HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Land Use and Planning Board - 08/12/2013 LAND USE & PLANNING BOARD MINUTES AUGUST 12, 2013 Land Use & Planning Board Members: Chair Jack Ottini, Vice Chair Barbara Phillips, Frank Cornelius, Steve Dowell, Navdeep Gill, Alan Gray, and Randall Smith. Ottini called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. City Staff: Planning Director Fred Satterstrom, Planning Manager Charlene Anderson, Long-Range Planner Gloria Gould-Wessen, Assistant City Attorney David Galazin 3. Approval of Minutes Board member Gray Moved and Board member Phillips Seconded a Motion to approve the July 22, 2013 Minutes. Motion CARRIED 7-0. 4. Added Items - None 5. Communications - None 6. Notice of Upcoming Meetings - None 7. CPZ/CPA-2012-1 Downtown Subarea Action Plan (DSAP) and DSAP Zoning Districts & Comprehensive Plan Map Amendments; and ZCA-2013-2 Mixed Use Overlay Regulations Planning Director Fred Satterstrom stated that the Board previously held five workshops and two public hearings on this issue. He stated that once the Board renders their recommendation, Kent City Council will hold a series of meetings beginning with a Council workshop, then move on to the Economic and Community Development Committee and then to the full City Council. Long-Range Planner Gloria Gould-Wessen addressed questions originating from the July 22, 2013 Land Use and Planning Board (LUPB) Hearing: (1) How would Downtown Design Review Guidelines be implemented in the GC- MU? Gould-Wessen disclosed that K-Mart’s representative - Mr. Chuck Maduell - was no longer concerned with the design guidelines. (2) What mitigating measures would lessen the impact of development on the North Park single family neighborhood? Mitigation measures would apply to development in the entire area including downtown. North Park has been identified as needing sidewalks and bicycle improvements which would be worked out through the Infill Exemption and Planned Action Ordinances. (3) What would the impact be if the proposed rezone of MRT-16 to DCE was not completed? LUPB Minutes August 12, 2013 Page 2 of 3 Economic & Community Development Director Ben Wolters addressed Question 3, stating that the question is speculative and basically relates to economic impacts. He stated that this particular area of 10 parcels located on the northern part of the block, bounded by Cloudy St, Fourth Avenue, James and Fifth Street, it will be less likely to see any substantial commercial development on that part of the block already zoned Downtown Commercial Enterprise (DCE), which is precisely why we proposed the rezone on the northern part of the block to make the potential for redevelopment more likely. That particular block has some unique features and is bounded on three sides with either commercial development such as ShoWare Center, the Commons, and the Regional Justice Center; separated by major arterial streets such as Fourth Avenue and James Street to the south. Wolters stated that staff’s proposal includes rezoning that area from Multifamily Residential Townhouse (MRT-16) to DCE so that it would be more likely that commercial development that is already allowed in the southern portion of the block would more likely happen. He stated that the subject site offer’s potential for future development, and fits within the overall goals for downtown Kent as an Urban Center yet it is separated and isolated from the rest of the neighborhood. All of these features combine to make this a potentially attractive site. Wolters stated that any developer interested in that block would have to assemble sufficient parcels to make a developable site, convince individual property owners to sell by offering a premium price for those properties above the normal market value. A developer is more likely to offer a premium price if they can see a development potential large enough to carry the additional cost of that premium. This is not to say that development wouldn’t occur in the DCE but suggests that it would be less likely. Slightly over half of the properties are rentals. Gould-Wessen described four proposed actions for the Board to consider. The DSAP (The Plan) is a vision for downtown 10-15 years out with associated actions that provides guidance for implementing the Plan. Three different land use alternatives are proposed with staff recommending Alternative Two ‘a moderate growth option’. The Plan and Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) are required for a Planned Action and Infill Exemption Ordinance. The second proposed action amends the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map to support Alternative Two. Staff proposes changing a good portion of the downtown subarea to Urban Center and the other Land Use Designation change is an area for housekeeping purposes would change to Industrial. The third proposed action amends the zoning map; changes the zoning to Downtown Commercial Enterprise (DCE) for a North Park area and an area located along Meeker Street in old Downtown. She cited three areas proposed for rezone to GC-MU which is supported by a Mixed-Use Land Use Designation. The fourth action proposes amendments to Kent City Code Title 15 related to the Mixed-Use Overlay and specifically as it pertains to the GC-MU. The amendments concern building height increases, and Multifamily design review and expanded to include Downtown design review. The code amendments would also affect three areas located just outside the Downtown study area. LUPB Minutes August 12, 2013 Page 3 of 3 Gray voiced concerns with the site bordered by Cloudy and Fourth Avenue, and questioned if that area was primarily rentals. Wolters stated that under half of the residents in that block are rentals. Gray stated that he still found it troubling and that he strongly feels it should be incumbent on us to consider retaining MRT-16 zoning for that area. Wolters stated that the area bordering the North Park Community has unique characteristics which adds to the balancing act for how the Planning Department determines what is compatible with the adjoining properties and how staff considers all aspects of one zoning district over another The Board members pondered the merits of how and where MRT-16 versus DCE should be applied bordering the North Park Neighborhood. Wolters stated that the City would like to incentivize both the commercial and residential communities to attract development. In response to concerns from Board members, Gould-Wessen stated that property taxes would increases when development occurs. Until development occurs, the North Park Community’s tax base will not be affected. In response to Phillips, Wolters stated that an interested developer could request a rezone but would be required to undergo a lengthy process and the decision to rezone would go before Council. Concluding deliberations, Gray MOVED and Phillips SECONDED a MOTION to recommend to Kent City Council APPROVAL 1) The Downtown Subarea Action Plan and the Alternative 2 growth scenario as recommended by staff and approval of 2) All Option 1 Land Use Plan Map Amendments as recommended by staff; 3) All Option 1 Zoning Districts Map Amendments as recommended by staff; and 4) The Mixed Use Overlay Regulations Code Amendments pertaining to the General Commercial Mixed Use (GC -MU) Zoning District and the corrections to the code reference for the Downtown Design Review as recommended by staff; and further amending the Motion to exclude that portion of North Park west of Fourth and south of Cloudy Street as to the zoning change from MRT-16 to DCE defined as Site Z-11. Motion PASSED 4-3 with Dowell, Gill, and Smith opposed. Adjournment Ottini adjourned the meeting at 8:00 pm _____________________________________________ Charlene Anderson, AICP, Planning Manager/Board Secretary