HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Land Use and Planning Board - 01/14/2013 (4)
JANUARY 14, 2013
Land Use & Planning Board Members: Chair Alan Gray, Vice Chair Barbara Phillips,
Steve Dowell, Navdeep Gill, Jack Ottini, and Randall Smith.
Chair Gray called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m.
City Staff: Charlene Anderson, Katie Graves, David Galazin
3. Approval of Minutes
Board member Ottini Moved and Board member Phillips Seconded a Motion to
approve the August 13, 2012 Minutes. Motion CARRIED 6-0.
4. Added Items - Electronic Communication
5. Communications - None
6. Notice of Upcoming Meetings
Planning Manager Charlene Anderson stated that staff may hold a workshop in February or
March on the Downtown Strategic Action Plan.
7. Public Hearing
7.1 [ZCA-2012-3] Kent City Code (KCC) 15.07 Landscape Regulations Amendments
Planner Katie Graves stated that the proposed amendments relate to Landscaping
Regulations and related amendments to definitions in 15.02.086, 15.02.172 and 15.02.274.
The Board held discussions at their October 8th and November 26, 2012 workshops.
Graves stated that code amendments encourage low impact development techniques (LID)
such as integrating LID stormwater management facilities with required landscaping where
feasible; Adding language to define and address the incorporation of soil amendments (such
as composted material) within new landscape areas; Adding language to ensure that new
landscaping will be maintained and which stipulates that the Planning Director is authorized
to require a performance and landscape maintenance bond or other acceptable maintenance
assurance devices prior to permit issuance when deemed necessary.
Graves stated that additional amendments include reorganization of the General
Landscaping Requirements section, inclusion of a new regulations chart for specific districts’
section, and adding different specifications to the type of landscaping chart.
Graves submitted Exhibit 1 for the record, a set of documents outlining discussion between
public works and planning staff, with options for Section 15.02.086 and Section 15.07.050A.
Graves described three options for Section 15.02.086 Composted Material. Graves stated
that Option A is outlined in the packet. Option B is the same as Option A except for
language requiring composted materials meet contaminant standards according to the WAC
173-350 Section 220. Option C removes language that composted material must contain
40-65 percent organic matter and instead includes references to Best Management Practices
and the Washington State Department of Ecology Storm Water Management Manual and
also notes that the requirements of the WSDOT standards are acceptable.
Staff recommends Option B as this option includes all the requirements that environmental
engineering would like to see in compost. This option is easier to administer and explain
than Option C which is a catch-all for all the requirements that apply to compost.
Graves described two options for Section 15.07.050. Option A as proposed in the packet
requires trees to be a minimum of one and one-half inches at diameter breast height (DBH)
at time of planting. Staff is recommending Option B which removes dbh and details caliper
LUPB Minutes
January 14, 2013
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for size of trees at time of planting. Environmental engineering recommended this option as
‘caliper inches’ is a common standard used while selecting a tree at a nursery. Caliper
measurement is based on ANSI Standards.
Chair Gray declared the Public Hearing open.
Chuck Burget, 27310 145 Ct. SE, Kent stated that he is a certified arborist,
horticulturist, and state licensed landscape architect. He spoke in favor of the Caliper
measurement (an ANSI industry standard of a 2-inch diameter, 6 inch from ground level
measurement) used for local landscaping requirements. Burget recommended that staff
incorporate reference to the ANSI Standards where applicable with defining ‘ground cover’,
‘shrubs’ and plant size requirements. He submitted the ANSI standards for staff’s review.
Burget stated that he supports the use of composted materials and explained why he
believes it would be difficult to accomplish from a practical standpoint. Burget spoke in favor
of the landscape maintenance requirements.
Chris Welch, 12905 SE 247th Place, Kent stated that he is a certified arborist with a
degree in horticulture. He spoke in support of the Caliper measurement at 6 inches for new
plantings vs. the DBH measurement. Welch suggested including language referencing the
ANSI standards. He stated that improper pruning of trees is a safety issue. Therefore,
pruning standards should be included in the code in the maintenance section and language
should be included referencing the International Society of Arboreal Cultural Standards and
that requires certified arborist to either oversee or conduct the work.
Seeing no further speakers, Chair Gray, declared the public hearing closed.
After considering public testimony, the Board requested that staff develop language for
inclusion in the code that incorporates applicable sections of the ANSI standards by
Chair Gray MOVED and Phillips SECONDED a motion to continue the public hearing
on ZCA-2012-3 Kent City Code Chapter 15.07 Landscape Regulations to January
28, 2013, directing staff to evaluate applicable sections of the ANSI Standards for
incorporation into the Code by reference. Motion Carried 6-0.
8. Short Plat (SP) Committee Meeting Representation
Navdeep Gill will represent the Board January through March 2013. Jack Ottini will attend
April through September, and Alan Gray from October through December.
9. Nomination of Officers
Dowell MOVED and Smith SECONDED a Motion to nominate Jack Ottini as Chair of the Land
Use and Planning Board. Motion CARRIED 6-0.
Ottini MOVED and Smith SECONDED a Motion to nominate Barbara Phillips as Vice Chair of
the Land Use and Planning Board. Motion CARRIED 6-0.
10. Electronic Communications
After deliberating, the Board members elected to receive agenda packets through electronic
correspondence. When documents are too large to transmit electronically, hard copies will
be made available for the Board Members to pick up from the Economic and Community
Development Office.
Chair Gray adjourned the meeting at 8:00 pm.
Charlene Anderson, AICP, Planning Manager
Board Secretary