie...f, ee......e...eial .. g di t i t 4. C—pwP4 4benue 4istriet design reviev, 'rt,e Cpytrei n..e.,..e d:st..:At des.:..., guidelines apply to de. el..«...ent within the a s.l.s ya; an Cho map below. ul MD 1 LID.. � k Canbal T�d �1�°d W Avenue sue'_ 5 �� iCvnidor y ^mGu. L-F2 West F yY 4 SouN Cora~�� I�II 0y- r ai FT 6Gi-. 7 Downtown Design Guidelines 14 n..er..e di-met desig% guidolires are hereby adepied by this ref reree as .,..ther-ized pursuant to nCW ze n l 2 ,nn and placed on rile it the efree of the Vert My Wed- and the Vert plaming depart...,ert E. Appeals. The decision of the downtown administrative design review committee to approve, condition or reject any application under the downtown design review process is final unless an appeal is made to the hearing examiner within teafourteen calendar (4-914) days of either the issuance of the committee's conditional approval or rejection of any application under this section. Appeals to the hearing examiner shall be conducted as set forth in Ch. 2.32 KCC. The decision of the hearing examiner shall be final, unless an appeal is made to the King County Superior Court, within twenty-one (21) calendar days of the date of the decision.e-ity eauneil wiflain ten (10) days after the hearing examiner's decision The appeal shell he ..iti fig .. ,he eit.. ,..,..veil ..rd filed .,.ith +h,. eity eleAE SECTION 2. — Severability. If any one or more sections, subsections, or sentences of this Ordinance are held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3. _F.(fective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. ��Gt✓ MAYOR --JP-/M ATTEST: BRENDA JACOBERCVITY CLERK 8 Downtown Design Guidelines 15 APPROVED AS TO FORM: -------------- c _ r ' - O R LUAOVICIL TTORNEY PASSED: day of / - il� 2000. APPROVED: a 0 day of �J p� , 2000. PUBLISHED: a a day of 2000. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. 35�� passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. 4u �i✓�Q (SEAL) BNDA JACOB CITY CLERK P:Civi I1Ordinwncennv+mownOnignGuidcliva.tloc 9 Downtown Design Guidelines 16 17 EXCERPT ONLY KENT DOWNTOWN DESIGN GUIDELINES City of Kent Planning Services in collaboration with ]FAKERS, architecture and urban design and Mark Hinshaw of LMN Architecture September 19, 2000 18 Table of Contents page INTRODUCTION 3 HOW TO USE THE DESIGN GUIDELINES 4 APPLICATION OF DESIGN GUIDELINES 4 ORGANIZATION OF DESIGN GUIDELINES 5 DESIGN REVIEW PROCESS 6 DESIGN GUIDELINES AND STANDARDS 7 I. SITE PLANNING 7 A. Response to Surrounding Context and Unique Site Features 7 B. Relationship to Street Front 9 C. Siting and Screening of Service and Parking Facilities 12 D. Street Comers 14 E. Site Design for Safety 15 F. Residential Open Space 19 G. Pedestrian Access 21 H. Pedestrian Amenities 22 11. LANDSCAPE AND SITE DESIGN 27 A. Landscape Concept 27 B. Parking Lot Landscaping 29 111. BUILDING DESIGN 31 A. Building Concept 31 B. Human Scale and Pedestrian Orientation 31 C. Architectural Scale 32 D. Building Details and Elements 34 E. Materials and Colors 36 F. Blank Walls 37 IV. DEFINITIONS 39 Downtown Design Guidelines September 19, 2000 Page 2 ATTACHMENT B 19 M;7wf� "ry� an�.rcaiu _n f f .M"� vi �� ; f � AiM ✓rr�m ro r 14 i f W IS m I N Lin 1 MMM y ✓ � °NMy � *Ill/Lq(!SJ'�,f f f���� �,1 ✓ l ✓i it c,,V H� ,,.i� „<.�" ,I, �l. i w zj �✓ p rtw" il'v ' � Aq En ,!'✓ I: Il k A 1 �� 20 E O N lzzr C.0 ti 00 (�, .-� N (�, cam') cam') �" C° 00 a) O N N m m r C0 .-� .-� .-y .-y .-y .-y 'V N N 'V N N N N N N N � w to (� cp r o a o Q o � �OQ ti � paUQwrwc7x spa � � PaU Tj 4 Q x Q o o nq 210 /i his atlq yq > m tlq U <a IS ao i tao Q 3 co P L o a N 9 m 7 o ti 7 m -o a T O m a a a o o a o o O ato -°to U o to �3 :o a p o ti ° to _ m o 3to O O N to tO m axiL'O � n7q / T S m Scn oc m m cn o o f 3 ° > 3 to 3 o o to to y a ao m 3 N °oU9 '� n�o � -o a m ° 7Z:cn m to intoto Q m m i to 22 g v � f ' IMIVU t Vj/X A 4 ��h tad t Nzt ..H..V �� I� ��u �r Y ' LVIPaw Y'rU l � li I i a �r irYJ!Ni'Jl� �1 r' ��� f � .. ,. 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N E O m O 73 7L a o ❑G a0 O .S'J' '� p. � U Ui � a0 m s' cm. m w ,�' t�s�;, L '" � P-i w cU. • p" 0. vi U a G' O U d N "' O 9 9 ro U w w O U U a N E- q �\ :� )� \� ƒ� \�. \� : (�. � < /�. \� % \� � d� �\ \�� ) � � \ ATTACHMENT C 55 All il, f roJ 7i I ,"T, I'I ?, "A F11 .................... ,j �A, f �( bef Ii 71 P dill Ij 0 Mill f, T bAV N i loj If MW i If 4 A11j,pfe 4A N UIT je� �I 'Il I I 1�1 If 7TT JIl fl�,fl lifli{ ""'i I U i I 11DIM If I' , i , .-.... j f ilu IMil W11 eA 1'.. °1 � f1 it ff, i f1j�Ifl,j .......... BH1 if ff i,,. I I J,a Cl if li�l Pi f j" IC ji Ulu i� .4 If jJj, "I'll" 11 J, i if jbjIl Ef�fI Ii Ifl JI fFY jil, J if 1II 11V j ji ir I,Im�il � � Of i if, Alf.,IOLA I N, 56 57 ECONOMIC and COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Ben Wolters, Director PLANNING DIVISION Fred N Satterstrom, AICP, Planning Director KEN T Charlene Anderson, AICP, Planning Manager WASH INGTou Phone: 253-856-5454 Fax: 253-856-6454 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032-5895 February 4, 2014 To: Jack Ottini, Chair and Land Use and Planning Board Members From: Charlene Anderson, AICP, Planning Manager Subject: Right Size Parking Workshop - February 10, 2014 INTRODUCTION: As part of implementation of the Downtown Subarea Action Plan (DSAP), the City received approval of a pilot project to assess parking code amendments and parking management strategies for Downtown. The project included an inventory of existing on-street and off-street stalls. A consultant team recently presented staff with their findings and recommendations which staff will share with the Board on February loth BACKGROUND: The DSAP represents the community's vision for the urban center and serves as a basis for development in the center by providing a framework for project-level planning. The DSAP focuses on actions to implement the objectives and ideas presented in the vision. These recommended actions include regulatory measures, capital investments, and public programs. Policy T-2 of the DSAP states, Take actions to ensure that adequate public parking is available to support existing uses and facilitate future development in the Urban Center. This includes efficient management of on-street spaces and future development and enhancement of structured, off-street parking. The pilot project directly supports this policy. If there are any questions, please contact me at 253.856.5431. CA:pm S:�Permit�Plan�COMP_PLAN_AMENDMENTS�2012�CPA-2012-1 Downtown�Parking�ECDC Memo_02102014.docx Enc: PowerPoint presentation cc: Ben Wolters, ECD Director Fred Satterstrom,AICP, Planning Director Charlene Anderson,AICP, Planning Manager David Galazin,Assistant City Attorney File 58 ATTACHMENT 59 LUPB WORKSHOP 2/10/14 lumum I� I� m IIIIIIIII m m � ■'I � Vf�y»i uuuuul 'I��," III uiil � IIIIIIIIIIff ® ® � I�� IIIUDIJJJ Illlllllllllliii IIII1111U1JJJ� � L Hill ��w� jiiilllllllllll IIIIIVppllllmuuI,,.•... /���� § rr 2 ! \ w { z \ � � ƒ � 2 u � M � O 2 N � t o E � k � N 0 txo � k c i a 2 § § § E ' Q E � @ . � � � � � § � \ � § & / u w § % 0Q.) 2 E J 0R © � • \ O / ■ t « § ! & 2 0 v c L Q c S % o I > § ' m - wao e O 2 E 2 � L. 2 0 J 0 § 2 � CL u b °0 w v ■ + J 0 u o Y � 61 lik E VIIIVVWOj lik as Ippol c 0 0. 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