HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Land Use and Planning Board - 03/14/2011 ECONOMIC and COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Ben Wolters, Director PLANNING DIVISION Fred N. Satterstrom, AICP, Planning Director Charlene Anderson, AICP, Manager Phone: 253-856-5454 Fax: 253-856-6454 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S Kent, WA 98032-5895 AGENDA LAND USE & PLANNING BOARD WORKSHOP MARCH 14, 2011 7:00 P.M. LUPB MEMBERS: Dana Ralph-Chair; Jack Ottini-Vice Chair, Steve Dowell, Navdeep Gill, Barbara Phillips and Jim Sturgul CITY STAFF: Charlene Anderson, AICP, Planning Manager; William D. Osborne, AICP, Long-Range Planner; Tom Brubaker, City Attorney This is to notify you that the Land Use and Planning Board will hold a Workshop on MONDAY, MARCH 14, 2011, in Kent City Hall, City Council Chambers East, 220 Fourth Avenue S, at 7:00 p.m. No public testimony is taken at workshops, although the public is welcome to attend. The Agenda Packet can be accessed through the City of Kent’s Website at http://kentwa.iqm2.com/citizens/Default.aspx?DepartmentID=1004. The workshop agenda will include the following item(s): 1. CPA-2010-3 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map Amendment Second Workshop to discuss a proposed change in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designation for property located at 10329 SE 273rd Place (Kentara Short Plat Lot #21). Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City of Kent at (253) 856-5725 in advance for more information. For TDD relay service for the hearing impaired, call 1-800-833-6388 or call the City of Kent Planning Division directly at (253) 856-5499 (TDD) or the main line at (253) 856-5454. This page intentionally left blank. 2 ECONOMIC and COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Ben Wolters, Director PLANNING DIVISION Fred N. Satterstrom, AICP, Director Charlene Anderson, AICP, Manager Phone: 253-856-5454 Fax: 253-856-6454 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032-5895 March 7, 2011 TO: Chair Dana Ralph and Land Use and Planning Board Members FROM: William D. Osborne, AICP, Long-Range Planner RE: 2010 Comprehensive Plan Amendments [CPA-2010-3] For Workshop of March 14, 2011 SUMMARY: On September 1, 2010, the City of Kent received a Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map (Land Use Map) amendment application, as well as a Zoning Districts Map amendment for Lot 21 of the Kentara subdivision located at 10329 SE 273rd Place in Kent (see Attachment A). The Economic & Community Development Committee recommended inclusion of the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map amendment in the 2010-11 Economic & Community Development Department work program. The Zoning Districts Map amendment application may only proceed if and when an ordinance adopting the proposed Land Use Map amendment becomes effective. BACKGROUND: Staff introduced the proposed amendment at the January 10th workshop of the Land Use & Planning Board. The Board raised a few questions, and requested staff return in workshop to follow up on those questions and provide amendment options for discussion prior to holding a public hearing. At the March 14th workshop, staff will discuss options for consideration. Proposal― Change in Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designation for property located at 10329 SE 273rd Place (Kentara Short Plat Lot #21) Applicant (Agent): Hans Korve, DMP, Inc. EXISTING DESIGNATIONS PROPOSED CHANGE Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map Split SF-6 (Single-Family 6 units/acre) and US (Urban Separator) Entirely SF-6 (Single- Family 6 units/acre) Approximately 0.45 acre (55.9%) of the 0.79 acre site is currently designated as Urban Separator (US) on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map; the other 0.34 acre portion is designated SF-6 (see Attachment B-1). The application speculates that a total of three dwelling units could be developed on the site, if rezoned – all on the currently US-designated portion. Much of the site terrain can be characterized as having steep westward, southwestward and southward slopes (see Attachment B-3). History: The City of Kent purchased many large parcels following the Ramstead Annexation in the 1990s in preparation for construction of the eastern leg of the S. 272nd/277th Corridor project. Following completion of grading for the corridor, surplus portions of the parcels above the slopes were sold to private parties. The 3 CPA-2010-3 Kentara S.P. Lot 21 LUPB Workshop March 14, 2011 Page 2 of 4 land area of the eastern portion of Lot 21, derived from one of these large parcels, has always been zoned in the City at one dwelling unit per acre (SR-1). When segregated from Parcel #3222059190 and added to Parcel #3222059022 in June 2004, the eastern portion of Lot 21 had a Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designation of SF-1. The City‟s September 2004 Urban Density Study resulted in an amendment of the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designation from SF-1 to Urban Separator for the parent parcel (PIN 3222059190) containing the land area of what would become the eastern portion of Lot 21. Other recorded real estate transactions and project-level permits associated with the Kentara subdivision neither granted nor implied approval for future amendment of map designations. OPTIONS Not all locally-designated Urban Separators are included in the map of Urban Separators (US) in the King Countywide Planning Policies (CPPs). Subsequent to the regional ratification of the CPPs related to Urban Separators, the City recognized county-designated US lands and added locally-designated US lands, most recently with the Panther Lake Annexation land use plan map and zoning designations. These locally-designated US lands are available for consideration of legislative amendments by the City. However, when considering changes to the Urban Separator designation, the City should consider consistency with local Urban Separators policy language found in the Kent Comprehensive Plan (see Attachment C-1). At the project review level, all Urban Separator lands within the City are regulated the same. Three general options are offered for consideration and discussion of amending the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. No Action – Eastern Portion of Lot 21 Remains Urban Separator This option holds that either of the following is true: 1. Based on County and City policies, the City should neither amend Urban Separators policies nor any mapped areas without the concurrence of King County and ratifying jurisdictions through the process of revisiting the Countywide Planning Policies regarding Urban Separators; or 2. Though locally-designated Urban Separators could be considered for amendment, based on substantive contemplation of City policy, the eastern portion of Lot 21 remains a viable part of a larger Urban Separator due to its views of the Green River Valley, proximity to steep slopes and potential access to publicly-owned land for recreation. Option 1 (Schneider Application) – Lot 21 Entirely Single Family Residential, 6 Dwelling Units per Acre (SF-6) The applicant argues that Urban Separator lands: 1. Must contain natural (non-engineered) critical areas; 2. Must not have been cleared of vegetation and graded in the past; and 3. Must not have provision of urban services for more than one dwelling unit. Further, the application indicates that specific to Lot 21 that: 4. “The developed portion of Lot 21 would never serve as a link between, and for the protection of, sensitive areas, public parks, open spaces, trails or unstable slopes…”; 4 CPA-2010-3 Kentara S.P. Lot 21 LUPB Workshop March 14, 2011 Page 3 of 4 5. Earlier platting activity of Kentara already contemplated provided mitigation (see #3 above) sufficient to address the impacts of this proposed amendment; and 6. Property acquisition records were not incorporated into the City‟s GIS in a timely fashion, thereby improperly leading to the inclusion of the eastern portion of Lot 21 in the Urban Density Study (see History above). Based on these arguments, the applicant concludes that the eastern portion of Lot 21 meets none of the Urban Separator criteria, and therefore was designated by the City in error. If adopted based on the above arguments, Option 1 could lead to future arguments regarding Urban Separators and land use planning generally: a) All land use change activities considered legislatively by the City Council could be invalidated based on the lack of availability of instantaneous property transaction recording by the County and perfect transmission of such data to cities – whether in the past, present or future; b) Project permit activities, including civil construction and building permits as pursued by property owners, could effectively undermine legislative policy and intent of the Comprehensive Plan, in violation of the State Growth Management Act (GMA); c) Urban Separators may only be valid where natural (non-engineered) critical areas are present and only on site; and d) Urban Separators would be constrained in terms of open space provision and connections as defined by project development applications. Option 2A (‘No Net Loss’ – Swap) – Urban Separator Area Switched to the Western Portion of Lot 21 Amending locally-designated Urban Separator lands may proceed with the understanding that these locally-designated lands(see Attachments C-2 and C-3) are not as restricted by the Countywide Planning Policies related to Urban Separators. However, consistency with the Urban Separator Goals and Policies of the City of Kent is applicable. The eastern portion of Lot 21 is assumed to have value as an Urban Separator with views of and potential open space connections to the Green River Valley along the north side of the S. 272nd/277th Corridor. The western portion of Lot 21, though smaller in area and containing a sensitive area easement held by the City, also has characteristics favoring designation as Urban Separator. Like the eastern portion of Lot 21, this portion has potential views and open space connections to the Green River Valley down a steep, wooded slope. Some weight has been given to the County‟s past practice of proposing swapping an equivalent amount of designated area for non-designated area – „no net loss.‟ Option 2A would effectively swap the designations within Lot 21 so that the 0.34 acre western portion would carry an Urban Separator designation, while the eastern 0.45 acre portion would achieve the intent of the Schneider Proposal with a designation of SF-6. Technically, there would be a slight loss of area, but not a complete loss as with the Schneider Proposal. 5 CPA-2010-3 Kentara S.P. Lot 21 LUPB Workshop March 14, 2011 Page 4 of 4 Option 2B (‘No Net Loss’ – Swap & Addition) – As with Option 2A, also adding Tract A to the West of Lot 21 This is the same as Option 2A, with the addition of the 2.774 acre City-owned parcel to the west (PIN 3831250420). This would ensure that existing Urban Separators are not diminished in area or provision of functions and amenities associated with Urban Separator character. The characteristics of this parcel are similar to the western portion of Lot 21, suitable for Urban Separator designation, with steep, wooded slopes leading toward the Green River Valley. A net gain of 2.67 acres of Urban Separator area would result from Option 2B. At the March 14th meeting, staff would like to discuss with the Board the options for amendment, prior to scheduling a public hearing. WO/pm S:\Permit\Plan\COMP_PLAN_AMENDMENTS\2010\CPA-2010-3 Kentara SP Lot 21\LUPB\031411\Memo_CPA-2010-3_031411.doc Att: Attachment A: Kentara Short Plat Lot #21 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map Amendment Application Att B-1: Kentara Lot 21 Map (2010) Att B-2: Kent GIS Historic Topography Maps of Area (2000 & 2010) Att B-3: 2000 Comp Plan Map & Parcels Vicinity Att B-4: June 2004 Comp Plan Map & Parcels Vicinity Att B-5: August 2005 Comp Plan Map & Parcels Vicinity Att C-1: Urban Separator Goals and Policies of King County and Kent Att C-2: Ordinance 3551 – Urban Separators, March 20, 2001 Att C-3: Urban Separators Map featuring Locally-Designated Areas Att D-1: Option 1 Map Att D-2: Option 2a Map Att D-3: Option 2b Map cc: Ben Wolters, ECD Director Fred Satterstrom, AICP, Planning Director Charlene Anderson, AICP, Planning Manager Project File CPA-2010-3 6 ATTACHMENT A - 3/14/11 Land Use & Planning Board Workshop 7 ATTACHMENT A - 3/14/11 Land Use & Planning Board Workshop 8 ATTACHMENT A - 3/14/11 Land Use & Planning Board Workshop 9 ATTACHMENT A - 3/14/11 Land Use & Planning Board Workshop 10 ATTACHMENT A - 3/14/11 Land Use & Planning Board Workshop 11 ATTACHMENT A - 3/14/11 Land Use & Planning Board Workshop 12 ATTACHMENT A - 3/14/11 Land Use & Planning Board Workshop 13 ATTACHMENT A - 3/14/11 Land Use & Planning Board Workshop 14 ATTACHMENT A - 3/14/11 Land Use & Planning Board Workshop 15 ATTACHMENT A - 3/14/11 Land Use & Planning Board Workshop 16 ATTACHMENT A - 3/14/11 Land Use & Planning Board Workshop 17 ATTACHMENT A - 3/14/11 Land Use & Planning Board Workshop 18 ATTACHMENT A - 3/14/11 Land Use & Planning Board Workshop 19 ATTACHMENT A - 3/14/11 Land Use & Planning Board Workshop 20 ATTACHMENT A - 3/14/11 Land Use & Planning Board Workshop 21 ATTACHMENT A - 3/14/11 Land Use & Planning Board Workshop 22 AT T A C H M E N T B - 1 - 3 / 1 4 / 1 1 L a n d U s e & P l a n n i n g B o a r d W o r k s h o p 23 This page intentionally left blank. 24 AT T A C H M E N T B - 2 - 3 / 1 4 / 1 1 L a n d U s e & P l a n n i n g B o a r d W o r k s h o p 25 This page intentionally left blank. 26 AT T A C H M E N T B - 3 - 3 / 1 4 / 1 1 L a n d U s e & P l a n n i n g B o a r d W o r k s h o p 27 This page intentionally left blank. 28 AT T A C H M E N T B - 4 - 3 / 1 4 / 1 1 L a n d U s e & P l a n n i n g B o a r d W o r k s h o p 29 This page intentionally left blank. 30 AT T A C H M E N T B - 5 - 3 / 1 4 / 1 1 L a n d U s e & P l a n n i n g B o a r d W o r k s h o p 31 This page intentionally left blank. 32 ATTACHMENT C-1 1 CITY OF KENT URBAN SEPARATOR GOALS & POLICIES Goal LU-31 Establish Urban Separators to protect environmentally sensitive area, including lakes, streams, wetlands, and geologically unstable areas such as steep slopes, to create open space corridors that provide environmental, visual, recreational and wildlife benefits within and between urban growth areas, and to take advantage of unusual landscape features such as cliffs or bluffs and environmentally unique areas. Policy LU-31.1 Establish Urban Separators as low-density areas of no greater than one dwelling unit per acre. Policy LU-31.2: Only allow amendments to the Urban Separator policy at the time coinciding with King County’s twenty (20) year review of its 1994 Policy Update of the Comprehensive Plan or by Kent City Council initiation because of pending danger or public safety. Policy LU-31.3 Require subdivisions within or adjacent to Urban Separators to provide open space linkages within or to the Urban Separator. Policy LU-31.4 Establish Urban Separators as links between, and for protection of, sensitive areas, public parks, open spaces or trails, critical aquifer recharge areas, floodplains, high value wetlands, unstable slopes, regionally or locally significant resource areas, fish and wildlife habitat and other unique environmental features. Policy LU-31.5 Coordinate with appropriate South King County agencies, adjacent cities, and unincorporated King County to create a regional approach to Urban Separators. Policy LU-31.6 Link Urban Separators within the City of Kent to those of adjacent cities and unincorporated King County. Policy LU-31.7 Encourage well-designed land use patterns, including clustering of housing units, transfer of development rights, zero lot lines and other techniques to protect and enhance urban separators. Policy LU-31.8 Consider funding options, land trusts, purchase of development rights, and other methods for public acquisition of Urban Separators. ATTACHMENT C-1 3/14/11 Land Use & Planning Board Workshop 33 ATTACHMENT C-1 2 Goal P&OS-3 Establish an open space pattern that will provide definition of and separation between developed areas, and provide open space linkages among park and recreational resources. Policy P&OS-3.1 Define and conserve a system of open space corridors as urban separators to provide definition between natural areas and urban land uses within the Kent area. Policy P&OS-3.2 Increase linkages of trails, in-street bike lanes, or other existing or planned connections with natural areas and open space within developed areas, particularly along the Green River, Mill Creek, Garrison Creek, and Soos Creek corridors; around Lake Fenwick, Clark Lake, Lake Meridian, Panther Lake, and Lake Young; and around significant wetland and floodways such as the Green River Natural Resource Area (GRNRA). Policy P&OS-3.3 Preserve through acquisition as necessary, environmentally sensitive areas as natural area linkages and urban separators, particularly along the steep hillsides that define both sides of the Green River Valley and the SE 277th/272nd Street corridor. KING COUNTY COUNTYWIDE PLANNING POLICY (CPP) CPP LU-27 – Urban separators are low-density areas or areas of little development within the Urban Growth Area. Urban separators shall be defined as permanent low- density lands which protect adjacent resource lands, Rural Areas, and environmentally sensitive areas and create open space corridors within and between Urban Areas which provide environmental, visual, recreational and wildlife benefits. Designated urban separators shall not be redesignated in the future (in the 20-year planning cycle) to other urban uses or higher densities. The maintenance of these urban separators is a regional as well as a local concern. Therefore, no modifications should be made to the development regulations governing these areas without King County review and concurrence. ATTACHMENT C-1 3/14/11 Land Use & Planning Board Workshop 34 ATTACHMENT C-2 3/14/11 Land Use & Planning Board Workshop 35 ATTACHMENT C-2 3/14/11 Land Use & Planning Board Workshop 36 ATTACHMENT C-2 3/14/11 Land Use & Planning Board Workshop 37 ATTACHMENT C-2 3/14/11 Land Use & Planning Board Workshop 38 ATTACHMENT C-2 3/14/11 Land Use & Planning Board Workshop 39 ATTACHMENT C-2 3/14/11 Land Use & Planning Board Workshop 40 ATTACHMENT C-2 3/14/11 Land Use & Planning Board Workshop 41 ATTACHMENT C-2 3/14/11 Land Use & Planning Board Workshop 42 ATTACHMENT C-2 3/14/11 Land Use & Planning Board Workshop 43 ATTACHMENT C-2 3/14/11 Land Use & Planning Board Workshop 44 ATTACHMENT C-2 3/14/11 Land Use & Planning Board Workshop 45 ATTACHMENT C-2 3/14/11 Land Use & Planning Board Workshop 46 ATTACHMENT C-2 3/14/11 Land Use & Planning Board Workshop 47 ATTACHMENT C-2 3/14/11 Land Use & Planning Board Workshop 48 ATTACHMENT C-2 3/14/11 Land Use & Planning Board Workshop 49 ATTACHMENT C-2 3/14/11 Land Use & Planning Board Workshop 50 ATTACHMENT C-2 3/14/11 Land Use & Planning Board Workshop 51 ATTACHMENT C-2 3/14/11 Land Use & Planning Board Workshop 52 ATTACHMENT C-2 3/14/11 Land Use & Planning Board Workshop 53 ATTACHMENT C-2 3/14/11 Land Use & Planning Board Workshop 54 ATTACHMENT C-2 3/14/11 Land Use & Planning Board Workshop 55 ATTACHMENT C-2 3/14/11 Land Use & Planning Board Workshop 56 ATTACHMENT C-2 3/14/11 Land Use & Planning Board Workshop 57 ATTACHMENT C-2 3/14/11 Land Use & Planning Board Workshop 58 ATTACHMENT C-2 3/14/11 Land Use & Planning Board Workshop 59 ATTACHMENT C-2 3/14/11 Land Use & Planning Board Workshop 60 ATTACHMENT C-2 3/14/11 Land Use & Planning Board Workshop 61 ATTACHMENT C-2 3/14/11 Land Use & Planning Board Workshop 62 ATTACHMENT C-2 3/14/11 Land Use & Planning Board Workshop 63 ATTACHMENT C-2 3/14/11 Land Use & Planning Board Workshop 64 ATTACHMENT C-2 3/14/11 Land Use & Planning Board Workshop 65 ATTACHMENT C-2 3/14/11 Land Use & Planning Board Workshop 66 AT T A C H M E N T C - 3 3 / 1 4 / 1 1 L a n d U s e & P l a n n i n g B o a r d W o r k s h o p 67 This page intentionally left blank. 68 AT T A C H M E N T D - 1 3 / 1 4 / 1 1 L a n d U s e & P l a n n i n g B o a r d W o r k s h o p 69 This page intentionally left blank. 70 AT T A C H M E N T D - 2 3 / 1 4 / 1 1 L a n d U s e & P l a n n i n g B o a r d W o r k s h o p 71 This page intentionally left blank. 72 AT T A C H M E N T D - 3 3 / 1 4 / 1 1 L a n d U s e & P l a n n i n g B o a r d W o r k s h o p