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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Economic and Community Development - 05/14/2012 1
WA 5111 N G To
May 14, 2012
Committee Members Committee Chair Jamie Perry, Deborah Ranniger, Bill Boyce.
Perry called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
1. Approval of Minutes
Councilmember Ranniger Moved and Councilmember Boyce Seconded a
Motion to approve the April 9, 2012 Minutes. Motion PASSED 3-0.
2. Neiahbors of West Hill Council - Resolution
Program Coordinator Toni Azzola stated that the original West Hill Neighborhood
Council dissolved and a new neighborhood council (a community of 1200 homes)
was created. She introduced Neighbors of West Hill Council representatives: Chair
Sandra Glover, Co-Chair Vivian Bruns, North Advocate Charlotte Dalbec, and West
Advocate Don Bowers. Bruns stated that their diverse community appreciates the
services Kent provides that will continue to assist their community in dealing with
safety, traffic and beautification issues.
Councilmember Ranniger Moved and Councilmember Boyce Seconded a
Motion to recommend Council adopt the proposed resolution which repeals
Resolution 1781 and recognizes the Neighbors of West Hill Council
Neighborhood Council, supports its community building efforts, and
confers all opportunities offered by the City's Neighborhood Program.
Motion PASSED 3-0.
3. Downtown Strategic Action Plan (DSAP) Update - Resolution
Planner/GIS Coordinator Gloria Gould-Wessen stated that Economic and Community
Development (ECD) staff identified the DSAP update as a priority in their 2012 work
program and this update is based on Council's strategic goal to create urban
Gould-Wessen stated that through the process of updating the DSAP: (1)Staff will
review what Kent has achieved and will update recommended strategic actions to
reflect potential new directions, (2) Staff will expand the DSAP to function more like
Kent's Comprehensive Plan to include Chapters such as Transportation, Land Use,
Economic Development, Parks & Open Space, and Utilities, (3) Staff will complete a
Planned Action Ordinance (PAO) based on the DSAP update and will include an
environmental analysis that will facilitate the permitting process and new
development in downtown. The update effort will reach out to the community and
will include stakeholders to hear what is going right and what is missing in
downtown. Gould-Wessen stated that other city departments will be engaged to
participate in this update. It is staff's belief that this update will facilitate new
development and ensure that downtown will continue to have the successes like we
see happening today.
Gould-Wessen stated that the resolution is a necessary first step to initiate the
DSAP update. Kent has established a procedure for amending the Comprehensive
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Plan outside the annual updates and that procedure reflects the State's RCWs. To
declare this action as an emergency means this issue is of community-wide
significance that promotes public health, safety and general welfare whereby the
DSAP meets those criteria. Once the resolution goes to the Full Council and is
approved, staff will notify the State Department of Commerce that we are moving
forward with the update. Staff will report back to this Committee.
Councilmember Boyce Moved and Councilmember Ranniger Seconded a
Motion to move forward a resolution to Kent City Council that declares an
emergency to pursue an amendment to the Kent Comprehensive Plan to
revise the City of Kent Downtown Strategic Action Plan. Motion PASSED 3-0.
4. PUBLIC HEARING: Medical Mariivana Ordinance
Planner Katie Graves stated that the intent of this hearing is to discuss zoning
options for medical marijuana collective gardens. The Public Safety Committee
stated at their April loth meeting that the Economic and Community Development
Committee (ECDC) should consider this issue at their next meeting and
recommended that the ECDC recommend an ordinance to City Council to ban
collective gardens. Graves stated that City Council did not pass Ordinance 4025 in
Graves submitted five exhibits for the record: (1) Email dated May 10 from David
Hallin supporting collective gardens specifically Herbal Choice. (2) Email dated May
12 from Eric Munson, a prevention specialist and drug and alcohol counselor,
opposing collective gardens. (3) An article published by Huff Post Politics an
internet newspaper and written by Tamar Todd a staff attorney for the Drug Policy
Alliance supporting medical marijuana collective gardens. (4) A letter from John
Worthington supporting collective gardens and opposing a ban. (5) A 3-page
excerpt submitted at the hearing citing RCW's that govern collective gardens.
Councilmember Ranniger moved and Councilmember Boyce seconded a
Motion to accept the five exhibits into the record. Motion PASSED 3-0.
Councilmember Perry declared the Public Hearing Open.
The following people spoke in SUPPORT of medical cannabis collective gardens in
Kent opposing the ordinance that would ban collective gardens:
Philip Dowdy, 1608 E. Republican St. #303, Seattle, WA 98112; Ezra Eickmeyer,
Statewide Lobbyist for Safe Access Alliance, 4930 Center Rd, Chimacum, WA
98325; John Worthington, 4500 SE 2nd Place, Renton, WA 98059; Kan Boiter, 4224
S 2161h Place, Kent, WA 98032; Steve Sarich, representative for Cannacare; Toni
Mills, 25000 1801h Ave SE, Kent, WA 98042; Jane Coffron, 25657 2911h Ave S, Kent,
WA 98032; Jennifer LaDoux, 9721 S 2481h St., Kent, WA 98030; David Hallin,
31678 Military Rd. S, Federal Way, WA 98001; John McArthur, 11018 SE 2181h St.,
Kent, WA 98031; Laura Ellison, 600 Ellingson Rd., Apt I-3, Auburn, WA 98047;
Steven Schneider, 5510 S 1441h St., Tukwila, WA 98168; Matthew Zaborac, c/o
Downtown Emergency Services Center (D.E.S.C.), PO Box 67145, 511 Third Ave,
Seattle, WA 98104; Koli Bolden, 27400 132°d Ave SE, Apt #G-205, Kent, WA
98042; Pam Larsen, 20615 SE 1481h, Kent, WA 98042; Charles Lambert, 925 E.
Maple St, Kent, WA 98030; Greta Carter, 452 University Way #67, Seattle, WA
98101; Michael Ranetta, 2007 S 232nd St., Des Moines, WA 98198; Neal
Schanbeck, 93 Byrd Drive, WA; Colomba Tsang, 21628 43`d PI S, Kent, WA 98032 -
submitted two binders of information on how medical marijuana is used to treat
numerous medical diseases/illnesses; Michael Enos, 11805 SE 255" St., Kent, WA
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98030; Don Skakie, 4313 SE 2nd Place, New Castle, WA 98059; Robby Shaver,
25032 Lake Fenwick Rd, Kent, WA 98032; Steve Manzanares, 22816 126th Ave SE,
Kent, WA 98031; Jonathan Blake, 22702 901h Way S. Kent, WA 98031; Jared
Allaway, (Sensible Washington), 35810 16" Ave S #F303, Federal Way, WA 98003;
John Tocher, (Sensible Washington), 13521 SE 161" Place, Renton, WA 98058;
Douglas Hyatt, Attorney, 119 ist Avenue S, Suite 16, Seattle, WA 98104; Katherin
Ranzoni, 830 Stetson Avenue, Kent, WA 98031; Heinz Strakellohn, 13228 SE 231s'
St., Kent, WA 98042
The following people spoke in OPPOSITION to medical cannabis collective gardens
in Kent supporting the ordinance to ban collective gardens:
Randy Beaulien, 710 Marion St, Kent, WA 98030; Derek Franklin, Washington
Association for Substance Abuse & Violence Prevention (WASAVP) supported a
continued moratorium.
Seeing no further speakers, Councilmember Ranniger Moved and
Councilmember Boyce Seconded a Motion to Close the Public Hearing.
Motion PASSED 3-0.
Councilmember Boyce Moved and Councilmember Ranniger Seconded a
Motion to recommend adoption of the medical cannabis collective garden
ordinance and to forward on to City Council. Motion PASSED 2-1 with Perry
Councilmember Perry announced that this issue will be heard before the full Council
on June 51h
Committee Chair Perry adjourned the meeting at 7:30 p.m.
Pamela Mottram, Secretary
Economic & Community Development Committee
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