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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Land Use and Planning Board - 05/28/2013 ECONOMIC and COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Ben Wolters, Director PLANNING DIVISION Fred N. Satterstrom, AICP, Planning Director • Charlene Anderson, AICP, Manager � KENT Phone: 253-856-5454 wAs III. ,o14 Fax: 253-856-6454 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S Kent, WA 98032-5895 AGENDA LAND USE & PLANNING BOARD WORKSHOP SPECIAL DATE: TUESDAY, MAY 28, 2013 7:00 P.M. LUPB MEMBERS: Jack Ottini, Chair; Barbara Phillips, Vice Chair; Frank Cornelius, Steve Dowell, Navdeep Gill, Alan Gray, and Randall Smith CITY STAFF: Charlene Anderson, AICP, Planning Manager; Gloria Gould-Wessen, Long-Range Planner; Kathy Hardy, Assistant City Attorney This is to notify you that the Land Use and Planning Board will hold a Special Workshop on TUESDAY, MAY 28, 2013 as Monday is a holiday observed by the City of Kent. The workshop will be held in Kent City Hall, City Council Chambers, at 220 Fourth Avenue S, Kent, WA at 7:00 p.m. No public testimony is taken at workshops, although the public is welcome to attend. The workshop agenda will include the following item(s): 1. CPZ/CPA-2012-1 Downtown Subarea Action Plan & Planned Action Ordinance This workshop will focus on proposed actions, and the goals and policies that support them. You may access the City's website for documents pertaining to the Land Use and Planning Board at: htto://kentwa.igm Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk's Office at (253) 856-5725 in advance. For TDD relay service call the Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 1-800-833- 6388 or call the City of Kent Planning Division directly at (253) 856-5499 (TDD) or the main line at (253) 856-5454. This page intentionally left blank. ECONOMIC and COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Ben Wolters, Director PLANNING DIVISION Fred N Satterstrom, AICP, Planning Director KEN T Charlene Anderson, AICP, Planning Manager WASH INGTou Phone: 253-856-5454 Fax: 253-856-6454 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032-5895 May 21, 2013 To: Jack Ottini, Chair and Land Use and Planning Board Members From: Gloria Gould-Wessen, AICP, GIS Coordinator/Long Range Planner Subject: Downtown Subarea Action Plan & PAO (CPZ/CPA-2012-1) (KIVA 2120882) Workshop — May 28, 2013 INTRODUCTION: The Downtown Subarea Action Plan (DSAP) reflects the character and structure of Kent's Comprehensive Plan and conforms to the State's Growth Management Act (GMA). The DSAP also aligns with Puget Sound Regional Council's (PSRC) VISION 2040 and King County's Countywide Planning Policies (CPPs). The DSAP is more than a policy document. It contains goals and policies, as well as action items for implementation of the DSAP. The workshop will focus on proposed actions, and the goals and policies that support them. SUMMARY: The DSAP has been presented to the Land Use & Planning Board (LU&PB) in several previous workshops, three of which were project updates. On May 13, 2013, the LU&PB considered a series of land use plan amendments and rezones associated with the DSAP. This meeting will consider the goals, policies, and strategic actions that identify the implementation strategy for the DSAP. They are organized as separate elements, much like Kent's Comprehensive Plan, starting with the Land Use Element, followed by: Urban Design, Housing, Transportation, Parks, Environmental Sustainability, Public Safety, Utilities, and Economic Development (see Attach. A). The actions are summarized in a table that provides a timeline for completion (see Attach. B). The goals, policies, and actions will be incorporated into the Framework for Downtown chapter. The complete DSAP will be presented at a June LU&PB workshop. If there are any questions prior to the workshop, please contact Gloria Gould- Wessen at 253.856.5441. GGW/pm S:�Permit�Plan�COMP_PLAN_AMENDMENTS�2012�CPA-2012-1 Downtown�LUPB�05-13-13�Memo.door Enc: Attach A— DRAFT DSAP Goals, Policies, and Actions Attach B— DRAFT Actions table cc: Ben Wolters, ECD Director Fred Satterstrom,AICP, Planning Director Charlene Anderson,AICP, Planning Manager David Galazin and Kathy Hardy,Assistant City Attorneys File CPZ/CPA-2012-1 This page intentionally left blank. ATTACHMENT A DRAFT - DSAP GOALS, POLICIES AND STRATEGIC ACTIONS Note: The following elements are organized in broad categories based on the State's Growth Management Act (GMA). The responsibilities for implementing the policies and actions below may involve more than one department. Land Use Element Kent is a regional employment center and place where families want'to live and Downtown has always been the heart of Kent. The vision for Downtown is a dense, mixed-use urban center with a 'pedestrian first' orientation and a"range of complementary uses. Downtown Kent will be an extraordinary place for those who live,. work, shop, or play there. Overall Goal: To create a well designed, pedestrian-oriented, and economically vibrant urban center with a mix of uses and activities for.those who live, work, or visit Downtown Kent. Policy LU-1: Focus a proportional amount of residential and employment citywide growth targets into the Urban Center in support of the Countywide Planning Policies and VISION 2040 growth strategy. Policy LU-2: Encourage medium- and high-density development-in Downtown through development regulations and design standards to provide an attractive, livable and high- quality residential mixed-use urban environment; • Action LU-2.1: Expand the diversity and density of uses in Downtown to support a vibrant urban environmentand ensure regulatory consistency. a) Amend the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Plan Map and Zoning Districts Map to encourage amdiversify of urban uses and building forms. b) Amend the development regulations to increase allowable building height for General Commercial Mixed-Use (GC-MU) within Downtown to ensure a more dense mix of office, retail, and housing options. • Action LU-2.2: Ensure development regulations support a livable, economically vibrant, and well designed Downtown. a.' Revise the Mixed-Use Overlay Development Standards to ensure that the form of ihfill'development is in keeping with the community's vision, including minimizing the environmental impacts on adjacent residential uses. b. Revise the multifamily development regulations to provide viable, urban-style housing options within Downtown. c. Revise the Downtown Design Guidelines and development regulations where appropriate to reduce the visual impact of surface parking along pedestrian designated streets. Draft- Preliminary Policy and Actions for the Kent Downtown Subarea Action Plan Page 1 d. Revise the sign regulations to reinforce a pedestrian-oriented urban streetscape in Downtown (e.g., encourage blade signs, discourage sandwich board signs). Urban Desian Element Downtown Kent is growing with Kent Station and ShoWare Center as examples of 21't Century Architectural design. The form and function of new public and private investment in Downtown is guided by policy direction in concert with development standards and design guidelines. Together they ensure an aesthetically pleasing urban environment that emphasizes the 'pedestrian first'. Overall Goal: To create an aesthetically pleasing Downtown where building materials, details, and scale weave together into a rich architectural fabric; the public realm is comfortable and safe, projecting a 'pedestrian first' message; and this urban form is compatible with adjacent neighborhoods. Policy UD-1: Maintain and enhance a strong 'pedestrian first' character throughout the Downtown where interest, comfort, and protection from traffic is created through the design of streets and sidewalks. Where appropriate, add street trees, landscaping, water features, pedestrian-scaled lighting, street furniture, pavement treatments, or other softening treatments. • Action UD-1.1: Apply appropriate Downtown Design Guidelines and updated development standards to the entire Downtown consistent with the vision. • Action UD-1.2: Revise the Downtown Design Guidelines 'Pedestrian Plan Overlay' to guide right-of-way use in a manner that will promote a safe, attractive environment for both motorized and non-motorized users. • Action UD-1.3: Review and revise where necessary the programmatic documents and design manuals"to"ensure pedestrian and bike accessibility within and adjacent to Downtown is created, enhanced, or preserved. a)" Develop standards for 'street-seats', identify appropriate locations within the pedestrian designated streets for their consideration, and establish a process for interested businesses to expand their business activities into parking spaces adjacent to their location. • Action UD-1.4: Strengthen the pedestrian connection between Kent Station and historic Downtown Kent through good design, public investments, and private efforts. a) Install year-round street tree lighting between Kent Station and Historic Downtown. b) Add seasonal planters and hanging baskets along 2 n d Avenue between Kent Station and Historic Downtown. Draft- Preliminary Policy and Actions for the Kent Downtown Subarea Action Plan Page 2 c) Consider a covered pedestrian walkway along 2nd Avenue between Kent Station and Historic Downtown to provide a visual draw and weather protection in an effort to attract pedestrians day or night. d) Work with Kent Downtown Partnership to ensure businesses and property owners promote pedestrian-oriented activities and visual interest along 2 n d Avenue (i.e., generous entries, interesting and changing display windows, building decoration, and lighting). • Action UD-1.5: Establish and promote a coordinated design standard for streetscape elements and lighting (i.e., benches, bike racks, trash containers, planters). a) Establish a working group to review existing streetscape `design standards and revise the standards as necessary, b) Identify where to apply the streetscape design standards and implement them through a lasting mechanism. • Action UD-1.6: Ensure that public streetscapes and"p;rivate properties in Downtown are well maintained. a) Establish and commit to a maintenance"standard and schedule for the public streetscape. b) Establish an initiative with the private sector to encourage a minimum maintenance standard of properties. c) Work with Kent Downtown Partnership to encourage property owners associated with the organization to renovate and restore their buildings. Policy UD-2: Consider the relationship of building intensity and design to support visual interest and pedestrian comfort and safety. • Action UD-2.1: Revise the Downtown Design Guidelines and development regulations to promote ground floor building facade treatments and uses that will generate pedestrian interest and comfort (i.e., large windows, canopies, arcades, plazas and outdoor seating). • Action UD-2.2: Encourage the use of durable, high quality building materials to lower maintenance and replacement needs and ensure the aesthetic appeal of new development.- Action UD-2.3: Revise the Downtown Design Guidelines and development regulations to identify locations for continuous building facades, building setbacks, and historic preservation. a) Incorporate design options to ensure the historic architectural character of the urban pedestrian streetscape is maintained while balancing preservation with Draft- Preliminary Policy and Actions for the Kent Downtown Subarea Action Plan Page 3 renovation and redevelopment. b) Consider the creation of design options to mitigate for the environmental effects of building height and bulk in areas where commercial mixed-use development abuts residential neighborhoods. • Action UD-2.4: Establish development regulations to prohibit the development of new drive-through businesses located on Class A designated streets identified in the Design Guidelines. Policy UD-3: Support connectivity between public spaces and semipublic spaces on private land in the Urban Center. Housing Element Downtown Kent is surrounded by strong residential neighborhoods and the - industrial/manufacturing center to the north. There is a commitment to create a balance of housing and jobs within the Urban Center supported by rapid mass transit, local services, entertainment, and parks. New housing will be stylish with a variety of housing choices, including apartments, condominiums, and townhouses. People living in downtown will create a vibrant new neighborhood. Overall Goal: Provide for well designed and constructed medium- and high-density residential development that integrates into or is located near commercial activities, supports a livable pedestrian-oriented urban community, and adds to a variety of housing types for all income groups and special needs. Policy H-1: Encourage a Variety of quality urban residential housing types and densities in the Urban Center. Policy H-2: Allow residential uses to occur in mixed-use structures or complexes or as stand-alone uses where appropriate. • Action H-2.1: Provide incentives to residential development in mixed-use structures or complexes. Transportation Element The transportation system supports Kent's land use vision for Downtown. Downtown exemplifies=a complete street system, where all users are considered in the planning, construction, and maintenance of this interconnected network. The anticipated multimodal urban form will generate fewer auto trips than the suburban form of low density development. People living in Downtown will create a vibrant new neighborhood. Overall Goal: To provide for a safe and efficient multimodal transportation system to and within Downtown, in support of the existing land uses, associated activities, and anticipated growth in households and employment. Draft- Preliminary Policy and Actions for the Kent Downtown Subarea Action Plan Page 4 Policy T-1: Enhance pedestrian circulation systems and bicycle routes in the Urban Center. Place emphasis also on pedestrian and bicycle circulation systems which link adjacent neighborhoods to the Urban Center. • Action T-1.1: Establish levels-of-service (LOS) for multimodal facilities (i.e., sidewalks, bicycle infrastructure, transit service) which facilitate medium to high- density development and the associated residential and employment uses in Downtown. • Action T-1.2: Evaluate and ensure pedestrian and bicycle connectivity between adjacent neighborhoods and Downtown. • Action T-1.3: Secure and design safe and attractive pedestrian"connections through-out Downtown and to adjacent residential neighborhoods, . a) Repair, beautify, and maintain Gowe Street east of Central Avenue to Temperance in an effort to enhance ccnnectivity of the adjoining neighborhoods to Earthworks Park and the Downtown. b) Program existing traffic signals at Willis/4th Avenue, James/2nd Avenue, Central/James Street, and Central/Smith Street to"respond quickly to pedestrian activation. c) Ensure that all City departments implementing the streetscape standards identified in the Downtown Design Guidelines pedestrian plan overlay coordinate to meet the aesthetic"and functional expectations for public rights-of-way. d) Plant and maintain street trees as identified in the Downtown Design Guidelines. e) Plan for and fund a lifecycle replacement program for street trees. f) Consider wherever Practical replacing paved medians with decorative pavers, landscaping, or a pedestrian safe-haven. • Action T-1.4: Implement design solutions to transform Central Avenue into an attractive place that"provides a sense of pedestrian safety. a) Examine traffic speeds along Central Avenue and consider options to ensure a more.pedestrian-friendly environment. b) Install"small physical urban design elements to the existing sidewalk along Central Avenue (i.e., planters, decorative bollards, etc.) to provide a sense of separation from vehicular traffic. c) Create pedestrian refuges at intersections where there are opportunities to do so. d) Consider the installation of a pedestrian-only light at the intersection of Central Avenue near the 236th block. Draft- Preliminary Policy and Actions for the Kent Downtown Subarea Action Plan Page 5 • Action T-1.5: Improve pedestrian safety and aesthetics of the underpasses of SR- 167 along the east/west corridors of Willis, Meeker, and James Street in the Urban Center. a) Work with Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) on the regular clean-up and maintenance for all underpasses (i.e., trash, graffiti, lighting, bird management, weeding, etc.). b) Work with WSDOT to make the existing west bound pedestrian facility at Willis/SR-167 safer by restriping, adding lane markers.,(Le., turtles), and pedestrian lighting. c) Work with WSDOT to install woody drought-resistant ornamental landscapes that provides seasonal color and interest on underpass embankments of Meeker and James Streets. d) Work with WSDOT to retrofit existing medians associated with Willis to beautify with drought resistant plant materials or ornamental pavers, and if appropriate, make them safe for pedestrian refuges. e) Work with WSDOT to establish an 'Adopt-a-Street' program for the maintenance of the SR-167 under-passes. • Action T-1.6: Create prominent and distinctive pedestrian-friendly/auto-oriented gateways into Downtown. a) Study, develop schematic design, and prioritize potential gateway locations. b) Develop preliminary engineering design options and construction estimates for each recognized gateway location. c) Appropriate funds for implementation of the priority gateways. Policy T-2: Reduce the impacts of heavy gauge rail on the economic vitality and livability of Downtown. • Action.T-2.1: Continue to work towards grade separation of vehicles and trains. • Action T-2.2: Work with the railroads to establish a 'Quiet Zone' in Downtown. • Action T-2.3' Conduct a noise study to determine the value and feasibility of soundproofing new construction along the rail tracks. Parks Element Well-designed and maintained public spaces in a busy urban environment offer many opportunities for respite and recreation. Open areas with trees for shade, paths to stroll along, and places to sit and gather with neighbors, friends, and co-workers make an important contribution to the livability of Downtown. The parks and open space network, Draft- Preliminary Policy and Actions for the Kent Downtown Subarea Action Plan Page 6 whether formal or informal, public or semi-public, is essential to a lively, successful, and healthy Downtown. Overall Goal: To encourage public spaces that enhances the experience and livability of Downtown and provides a stage for art and community events. Policy P-1: Develop, maintain, and operate high-quality parks in Downtown. • Action P-1.1: Improve parks and recreation facilities to achieve a safe, livable, and economically successful Downtown. a) Evaluate existing park assets to create attractive gathering,places for all users and to further downtown livability. b) Include public safety considerations in landscape design and maintenance practices. c) Strengthen the pedestrian and bike connections to surrounding recreational facilities surrounding the Downtown (i.e., Green River Trail, Golf Course, Ice Rink, Interurban Trail, Earthworks Park, etc.). d) Enhance the year-round recreational value ofTown-Square Plaza. Policy P-2: Look for opportunities to expand the presence of public spaces in the Urban Center, as well as ways to partner with the private sector to increase engagement between public spaces and their,surrounding private interests. • Action P-2.1: Study repositioning existing park assets to increase recreational opportunities`in the Urban Center. Policy P-3: Support cultural events and public art projects in Downtown. • Action P-3.1: Pursue public .art to enhance the Urban Center. • Action P-3.2: Promote and support community events for cultural entertainment throughout the year (i.e., music festivals, art shows, plays, etc.). Environmental Sustainalbility Element Land use and transportation choices play a critical role in how growth impacts the environmental and social systems. There is a connection between human and ecosystem health, and equity within and between generations, when considering environmental sustainability. Success in attaining environmental sustainability will be achieved by transforming the Urban Center into a compact vibrant community supported by broad transportation options, built with energy efficient and sustainable building materials, and designed around resource conservation options. Draft- Preliminary Policy and Actions for the Kent Downtown Subarea Action Plan Page 7 Overall Goal: To integrate the natural and developed environments into a sustainable urban center with clean air and water, and a comfortable and secure place for people to live and work. Policy ES-1: Reduce automobile dependency and greenhouse gas emissions by implementing growth management strategies that fully integrate land use and transportation within the Urban Center. • Action ES-1.1: Investigate car-share and bike-share opportunities in the Urban Center to encourage car-free living. Policy ES-2: Utilize best management practices and available technology to demonstrate effective environmental stewardship and long-term fiscal responsibility in city projects. Policy ES-3: Encourage the wise use of renewable natural resources and support technology that reduces atmospheric pollutants that contribute to global atmospheric changes.. • Action ES-3.1: Establish minimum standards for electric vehicle chargers in residential development. Policy ES-4: Utilize low impact development techniques in new development and redevelopment to improve water quality and reduce runoff from streets, parking lots and other impervious surfaces in an effort to maintain or restore the natural hydrology of the Green/Duwamish watershed. • Action ES-4.1�, .Establish low ,impact development standards for development in Downtown. Public Safety Element A key to making ,a place livable is to ensure the safety of people and property. As Downtown densities and uses increase over time, it is important to maintain adequate response times for public safety functions. Public safety services may be delivered in a number of ways and will be further explored as the need arises. Overall Goal: To provide the expected public safety services to the residents of a changing and growing Downtown. Policy PS-1: Provide: adequate fire and life safety services in the Downtown commensurate with increases in population and employment. Policy PS-2: Enhance the feeling of personal safety along public rights-of-way, parks, and civic facilities in Downtown. • Action PS-2.1: Identify key pedestrian routes in Downtown and ensure they are well-lighted. Draft- Preliminary Policy and Actions for the Kent Downtown Subarea Action Plan Page 8 • Action PS-2.2: Add pedestrian lighting to the mid-block passageway off Vt Avenue between Titus and Meeker Street. • Action PS-2.3: Amend public civility laws to allow for more effective enforcement. • Action PS-2.4: Work with Sound Transit to increase security at the Sounder Rail Station and Sounder Parking Garage. • Action PS-2.5: Provide appropriate lighting in Downtown parks.' Utilities Element Downtown growth will increase demand for utilities necessary to conduct business and maintain a household. The city and private providers will need to work together to ensure that adequate services are available for anticipated growth. Overall Goal: To furnish the necessary infrastructure, in partnership with the semi-public suppliers, that attracts and supports the desired residential and employment growth within Downtown. Policy U-1: Eliminate where possible the aesthetic and physical impacts to pedestrians caused by above ground utility equipment within the sidewalk. Policy U-2: Establish 21't Century delivery systems for utilities within Downtown. • Action U-2.1: Designate and underground utilities within Downtown. • Action U-2.2: Develop e high speed finer-optic internet system through public/private partnerships. Policy U-3: Take ensure that adequate public parking is available to support existing uses and facilitate future development in the Urban Center. This includes efficient management of on-street spaces and future development and enhancement of structured, off-street parking. 'Action U-3.1: Conduct a parking study to determine parking needs for all users, including public handicap-accessible parking, and implement recommendations of the study. • Action U-3.2: Consider the location of additional parking structures be located adjacent to the railroad for the purpose of noise abatement. Economic Development Element Downtown is a key asset to the business community, residents, and Kent's work force. The City has achieved multiple redevelopment goals for Downtown. Kent Station and ShoWare have become a destination experience and the foundation for Downtown's future. Continuing to support the successes of the business community and positioning Downtown as a complete community with a strong residential component will link the historic Downtown with Kent Station. Draft- Preliminary Policy and Actions for the Kent Downtown Subarea Action Plan Page 9 Overall Goal: Promote the economic health and the planned growth of Downtown through private/public partnerships, pursuit of incentives, and aggressive promotion. Policy E-1: Promote and encourage retail uses which serve the residential population in, and adjacent to, the Urban Center. Policy E-2: Actively support economic development opportunities through promotion, partnerships, and strategic planning efforts. Action E-2.1: Continue to work with the Kent Downtown Partnership in support of its efforts to revitalize Downtown. Work cooperatively to:- a) Recruit additional anchor stores and key retailers into the"Urban Center. b) Recruit a diversity of businesses to create a synergy among 'uses that will increase business activity for all. c) Encourage businesses to increase store hours into the evening. d) Identify and promote an entertainment district within the Urban Center that encourages evening activity. Action E-2.2: Adopt and implement,a Planned Action-Ordinance and Infill Development Ordinance to facilitate redevelopment in Downtown. Action E-2.3: Propose development incentives for economic revitalization within an identified portion of Downtown to stimulate property investment and create new space for businesses and other uses. • Action E-2.4: Work with Sound Transit to develop retail along 2nd Avenue in front of the Sounder Parking Garage,i PolicyE-3: Provide voluntary,incentives for the replication or protection of historic facades or other significant design features when redevelopment occurs. Policy E-4:' Encourage a balance of housing and employment opportunities within the Urban Center using a variety of tools.. • Action E-4.1: Expand existing residential development incentives to include all of Downtown. • Action E-4:2: Promote and encourage retail uses which serve the residential population in;_and adjacent to, the Urban Center. • Action E-4.3: Create site specific incentive packages for targeted commercial, residential and mixed-use development which can include infrastructure investments, marketing support, training, and real estate site advertising, among other possibilities. Draft- Preliminary Policy and Actions for the Kent Downtown Subarea Action Plan Page 10 Policy E-5: Work with business owners, property owners, and the brokerage community to better understand business operational needs to inform development initiatives and leasing strategies. • Action E-5.1: Create interim strategies for vacant lots (i.e., clean-up, beautification, and interim activity-generating uses). • Action E-5.2: Encourage businesses and landowners to improve the maintenance and aesthetics of properties in historic Downtown. S:\Permit\Plan\COMP PLAN AMENDMENTS\2012\CPR-2012-1 Downtown\Subareaplen\Actions\4hdteftac6ons Goals.Doc Draft- Preliminary Policy and Actions for the Kent Downtown Subarea Action Plan Page 11 This page intentionally left blank. DRAFT ATTACHMENT B 2013 DSAP: Strategic ACTIONS for Completeness RECOMMENDATION Strategic Time Frame from 2013 LAND USE ELEMENT: 0-2 2-5 5-10 10-20 r Yr Yr Yr Timing Issues 1 Action LU-2.1: Expand the diversity and density of uses In Downtown to support a vibrant urban environment and ensure regulatory consistency. a. Amend the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Plan Map and Zoning Districts Map to encourage a diversity of urban uses and building forms. b. Amend the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Plan Map or Zoning Districts Map to achieve consistency between designations that support the vision for Downtown. C. Amend the development regulations to increase building height for General Commercial Mixed-Use (GC-MU) within Downtown to ensure a more dense mix of office, retail, and housing options. 2 Action LU-2.2: Ensure development regulations support a livable, economically vibrant, and well designed Downtown. a. Revise the Mixed-Use Overlay Development Standards to ensure that the form of infill development is in keeping with the community's vision, including minimizing the environmental impacts on adjacent residential uses. b. Revise the multifamily development regulations to provide viable, urban-style housing options within Downtown. C. Revise the Downtown Design Guidelines and development regulations where appropriate to reduce the visual impact of surface parking along pedestrian designated streets. d. Revise the sign regulations to reinforce a pedestrian oriented urban streetscape in Downtown (e.g., blade signs, sandwich board signs URBAN DESIGN ELEMENT: 0-2 2-5 5-10 10-20 r yr yr yr Timing Issues 3 Action UD-1.1: Apply Downtown Design Guidelines and updated development standards to the entire Downtown where appropriate. 4 Action UD-1.2: Utilize a revised hierarchy of streets to guide right-of-way use in a manner that will promote a safe, attractive environment for both motorized and non- motorized users. 5 Action UD-1.3: Review and revise where necessary the programmatic documents and design manuals to ensure pedestrian and bike accessibility within and adjacent to Downtown is created, enhanced, or preserved. 6 Action UD-1.4: Strengthen the pedestrian connection between Kent Station and historic Downtown Kent through good design, public investments, and private efforts. a. Install year-round street tree lighting between Kent Station and Historic Downtown. b. Add seasonal planters and hanging baskets along 2nd Avenue. 5/21/2013 S:\Permt\Plan\COMP_PLAN_AMMDMMTS\2012\CPA-20121 Downtown\SubaeaPlai\Actions\2013DSAP_AQionPlan2.xls Page 1 DRAFT ATTACHMENT B 2013 DSAP: Strategic ACTIONS for Completeness RECOMMENDATION Strategic Time Frame from 2013 C. Consider a covered pedestrian walkway along 2nd Avenue to provide a visual draw and weather protection in an effort to attract pedestrians day or night. d. Work with Kent Downtown Partnership to ensure businesses and property owners promote pedestrian oriented activities and visual interest along 2nd Avenue (i.e., generous entries, interesting and changing display windows, building decoration, and lighting). 7 Action UD-1.5: Establish and promote a coordinated design standard for streetscape elements and lighting (i.e., benches, bike racks, trash containers, planters). a. a) Establish a working group to review existing streetscape design standards, revise if necessary. b. b) Identify where to apply the streetscape design standards and implement through a lasting mechanism. 8 Action UD-1.6: Ensure that public streetscapes and private properties in Downtown are well maintained. a. Establish and commit to a maintenance standard and schedule for the public streetscape. b. Establish an initiative with the private sector to encourage a minimum maintenance of properties. C. Work with Kent Downtown Partnership to encourage property owners associated with the organization to renovate and restore their buildings. 9 Action UD-2.1: Revise the Downtown Design Guidelines and development regulations to promote ground floor building facade treatments and uses that will generate pedestrian interest and comfort(i.e., large windows, canopies, arcades, plazas and outdoor seating). 10 Action UD-2.2: Encourage the use of durable, high quality building materials to lower maintenance and replacement needs and ensure the aesthetic appeal of new development. 11 Action UD-2.3: Revise the Downtown Design Guidelines and development regulations to identify locations for continuous building facades, building setbacks, and historic preservation. a. Retain as many historic features as possible in the restoration or renovation of historical quality buildings. Wherever possible, maintain or restore original proportions, dimensions, and elements. b. Incorporate design options to ensure the historic architectural character of the urban pedestrian streetscape is maintained while balancing preservation with renovation and redevelopment. C. Consider and incorporate design options to mitigate for the environmental effects of building height and bulk In areas where commercial mixed-use development abuts residential neighborhoods. 12 Action UD-2.4: Establish design guidelines and development regulations to prohibit the development of new drive- through businesses in the core of Downtown. 5/21/2013 S:\Permt\Plan\COMP_PLAN_AMBJDMBJTS\2012\CPA-20121 Downtown\SubaeaP1ai\Actions\2013DSAP_AQionPlan2.xls Page 2 DRAFT ATTACHMENT B 2013 DSAP: Strategic ACTIONS for Completeness RECOMMENDATION Strategic Time Frame from 2013 HOUSING ELEMENT: 0-2 2-5 5-10 10-20 r Yr Yr Yr Timing Issues 13 Action H-2.1: Provide incentives to residential development in mixed-use structures or complexes. TRANSPORTATION ELEMENT: 0-2 2-5 5-10 10-20 r yr yr yr Timing Issues 14 Action T-1.1: Establish levels-of-service (LOS) for multimodal facilities (i.e., sidewalks, bike lanes, transit service) which facilitate medium to high-density development and the associated residential and employment uses in Downtown. 15 Action T-1.2: Evaluate and ensure pedestrian and bicycle connectivity between adjacent neighborhoods and Downtown. 16 Action T-2.1: Secure and design safe and attractive pedestrian connections through-out Downtown and to adjacent residential neighborhoods. a. Repair, beautify, and maintain Titus Street east of Central Avenue to Temperance in an effort to enhance connectivity of the adjoining neighborhoods to Earthworks Park and the Downtown. b. Program existing traffic lights at Willis/4th Avenue, James/2nd Avenue, Central/James Street, and Central/Smith Street to respond quickly to pedestrian activation. C. Examine traffic speeds along Central Avenue and consider options to ensure a more pedestrian-friendly environment. d. Ensure that all City departments implementing the streetscape standards identified in the Downtown Design Guidelines pedestrian plan overlay coordinate to meet the aesthetic and functional expectations. e. Plant and maintain street trees as identified in the Downtown Design Guidelines. f. Consider the re-use of paved medians, replacing with decorative pavers, landscaping, or for use as a pedestrian safe-haven. 17 Action T-2.2: Implement design solutions to transform Central Avenue into an attractive place that provides a sense of pedestrian safety. a. Install small physical urban design elements to the existing sidewalk along Central Avenue (i.e., planters, decorative bollards, etc.) to provide a sense of separation from vehicular traffic. b. Create pedestrian refuges at intersections where there are opportunities. C. Consider the installation of pedestrian-only light on Central Avenue and 236th. 18 Action T-2.3: Improve pedestrian safety and aesthetics of the under-passes of SR-167 along the east/west corridors of Willis, Meeker, and James Street in the Urban Center. 5/21/2013 S:\Permit\Plan\COMP_PLAN_AMBJDMBJTS\2012\CPA-20121 Downtown\SubaeaP1ai\Actions\2013DSAP_AQionPlan2.xls Page 3 DRAFT ATTACHMENT B 2013 DSAP: Strategic ACTIONS for Completeness RECOMMENDATION Strategic Time Frame from 2013 a. Work with Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) on the regular clean-up and maintenance for all under-passes (i.e., trash, graffiti, lighting, bird management, etc.). b. Work with WSDOT to make the existing west bound pedestrian path at Willis/SR-167 safer by restriping, adding lane markers (i.e., turtles), and pedestrian lighting. C. Work with WSDOT to remove weeds at the east and west bound embankments of the Meeker and James Street under-passes of SR-167 and install woody drought resistant ornamental landscapes that provides seasonal color and interest. d. Work with WSDOT to retrofit existing medians associated with Willis, Meeker, and James Street to beautify with drought resistant plant materials or ornamental pavers, and if appropriate, make them safe for pedestrian refuges. 19 Action T-2.4: Create prominent and distinctive pedestrian- friendly/auto-oriented gateways into Downtown. a. Study potential gateway locations, conceptually design, and prioritize each gateway location. b. Appropriate funds for implementation of the priority gateways. C. Develop schematic design options and construction estimates for each recognized gateway location. 20 Action T-2.5: Reduce the impacts of heavy gauge rail to the economic vitality and livability within the Downtown. a. Work with the railroads to establish a 'Quiet Zone' In the Downtown. b. Conduct a noise study to determine the value of sound- proofing new construction along the rail tracks and implement. PARKS ELEMENT: 0-2 2-5 5-10 10-20 r yr yr yr Timing Issues 21 Action P-1.1: Improve parks and recreation facilities to achieve a safe, livable, and economically successful Downtown. a. Evaluate existing park assets to create attractive gathering places for all users and to further downtown livability. b. Remove sight-obscuring plant materials in existing parks to make a more useable and safe green open space. C. Strengthen the pedestrian and bike connections to surrounding recreational facilities surrounding the Downtown (i.e., Green River Trail, Golf Course, Ice Rink, Inter-Urban Trail, Earthworks Park, etc.). d. Add more seating, trees and diversity of activities within Town Square Plaza. e. Improve accessibility of Canyon Park to Downtown. 22 Action P-2.1: Study repositioning existing park assets to contribute to a new expanded park system in the Urban Center. 5/21/2013 S:\Permt\Plan\COMP_PLAN_AMBJDMBJTS\2012\CPA-20121 Downtown\SubaeaP1ai\Actions\2013DSAP_AQionPlan2.xls Page 4 DRAFT ATTACHMENT B 2013 DSAP: Strategic ACTIONS for Completeness RECOMMENDATION Strategic Time Frame from 2013 23 Action P-3.1: Pursue public art to enhance the Urban Center, particularly along 2nd Avenue and Historic Downtown Kent. 24 Action P-3.2: Promote and support community events for cultural entertainment throughout the year (i.e., music festivals, art shows, plays, etc.). ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY ELEMENT: 0-2 2-5 5-10 10-20 r yr yr yr Timing Issues 25 Action ES-3.1: Establish minimums for electric vehicle chargers in residential development to support technology that reduces atmospheric pollutants that contribute to global atmospheric changes. 26 Action ES-4.1: Establish low impact development standards for Downtown development to maintain or restore the natural hydrology of the Green/Duwamish watershed. PUBLIC SAFETY ELEMENT: 0-2 2-5 5-10 10-20 r yr yr yr Timing Issues 27 Action PS-2.1: Identify key pedestrian routes in downtown and ensure they are well-lighted. 28 Action PS-2.2: Add pedestrian lighting to the mid-block passageway off 1st Avenue between Titus and Meeker Street. 29 Action PS-2.3: Amend public civility laws to allow for more effective enforcement. 30 Action PS-2.4: Work with Sound Transit to add greater security to the Sounder Rail Station and Sounder Parking Garage. 31 Action PS-2.5Provide for appropriate lighting in Downtown parks. UTILITIES ELEMENT: 0-2 2-5 5-10 10-20 r yr yr yr Timing Issues 32 Action U-2.1: Designate and underground overhead utilities within Downtown. 33 Action U-2.2: Develop a high speed fiber-optic internet system through public/private partnerships. 34 Action U-3.1: Conduct a parking study to determine parking needs for all users, including public handicapped parking, and implement recommendations. ECONOMIC ELEMENT: 0-2 2-5 5-10 10-20 r yr yr yr Timing Issues 35 Action E-2.1: Continue to work with the Kent Downtown Partnership in support of its efforts to revitalize Downtown. Work cooperatively to: a. Recruit additional anchor stores and key retailers into the Urban Center. b. Recruit a diversity of businesses to create a synergy between uses that will increase business activity for all. C. Encourage businesses to increase store hours into the evening. d. Identify and promote an entertainment district within the Urban Center that encourages evening activity. 36 Action E-2.2: Adopt and implement a Planned Action Ordinance and Infill Development Ordinance to facilitate redevelopment in Downtown. 5/21/2013 S:\Permt\Plan\COMP_PLAN_AMBJDMBJTS\2012\CPA-20121 Downtown\SubaeaP1ai\Actions\2013DSAP_AQionPlan2.xls Page 5 DRAFT ATTACHMENT B 2013 DSAP: Strategic ACTIONS for Completeness RECOMMENDATION Strategic Time Frame from 2013 37 Action E-2.3: Work with Sound Transit to develop retail along 2nd Avenue in front of the Sounder Parking Garage. 38 Action E-4.1: Expand existing residential development incentives to include all of Downtown. 39 Action E-4.2: Promote and encourage retail uses which serve the residential population in, and adjacent to, the Urban Center. 40 Action E-4.3: Create site specific incentive packages for targeted commercial, residential and mixed-use development which can include infrastructure investments, marketing support, training, and real estate site advertising, among other possibilities. 41 Action E-5.1: Create interim strategies for vacant lots (i.e., clean-up, beautification, and interim activity-generating uses). 42 Action E-5.2: Encourage businesses and landowners to improve maintenance and aesthetics of properties in historic Downtown. Please review the ACTIONS below and provide status report (i.e., keep, remove, done). If we keep an ACTION Please indicate when it mav be com 3leted. Thank vou. 2005 DSAP Actions not yet Completed A. LAND USE 0-2 2-5 5-10 10-20 r Yr Yr Yr Timing Issues A3. Promote infill housing At least 200 market rate dwelling units by 2008. b. Reduce or waive permit fees for Downtown residential development KEEP A4. Encourage mixed-use development s needed. a. Lincoln Park&Ride lot King County selling 8 acres of DCE zoned 9.5 acre lot,' see REMOVE THIS Recommendation Dl.d. C. Ten (10) acres between SR-167, the UP RR,Willis & Lot zoned DCE is for sale, see Meeker Streets Recommendations 85 and Dl.d. REMOVE THIS A5. Study impacts of pawn shops, bail bond offices, day labor REMOVE THIS B.TRANSPORTATION 0-2 2-5 5-10 10-20 yr yr yr yr Timing Issues B2. Construct street improvements a. Fourth Avenue b. Smith Street Linked to rail station connections & Kent Station development. c. Fourth Ave. to Railroad Ave. Scheduled for completion in 2005. d. Central Avenue High priority. e. Saar Street Triggered by private development. f. Imeeker Street High priority. g. Sixth Avenue Property owner initiated. B3. Plan for overpass at Willis Street-at UP and BNSF tracks Determined by Regional Fast Corridor project. B5. Consider accessibility options from Willis and Meeker Streets 5/21/2013 S:\Permt\Plan\COMP_PLAN_AMBJDMBJTS\2012\CPA-20121 Downtown\SubaeaP1ai\Actions\2013DSAP_AQionPlan2.xls Page 6 DRAFT ATTACHMENT B 2013 DSAP: Strategic ACTIONS for Completeness RECOMMENDATION Strategic Time Frame from 2013 C. PUBLIC FACILITIES 0-2 2-5 5-10 10-20 yr yr yr yr Timing Issues C1. Upgrade downtown parks Long-term implementation - coinciding with private develo ment b. jEnhance parks along railroad Could be incremental effort. c. Masterplan Commons Playfield High Priority - coordinate parking. C2. Enhance Gateways a. Fourth and James b. Fourth and Smith Ongoing effort with KDP. C. Fourth and Meeker Supports rail station d. Fourth and Willis e. Central and Meeker f. Central and Smith g. Second and Smith Connects Kent Station and Historic Core C3. Add public buildings a. jPerforming Arts Center C4. Provide trails and Paths a. Links from Interurban Trail b. Path along James Street C. Imill Creek/Kennebeck C6. Improve pedestrian bridge over Mill Creek at Temperance St. C7. Plan for eventual undergrounding of all utilities in the Long-term implementation- Historic Core District coinciding with private development D. DESIGN GUIDELINES 0-2 2-5 5-10 10-20 yr yr yr yr Timing Issues D1. Refine design guidelines Id. jEast Frame and West Frame District parking standards KEEP e. lNorth Frame District incorporated into Downtown KEEP E. TARGET AREAS 0-2 2-5 5-10 10-20 yr yr yr yr Timing Issues El. Explore redevelopment opportunities C. Fourth Avenue REMOVE THIS d. Central core historic streets REMOVE THIS Ongoing effort with KDP e. South Core District Revise residential development incentives, and encourage mixed- REMOVE THIS use. F. COMMUNITY BUILDING 0-2 1 2-5 1 5-10 10-20 yr yr yr yr Timing Issues F2. Encourage adaptive reuse of historic Kent Depot Assist KDP and Greater Kent REMOVE THIS Historical Society efforts. 5/21/2013 S:\Permt\Plan\COMP_PLAN_AMBJDMBJTS\2012\CPA-20121 Downtown\SubaeaP1ai\Actions\2013DSAP_AQionPlan2.xls Page 7