HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Land Use and Planning Board - 08/22/2011 ECONOMIC and COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Ben Wolters, Director PLANNING DIVISION Fred N. Satterstrom, AICP, Planning Director Charlene Anderson, AICP, Manager Phone: 253-856-5454 Fax: 253-856-6454 220 Fourth Avenue S, Kent, WA 98032-5895 AGENDA LAND USE & PLANNING BOARD PUBLIC HEARING AUGUST 22, 2011 7:00 P.M. LUPB MEMBERS: Dana Ralph, Chair; Jack Ottini, Vice Chair; Steve Dowell, Navdeep Gill, Barbara Phillips and Jim Sturgul CITY STAFF: Charlene Anderson, AICP, Planning Manager; Katie Graves, Planner; Assistant City Attorney David Galazin This is to notify you that the Land Use and Planning Board will hold a Public Hearing on MONDAY, AUGUST 22, 2011 in Kent City Hall, City Council Chambers East and West, 220 4th Avenue South, Kent, WA at 7:00 P.M. The public is invited to attend and all interested persons will have an opportunity to speak. Any person wishing to submit oral or written comments on the proposed amendment may do so prior to or at the meeting. The agenda will include the following item(s): 1 Call to order 2 Roll call 3 Approval of the March 28, 2011 Minutes 4 Added Items to Agenda 5 Communications 6 Notice of Upcoming Meetings 7 PUBLIC HEARING: 1. ZCA-2011-1(A) Code Amendments (Katie Graves) A public hearing to consider amendments to regulations and standards for development, parking, church day-care centers, noise, accessory buildings, special home occupations, major nonconforming buildings and structures, temporary use permits/fund -raising carwashes, and city council action on comprehensive plans for annexat ion areas. The regulations and standards are more particularly related to the following sections of Kent City Code: (KCC) Sections: 15.04.170, 15.04.190, 15.05.100, 15.08.020.A.7, 15.08.040.F, 15.08.050.D.1, 15.08.100.D.2, 15.08.160.A,, and 15 .09.055.D.1. The intent is to codify existing permit process efficiencies, eliminate unnecessary duplications, and clarify code sections that have caused confusion, or created needless delay for applicants. For further information or to obtain copies of the staff report or Agenda for the proposed amendment contact the Planning Division office at (253) 856-5454. You may submit comments by emailing Planner Katie Graves at: kgraves@ci.kent.wa.us, and you may access the City’s website for documents pertaining to the Land Use and Planning Board at: http://kentwa.iqm2.com/citizens/Default.aspx?DepartmentID=1004. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk’s Office at 253-856-5725 in advance. For TDD relay service call 1-800-833-6388 or call the City of Kent Planning Services directly at (253) 856-5499 (TDD). This page intentionally left blank. LAND USE & PLANNING BOARD MINUTES MARCH 28, 2011 Land Use & Planning Board Members Chair Dana Ralph, Vice Chair Jack Ottini, Steve Dowell, Navdeep Gill, Barbara Phillips and Jim Sturgul. Chair Ralph called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. City Staff Charlene Anderson, Tom Brubaker 3. Approval of Minutes Board member Ottini Moved and Board member Phillips Seconded a Motion to approve the December 6, 2010 Minutes. Motion PASSED 6-0. 4. Added Items - None 5. Communications - None 6. Notice of Upcoming Meetings - None 7. CPA-2010-3/CPZ-2010-1 Kentara Short Plat Lot #21 Planning Manager Charlene Anderson stated that the Kentara site under consideration for a land use plan map amendment is located west of 104th Avenue SE and just north of the 272nd/277th Street Corridor. The application seeks to amend the comprehensive plan land use map for Lot #21 parcel from Urban Separator (US) entirely to Single Family Residential, 6 Dwelling Units per acre (SF-6). Anderson stated that the sensitive area tracts and easements restrictions are not changed by any re-designations on the land use plan map. She illustrated the topography of the subject site. She stated that a portion of Lot 21 was part of a larger locally-designated urban separator, defining Urban Separators as low density areas typically zoned SR-1 or 1 dwelling unit per acre. Anderson described five options for consideration: (1) No Action, (2) Option 1 (Schneider Application), 6 Dwelling Units per Acre (SF-6), (3) Option 2A (No Net Loss-Swap) (4) Option 2B (No Net Loss-Swap and Addition), and (5) Option 2C (No Net Loss-SF-6 and Addition). Anderson stated that staff recommends approval of the applicant’s proposal. Option 1 meets the standard of review for amendments to the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map, is an insignificant adjustment to the Urban Separator lands, and does not set a precedent of using publicly-owned property to offset privately-owned property in terms of no net loss of urban separators. Anderson stated that this proposal will go before the Economic & Community Development Committee (ECDC) on April 11 and to City Council on April 19. Subsequently, it is anticipated that the public hearing for the rezone will go to the Hearing Examiner in May and to City Council in June. Anderson described eleven (11) exhibits that she submitted for the record. Board member Ottini Moved and Board member Dowell Seconded a Motion to accept the Exhibits into the record. Motion PASSED 6-0. Chair Ralph declared the Public Hearing Open. 1 LUPB Minutes March 28, 2011 Page 2 of 2 Brad Hughes, 27223 103rd Pl SE, Kent stated that he and his neighbors want assurance that homes will be built quickly on the subject site with the same quality and level of value of the other homes within the community. Hans Korve, DMP, Inc. 726 Auburn Way N, Auburn, WA 98002 addressed concerns raised related to the quality of construction, access and easement issues. He indicated what could be developed if Options 2A or 2B were approved. He appreciates and supports staff’s recommendation of Option 1. Gary Gill, DMP, Inc. 726 Auburn Way N, Auburn, WA 98002 addressed concerns raised by Brad Hughes concerning access issues and storm water detention. He stated that the private access tract road will be widened and sidewalks will be added as part of developing the subject site. Seeing no further speakers, Board member Ottini Moved and Board member Phillips Seconded a Motion to close the public hearing. Motion PASSED 6-0. Board member Ottini Moved and Board member Dowell Seconded a Motion to recommend to the City Council approval of staff’s recommendation of Option 1, a comprehensive plan land use map designation of SF-6 Single Family Residential for CPA-2010-3 Kentara Lot 21. Motion PASSED 6-0. Adjournment Chair Ralph Adjourned the Meeting at 7:40 p.m. ______________________________________________ Charlene Anderson, AICP, Planning Manager Board Secretary 2 ECONOMIC & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Ben Wolters, Director PLANNING DIVISION Fred Satterstrom, AICP, Director Charlene Anderson, AICP, Manager Phone: 253-856-5454 Fax: 253-856-6454 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032-5895 August 15, 2011 TO: Chair Dana Ralph and Land Use & Planning Board Members FROM: Katie Graves, Planner RE: Code Amendments [ZCA-2011-1(A)] Staff Report for the August 22, 2011 LUPB Hearing SUMMARY: Local planning legislation arises from many sources – Federal, State or regional mandates; changes to local community vision; complaints; need for clarity; updated technologies, business operations or strategies that make existing codes outdated; conflicts with updated codes in other City departments; and many others. This proposed update includes items that are housekeeping in nature only. The Land Use & Planning Board (the “Board”) was presented with a list of all potential code amendments at a workshop on July 11, 2011, and the Board determined that the first amendments to be brought forward would focus on simple, less controversial, housekeeping items. Staff presented the items to the Board at a second workshop on July 25, 2011. BACKGROUND: The full list of potential code amendments presented to the Board on July 11, 2011 contained items from Titles 12 and 15 of Kent City Code. The Board requested that staff group the items and bring them back for more detailed discussion. This first round of code amendments includes only items that staff deems “housekeeping” items. These are primarily items that clarify code, eliminate duplicate regulations, and correct wrong references or footnotes. These items were discussed in depth at the July 25, 2011 Board workshop and are described in the attachment to this memo. Please note the amendment to 12.01.100, originally part of the list, has been removed and will be part of the proposed amendments to Chapter 12.01. Staff will be available at the public hearing to answer questions. The SEPA Responsible Official has determined that the proposed amendments are procedural in nature and thus categorically exempt from further SEPA review under WAC 197-11-800(19) and 11.03.200 Kent City Code. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the amendments. MOTION: Recommend to the City Council approval of amendments to Kent City Code as recommended by staff/as modified. 3 Proposed Code Amendments – Phase I 15.04.170: correct 8’ side yard setback and add footnote 37 to minimum lot width for SR-4.5, 6, 8. This item fixes the incorrect notation of 8’ for side yard setbacks. As approved via Ordinance No. 3830 on March 6, 2007, the requirement is 5’, with increased setbacks for half of the lots in plats and short plats that have been created after March 22, 2007. The addition of footnote 37 under minimum lot width is to clarify the minimum lot width for plats and short plats that have been created after March 22, 2007. 15.04.190: delete footnote 7 from M2 zone front yard setback. Footnote 7 in this section of the code is an error that provides for an additional front yard setback, conflicting with footnote 6 which is the correct requirement. 15.05.100: change aisle width to 24’ in diagram 2. The diagram incorrectly references a 26’ aisle width, inconsistent with diagram 1. 15.08.020.A.7: reference WAC 388-148-1275 for church daycare. This code section contains an incorrect reference for church daycares. The requirement should reference the state law. 15.08.040.F.: change requirement for at-home lessons to only require Special Home Occupation permit if for more than one student at a time. This code amendment codifies a Planning Director interpretation that if at-home lessons for tutoring, art, dance, or music are for one student at a time, the home occupation can meet the home occupation standards that any other home business would have to meet, so a Special Home Occupation permit is not required. If at-home lessons are for more than one student at a time or include student gatherings, the home occupation standards cannot be met and a Special Home Occupation permit would be required. 15.08.050.D.1: delete noise regulations – duplicated by Chapter 8.05 KCC Noise Control. Chapter 8.05 of Kent City Code contains noise regulations, so the noise regulations in 15.08.050.D.1 should be deleted in order to avoid duplication, conflicting regulations, and unnecessary confusion. 15.08.100.D.2: reference for altering/adding to homes in non- residential zones. allows for residences in commercial and industrial zones to be rebuilt, repaired, and otherwise changed for human occupancy. It has been interpreted that this section overrides the regulations in the nonconforming use code of 15.08.100, so providing the reference eliminates this conflict. 15.08.160.A: Include size limit for garages. 15.02 defines a garage a having a size limitation of 1000 square feet for the area where vehicles are stored. This size limit should also be included in the accessory structures regulations of 15.08.160.A. add car wash kit requirement to fund-raising car washes. Public Works requires temporary car wash operations to obtain a car wash kit. Adding this item to code informs staff and the public that a car wash kit is required for temporary car washes. 15.09.055.D.1: eliminate last sentence. The last sentence in this section is a typo and does not relate to the zoning of annexed lands. KH/pm S:\Permit\Plan\ZONING_CODE_AMENDMENTS\2011\ZCA-2011-1 Code Amendments\LUPB\08-22-11_Public_Hearing\082211Hrg_HousekeepingCodeUpdateStaffRpt.doc Att: Amendments to KCC; 15.04 District Regulations, 15.05.100 Parking, 15.08 General & Supplementary Provisions, 15.09 Administration and Ch.8.05 Noise Control cc: Fred Satterstrom, AICP, CD Director Charlene Anderson, AICP, Planning Manager Project File 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34