HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Land Use and Planning Board - 07/25/2011 ECONOMIC and COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Ben Wolters, Director PLANNING DIVISION Fred N. Satterstrom, AICP, Planning Director Charlene Anderson, AICP, Manager Phone: 253-856-5454 Fax: 253-856-6454 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S Kent, WA 98032-5895 AGENDA LAND USE & PLANNING BOARD WORKSHOP JULY 25, 2011 7:00 P.M. LUPB MEMBERS: Dana Ralph-Chair; Jack Ottini-Vice Chair, Steve Dowell, Navdeep Gill, Barbara Phillips and Jim Sturgul CITY STAFF: Charlene Anderson, AICP, Planning Manager, Katie Graves, Planner, David Galazin, Assistant City Attorney This is to notify you that the City of Kent Land Use & Planning Board will hold a Workshop on: Monday, July 25, 2011, at 7:00 p.m. Kent City Hall, City Council Chambers East 220 Fourth Avenue S No public testimony is taken at workshops, although the public is welcome to attend. The Agenda Packet for this meeting may be accessed through the City of Kent’s Website at http://kentwa.iqm2.com/citizens/Default.aspx?DepartmentID=1004. The workshop agenda will include the following item(s): 1. ZCA-2011-1 (A) Code Amendments Discussion of Kent City Code Amendments (housekeeping) related to: KCC 12.01.100, 15.04.170, 15.04.190, 15.05.100, 15.08.020.A.7, 15.08.040.F, 15.08.050.D.1, 15.08.100.D.2, 15.08.160.A,, and 15.09.055.D.1. For further information or to obtain copies of the Land Use & Planning Bo ard Agenda Packet please contact the Planning Division office at (253) 856-5454 or send an e-mail to Pam Mottram at pmottram@ci.kent.wa.us. You may access the City’s website for documents and information pertaining to the Land Use & Planning Board at: http://kentwa.iqm2.com/citizens/Default.aspx?DepartmentID=1004 . Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk’s Office at 253-856-5725 in advance. For TDD relay service call 1-800-833-6388 or call the City of Kent Economic & Community Development Department directly at (253) 856-5499 (TDD). This page intentionally left blank. ECONOMIC & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Ben Wolters, Director PLANNING DIVISION Fred Satterstrom, AICP, Director Charlene Anderson, AICP, Manager Phone: 253-856-5454 Fax: 253-856-6454 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032-5895 July 18, 2011 TO: Chair Dana Ralph and Land Use & Planning Board Members FROM: Katie Graves, Planner RE: Code Amendments [ZCA-2011-1(A)] For July 25, 2011 Workshop SUMMARY: Local planning legislation arises from many sources – Federal, State or regional mandates; changes to local community vision; complaints; need for clarity; updated technologies, business operations or strategies that make existing codes outdated; conflicts with updated codes in other City departments; and many others. Attached is a draft list of potential amendments to land use planning regulations that only encompass more simple housekeeping items. BACKGROUND: Staff presented a draft list of all potential code amendments at the Land Use and Planning Board workshop on July 11, 2011. The Board requested that the simple housekeeping items be brought to them first, with more complex, substantive amendments to follow. Attached is a list of the housekeeping items that will be addressed first. These items primarily include corrections to typos, wrong references, and simple clarifications. Staff will be present at the July 25th workshop to go over these items in more detail. KG\pm S:\Permit\Plan\ZONING_CODE_AMENDMENTS\2011\LUPB\072511_LUPBmemo.doc Enc: Proposed housekeeping code amendments cc: Fred Satterstrom, AICP, Planning Director Charlene Anderson, AICP, Planning Manager Project File ZCA-2011-1 1 This page intentionally left blank. 2 Code Amendments Housekeeping Items – Round One 12.01.100: Submittal and acceptance of application 15.04.170: correct 8’ side yard setback and add footnote 37 to minimum lot width for SR-4.5, 6, 8 15.04.190: delete footnote 7 from M2 zone front yard setback 15.05.100: change aisle width to 24’ in diagram 15.08.020.A.7: reference WAC 388-148-1275 for church daycare 15.08.040.F.: change requirement for at-home lessons to only require Special Home Occupation if for more than one student at a time 15.08.050.D.1: delete noise regulations – duplicated by Chapter 8.05 KCC Noise Control 15.08.100.D.2: reference for altering/adding to homes in non- residential zones 15.08.160.A: Include size limit for garages add car wash kit requirement to fund-raising car washes 15.09.055.D.1: eliminate last sentence S:\Permit\Plan\ZONING_CODE_AMENDMENTS\2011\Housekeeping Round One Proposed Changes\List of Round One Code Amendments.doc 3 This page intentionally left blank. 4 Amendments to 12.01.100 12.01.100 Submission and acceptance of application. A. Determination of completeness. An application is deemed complete upon acceptance by a permit technician, consistent with instructions for a complete application. Within twenty-eight (28) calendar days after receiving a project permit application for review for completeness, the city shall mail or personally provide a written determination of completeness to the applicant, which to the extent known by the city, identifies other agencies with jurisdiction over the project permit application, and states either: 1. That the application is complete; or 2. That the application is incomplete and what is necessary to make the application complete. If the city does not provide a written determination to the applicant that the application is incomplete, the application shall be deemed complete. The time period guidelines for review of project permit applications begin following the determination of a complete application. B. Additional information for “complete applications.” A determination of completeness shall be made when an application is sufficient for continued processing even though additional information may be required or project modifications may be undertaken subsequently. The city’s determination of completeness shall not preclude the city from requesting additional information or studies either at the time of the notice of completeness submittal or at some later time, if new information is required or where there are substantial changes in the proposal. C. Procedure for “incomplete applications.” 1. Prior to a determination of a complete application, if the applicant receives a written determination from the city that an application is not complete, the applicant shall have up to ninety (90) calendar days to submit the necessary information to the city. Within fourteen (14) calendar days after an applicant has submitted the requested additional information, the city shall make the determination of completeness as described in subsection (A) of this section, and notify the applicant in the same manner. 2. If the applicant either refuses in writing to submit additional information or does not submit the required information within the ninety (90) calendar day period, the 5 application shall lapse because of a lack of information necessary to complete the review. D. Date of acceptance of application. When the project permit application is determined to be complete, the planning manager shall accept it and note the date of acceptance. E. Project review. Following a determination that an application is complete, the city shall begin project review. S:\Permit\Plan\ZONING_CODE_AMENDMENTS\2011\Housekeeping Round One Proposed Changes\12.01 Administration of Development Regulations.doc 6 Am e n d m e n t s t o 1 5 . 0 4 D i s t r i c t R e g u l a t i o n s 15 . 0 4 . 1 7 0 A g r i c u l t u r a l a n d r e s i d e n t i a l z o n e d e v e l o p m e n t s t a n d a r d s . Zo n i n g D i s t r i c t s A-10 Ag r i c u l t ur a l SR -1 Re s i d e n ti a l Ag r i c u l t ur a l SR -3 Si n g l e - Fa m i l y Re s i d e nt i a l SR -4. 5 Si n g l e - Fa m i l y Re s i d e nt i a l SR -6 Si n g l e - Fa m i ly Re s i d e nt i a l SR -8 Si n g l e - Fa m i l y Re s i d e nt i a l MR -D Du p l e x Mu l t i f a m i ly Re s i d e n t i al MR -T1 2 Mu l t i f a m i l y Re s i d e n t i a l To w n h o u s e MR -T1 6 Mu l t i f a m i l y Re s i d e n t i a l To w n h o u s e MR -G L o w De n s i t y Mu l t i f a m i l y Re s i d e n t i a l MR -M M e d i u m De n s i t y Mu l t i f a m i l y Re s i d e n t i a l MR -H H i gh De n s i t y Mu l t i f a m i l y Re s i d e n t i a l MH P Mo b i l e Ho m e Pa r k Co m b i ni n g SF Du p l ex SF Du p l ex MF SF Du p l ex MF SF Du p l ex MF SF Du p l ex MF SF Du p l ex MF Ma x i m u m de n s i t y : dw e l l i n g un i t s p e r ac r e 1 d u / 10 a c 1 d u / a c 3. 6 3 du s / a c 4. 5 3 du s / a c 6. 0 5 du s / a c 8. 7 1 du s /a c 8. 7 1 du s / ac 10 . 8 9 du s / ac 12 . 0 du s / ac 12 . 0 du s / ac 16 . 0 du s / ac 16 . 0 du s / a c 16 . 0 du s / ac 16 . 0 du s / ac 23 . 0 du s / ac 23 . 0 du s / ac 40 . 0 du s / ac 40 . 0 du s / ac Mi n i m u m lo t a r e a : sq u a r e f e e t or a c r e s , a s no t e d 10 a c 34 , 7 0 0 sq f t 9, 6 0 0 sq f t 7, 6 0 0 sq f t (3 7 ) 5, 7 00 sq f t (3 7 ) 4, 0 0 0 sq f t (3 7 ) 4, 0 0 0 s q ft 8, 0 0 0 s q ft no n e 8, 0 0 0 s q ft 8, 5 0 0/ 3, 5 0 0 s q ft (2 7 ) no n e 8, 0 0 0 s q ft (3 5 ) 8, 5 0 0 / 3 ,5 0 0 s q ft ( 3 5 ) no n e 8, 0 0 0 s q ft 8, 5 0 0/ 2, 5 0 0 s q ft (1 ) no n e 8, 0 0 0 s q ft 8, 5 0 0/ 1, 6 0 0 s q ft (2 ) no n e 8, 0 0 0 s q ft 8, 5 0 0/ 90 0 sq f t (3) Mi n i m u m lo t w i d t h : fe e t ( 4 ) 60 f t 60 f t 50 f t 50 f t (3 7 ) 50 f t (3 7 ) 40 f t (3 7 ) 25 ft 80 f t 25 ft 80 f t 80 ft 25 ft 80 f t 80 f t 25 ft 80 f t 80 ft 25 ft 80 f t 80 ft 25 ft 80 f t 80 ft AMENDMENTS TO 15.04 DISTRICT REGULATIONS 7 Zo n i n g D i s t r i c t s A-10 Ag r i c u l t ur a l SR -1 Re s i d e n ti a l Ag r i c u l t ur a l SR -3 Si n g l e - Fa m i l y Re s i d e nt i a l SR -4. 5 Si n g l e - Fa m i l y Re s i d e nt i a l SR -6 Si n g l e - Fa m i ly Re s i d e nt i a l SR -8 Si n g l e - Fa m i l y Re s i d e nt i a l MR -D Du p l e x Mu l t i f a m i ly Re s i d e n t i al MR -T1 2 Mu l t i f a m i l y Re s i d e n t i a l To w n h o u s e MR -T1 6 Mu l t i f a m i l y Re s i d e n t i a l To w n h o u s e MR -G L o w De n s i t y Mu l t i f a m i l y Re s i d e n t i a l MR -M M e d i u m De n s i t y Mu l t i f a m i l y Re s i d e n t i a l MR -H H i gh De n s i t y Mu l t i f a m i l y Re s i d e n t i a l MH P Mo b i l e Ho m e Pa r k Co m b i ni n g Ma x i m u m si t e co v e r a g e : pe r c e n t o f si t e 30 % 30 % 45 % (5 ) 45 % (5 ) 50% (5 ) 55 % (5 ) 55 % (5 ) 40 % (5 ) 55 % (5 ) 40 % (5 ) 45 % (5 ) 55 % (5 ) 40 % (5 ) 45 % (5 ) 55 % (5 ) 40 % (5 ) 45 % 55 % (5 ) 40 % (5 ) 45 % 55 % (5 ) 40 % (5 ) 50 % Mi n i m u m ya r d re q u i r e m e n t s: f e e t (2 2 ) Fr o n t y a r d 20 f t (6 ) 20 f t ( 6 ) 10 f t (6 ) (8 ) (9 ) 10 f t (6 ) (8 ) (9 ) 10 f t (6 ) (8 ) (9 ) 10 f t (6 ) (8 ) (9 ) 10 ft (6 ) (8 ) (9 ) 10 f t (6 ) (8 ) (9 ) 10 ft (6 ) (8 ) (9 ) 10 f t (6 ) (8 ) (9 ) 20 ft 10 ft (6 ) (8 ) (9 ) 10 f t (6 ) (8 ) (9 ) 20 f t 10 ft (6 ) (8 ) (9 ) 10 f t (6 ) (8 ) (9 ) 20 ft 10 ft (6 ) (8 ) (9 ) 10 f t (6 ) (8 ) (9 ) 20 ft 10 ft (6 ) (8 ) (9 ) 10 f t (6 ) (8 ) (9 ) 20 ft Si d e y a r d 15 f t 15 f t 5 f t 85 ft (3 8 ) 85 ft (3 8 ) 85 ft (3 8 ) 5 f t (3 0 ) 5 f t 5 f t (3 0 ) 5 f t (1 1 ) 5 f t (3 0 ) 5 f t (1 1 ) 5 f t (3 0 ) 5 f t (1 1 ) 5 f t (3 0 ) 5 f t (1 1 ) 5 f t (3 0 ) 5 f t (1 1 ) Si d e y a r d o n fl a n k i n g st r e e t o f a co r n e r l o t 20 f t 20 f t 10 f t (9 ) 10 f t (9 ) 10 f t (9 ) 10 f t (9 ) 10 ft (9 ) 10 f t (9 ) 10 ft (9 ) 10 f t (9 ) 15 ft 10 ft (9 ) 10 f t (9 ) 15 f t 10 ft (9 ) 10 f t (9 ) 15 ft 10 ft (9 ) 10 f t (9 ) 15 ft 10 ft (9 ) 10 f t (9 ) 15 ft AMENDMENTS TO 15.04 DISTRICT REGULATIONS 2/9 8 Zo n i n g D i s t r i c t s A-10 Ag r i c u l t ur a l SR -1 Re s i d e n ti a l Ag r i c u l t ur a l SR -3 Si n g l e - Fa m i l y Re s i d e nt i a l SR -4. 5 Si n g l e - Fa m i l y Re s i d e nt i a l SR -6 Si n g l e - Fa m i ly Re s i d e nt i a l SR -8 Si n g l e - Fa m i l y Re s i d e nt i a l MR -D Du p l e x Mu l t i f a m i ly Re s i d e n t i al MR -T1 2 Mu l t i f a m i l y Re s i d e n t i a l To w n h o u s e MR -T1 6 Mu l t i f a m i l y Re s i d e n t i a l To w n h o u s e MR -G L o w De n s i t y Mu l t i f a m i l y Re s i d e n t i a l MR -M M e d i u m De n s i t y Mu l t i f a m i l y Re s i d e n t i a l MR -H H i gh De n s i t y Mu l t i f a m i l y Re s i d e n t i a l MH P Mo b i l e Ho m e Pa r k Co m b i ni n g Re a r y a r d 20 f t 15 f t 5 f t 10 f t 10 f t 10 f t 5 f t 8 f t 5 f t 8 f t 20 ft 5 f t 8 f t 20 f t 5 f t 8 f t 20 ft 5 f t 8 f t 20 ft 5 f t 8 f t 20 ft Ad d i t i o n a l se t b a c k s / d i s ta n c e s be t w e e n bu i l d i n g s (1 2 ) (1 2 ) (3 2 ) (3 2 ) (1 4 ) (1 5 ) (3 2 ) (3 1 ) (3 2 ) (3 1 ) (3 2 ) (1 4 ) (1 5 ) (3 1 ) (3 2 ) (3 1 ) (3 1 ) (1 4 ) (1 5 ) (3 1 ) (14 ) (1 5 ) (1 4 ) (1 5 ) SF Du p l ex SF Du p l ex MF SF Du p l ex MF SF Du p l ex MF SF Du p l ex MF SF Du p l ex MF He i g h t li m i t a t i o n : i n st o r i e s / n o t to e x c e e d i n fe e t 2. 5 st r y / 35 f t (1 6 ) 2. 5 st r y / 35 f t 2. 5 st r y / 35 f t 2. 5 st r y / 35 f t 2. 5 st r y / 35 f t 2. 5 st r y / 30 f t 2. 5 st r y / 30 ft 2. 5 st r y / 35 f t 2. 5 st r y / 30 ft 2 st r y / 30 f t 3 st r y / 3 0 ft 2. 5 st r y / 30 ft 2 st r y / 30 f t 3 s t r y / 30 f t 2. 5 st r y / 30 ft 2. 5 st r y / 35 f t 3 st r y / 4 0 ft 2. 5 st r y / 30 ft 2. 5 st r y / 35 f t 3 st r y / 4 0 ft 2. 5 st r y / 30 ft 2. 5 st r y / 35 f t 4 st r y / 5 0 ft Ma x i m u m im p e r v i o u s su r f a c e : pe r c e n t o f to t a l p a r c e l ar e a 40 % (1 9 ) 40 % (1 9 ) 50 % (2 3 ) 60 % (2 3 ) 70 % (2 3 ) 75 % (2 3 ) 75 % (1 9 ) 70 % (1 9 ) 75 % (1 9 ) 70 % (1 9 ) 70 % (1 9 ) 75 % (1 9 ) 70 % (1 9 ) 70 % (1 9 ) 75 % (1 9 ) 70 % (1 9 ) 75 % (1 9 ) 70 % (1 9 ) 75 % (1 9 ) 70 % (1 9 ) AMENDMENTS TO 15.04 DISTRICT REGULATIONS 3/9 9 Zo n i n g D i s t r i c t s A-10 Ag r i c u l t ur a l SR -1 Re s i d e n ti a l Ag r i c u l t ur a l SR -3 Si n g l e - Fa m i l y Re s i d e nt i a l SR -4. 5 Si n g l e - Fa m i l y Re s i d e nt i a l SR -6 Si n g l e - Fa m i ly Re s i d e nt i a l SR -8 Si n g l e - Fa m i l y Re s i d e nt i a l MR -D Du p l e x Mu l t i f a m i ly Re s i d e n t i al MR -T1 2 Mu l t i f a m i l y Re s i d e n t i a l To w n h o u s e MR -T1 6 Mu l t i f a m i l y Re s i d e n t i a l To w n h o u s e MR -G L o w De n s i t y Mu l t i f a m i l y Re s i d e n t i a l MR -M M e d i u m De n s i t y Mu l t i f a m i l y Re s i d e n t i a l MR -H H i gh De n s i t y Mu l t i f a m i l y Re s i d e n t i a l MH P Mo b i l e Ho m e Pa r k Co m b i ni n g Ze r o l o t l i n e an d cl u s t e r i n g (2 4 ) Th e p r o v i s i o n s i n K C C 15 . 0 8 . 3 0 0 , 15 . 0 8 . 3 1 0 , 15 . 0 8 . 3 2 0 , a n d 15 . 0 8 . 3 3 0 sh a l l a p p l y . Si g n s Th e s i g n r e g u l a t i o n s o f C h . 1 5 . 0 6 K C C s h a l l a p p l y . Of f -st r e e t pa r k i n g Th e o f f -st r e e t p a r k i n g r e q u i r e m e n t s o f C h . 1 5 . 0 5 K C C s h a l l a p p l y . La n d s c a p i n g Th e l a n d s c a p i n g r e q u i r e m e n t s o f C h . 1 5 . 0 7 K C C s h a l l a p p l y . Mu l t i f a m i l y tr a n s i t i o n ar e a (2 5 ) (2 5 ) (2 5 ) (2 5 ) (2 5 ) Mu l t i f a m i l y de s i g n re v i e w (2 6 ) (2 6 ) (2 6 ) (2 6 ) (2 6 ) Ad d i t i o n a l st a n d a r d s Ad d i t i o n a l s t a n d a r d s f o r s p e c i f i c u s e s a r e c o n t a i n e d i n C h s . 1 5 . 0 8 a n d 1 5 . 0 9 K C C . (2 0 ) (3 1 ) (3 3 ) (3 3 ) (36 ) (3 3 ) (3 6 ) (3 3 ) (3 6 ) (3 6 ) (3 6 ) (2 8 ) (2 8 ) (3 6 ) (3 6 ) (3 6 ) (3 6 ) (3 6 ) (3 6 ) (3 6 ) (3 6 ) (3 6 ) (3 6 ) AMENDMENTS TO 15.04 DISTRICT REGULATIONS 4/9 10 Zo n i n g D i s t r i c t s A-10 Ag r i c u l t ur a l SR -1 Re s i d e n ti a l Ag r i c u l t ur a l SR -3 Si n g l e - Fa m i l y Re s i d e nt i a l SR -4. 5 Si n g l e - Fa m i l y Re s i d e nt i a l SR -6 Si n g l e - Fa m i ly Re s i d e nt i a l SR -8 Si n g l e - Fa m i l y Re s i d e nt i a l MR -D Du p l e x Mu l t i f a m i ly Re s i d e n t i al MR -T1 2 Mu l t i f a m i l y Re s i d e n t i a l To w n h o u s e MR -T1 6 Mu l t i f a m i l y Re s i d e n t i a l To w n h o u s e MR -G L o w De n s i t y Mu l t i f a m i l y Re s i d e n t i a l MR -M M e d i u m De n s i t y Mu l t i f a m i l y Re s i d e n t i a l MR -H H i gh De n s i t y Mu l t i f a m i l y Re s i d e n t i a l MH P Mo b i l e Ho m e Pa r k Co m b i ni n g (3 3 ) (3 6 ) (3 6 ) (3 9 ) (3 9 ) (3 9 ) (2 9 ) (3 6 ) (2 9 ) (3 4 ) (3 6 ) 37 . Fo r s u b d i v i s i o n s a n d s h o r t s u b d i v i s i o n s c r e a t e d a f t e r M a r c h 2 2 , 2 0 0 7 , o r a l t e r e d t o c o m p l y w i t h z o n i n g a n d s u b d i v is i o n c o d e a m e n d m e n t s e f f e c t i v e a f t e r M a r c h 2 2 , 20 0 7 , t h e m i n i m u m l o t s i z e s h a l l b e t h r e e t h o u s a n d ( 3 , 0 0 0 ) s q u a r e f e e t . M i n i m u m l o t w i d t h s h a l l b e m e a s u r e d b y s c a l i n g a t h i r ty ( 3 0 ) f o o t d i a m e t e r c i r c l e w i t h i n t h e bo u n d a r i e s o f t h e l o t ; p r o v i d e d , t h a t e a s e m en t a r e a s m a y n o t b e i n c l u d e d i n t h e r e q u i r e d t h i r t y ( 3 0 ) f o o t d i a m e t e r c i r c l e . T h e l o t f r o n t a g e a l o n g p r i v a t e o r p u b l i c s t r e et s sh a l l b e a m i n i m u m t w e n t y ( 2 0 ) f e e t i n w i d t h . M i n i m u m d r i v e w a y s e p a r a t i o n s h a l l b e t e n ( 1 0 ) f e e t . S h a r e d d r i v e w a y s a r e p e r m i t te d. 38 . Fi f t y ( 5 0 ) p e r c e n t o f t h e l o t s w i t h i n s u b d i v i s i o n s a n d s h o r t s u b d i v i s i o n s c r e a t e d a f t e r M a r c h 2 2 , 2 0 0 7 , o r a l t e r e d t o c o m p l y wi t h z o n i n g a n d su b d i v i s i o n c o d e a m e n d m e n t s e f f e c t i v e a f t e r M a r c h 2 2 , 2 0 0 7 , m a y h a v e m i n i m u m f i v e ( 5 ) f o o t s i d e y a r d s w h e n s pe c i a l l i f e s a f e t y m e a s u r e s a r e pr o v i d e d . T h e s u m t o t a l o f b o t h s i d e y a r d s f o r t h e r e m a i n i n g f i f t y ( 5 0 ) p e r c e n t o f t h e l o t s s h a l l b e a m i n i m u m s i x t e e n ( 1 6 ) f ee t . 15 . 0 4 . 1 9 0 C o m m e r c i a l a n d i n d u s t r i a l z o n e d e v e l o p m e n t s t a n d a r d s . Zo n i n g D i s t r i c t s AMENDMENTS TO 15.04 DISTRICT REGULATIONS 5/9 11 NC C Ne i g h bo r h o od Co n v e n i e n c e Co m m e r c i a l Di s t r i c t CC Co m m u n i ty Co m m e r c ia l Di s t r i c t DC Do w n t o w n Co m m e r c ia l Di s t r i c t DC E Do w n t o w n Co m m e r c ia l En t e r p r i s e D i s t r i c t CM -1 Co m m e r c i a l Ma n u f a c t u r i ng -1 D i s t r i c t CM -2 Co m m e r c i a l Ma n u f a c t u r i ng -2 D i s t r i c t GC Ge n e r a l Co m m e r c ia l Di s tr i c t O Of f i c e Di s t r i ct MA In d u s t r i a l Ag r i c u l t u ra l Di s t r i c t M1 In d u s t r i al P a r k Di s t r i c t M1 -C In d u s t r i a l Pa r k - Co m m e r c ia l Di s t r i c t M2 Li m i t e d In d u s t r i al Di s t r i c t M3 Ge n e r a l In d u s t r i al Di s t r i c t GW C Ga t e w a y Co m m e r c ia l Di s t r i c t AG Ag r i c u l t u ra l Ge n e r a l Di s t r i c t Mi n i m u m lo t a r e a : sq u a r e f e e t or a c r e s , a s no t e d 10 , 0 0 0 sq f t 10 , 0 0 0 sq f t 5, 0 0 0 sq f t (1 ) ( 6 6 ) 5, 0 0 0 sq f t ( 6 6 ) 10 , 0 0 0 sq f t 10 , 0 0 0 sq f t 10 , 0 0 0 s q ft ( 6 6 ) 10 , 0 0 0 s q ft 1 a c r e 1 a c r e 10 , 0 0 0 s q ft 20 , 0 0 0 sq f t 15 , 0 0 0 sq f t 10 , 0 0 0 s q ft 1 a c r e Ma x i m u m si te co v e r a g e : pe r c e n t o f si t e 40 % 40 % 10 0 % 10 0 % 50 % 50 % 40 % 30 % 50 % 60 % 60 % 65 % 75 % 40 % 60 % Mi n i m u m ya r d re q u i r e m e n ts : f e e t Fr o n t y a r d 10 f t 15 f t (2 ) (3 ) 15 f t 15 f t 20 f t 25 f t 30 f t (4 ) (5 ) (5 ) (6 ) (7 ) (7 ) 15 f t (5 ) Si d e y a r d (8 ) (9 ) (2 ) (3 ) (1 0 ) (1 0 ) (1 0 ) (1 0 ) (1 1 ) (1 2 ) (1 2 ) (1 3 ) (1 4 ) 5 f t ( 1 5 ) (1 6 ) (1 2 ) Si d e y a r d on f l a n k i n g (1 7 ) (1 7 ) (1 7 ) (1 8 ) 15 f t (1 7 ) AMENDMENTS TO 15.04 DISTRICT REGULATIONS 6/9 12 Zo n i n g D i s t r i c t s NC C Ne i g h bo r h o od Co n v e n i e n c e Co m m e r c i a l Di s t r i c t CC Co m m u n i ty Co m m e r c ia l Di s t r i c t DC Do w n t o w n Co m m e r c ia l Di s t r i c t DC E Do w n t o w n Co m m e r c ia l En t e r p r i s e D i s t r i c t CM -1 Co m m e r c i a l Ma n u f a c t u r i ng -1 D i s t r i c t CM -2 Co m m e r c i a l Ma n u f a c t u r i ng -2 D i s t r i c t GC Ge n e r a l Co m m e r c ia l Di s tr i c t O Of f i c e Di s t r i ct MA In d u s t r i a l Ag r i c u l t u ra l Di s t r i c t M1 In d u s t r i al P a r k Di s t r i c t M1 -C In d u s t r i a l Pa r k - Co m m e r c ia l Di s t r i c t M2 Li m i t e d In d u s t r i al Di s t r i c t M3 Ge n e r a l In d u s t r i al Di s t r i c t GW C Ga t e w a y Co m m e r c ia l Di s t r i c t AG Ag r i c u l t u ra l Ge n e r a l Di s t r i c t st r e e t o f co r n e r l o t Re a r y a r d (8 ) 20 f t (2 ) (3 ) (1 9 ) (1 9 ) (1 9 ) ( 2 ) (1 9 ) (2 0 ) (2 0 ) (2 1 ) (2 1 ) 5 f t (2 2 ) (2 0 ) Ya r d s , tr a n s i t i o n a l co n d i t i o n s (2 3 ) (2 3 ) (2 4 ) (2 5 ) (2 3 ) Ad d i t i o n a l se t b a c k s (2 6 ) ( 2 7 ) (2 8 ) (2 9 ) (2 9 ) (2 9 ) He i g h t li m i t a t i o n : in st o r i e s / n o t to e x c e e d in f e e t 2 s t r y / 3 5 f t 3 s t r y / 4 0 ft (3 0 ) 4 s t r y / 6 0 ft (3 1 ) (3 2 ) 2 s t r y / 3 5 f t (3 0 ) 2 s t r y / 3 5 f t (3 0) 2 s t r y / 3 5 ft (3 0 ) 3 st r y / 40 f t 2 s t r y / 3 5 ft (3 3 ) ( 3 4 ) 2 s t r y / 35 f t (3 5 ) 2 s t r y / 3 5 ft (3 5 ) 2 s t r y / 35 f t (3 5 ) 2 s t r y / 35 f t (3 7 ) 3 s t r y / 4 0 ft (3 8 ) 2 s t r y / 3 5 ft (3 5 ) La n d s c a p i n g Th e l a n d s c a p i n g r e q u i r e m e n t s o f C h . 1 5 . 0 7 K C C s h a l l a p p l y . AMENDMENTS TO 15.04 DISTRICT REGULATIONS 7/9 13 Zo n i n g D i s t r i c t s NC C Ne i g h bo r h o od Co n v e n i e n c e Co m m e r c i a l Di s t r i c t CC Co m m u n i ty Co m m e r c ia l Di s t r i c t DC Do w n t o w n Co m m e r c ia l Di s t r i c t DC E Do w n t o w n Co m m e r c ia l En t e r p r i s e D i s t r i c t CM -1 Co m m e r c i a l Ma n u f a c t u r i ng -1 D i s t r i c t CM -2 Co m m e r c i a l Ma n u f a c t u r i ng -2 D i s t r i c t GC Ge n e r a l Co m m e r c ia l Di s tr i c t O Of f i c e Di s t r i ct MA In d u s t r i a l Ag r i c u l t u ra l Di s t r i c t M1 In d u s t r i al P a r k Di s t r i c t M1 -C In d u s t r i a l Pa r k - Co m m e r c ia l Di s t r i c t M2 Li m i t e d In d u s t r i al Di s t r i c t M3 Ge n e r a l In d u s t r i al Di s t r i c t GW C Ga t e w a y Co m m e r c ia l Di s t r i c t AG Ag r i c u l t u ra l Ge n e r a l Di s t r i c t (5 2 ) (5 2 ) (5 2 ) Ou t d o o r st o r a g e (3 9 ) (3 9 ) (4 0 ) ( 4 1 ) (4 0 ) ( 4 1 ) (4 0 ) (4 2 ) (4 3 ) (4 3 ) (4 4 ) (4 5 ) (5 1 ) (5 9 ) (4 3 ) Si g n s Th e s i g n r e g u l a t i o n s o f C h . 1 5 . 0 6 K C C s h a l l a p p l y . (6 0 ) Ve h i c l e dr i v e - th r o u g h , dr i v e -in , an d s e r v i c e ba y s (4 6 ) (4 6 ) (4 6 ) (4 6 ) (4 6 ) (4 6 ) (6 1 ) Lo a d i n g ar e a s (4 7 ) (4 8 ) (4 7 ) ( 4 8 ) (4 7 ) (4 9 ) (4 7 ) (5 1 ) (4 7 ) ( 4 8 ) Of f -st r e e t pa r k i n g Th e o f f -st r e e t p a r k i n g r e q u i r e m e n t s o f C h . 1 5 . 0 5 K C C s h a l l a p p l y . (5 7 ) (5 7 ) (5 7 ) (5 7 ) (5 8 ) (5 8 ) (5 8 ) (5 7 ) (5 8 ) AMENDMENTS TO 15.04 DISTRICT REGULATIONS 8/9 14 Zo n i n g D i s t r i c t s NC C Ne i g h bo r h o od Co n v e n i e n c e Co m m e r c i a l Di s t r i c t CC Co m m u n i ty Co m m e r c ia l Di s t r i c t DC Do w n t o w n Co m m e r c ia l Di s t r i c t DC E Do w n t o w n Co m m e r c ia l En t e r p r i s e D i s t r i c t CM -1 Co m m e r c i a l Ma n u f a c t u r i ng -1 D i s t r i c t CM -2 Co m m e r c i a l Ma n u f a c t u r i ng -2 D i s t r i c t GC Ge n e r a l Co m m e r c ia l Di s tr i c t O Of f i c e Di s t r i ct MA In d u s t r i a l Ag r i c u l t u ra l Di s t r i c t M1 In d u s t r i al P a r k Di s t r i c t M1 -C In d u s t r i a l Pa r k - Co m m e r c ia l Di s t r i c t M2 Li m i t e d In d u s t r i al Di s t r i c t M3 Ge n e r a l In d u s t r i al Di s t r i c t GW C Ga t e w a y Co m m e r c ia l Di s t r i c t AG Ag r i c u l t u ra l Ge n e r a l Di s t r i c t Ad d i t i o n a l st a n d ar d s (5 0 ) (5 6 ) (6 2 ) (6 3 ) (6 4 ) (6 5 ) (3 6 ) (5 0 ) (5 6 ) (3 1 ) (5 0 ) (5 6 ) (3 1 ) (5 0 ) (5 6 ) (6 7 ) (5 0 ) (5 6 ) (5 0 ) (5 6 ) (3 1 ) (3 6 ) (5 0 ) (5 6 ) (3 6 ) (5 0 ) (5 6 ) (5 0 ) (5 6 ) (5 0 ) (5 3 ) (5 4 ) (5 5 ) (5 6 ) (5 0 ) (5 3 ) (5 4 ) (5 5 ) (5 6 ) (5 0 ) (5 4 ) (5 5 ) (5 6 ) (5 0 ) (5 4 ) (5 5 ) (5 6 ) (5 0 ) (5 3 ) (5 4 ) (5 5 ) (5 6 ) 6. Th e m i n i m u m f r o n t y a r d s e t b a c k s h a l l b e r e l a t e d t o t h e c l a s s i f i c a t i o n o f t h e a d j a c e n t s t r e e t . T h i s c l a s s i f i c a t i o n s h a l l b e d e te r m i n e d b y t h e c i t y tr a n s p o r t a t i o n e n g i n e e r . T h e s e t b a c k s a r e a s f o l l o w s : a. Pr o p e r t i e s f r o n t i n g o n a r t e r i a l s a n d c o ll e c t o r s t r e e t s s h a l l h a v e a m i n i m u m s e t b a c k o f f o r t y ( 4 0 ) f e e t . b. Pr o p e r t i e s f r o n t i n g o n l o c a l a c c e s s s t r e e t s s h a l l h a v e a m i n i m u m s e t b a c k o f t h i r t y ( 3 0 ) f e e t . 7. Th e f r o n t y a r d s h a l l b e t e n ( 1 0 ) p e r c e n t o f t h e l o t d e p t h . R e g a r d l e s s o f l o t s i z e , t h e y a r d de p t h n e e d n o t b e m o r e t h a n t h i r t y -fi v e ( 3 5 ) f e e t . S: \Pe r m i t \Pl a n \ZO N I N G _ C O D E _ A M E N D M E N T S \20 1 1 \Ho u s e k e e p i n g R o u n d O n e P r o p o s e d C h a n g e s \15 . 0 4 D i s t r i c t R e g u l a t i o n s . d o c AMENDMENTS TO 15.04 DISTRICT REGULATIONS 9/9 15 This page intentionally left blank. 16 Amendments to 15.05.100 Parking Diagram 2 24’ 17 DIAGRAM 1. MINIMUM PARKING DESIGN STANDARDS A B C D E F G1 G2 H I J Aisle Width Angle Stall Width (feet) Stall Depth (feet) Curb Length (feet) Starting Loss (feet) Depth to Wall (feet) One- Way (feet) Two- Way (feet) Depth to Inter- lock (feet) Setback (feet) Gross Stall Area (square feet) 0° 9.0 23.0 23.0 0.0 9.0 12.0 20.0 9.0 23.0 207 10° 8.0 17.0 46.1 61.4 10.8 12.0 20.0 6.9 16.7 499 9.0 19.0 51.8 69.0 12.2 12.0 20.0 7.7 18.7 630 20° 8.0 17.0 23.4 36.6 13.3 12.0 20.0 9.6 16.0 312 9.0 19.0 26.3 41.1 15.0 12.0 20.0 10.7 17.9 394 30° 8.0 17.0 16.0 26.7 15.4 12.5 20.0 12.0 14.7 247 9.0 19.0 18.0 30.0 17.3 12.0 20.0 13.4 16.5 311 36.9° 8.0 17.0 13.3 22.1 16.6 13.5 20.0 13.4 13.6 221 9.0 19.0 15.0 24.8 18.6 13.5 20.0 15.0 15.2 279 40° 8.0 17.0 12.4 20.3 17.1 13.5 20.0 14.0 13.0 212 9.0 19.0 14.0 22.8 19.1 13.5 20.0 15.7 14.6 268 45° 8.0 17.0 11.3 17.7 17.7 14.5 20.0 14.8 12.0 200 9.0 19.0 12.7 19.8 19.8 14.5 20.0 16.6 13.4 252 50° 8.0 17.0 10.4 15.2 18.2 15.5 20.0 15.6 10.9 190 9.0 19.0 11.7 17.1 20.3 15.5 20.0 17.4 12.2 239 53.1° 8.0 17.0 10.0 13.8 18.4 16.5 20.0 16.0 10.2 184 9.0 19.0 11.3 15.5 20.6 16.5 20.0 17.9 11.4 232 60° 8.0 17.0 9.2 10.8 18.7 17.0 20.0 16.7 8.5 173 9.0 19.0 10.4 12.1 21.0 17.0 20.0 18.7 9.5 218 70° 8.0 17.0 8.5 6.8 18.7 20.0 22.0 17.3 5.8 159 9.0 19.0 9.6 7.6 20.9 20.0 22.0 19.4 6.5 200 80° 8.0 17.0 8.1 5.0 18.1 23.0 24.0 17.4 3.0 147 9.0 19.0 9.1 5.0 20.3 23.0 24.0 19.5 3.3 185 90° 8.0 17.0 8.0 5.0 17.0 24.0 24.0 17.0 0.0 136 9.0 19.0 9.0 5.0 19.0 24.0 24.0 19.0 0.0 171 S:\Permit\Plan\ZONING_CODE_AMENDMENTS\2011\Housekeeping Round One Proposed Changes\15.05 Parking.doc 18 Amendments to 15.08 General and Supplementary Provisions 15.08.020.A.7 Special Uses A. Churches (excluding drive-in churches, which are conditional uses). 1. Minimum lot area. Minimum lot area is one (1) acre in SR zones; in other zoning districts it shall be the minimum lot area of the underlying district. 2. Front yard. There shall be a front yard of at least twenty (20) feet in depth. 3. Side yard. Each side yard shall be a minimum of fifteen (15) feet in width. 4. Rear yard. There shall be a rear yard of at least twenty (20) feet in depth. 5. Ingress and egress. A separate entrance and exit shall be provided. Loading and unloading areas shall be provided and shall be located off public streets. 6. Landscaping. All yard areas must be landscaped. 7. Day-care centers. Day-care centers in churches must also provide the required play area as provided in subsection (B) of this section shall comply with State regulations in WAC 388-148-1275. 8. Parking; signs. Off-street parking and sign regulations shall be observed. 15.08.040.F. F. Special home occupation permits. A special home occupation permit shall be required for the following home occupations: 1. Music lessons if more than one student at a time or otherwise not compliant with the development and performance standards of KCC 15.08.040.C and D. 2. Dance lessons if more than one student at a time or otherwise not compliant with the development and performance standards of KCC 15.08.040.C and D. 3. Art lessons if more than one student at a time or otherwise not compliant with the development and performance standards of KCC 15.08.040.C and D. 4. Academic tutoring if more than one student at a time or otherwise not compliant with the development and performance standards of KCC 15.08.040.C and D. 5. Automobile detailing. 19 1/4 15.08.050.D. Performance standards. D. Restrictions on dangerous and objectionable elements. 1. Noise. At the points of measurement specified in subsection (C) of this section, the maximum sound pressure level radiated in each standard octave band by any use or facility, other than transportation facilities or temporary construction work, shall not exceed the values for octave bands lying within the several frequency limits given in Table I after applying the corrections shown in Table II. The sound pressure level shall be measured with a sound level meter and associated octave band analyzer conforming to standards prescribed by the American Standards Association. (American Standard Sound Level Meters for Measurement of Noise and Other Sounds, Z24.3-1944, American Standard Specification for an Octave Band Filter Set for the Analysis of Noise and Other Sounds, Z24.10-1953, or the latest approved revision thereof, American Standards Association, Inc., New York, N.Y., shall be used.) TABLE I. SOUND PRESSURE LEVELS IN DECIBELS Octave Band (cycles per second) Maximum Permitted Sound Pressure Level (decibels) 20 – 75 75 75 – 150 70 150 – 300 64 300 – 600 59 600 – 1,200 53 1,200 – 2,400 47 2,400 – 4,800 40 4,800 – 10KC 34 TABLE II. CORRECTION IN MAXIMUM PERMITTED SOUND PRESSURE LEVEL IN DECIBELS TO BE APPLIED TO TABLE I Type of Operation or Character of Noise Correction in 20 2/4 Decibels Noise source operates less than twenty (20) percent of any one (1) hour period Plus 5* Noise source operates less than five (5) percent of any one (1) hour period Plus 10* Noise source operates less than one (1) percent of any one (1) hour period Plus 15* Noise of impulsive character (hammering, etc.) Minus 5 Noise of periodic character (hum, screech, etc.) Minus 5 *Apply one (1) of these corrections only. 15.08.100.D.2 Nonconforming Buildings or Structures 2. Major nonconforming buildings and structures. Except as allowed in 15.04.030(6), no major nonconforming structure may be expanded, enlarged, extended, reconstructed, or structurally altered or changed, nor may any major nonconforming building, structure, or lot be occupied after discontinuance of change in use, unless the structure, use, and associated grounds and development are brought into compliance with use and minimum development standards of the district in which such structure is located, except as follows: a. Any major nonconforming structure damaged by fire, flood, explosion, wind, earthquake, war, riot, or other natural disaster, may be restored, reconstructed, and used as before; provided, that the work be vested by permit application within one (1) year of such happening; any restoration or reconstruction not vested by permit application within twelve (12) months from the date of the fire or other casualty shall be deemed abandoned and not allowed to be restored. b. Such repairs and maintenance work as required to keep the structure in sound condition may be made to a major nonconforming structure, provided no such structural alterations shall be made except such as are required by law or ordinance or authorized by the planning manager. 15.04.030(6): Existing dwellings may be rebuilt, repaired, and otherwise changed for human occupancy. Accessory uses for existing dwellings may be constructed. Such uses are garages, carports, storage sheds, and fences. 15.08.160 Accessory buildings. A. An accessory building can be located anywhere on a lot if it conforms with the setbacks required by this title for a principal building. In the rear one-half (1/2) of a 21 3/4 lot the accessory building can be built to within two (2) feet of the side and rear lot lines, except when attached to a principal building, in which case it must have the same setbacks as the main building. Garages or carports are limited to one thousand (1,000) square feet in area where motor vehicles used by the tenants of the buildings on the premises are stored or kept. 15.02.155 Garage or carport, private. Private garage or carport means a building, or a portion of a building, principall y for vehicular equipment such as automobiles, boats, etc., not more than one thousand (1,000) square feet in area, in which only motor vehicles used by the tenants of the buildings on the premises are stored or kept. 15.08.205 Temporary Use Regulations 13. Fund-raising carwashes. No permit required; however, a car wash kit from Public Works Operations is required. S:\Permit\Plan\ZONING_CODE_AMENDMENTS\2011\Housekeeping Round One Proposed Changes\15.08 General and Supplementary Provisions.doc 22 4/4 Amendments to 15.09 Administration 15.09.055.D.1. City council action. 1. Comprehensive plan. Within sixty (60) calendar days of the receipt of the recommendation from the land use and planning board for the comprehensive plan for the area of the proposed annexation, the city council shall consider the comprehensive plan at a public meeting. The council may approve or disapprove the comprehensive plan as submitted, modify and approve as modified, or refer the comprehensive plan back to the land use and planning board for further proceedings. If the matter is referred to the land use and planning board, the council shall specify the time within which the land use and planning board shall report back to the council with findings and recommendations on the matters referred to it. An affirmative vote of not less than a majority of the total members of the council shall be required for approval. Administrative interpretations are subject to the requirements of Process I applications. S:\Permit\Plan\ZONING_CODE_AMENDMENTS\2011\Housekeeping Round One Proposed Changes\15.09 Administration.doc 23 This page intentionally left blank. 24 Chapter 8.05 NOISE CONTROL* Sections: 8.05.010 Title. 8.05.020 Scope. 8.05.030 Definitions. 8.05.040 State enabling legislation. 8.05.050 Noise control office (NCO) – Program development. 8.05.060 Same – Responsibilities and powers. 8.05.070 Environmental designations for noise abatement. 8.05.080 Zoning classification for EDNA. 8.05.090 Maximum permissible environmental noise levels. 8.05.100 Deviations. 8.05.110 Daytime exemption. 8.05.120 Nighttime exemption. 8.05.130 Exemptions other than residential. 8.05.140 Other exemptions. 8.05.150 Emergency exemption. 8.05.160 Exempted sources. 8.05.170 Variances. 8.05.180 Public nuisance noises prohibited. 8.05.190 Enforcement. 8.05.200 Complaints regarding violations. 8.05.210 Right of entry. 8.05.220 Notice and order. 8.05.230 Method of service. 8.05.240 Extensions for compliance. 8.05.250 Abatement notice. 8.05.260 Reserved. 8.05.270 Reserved. 8.05.280 Punishment. *Cross reference(s) – Outdoor musical entertainment and rock festivals, Ch. 4.05; environmental policy, Ch. 11.03; performance standards, § 15.08.050. State law reference(s) – Noise control, RCW 70.107.010 et seq. 8.05.010 Title. This chapter may be cited as the “Noise Control Ordinance of Kent.” (Ord. No. 2113, § 1.1. Formerly Code 1986, § 9.20.04) 25 1/12 8.05.020 Scope. Except as provided in KCC 9.02.36, disorderly conduct, this chapter shall apply to the control of all sound originating from sources located within the limits of the city, including but not limited to, commercial and industrial noise. (Ord. No. 2113, § 1.2; Ord. No. 2954, § 1, 12-5-90; Ord. No. 3133, § 3, 9-7-93. Formerly Code 1986, § 9.20.08) 8.05.030 Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this chapter, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: Background sound level means the level of all sounds in a given environment, independent of the specific source being measured. dBA means the sound pressure level in decibels measured using the “A” weighting network on a sound level meter. EDNA means the environmental designation for noise abatement, being an area or zone (environment) within which maximum permissible noise levels are established. Emergency machinery and work means machinery and work necessary to restore property to a safe condition following a public calamity, or machinery and work required to protect persons or property from an imminent exposure to danger. Impulse sound means either a single pressure peak or a single burst of multiple pressure peaks which occur for a duration of less than one (1) second, as measured o n a peak unweighted sound level meter. Noise means the intensity, duration and character of sounds, from any and all sources. Person means any individual, corporation, partnership, association, governmental body, state agency or other entity whatsoever. Property boundary means the surveyed line at ground surface, which separates the real property owned, rented, or leased by one (1) or more persons, from that owned, rented or leased by one or more other persons, and its vertical extension. Public nuisance noise means any unreasonable sound which either annoys, injures, interferes with or endangers the comfort, repose, health or safety of an entire neighborhood or community, although the extent of damage may be unequal. Receiving property means real property at the boundaries of which the maximum permissible noise levels specified in this chapter shall not be exceeded from sources outside such property. 26 2/12 Sound level meter means a device which measures sound pressure levels and conforms to type 1 or type 2 as specified in the American National Standards Institute publication section 1.4 -1971. An impulse sound level meter shall be a peak or impulse, unweighted sound level meter which is capable of measuring impulse sound in conformance with the type 1 or type 2 specifications of ANSI 1.4-1971. (Ord. No. 2113, § 1.3; Ord. No. 2954, § 2, 12-5-90. Formerly Code 1986, § 9.20.12) Cross reference(s) – Definitions and rules of construction generally, § 1.01.030. 8.05.040 State enabling legislation. This chapter is in conformance with Chapter 70.107 RCW, Noise Control, and Chapter 173-58 WAC, Sound Level Measurement Procedures. (Ord. No. 2113, § 1.4; Ord. No. 2954, § 3, 12-5-90. Formerly Code 1986, § 9.20.16) 8.05.050 Noise control office (NCO) – Program development. The building department shall be designated the noise control office for coordination of the soun d level measurement aspects and enforcement of all sections of this chapter, and for the general purpose of sound and vibration abatement and control. (Ord. No. 2113, § 1.6; Ord. No. 2954, § 5, 12-5-90; Ord. No. 3133, § 4, 9-7-93. Formerly Code 1986, § 9.20.24) 8.05.060 Same – Responsibilities and powers. The responsibilities and powers of the noise control office shall be as follows: 1. The issuance of warnings, abatement notices, and citations of violation on the abatement and control of noise. 2. The granting of time extensions according to procedures specified in KCC 8.05.240. 3. The reviewing of any permit, license, variance, zone change, or proposed land use which may be subject to review by city personnel, wherein noise disturbances may be a factor, to insure compliance with the intent and provisions of this chapter. 4. Coordinate the noise control activities of all municipal departments and work with appropri ate municipal, county, state, and federal agencies to implement the purposes of this chapter and, where appropriate, enter into contracts with the approval of the city council for the procurement of technical and enforcement services. (Ord. No. 2113, § 1.7; Ord. No. 2954, § 6, 12-5-90. Formerly Code 1986, § 9.20.28) 8.05.070 Environmental designations for noise abatement. 27 3/12 Environmental designations for noise abatement (EDNA) are declared. They are based primarily on the zoning code, but also take into consideration the past, present, and future usage, as well as the usage of adjacent and other lands in the vicinity. Designation of such EDNA is based on the following typical uses: 1. Class A EDNA are lands where human beings reside and sleep. Typically, class A EDNA will be the following types of property used for human habitation: a. Residential. b. Multifamily living accommodations. c. Recreation and entertainment (e.g., camps, parks, camping facilities, and resorts). d. Community service (e.g., orphanages, homes for the aged, hospitals, health and correctional facilities). 2. Class B EDNA are lands involving uses requiring protection against noise interference with speech. Typically, class B EDNA will be the following types of property: a. Commercial living accommodations. b. Commercial dining establishments. c. Motor vehicle services. d. Retail services. e. Banks and office buildings. f. Miscellaneous commercial services, property not used for human habitation. g. Recreation and entertainment, property not used for human habitation (e.g., theaters, stadiums, fairgrounds and amusement parks). h. Community services (e.g., education, religious, governmental, cultural and recreational facilities). 3. Class C EDNA are lands involving economic activities of such a nature that higher noise levels than experienced in other areas is normally to be anticipated. Typically class C EDNA will be the following types of property: a. Storage, warehouse, and distribution facilities. b. Industrial property used for the production and fabrication of durable and nondurable manmade goods. 28 4/12 c. Agricultural and silvicultural property used for the production of crops, wood products or livestock. (Ord. No. 2113, § 3.1; Ord. No. 2954, § 9, 12-5-90. Formerly Code 1986, § 9.20.40) Cross reference(s) – Zoning districts, § 15.03.010. 8.05.080 Zoning classification for EDNA. The following land use zoning classifications as found in the zoning code are assigned the EDNA classification below: Zone EDNA RA, R1, MR-D, MR-M, MR-H, MR-G, MHP, PUD Class A O, NCC, CC, DC, HC, GC, CM Class B MA, M1, M2, M3, SU (Extractive industries) Class C (Ord. No. 2954, § 10, 12-5-90. Formerly Code 1986, § 9.20.44) 8.05.090 Maximum permissible environmental noise levels. No person shall cause or permit noise to intrude into the property of another person, which noise exceeds the maximum permissible noise levels set forth below in this section, with the point of measurement being at any point within the receiving property. The noise limitations established are as set forth in the following table after any applicable adjustments provided for in this chapter are applied. TABLE I Maximum Permissible Environmental Noise Levels EDNA of noise source EDNA of receiving property Class A Class B Class C Class A 55 dBA 57 dBA 60 dBA Class B 57 dBA 60 dBA 65 dBA Class C 60 dBA 65 dBA 70 dBA (Ord. No. 2113, § 4.1; Ord. No. 2954, § 11, 12-5-90. Formerly Code 1986, § 9.20.48) 29 5/12 8.05.100 Deviations. The following deviations from the maximum permissible noise levels are permitted: 1. Between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., the noise limitations of Table I shall be reduced by ten (10) dBA for receiving property within class A EDNA. 2. At any hour of the day or night the applicable noise limitations in Table I and in subsection (1) above may be exceeded for any receiving property by no more than: a. Five (5) dBA for a total of fifteen (15) minutes in any one (1) hour period; b. Ten (10) dBA for a total of five (5) minutes in any one (1) hour period; or c. Fifteen (15) dBA for a total of one and one-half (1.5) minutes in any one (1) hour period. (Ord. No. 2113, § 4.2; Ord. No. 2954, § 12, 12-5-90. Formerly Code 1986, § 9.20.52) 8.05.110 Daytime exemption. The following shall be exempt from the provisions of KCC 8.05.090 between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m.: 1. Sound originating from residential property relating to temporary projects for the maintenance or repair of homes, grounds and appurtenances. 2. Sounds created by the discharge of firearms on authorized shooting ranges. 3. Sounds created by aircraft engine testing and maintenance not related to flight operations; provided, that aircraft testing and maintenance shall be conducted at remote sites whenever possible. 4. Sounds created by the installation or repair of essential utility services. 5. Sounds created by blasting. (Ord. No. 2113, § 4.3; Ord. No. 2954, § 13, 12-5-90. Formerly Code 1986, § 9.20.56) 8.05.120 Nighttime exemption. The following shall be exempt from the provisions of KCC 8.05.090: 1. Noise from electrical substations and existing, stationary equipment used in the conveyance of water by a utility. 2. Noise from existing industrial installations which exceed the standards contained in these regulations and which, over the previous three (3) years, have consistently operated in excess of 30 6/12 fifteen (15) hours per day as a consequence of process necessity and/or demonstrated routine normal operation. Changes in working hours, which would affect exemptions under this provision, require approval of the noise control office. (Ord. No. 2113, § 4.4; Ord. No. 2954, § 14, 12-5-90. Formerly Code 1986, § 9.20.60) 8.05.130 Exemptions other than residential. The following shall be exempt from the provisions of KCC 8.05.090, except insofar as such provisions related to the reception of noise within class A EDNA between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.: sounds originating from forest harvesting and silvicultural activity. (Ord. No. 2113, § 4.5; Ord. No. 2954, § 15, 12-5-90. Formerly Code 1986, § 9.20.64) 8.05.140 Other exemptions. The following shall be exempt from all provisions of KCC 8.05.090: 1. Sound created by the normal operation of motor vehicles upon a public right-of-way. 2. Sound originating from aircraft in flight and sounds that originate at airports which are directly related to flight operations. 3. Sounds created by surface carriers engaged in interstate commerce by railro ad. 4. Sounds created by warning devices not operating continuously for more than five (5) minutes, or bells, chimes, and carillons. 5. Sounds created by safety and protective devices where noise suppression would defeat the intent of the device or is not economically feasible. 6. Sounds created by emergency equipment and work necessary in the interests of law enforcement or for health, safety, or welfare of the community. 7. Sounds originating from motor vehicles racing events at existing, authorized facil ities. 8. Sounds originating from officially sanctioned parades and other public events. 9. Sounds emitted from petroleum refinery boilers during startup of such boilers; provided, that the startup operation is performed during daytime hours whenever possible. 10. Sounds caused by natural phenomena and unamplified human voices. 11. Sounds created by watercraft. 12. Sounds caused by motor vehicles, licensed or unlicensed, when operated off public highways, except when such sounds are received in class A EDNA. 31 7/12 13. Sounds originating from natural gas transmission and distribution facilities installed prior to September 1, 1975, shall be exempt from all provisions of this chapter until the Department of Ecology amends Chapter 173-60 WAC. The noise control office shall make recommendations to the city council concerning this exemption after the Department of Ecology completes its action. (Ord. No. 2113, § 4.6; Ord. No. 2954, § 16, 12-5-90. Formerly Code 1986, § 9.20.68) 8.05.150 Emergency exemption. Noise caused in the performance of emergency work for the immediate safety, health, or welfare of the community or individuals of the community, or to restore property to a safe condition following a public calamity, shall not be subject to the provisions of this chapter. (Ord. No. 2113, § 5.1; Ord. No. 2954, § 17, 12-5-90. Formerly Code 1986, § 9.20.72) 8.05.160 Exempted sources. No sound source specifically exempted from a maximum permissible sound level or permitted under this chapter shall be a public nuisance noise or public disturbance noise, as provided in KCC 9.02.36, insofar as the particular source is exempted. (Ord. No. 2113, § 5.2; Ord. No. 2954, § 18, 12-5-90; Ord. No. 3133, § 5, 9-7-93. Formerly Code 1986, § 9.20.76) 8.05.170 Variances. A. Generally. The noise control office shall have the authority to grant a variance where practical difficulties, unnecessary hardships and results inconsistent with the general purposes of this noise control code might result from the strict application of its provisions. B. Application. The property owner or his agent may make application to the noise control office for a variance on forms provided by that office. C. Public hearing. The noise control office shall hold a public hearing on any proposed variance and shall give notice thereof by one (1) publication in the city’s official newspaper at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing. Notice shall be given to all property owners within a radius of at least two hundred (200) feet of the subject property’s boundaries, and, when determined by the noise control office, a greater distance of the exterior boundaries of the subject property. D. Conditions for granting variances. Before any variance may be granted, it shall be shown and the noise control office shall find: 1. The variance shall not constitute a grant of special privileges inconsistent with a limitation upon uses of other properties in the vicinity and zone in which the subject property is located; 32 8/12 2. That such variance is necessary, because of special circumstances relative to size, topography, location or surroundings of the subject property to provide it with the rights and privileges enjoyed by other property owners in the vicinity and in the zone in which the property is located; and 3. That the granting of the variance will not be materially detrimental to the comfort, repose, health or safety of the public. E. Noise control office action and validity. The decision of the noise control office shall be final and conclusive. Any variance authorized by the noise control office shall expire by limitation if the use necessitating the variance is not begun within one (1) year of authorization or if the use is discontinued, suspended or abandoned for any one (1) year period. (Ord. No. 2113, § 5.2; Ord. No. 2954, § 19, 12-5-90. Formerly Code 1986, § 9.20.76) 8.05.180 Public nuisance noises prohibited. Pursuant to the complaint notice and letter of violation procedure set forth in KCC 8.05.200 through 8.05.250, the noise control office may determine that a sound constitutes a public nuisance noise as defined in this chapter. It is unlawful for any person to cause, or for any person in possession of property to allow to originate from the property, any sound which has been determined a public nuisance noise. (Ord. No. 2954, § 20, 12-5-90) 8.05.190 Enforcement. A. Unless provided otherwise by this chapter, the building department noise control office shall have the responsibility for enforcing this chapter. The specific provisions of this chapter which describe th e noise control office’s methods for obtaining compliance with the noise standards set forth herein, such as KCC 8.05.180 and 8.05.200 through 8.05.250, are related to the civil enforcement process and shall not be applicable to any criminal enforcement action initiated by the chief of police. B. Where appropriate and necessary for the enforcement of this chapter, the noise control office may request the assistance of the noise control office of the Seattle-King County health department and the city attorney. (Ord. No. 2954, § 21, 12-5-90; Ord. No. 3133, § 6, 9-7-93) 8.05.200 Complaints regarding violations. Whenever a violation of this chapter occurs, or is alleged to have occurred, any person may file a written complaint. Such com plaint shall state fully the causes and basis thereof and shall be filed with the building department noise control office. The noise control office shall properly record such complaint, immediately investigate, and take any necessary action thereon as provided by this chapter. (Ord. No. 2113, § 6.1; Ord. No. 2954, § 22, 12-5-90. Formerly Code 1986, § 9.20.84) 33 9/12 8.05.210 Right of entry. A. Upon presentation of the proper credentials, the noise control office, with the consent of the occupant, or with the consent of the owner of any unoccupied building, structure, property or portion thereof, or pursuant to a lawfully issued warrant, may enter at all reasonable times, any building, structure, property or portion thereof to inspect the same whenever necessary to make an inspection to enforce or determine compliance with the provisions of this chapter over which the noise control office has enforcement responsibility or whenever the noise control office has cause to believe that a violation of any provision of this chapter other than KCC 8.05.080 or 8.05.090 has been or is being committed. B. If the building, structure, property or portion thereof is unoccupied, the noise control office shall first make a reasonable effort to locate the owner or other persons having charge or control of the building, structure, property or portion thereof and demand entry. If the noise control office is unable to locate the owner or such other persons and has reason to believe that conditions therein create an immediate and irreparable health hazard, then the noise control office shall make entry. (Ord. No. 2954, § 23, 12-5-90) 8.05.220 Notice and order. A. Unless provided otherwise by this chapter, whenever the noise control office has reason to believe that a maximum permissible sound level of KCC 8.05.090 is being exceeded, that a public nuisance noise is being emitted, or when a complaint as described in KCC 8.05.200 has been filed and investigated, the noise control office may serve a written notice and order directed to the owner of the property, person responsible for the property or operator of the source in the manner directed in KCC 8.05.230. B. The notice shall contain a brief and concise description of the conditions alleged to be in violation or to be a public nuisance noise, the provision of this chapter alleged to have been violated, the sound level readings, if taken, including the time and place of their recording. C. The order shall contain a statement of the corrective action required and shall specify a reasonable time within which the action must be accomplished. (Ord. No. 2954, § 24, 12-5-90) 8.05.230 Method of service. A. Service of the notice and order shall be made upon the person named in the notice and order either personally or by mailing a copy of the notice and order by certified mail, postage prepa id, return receipt requested, to the person at his last known address. Such service by certified mail shall be effective on the date of mailing. If the whereabouts of the person are unknown and cannot be ascertained by the noise control office in the exercise of reasonable diligence, the noise control office shall make affidavit to that effect. B. If the person cannot be notified by mail, the service of the notice and order upon the person may be made by publication once each week for two (2) consecutive we eks in the city’s official newspaper. 34 10/12 C. The failure of any such person to receive the notice and order shall not affect the validity of any proceedings taken under this chapter. (Ord. No. 2954, § 25, 12-5-90) 8.05.240 Extensions for compliance. A. Upon good cause shown by the owner or operator of any noise source reviewed and measured under KCC 8.05.090, the building department (noise control office) shall have the power to grant an extension from the operation of this chapter in order to allow sufficient time for installation of needed control equipment, facilities, or modifications to achieve compliance not to exceed thirty (30) days. Such extension may be renewed for an additional like period, but only if satisfactory progress toward compliance is shown. B. Any person seeking an extension shall file a petition with the noise control office. Any such request for an extension must be received in the noise control office at least five (5) working days prior to the date set for compliance in KCC 8.05.220(C). C. In granting or denying an extension of the date set for complianc e, the noise control office shall file a written order, stating the facts and reasons leading to the decision. (Ord. No. 2113, § 5.3; Ord. No. 2954, § 26, 12-5-90. Formerly Code 1986, § 9.20.80) 8.05.250 Abatement notice. After a notice and order has been served as provided in KCC 8.05.220 and 8.05.240 and no request for an extension in the date set for compliance has been received by the noise control office within the time frames set in KCC 8.05.240, the noise control office shall issue an abatement notice. The abatement notice shall be served upon the same persons and in the same manner as provided in the notice and order, KCC 8.05.220. An abatement notice shall be final, and shall serve as the noise control office’s notice to the violator that the matter has been referred to the city attorney’s office to seek abatement and penalties through legal process. (Ord. No. 2954, § 28, 12-5-90) 8.05.260, 8.05.270. Reserved. Editor’s note – Ord. No. 3133, §§ 7 and 8, adopted Sept. 7, 1993, repealed former §§ 8.05.260 and 8.05.270, which pertained to public disturbance noises and public disturbance noise from portable, or motor vehicle audio equipment. 8.05.280 Punishment. A. Conduct made unlawful under KCC 8.05.090 through 8.05.250 of this chapter shall subject the violator to a civil fine of two hundred fifty dollars ($250). This fine shall be cumulative, and each day such offense continues shall constitute a separate violation. 35 11/12 B. Five (5) separate subsequent offenses by the same violator of the provisions contained in KCC 8.05.090 through 8.05.250 within a five (5) year period of time shall also constitute a misdemeanor, and may be punished by the criminal penalties described in KCC 1.01.140 and/or a penalty in addition to the civil fine of two hundred fifty dollars ($250) for the initial act of violation, and two hundred fifty dollars ($250) per day thereafter until the violation is discontinued. C. Nothing contained in this chapter shall prevent the city from taking such other lawful action as is necessary to prevent or remedy any violation. (Ord. No. 2113, § 6.2; Ord. No. 2954, § 31, 12-5-90; Ord. No. 3133, § 9, 9-7-93. Formerly Code 1986, § 9.20.88) 36 12/12 This page intentionally left blank. 37