HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Land Use and Planning Board - 01/28/2013 LAND USE & PLANNING BOARD MINUTES JANUARY 28, 2013 Land Use & Planning Board Members: Chair Jack Ottini-delayed attendance, Vice Chair Barbara Phillips, Steve Dowell-delayed attendance, Navdeep Gill-absent/excused, Alan Gray, and Randall Smith. Vice Chair Phillips called the meeting to order at 7:15 pm with Ottini facilitating the meeting upon his arrival. City Staff: Planning Manager Charlene Anderson, Planner Katie Graves, Assistant City Attorney Kathy Hardy 3. Approval of Minutes Board member Dowell Moved and Board member Smith Seconded a Motion to approve the January 14, 2013 Minutes. Motion CARRIED 4-0 in the absence of Ottini and Gill. 4. Added Items - None 5. Communications - None 6. Notice of Upcoming Meetings - None 7. Public Hearing 7.1 [ZCA-2012-3] Kent City Code (KCC) 15.07 Landscape Regulations Amendments Planner Katie Graves stated that this is a continuation of the January 14th public hearing to consider proposed amendments to Landscaping Regulations and related amendments to definitions in 15.02.086, 15.02.172 and 15.02.274. Graves requested that the Board move to accept Exhibit 1 for the record that was submitted to the Board on January 14th. Gray Moved and Smith Seconded a Motion to Accept Exhibit #1 into the Record. Motion CARRIED 4-0 in the absence of Ottini and Gill. Graves stated that staff has amended options based on comments previously received by staff and received from the public at the January 14th Hearing which suggested minor amendments to KCC 15.07 (specifically 15.07.050, related to ANSI Standards and plant specifications). Staff now recommends Option B rather than Option A to update planting standards, incorporate ANSI Standards and change the one-and-one-half inches at diameter breast height (dbh) measurement to a Caliper measurement at time of planting. Staff still recommends Option B for Kent City Code Section 15.02.086 - Composted Materials. Chair Ottini declared the Public Hearing Open. Seeing no speakers Ottini declared the Public Hearing Closed. After brief deliberations, Phillips MOVED and Gray SECONDED a motion to recommend Approval of amendments to KCC 15.07, Landscaping Regulations, with related amendments to definitions in 15.02.986, 15.02.172 and 15.02.274; and including recommendation of Option B - 15.07.050; and Option B -15.02.986, as recommended by staff as modified. Motion PASSED 5-0 with Gill absent. Adjournment Phillips moved and Smith seconded a Motion to close the meeting. Motion PASSED 5-0. Chair Ottini adjourned the meeting at 7:30 pm. ________________________________________________ Charlene Anderson, AICP, Planning Manager/Board Secretary