HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Economic and Community Development - 02/11/2013 KENT ECONOMIC & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES February 11, 2013 Committee Members Committee Chair Jamie Perry, Deborah Ranniger, Bill Boyce. Committee Member Higgins attended for Ranniger. Perry called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.M. 1. Approval of Minutes Committee Member Boyce Moved and Committee Member Higgins Seconded a Motion to approve the January 14, 2013 Minutes. Motion PASSED 3-0. 2. Countywide Planning Policies (CPPs)-Ratification Planning Manager Charlene Anderson stated that this is the first major update since adoption of the CPPs. An affordable housing issue was resolved in June 2012. Policies now include countywide recognition of the need for affordable housing rather than requiring that individual jurisdictions meet specific targets. Policies include strategies that individual jurisdictions can use to help with the countywide need. Anderson stated that individual jurisdictions are required to conduct annual inventories for their specific needs. Anderson stated that after adoption of the CPPs in 2011, the County debated the issue of school siting criteria. She stated that four Kent school sites are located in rural areas. Policy states that schools should be located in urban growth areas rather than rural areas. Anderson stated that policies have environmental sustainability as a foundational principle. Policies promote economic growth and job creation, integrate public health with land use, foster social equity and environmental justice, focuses on a urban and manufacturing/industrial centers based approach to growth while protecting rural and resource land. Policies support jurisdiction appropriate strategies for housing affordability, provide for monitoring and benchmarking, and promote countywide collaboration. Committee Member Higgins Moved and Committee Member Boyce Seconded a Motion to recommend to the Full Council ratification of the King County Countywide Planning Policies (CPPs) approved under Growth Management Planning Council (GMPC) Motions No. 11-1 and 12-1 through 12-5 adopting a comprehensive update of the CPPs, policies related to school siting and housing, and amendments to potential annexation areas and the Urban Growth Area. Motion PASSED 3-0. 3. Landscaping Regulations Code Amendments Kent City Code (KCC) 15.07 Planner Katie Graves stated that these proposed updates are to KCC Chapter 15, Landscaping Regulations with associated amendments to the Definitions Sections 15.02.086, 15.02.172, and 15.02.274. These amendments are necessary in order to modernize the code, incorporate low impact development, bring the code up to date with current trends and landscaping in the industry, and provide clarity where we found there has been confusion in the past. Graves stated that the amendments reflect interdepartmental collaboration with the incorporation of comments from the Public Works Environmental Engineering and the Parks Department, as well as incorporation of two public comments received at the public hearing. Graves stated that most of the amendments are minor but that more substantial amendments relate to the incorporation of low impact development techniques and soil amendments. Plant standards were revised to reflect industry standards and reference American Standard for Nursery Stock (ANSI) Standards. Maintenance requirements were improved to allow the City to require landscape bonds when necessary. Sections of Code have been reorganized for ease of use. A chart has been added to better reflect landscaping requirements for specific zoning districts. The LUPB recommended approval of all amendments. ECDC Minutes Febmary11,2013 Page 1 of Committee Member Boyce Moved and Committee Member Higgins Seconded a Motion to recommend to the City Council approval of amendments to KCC 15.07, Landscaping Regulations, with related amendments to definitions in 15.02.086, 15.02.172 and 15.02.274 as recommended by the Land Use & Planning Board. Motion PASSED 3-0. 4. Economic Development Report Economic and Community Development Director Ben Wolters stated that Auburn's Valley RV recently decided to purchase the former Bret Chevrolet site on Washington Avenue. Valley RV's annual sales volume is approximately 10 million dollars translating to roughly $100,000 in sales tax revenue for the City. Valley RV anticipates expanding their business and Kent is exploring opportunities for them to cross-promote and even work with ShoWare Center. Wolters reported that a consultant group presented a positive report to Green River Community College regarding the Kent City Center student housing feasibility study. The expectation is that approval will be given to move ahead with this housing project. The Committee will be updated over the coming weeks on the status of Goodman Development moving forward with that project. Wolters stated that Seattle City Council will vote on March 51h on a memorandum of agreement to market Kent and Seattle's adjacent properties (the Kent Highlands property) with the anticipation to launch that marketing effort on March 11. Wolters stated that Kent has received favorable review for the 1.5 million dollar capital request for the bike spur to connect the interurban trail with the cluster of outdoor recreational bicycle companies near REI along 2241h. Ben showed a clip from a televised Ad that ran as part of a promotion for 'the Love on Ice' Series held at ShoWare Center. The Ad highlighted the City of Kent's assets and captured over 1.5 million viewers nationwide. The Lodging Tax Advisory Committee funded $30,000 towards the production of this Ad as part of their expanded support for ShoWare. NBC provided the production and Mr. Agusto volunteered his time. Wolters stated that the REI outdoor recreation cluster is being explored through the Economic Development Strategy, through Community Attributes research, and through ongoing communications with REI's Government Relations Manager with anticipation of a more formal rollout coming out of the Economic Development Strategy. Wolters reported that the Kent Reporter headlined the accumulative ongoing losses with ShoWare Center in their Friday publication. The City reported to the Public Facilities District that the City's cumulative deficit was just over two-million dollars for 2009-2012. During those four years Kent collected roughly 2.4 million dollars in admissions and sales taxes from ShoWare which added up to 100 million dollars pumped back into Kent's economy. Wolters voiced optimism that there could be some change in the direction of the operating deficit with the City Council's decision to adopt some of the recommendations from SMG, ShoWare's building operator and the Seattle Thunderbirds. Tim Higgins represented ShoWare at an annual event of concert promoters in Los Angeles garnering attention that will hopefully translate to more concerts. Informational Only Adiournment Committee Chair Perry adjourned the meeting at 6:15 p.m. Pamela Mottram, Secretary Economic & Community Development Committee PIAPlanningAECDCA2013\MlnutesV01-1413_DaftMln.doc ECDC Minutes Febmary11,2013 Page 2 of