HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Safety (Committee) - 01/08/2013 (3) Public Safety Committee Agenda T Councilmembers: Les Thomas • Dana Ralph • Bill Boyce, Chair (CEN wa�,an�.n January 8, 2013 4:30 p.m. Item Description Action Speaker(s) Time Paqe 1. Approval of November 13, 2012 Minutes Yes Bill Boyce 5 min 1 2. Target Grant Yes Pat Lowery 10 min 5 3. Ordinance Amending KCC 9.02.150 Yes Pat Fitzpatrick 10 min 17 4. Community Education Unit No Sara Wood/Stacy Judd 30 min 23 INFORMATION ONLY 5. Inmate Phone Services No Diane McCuistion 30 min 29 INFORMATION ONLY 6. Photo Traffic Enforcement in School Zones No Chief Ken Thomas 5 min 83 INFORMATION ONLY 7. Staffing Plan for Police Department No Chief Ken Thomas 5 min 85 INFORMATION ONLY S. Chief's update No Chief Ken Thomas 10 min 89 Unless otherwise noted, the Public Safety Committee meets the 2ntl Tuesday of each month at 4:30 p.m. in Council Chambers East, Kent City Hall, 220 4th Avenue South, Kent, 98032-5895. For information please contact Kim Komoto (253) 856-5788. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk's Office at(253) 856-5725 in advance. For TDD relay service call the Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 1-800-833-6388. This page intentionally left blank. i KENT CITY OF KENT PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES November 13, 2012 COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Les Thomas, Dana Ralph, and Bill Boyce, Chair • The meeting was called to order by Councilmember Dana Ralph at 4:34 p.m. • Bill Boyce had an excused absence. CHANGES TO THE AGENDA From Committee. Councilmember Thomas MOVED and Councilmember Ralph SECONDED a Motion to remove Item 6, Ordinance amending KCC 9.38 - New Section "Failure to Respond," from the agenda. 1. Approval of Minutes Councilmember Thomas MOVED and Councilmember Ralph SECONDED a Motion to approve the October 9, 2012 minutes. Motion PASSED 3-0 including concurrence from Committee Chair Boyce. 2. Homeless Taskforce Report Planner Jason Johnson advised that after updating the Parks and Human Services Committee, he wanted to inform the public safety committee of the updated information and recommendations including great police participation on Kent Homeless Task Force. Johnson presented background: Kent Homeless Taskforce was created after community discussion regarding the use of a city building for a day/night shelter for the homeless in Kent. After big community discussion, including focus groups and input from residents, businesses, the faith community, and the police department, it was determined that a day/night shelter would not be an allowable use for the specific city building. Since there was so much conversation, council wanted the conversation/dialog to continue. The Taskforce was created and co-chaired by Human Services Commission President Oriana Pon and Jim Berrios of the Kent Chamber board. Meetings started in June so that recommendations could be presented by September. Council asked staff to work with the group in order to come up with a landscape assessment of the services available to the homeless in Kent. Johnson presented the landscape matrix of all services available to those experiencing homeless in Kent. The Taskforce looked at the services currently available for shelter, food, healthcare, hygiene, education, and connections to work. After working with the group, staff became aware of the wealth of services that were being provided by the faith community. Staff now has compiled a true landscape of services available and would like to work on communicating needs to the public, potentially via the Web. Staff has already updated resource materials that are targeted at the homeless in Kent. Johnson advised that the meetings centered on discussing the gap in services available for a 24- hour wrap-around shelter service. Current shelters for men are offered through churches, in partnership with Catholic Community Services. The group wanted to look at what a 24-hour model would look like. The group was able to come to a consensus on designs, but was not able to reach a consensus on the population it would serve, where it would be located, or how it would be funded. The main recommendation was to allow the group to continue to meet. The taskforce would end, but a steering committee would be created that would focus on the funding and sustainability pieces. The committee would look at other successful designs around the region and look at how it would work in Kent. The committee's first meeting was November 6, 2012. The committee is committed to continue dialog and staff will continue to make sure the committee meetings are held. Councilmember Ralph indicated that was good. z Johnson indicated that the conversation that came from the initial focus groups surrounded around civility and public safety. The City will look at current civility laws and tools available to the police when in activities take place in public spaces. During research, it was found that there is a difference in civility activities that are allowed in city parks vs. metro property. Johnson advised that it was recommended that the group take a look at civility laws and make sure they are in place and say what the city wants them to say to ensure public safety. Councilmember Thomas asked if matrix is meant to be distributed to homeless. Johnson advised that it was for the use of the group. It was prepared to avoid duplication of efforts and has been used to update the City's resource materials. Would like to do more with matrix and may provide via web. Thomas discussed the HOPE fundraiser, the involvement of Pat Gray from United Methodist regarding the homeless, and also advised the police of a group that has come into city and is harassing homeless around library and water fountain area. Thomas wanted the police to know about group and that they may want to explore further. Johnson indicated conversation regarding civility came out of homeless taskforce, but was not meant to be directed at just the homeless population. Conversation was regarding public safety. Ralph asked if the Taskforce will be looking at what civility laws should look like, what they look like in other cities, and what they encompass. Johnson advised that the Taskforce will not be looking at civility laws and requested that it be internal work of the city. Johnson advised that the legal department and the police department have just begun working on looking at civility laws. Ralph indicated that she is curious about what is working in other places and what is not, and wanted to ensure that any civility laws are fair to all groups involved since it is being done in the spirit of service. 3. Bulletproof Vest Partnership FY 2012 Grant Award Assistant Chief Pat Lowery advised that the award is for new and replacement vests. The calculation of the benefit of the award is based on the number of officers we have in consideration of a 5 year rotational cycle for the best life. Total replacement costs for this year $12,035.68, city was awarded $6,017.84, approximately 50%. The City has participated in this program since 1999 and has received total grant funding of $155,000 to offset costs of vests and ensure that officers are wearing the best possible vests. Thomas indicated that this appears to be an annual grant and purchases approximately 13 vests. Lowery advised that costs vary year to year due to changes in manufacturing and standards which continue to develop lighter weight vests with same ballistic capabilities. Ralph requested estimate on price of vests. Lowery indicated the approximate cost per vest is $800. After deliberating, Councilmember Thomas MOVED to recommend that Council authorize the Kent Police Department to accept the Bulletproof Vest Partnership Fiscal Year 2012 grant from the Bureau of Justice Assistance, in the amount of $5,696.32, amend the budget and authorize expenditure of the funds in accordance with the grant terms, with terms and conditions acceptable to the Police Chief and City Attorney. Councilmember Ralph SECONDED and the Motion PASSED 3-0 including concurrence of Committee Chair Boyce. 4. State Criminal Alien Assistance Program Assistant Chief Pat Lowery advised that this grant reimburses for housing of criminal aliens for three days over one-year period. The Kent Police Department submitted a detailed record of criminal aliens including booking and releasing dates. Any grant award must be allocated to be Public Safety Committee Minutes November 13, 2012 2 3 administration. The program produces better results in high schools where the program is currently focused. There is discussion to expand program to the other two high schools. Ralph indicated that she has heard only good things about the program from parents, teachers, and the school district, and thanked the police department. Thomas also indicated that it is good program. After deliberating, Councilmember Thomas MOVED to recommend that Council authorize the Kent Police Departmewn6t to enter into an Agreement with the Kent School District for a School Resource Officer in the amount of $162,000.00, with terms and conditions acceptable to the Police Chief and City Attorney. Councilmember Ralph SECONDED and the Motion PASSED 3-0 including concurrence of Committee Chair Boyce. Adjournment Councilmember Ralph adjourned the meeting at 4:58 p.m. Kim A. Komoto Public Safety Committee Secretary Public Safety Committee Minutes November 13, 2012 4 4 This page intentionally left blank. 5 POLICE DEPARTMENT 40 Ken Thomas, Chief of Police Phone: 253-856-5888 ZKENT Fax: 253-856-6802 WASHINGTON Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA. 98032-5895 DATE: January 8, 2013 TO: Public Safety Committee SUBJECT: Target Grant - Accept MOTION: Recommend that Council accept the Target grant in an amount of $500, authorize amending the budget and authorize expenditure of the funds in accordance with the grant terms acceptable to the police chief and city attorney. SUMMARY: The Kent Police Department has received notification of funds in the amount of $500 from Target. EXHIBITS: Grant application and notification of award BUDGET IMPACT: None 6 used for correctional operations. Assistant Chief Strauss and Commander McCuistion determined that the best use for the $3,731.00 award would be to purchase five portable radios. There would be a radio for each of the corrections officers working in the jail. Having a radio for each officer will increase communication capability as well as officer safety. The total cost is estimated at $4,200.00 with the balance being picked up through budget. After deliberating, Councilmember Thomas MOVED to recommend that Council authorize the Kent Police Department to accept the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program Fiscal Year 2012 grant from the Bureau of Justice Assistance, in the amount of $3,731.00, amend the budget and authorize expenditure of the funds in accordance with the grant terms, with terms and conditions acceptable to the Police Chief and City Attorney. Councilmember Ralph SECONDED and the Motion PASSED 3-0 including concurrence of Committee Chair Boyce. S. Department of Licensing and City of Kent Driver and Plate Search — Interagency Agreement Assistant Chief Pat Lowery advised that the agency Agreement with the Washington State Department of Licensing allows the Kent Police Department to operate and conduct vehicle license, vehicle VIN, and other vehicle pertinent identifying information searches through the Department of Licensing website. After deliberating, Councilmember Thomas MOVED to recommend that Council authorizer the Kent Police Department to enter into a driver and plate search interagency agreement between the State of Washington Department of Licensing and the City, with terms and conditions acceptable to the Police Chief and City Attorney. Councilmember Ralph SECONDED and the Motion PASSED 3-0 with concurrence of Committee Chair Boyce. 6. REMOVED FROM AGENDA 7. Kent School District and Kent Police Department School Resource Officer Agreement. Assistant Chief Pat Lowery advised this Agreement is between the Kent School District and City of Kent Police Department. The Kent Police Department recognizes the value of having officers onsite in both high schools and middle schools of City. The Kent School District recognizes the value in having a regular presence as well as the ability of officers to serve as mentors and guiders of students at both campuses. The Kent School District agrees to provide 60% of salaries and benefits for two officers currently assigned as resource officers for both Kent Meridian and Kentridge high schools. The City agrees to pay the remaining 40%. Thomas pointed out the Lowery indicated Kentridge, but the documents indicate Kent Meridian and Meridian Middle school. Lowery indicated that they serve feeder middle schools, but primary appointments are to high schools. Kentridge's feeder is Meridian middle school. There are two officers, each is assigned to a high school and feeder middles school so that officers can become aware of certain children at the middle school level that are more prone to receiving attention at the high school level and would have history and be able to use tactics or strategies used to best help that child stay in school and stay on track. Ralph asked how long program has been in place. Lowery indicated that this is the 4th year, and that it is a hybrid of program of a traditional law enforcement based-program. Office Buck oversaw the original program which focused on the public safety needs of all schools within the city limits to include primary schools. This current program focuses on building relations between officers and students to mentor and better identify problems before problems occur on campus. The program allows a better line of communication with staff, teachers, and Public Safety Committee Minutes November 13, 2012 3 7 From: Target Community Relations [maiito:mail@grantapplication.com] Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2012 2:40 PM To: Gurr, Tracey Subject: Your Target grant application has been submitted Thank you for submitting your Target grant application online. A copy is included below for your records. Please note that now that you have submitted your application, you are unable to make further updates. If we need additional information or have any questions, we will contact you.. You will be notified by July 1 Sth for National Night Out applications and September 30th for all other applications regarding the status of your application. If your application has been approved, an email and check will be sent directly to your organization. If your application has been declined, you will receive an email by this date. Organization Information E-mail questions to AP.CommunityOTaraet.com To request a charitable contribution,your organization must be a federally tax-exempt,section 501(c)(3) charitable organization, a school, a library,or a public agency. Special Note; If your organization has a designated fiscal agent,that fiscal agent should meet the requirements listed above and be listed as the applicant in the grant application. Organization/Agency Name City of Kent Police Department/Detective Unit Payee Organization Name Please limit your response to 25 characters maximum. City of Kent Precinct/Division and Department I.e., 1st Precinct, Bike Patrol Detectives Street Address or P.O. Box Please include your primary mailing address in the first line (street or P.O. Box). If applicable, put your Suite Number in the second line. Please limit your response on each line to 25 characters maximum. 1 8 220 4th Ave S City kent State WA 5-Digit ZIP Code 98032 Extended 4 Digit ZIP Code (to find your extended code, please click here to open a window to USPS.com) County king Main Phone Number Please type 10 digits only without punctuation (i.e., 6122334567) 2538565828 General E-mail Address t0urrld)kentwa aov Website www kentwa.00v Which best describes the organization? Government Agencies (OTHER) What is the organization's Mission Statement? Aggressively fight crime Impartially protect rights - Identify and Solve problems What year was the organization founded? 1889 Is your organization a part of a State,the United States, or the District of Columbia(i.e., a public school, public agency,or public library)? yes Is this donation being requested exclusively for public purposes? 2 9 yes Tax Status Please select from drop-down Schools, Libraries, Hospitals, Churches, Govt units Organization Tax ID If your organization has a 501(c)3 Federal tax status, enter your FIN number below and attach a copy of your most recent IRS Designation Letter on page five (5) of the application, otherwise leave blank. E-mail questions to AP Community@Taraet.com ' Contact Information E-mail questions to AP Communitv@Taroet.com Organization Primary Contact: Highest Ranking Official (i.e., Chief, Executive Director, President) Prefix Chief First Name Kent Middle Initial Last Name Thomas Suffix <None> Title Chief of Police Street Address or P.O. Box Please include your primary mailing address in the first line (street or P.O. Box). If applicable, put your Suite Number in the second line. Please limit your response on each line to 25 characters maximum. 220 4th Ave S City kent 3 io State WA 5 Digit ZIP Code 98032 Direct Phone Number Please type 10 digits only Without punctuation (i.e., 6122334567) 2538565800 E-mail Address kthomas@kentwa.aov Primary Contact for this Funding Request: Same as Organization Primary Contact No Prefix Ms. First Name Tracey Middle Initial Last Name Church Suffix <None> Title Detective Commander Street Address or P.O. Box Please include your primary mailing address in the first line (street or P.O. Box). If applicable, put your Suite Number in the second line. Please limit your response on each line to 25 characters maximum. 220 4th Ave S 4 city kent State WA 5 Digit ZIP Code 98032 Direct Phone Number Please type 10 digits only without punctuation (i.e., 6122334567) 2538565800 E-mail Address tourrOkentwa.gov E-mail questions to AP.Community@Taroet.com Proposal Information E-mail questions to AP.Community@Taroet.com Proposal General Information: Target team member who invited the organization to apply for a grant. Linsey Mahoney R100-INV Request Amount $500.00 Program Title Please limit your response to 30 characters maximum. Forensic Upgrade/still &video Images Program Start Date 12/01/2012 Program End Date 12/31/2012 Proposal Detail: 5 12 Which best describes the program? Crime Prevention(VITAL COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS-LAW ENFORCEMENT) Provide a description of the program' Forensic upgrade to Photoshop CS6 Extended for still and video clarification. The upgrade will allow for more accurate and higher quality forensics. This will enhance our ability to solve crimes with this type of evidence Including assaults, burlgaries, prowls and fraud.The upgrade will cost approximately $399.00 plus tax until 123112 then it will cost$999.00. What year was this program first implemented? 2007 What is the proposed program budget? Please enter one whole number without any punctuation (i.e., no dollar signs or decimal points). 500 List the primary expenses for the program budget. i.e., printing: $200; equipment: $800,etc. No. stand alone budget.This is a one time purchase. Program Zip Code Please provide the 5-digit zip code for the location of your program 98032 Target Store Location Please select the Target store closest to your program from the dropdown list below. When answering the following questions, please think aboutthe mission and/or primary focus of the organization as well as the majority of people served by this program. Indicate your best estimate of the percentage of those served by this program for each of the Ethnic Groups below. Enter whole numbers only (no decimals), do not use percentage signs, and ensure that your allocations total 100%. If this Information is not available, enter zeros in each field. African 5 Asian is 6 13 Asian Indian 3 Black or African American zo Latino or Hispanic is Native American or Alaskan Native z Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 3 White or Caucasian 37 Other Ethnic Group not specified above 0 Make sure this total is 100. 100% Indicate your best estimate of the percentage of those served by this program for each Gender listed below. Enter whole numbers only (no decimals), do not use percentage signs, and ensure that your allocations total 100%. If this information is not available, enter zeros in each field. Female so Male so Make sure this total is 100. 100% Indicate your best estimate of the percentage of those served by this program for each of the Age Groups listed below. Enter whole numbers only (no decimals), do not use percentage signs, and ensure that your allocations total 100%. If this information is not available, enter zeros in each field. 7 Babies/Toddlers(under 5 years old) 14 0 Elementary School Grades K-5 (5-10 years old) 0 Middle School Grades 6-8 (11-14 years old) 0 High School Grades 9-12 (15-18 years old) 2s Young Adult(19-25 years old) 2s Adults (26-64 years old) 2s Senior Citizens(65 years old and over). 2s Make sure this total is 100. 100% Indicate your best estimate of the percentage of those served by this program for each Population listed below. Enter whole numbers only (no decimals), do not use percentage signs, and ensure that your allocations total 100%. If this information is not available, enter zeros in each field. Active Military 0 BlindNision Impaired 0 Deaf/Hearing Impaired 0 Economically Disadvantaged 0 LGTBA(Allies) 0 8 General Population 15 7s Immigrants/Newcomers/Refugees 25 _ Persons with a Developmental Disability 0 Physically Impaired 0 Single Parents 0 Veterans 0 Make sure this total is 100. 100% E-mail questions to AP.Community Taraet.com - Measurement E-mail questions to AP.CommunityATaraet.com What are the anticipated outcomes of the program? Higher quality investigative ability that will allow for increased suspect apprehension at a faster pace. What metrics do you plan on collecting to determin -if the outcomes have been achieved? None-we do not have the capability to capture this data other than anecdotally. How many people do you anticipate will be served by this program? Please enter one whole number only 128,000 In 2013 we will be asking grant recipients to complete a program evaluation. E-mail questions to AP.CommunitvCdTaraet.com 9 16 This page intentionally left blank. 17 LAW DEPARTMENT Tom Brubaker, City Attorney Phone: 253-856-5782 KENT Fax: 253-856-6770 WASHING70N Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA. 98032-5895 January 8, 2013 To: Public Safety Committee From: Arthur "Pat" Fitzpatrick, Deputy City Attorney Regarding: Ordinance amending KCC 9.02.150 - Adopt MOTION: Recommend adoption of the ordinance amending Section 9.02.150 of the Kent City Code, entitled, "Criminal Code," adopting new RCW's relating to marijuana. SUMMARY: On November 6, 2012, Washington voters passed Initiative 502. I-502 decriminalized the possession of one ounce or less of marijuana, decriminalized certain laws relating to the use of drug paraphernalia and made it an infraction to use marijuana in a public place. This amendment updates the City's criminal code so that it complies with the requirements of I-502. BUDGET IMPACT: None 1 is ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending Section 9.02.150, entitled "Criminal Code," adopting new RCW's relating to marijuana. RECITALS A. On November 6, 2012, Washington voters passed Initiative 502. I-502 decriminalized the possession of one ounce or less of marijuana, decriminalized certain laws relating to the use of drug paraphernalia and made it an infraction to use marijuana in a public place. B. This amendment updates the City's criminal code so that it complies with the requirements of I-502. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE SECTION 1. -Amendment. Section 9.02.150 is amended to read as follows: Sec. 9.02.150 RCW Title 69, entitled "Food, Drugs, Cosmetics, and Poisons" - Adoption by reference. The following RCW 1 Amend KCC 9.02.150 Ordinance 19 sections, as currently enacted or as hereafter amended or recodified from time to time, are hereby adopted by reference and shall be given the same force and effect as if set forth herein in full: RCW 69.41.010 Definitions. 69.41.030 Sale, delivery, or possession of legend drug without prescription or order prohibited — Exceptions — Penalty. 69.41.050 Labeling requirements. 69.41.060 Search and seizure. 69.41.072 Violations of Chapter 69.50 RCW not to be charged under Chapter 69.41 RCW — Exception. 69.41.320 Practitioners — Restricted use — Medical records. 69.41.350 Penalties. 69.43.010 Report to state board of pharmacy — List of substances — Modification of list — Identification of purchasers — Report of transactions — Penalties. 69.43.020 Receipt of substance from source outside state — Report — Penalty. 69.43.030 Exemptions. 69.43.035 Suspicious transactions — Report — Penalty. 69.43.040 Reporting form. 69.43.043 Recordkeeping requirements — Penalty. 69.43.048 Reporting and recordkeeping requirements — Submission of computer readable data, copies of federal reports. 69.43.090 Permit to sell, transfer, furnish, or receive substance — Exemptions — Application for permit — Fee — Renewal — Penalty. 2 Amend KCC 9.02.150 Ordinance 20 69.43.110 Ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, phenylpropanolamine — Sales restrictions — Penalty. 69.43.120 Ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, phenylpropanolamine — Possession of more than fifteen grams — Penalty — Exceptions. 69.43.130 Exemptions — Pediatric products — Products exempted by the state board of pharmacy. 69.50.101 Definitions. 69.50.102 Drug paraphernalia — Definitions. 69.50.202 Nomenclature. 69.50.204 Schedule I. 69.50.206 Schedule II. 69.50.208 Schedule III. 69.50.210 Schedule IV. 69.50.212 Schedule V. 69.50.401 Prohibited acts: A — Penalties. 69.50.4013 Possession of controlled substance — Penalty. 69.50.4014 Possession of forty grams or less of marihuana — Penalty. 69.50.404 Penalties under other laws. 69.50.407 Conspiracy. 69.50.408 Second or subsequent offenses. 69.50.412 Prohibited acts: E — Penalties. 69.50.4121 Drug paraphernalia — Selling or giving — Penalty. 69.50.425 Misdemeanor violations — Minimum imprisonment. 69.50, I-502, Section 21 3 Amend KCC 9.02.150 Ordinance zi SECTION 2, — Corrections by City Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon approval of the City Attorney, the City Clerk and the code reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the correction of clerical errors; ordinance, section, or subsection numbering; or references to other local, state or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations. SECTION 3, — SeverabilitY. If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this ordinance is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, that decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and that remaining portion shall maintain its full force and effect. SECTION 4, — Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage and publication, as provided by law. SUZETTE COOKE, MAYOR ATTEST: RONALD MOORE, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: TOM BRUBAKER, CITY ATTORNEY 4 Amend KCC 9.02.150 Ordinance zz PASSED: day of 2013. APPROVED: day of 2013. PUBLISHED: day of 2013. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. (SEAL) BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK P:\Civi1\0rdinance\9.02.150 Marijuana.Docx 5 Amend KCC 9.02.150 Ordinance 23 POLICE DEPARTMENT 40 Ken Thomas, Chief of Police Phone: 253-856-5888 Zlc E N T Fax: 253-856-6802 WASHINGTON Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA. 98032-5895 DATE: January 8, 2013 TO: Public Safety Committee SUBJECT: Community Education Unit — INFORMATION ONLY MOTION: INFORMATION ONLY SUMMARY: The Police Community Education briefing on police community programs and block watch. EXHIBITS: BUDGET IMPACT: None. 04 Lr) bb b LO 3SAVZ£6 Y 41 tv 35A`Vt4OD tt �+ a � ' w AV, L dow �rr ' � LLJ JUNK/"i ~j r "04 MINOR rzM00r IVA AA .,uF w %ii�'r ig "j a// w/y ✓rr/ llsior (V r/��/ , / - i qn rrii ."1 r ri/r' c rC O O u 'u .� ¢' 0 Zi v cn O cn 70 „ice, '� � •� � �' O O v 0 rC v 0 bn �., ccn V N � � a P. V can rt C.� y��rN o 9r cu � V CU bA o 02$ v O x � bn cn u o o o y V i%„ y 0 �. .. ro '�j/,ice � i� �, •-. v �' �' v �' N V v r 000000000 /</' W k rr I uj I a..i un a-n " A U 4-j u U u Ln U � v 0 5 ~ Q., 4-j . 0 ;�-4 O ci +.+ p +.+ v 0 a i/j Q V) x �r rt b�A +�-+ u N cn v 1 „ CLO '"C� � N V 'ft� ft� � v O v 29 POLICE DEPARTMENT � Ken Thomas, Chief of Police KENT Phone: 253-856-5800 Fax: 253-856-6802 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA. 98032-5895 DATE: January 8, 2013 TO: Public Safety Committee SUBJECT: Securus Inmate Phone Services — INFO ONLY MOTION: NONE SUMMARY: Commander McCuistion will present information regarding updating the inmate phone services in the correctional facility. 30 POLICE DEPARTMENT Ken Thomas, Chief of Police Phone: 253-856-5888 ZKENT Fax: 253-856-6802 WASHINGTON Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA. 98032-5895 Memorandum DATE: January 8, 2013 TO: Public Safety Committee FROM: Diane McCuistion, Corrections Commander SUBJECT: Inmate Phone Services — Securus SUMMARY: The city of Kent correctional facility ("KCF") provides telephone services for inmates. Currently, the city receives approximately $38,000 (50% commission) in revenue from Value-Added Communications, Inc, the current provider of services. The correctional facility and detective unit wish to upgrade the telephone system so that investigative features can be implemented in addition to providing free/low-cost telephone service to inmates for contacting their attorney, public defender, and family members. Over the last few months, staff has met with various telephone providers and have determined that services provided by Securus Technologies, Inc ("Securus") would best meet the needs of the city. Securus serves over 2,400 correctional facilities and 850,000 inmates making them the largest independent provider of inmate telecommunications provider to correctional facilities in the United States and Canada. Securus will install, operate, service and maintain a sophisticated call processing system in the KCF providing relevant services that help solve or prevent crimes. Securus' comprehensive offering includes: • Equipment and system installation • Inmate identification • Enable calls on a pre-paid or collect basis to friends and family members • Identity authentication of called party • Restrict calls to certain parties (e.g., judges, jurors, witnesses and victims) • Real-time call monitoring capabilities • Call recording and storage • Real-time credit quality assessment of called party • Billing and customer care • Provide services in English and Spanish • Provide calls to attorneys at no charge • Investigator Pro — provides features that are critical to the detectives unit City of Kent Public Safety Committee January 8, 2013 31 Securus estimates that a "basic" phone call costs one dollar, with no revenue generated to the city. The current phone system costs an average of $2.50 per call with a 50% commission to the city. Current average monthly commission is $3,454. Year-to-date commission revenue received by the city is $38,000. EXHIBITS: Securus Proposal BUDGET IMPACT: Unanticipated income City of Kent Public Safety Committee January 8, 2013 A Proposal Presented Expressly for 10 &A "e% nt PrOlke city INC Dewp-mar"'-inent-, WA Proposal for Inmate Telephone Services Presented to: Diane McCuistion City of Kent Police Department 1230 S Central Kent,WA 98191 Email address:dmccuistion@kentwa.gov Presented by: Amy Gibson Account Manager i SECURUS' connecting what matters" Table CoverLetter................................................................................................................................................... 1 ExecutiveSummary...................................................................................................................................2 ProposedFinancial Offer.........................................................................................................................5 Agreement......................................................................................................................................................6 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................7 SecurusManagement Team................................................................................................................ 12 Secure Call Platform System Overview.......................................................................................... 15 TheSecurus Service Commitment.................................................................................................... 30 Securus Correctional Billing Services............................................................................................. 33 TelephoneSpecifications...................................................................................................................... 35 OptionalFeatures..................................................................................................................................... 36 SECURUS City of Kent Police Department, WA- Proposal for Inmate Telephone Services i ©2011 Securus Technologies,Inc.All rights reserved. Cover Letter November 16, 2012 City of Kent Jail Commander Attn: Diane McCuistion(dmccuistion@kentwa.gov), 1230 S Central,Kent,WA 98191 RE:Securus'Response for Inmate Communications System Securus Technologies,Inc. ("Securus") thanks City of Kent for the opportunity to submit a proposed solution for your Inmate Communications System. Securus provides options that comply or exceed the specifications of your facility.Securus has a solution for City of Kent that will deliver: • Increased Automation via guaranteed integration capabilities • Local Support;targeted support before,during,and after the seamless transition • System Scalability and Adaptability to meet the County's needs today and as your facilities grow due to ever-changing government policies. • Increased Safety and Efficiency for your officers and your community via proven,patented technologies. • Increased Revenue supports the County's goals and provides low rates • Innovative Technology,93+ patents delivering 500+ independent features We take our promises seriously,and we keep them, as proven by our national customer base of 2,200+facilities combined with over 25 years serving sheriffs departments and corrections agencies of all sizes. Our customers'needs guide our direction,and we will continue that path in our partnership with the City of Kent while providing more impactful support,service,training and capabilities than any other provider. Amy Gibson will serve as the main point of contact and can be reached by phone (503-314-0091) or email (agibson0securustech.net)with any questions.Thank you for the opportunity to submit our proposal,and we look forward to serving the City of Kent and your community. Sincerely, Amy Gibson,Account Manager Securus Technologies, Inc. 1906 NW 25th Street Portland, OR 97210 Telephone: 5 03-314-0091 Email: agibson@securustech.net City of Kent Police Department, WA - Proposal for Inmate Telephone Services 2011 Securus Technologies,Inc.All rights reserved. Executive ' Securus Technologies, Inc. appreciates the opportunity to submit our proposed solution to the City of Kent for its Inmate Communications • Platform request. We have carefully reviewed the counties' • requirements and are confident that we can provide a solution to meet or exceed all requirements set forth by the City of Kent. • • • Securus Technologies, Inc. is the leading provider of inmate communications in the United States. We serve the correctional communications industry with over 25 years of experience, including over 2,200 installed facilities. We currently have 93 patents granted, and counting. We are forward thinking and constantly seeking cutting .. edge and innovative technology to improve efficiencies within the facilities we serve. We remain committed to re-invest in our people, platforms, products and services,and have dedicated more than $17 million in incremental spending over the last year to further our •.- . industry-leading capabilities. No competitor can match our level of re- investment. We did not become the leading inmate communications provider in the industry by just developing technology. Rather, our success has been based on a customer-oriented philosophy focused on understanding our customers' needs.We are devoted to developing working partnerships that exceed expectations and demonstrate our level of commitment to your facility. From a review of your facility and what we've identified that you need: • An Experienced and Capable provider; • Maximized Revenue to facility; • Increased Overall Efficiency; • Proven Customer Service&Support; • Advanced and Upgradable Communication Platform • Local Facility Training&Support v SECURUS City of Kent Police Department, WA- Proposal for Inmate Telephone Services 2 0 2011 Securus Technologies,Inc.All rights reserved. A Solution for Your Needs The purpose of this summary is to provide you with an overview of our solutions to your needs. We understand your needs and have developed platforms and processes that help you run an efficient operation, relieve the burden on staff, and satisfy inmates,their friends and family members. Why Choose Securus? 1,700+Secure Call Platform(SCP)installations-You get assurance that our system works and has been load tested. Gain valuable investigative information by sharing call data with other correctional facilities in your area. Our patent portfolio is second to none. We're committed to using technology to help you safeguard your public and prevent and solve crimes. The rest of the industry combined has fewer than ten patents. Use our technology to improve your operation—don't settle for inferior copies. Securus is unique among national competitors in that we operate our own call center. We don't out-source our customer experience. We find our end-user satisfaction ratings improve 22%when they use our call center. Providing good service to your constituents cuts down on complaints and provides a better experience for all. We are available to serve callers 24 hours a day. Operational Support-We can find and fix problems before you are aware of them and we're here to help you with your questions and requirements whenever you need us. We have the largest employee base in the industry to better serve you and to make sure we continue to lead with enhanced technology. In addition to a local Account Management Team and a local facility Technician: 100+IT professionals 200+Call Center agents 200+field and service representatives Centralized architecture-We can enhance our system quickly and cost-effectively. We release updates to the system three to four times each year so you are assured your communication platform is future proof and that you always have access to leading technology. Conclusion We are excited to be the City of Kent's chosen partner and are confident we have demonstrated our abilities to meet or exceed the needs of your facility and provided you the information needed to make an informed decision. By choosing Securus you receive: • Industry leader in terms of experience, capabilities,technology, and customer service. • The leading communication platform available on the market today SEGUUUS_ City of Kent Police Department, WA - Proposal for Inmate Telephone Services 3 9 20115ecurus Technologies,Inc.All rights reserved. • The dedication of over 700 Securus associates to exceed your expectations. Securus has the best support structure in the industry • A relationship with a partner who understands your facility and has the resources and commitment to meet your changing needs in the future. Securus is best positioned to continue developing new features/functionality that will be provided at no cost to our clients. We sincerely thank you for this opportunity and we look forward to beginning a long term, mutually beneficial partnership with the City of Kent and your community. - City of Kent Police Department, WA - Proposal for Inmate Telephone Services 4 0 2011 Securus Technologies,Inc.All rights reserved. Introduction Corporate Overview Serving 2,400 correctional facilities and 850,000 inmates makes Securus Technologies,Inc. ("Securus")the largest independent provider of inmate telecommunications services to correctional facilities in the United States and Canada.By developing and owning more than 70 technology patents today along with approximately 40 patents pending with the U.S. Patent Office, Securus is without a doubt the leading technology innovator in our industry and has been for more than 20 years. Every large inmate telecom provider in our industry,such as GTL,VAC,and Embarq, use our patent technology under our license agreements. Correctional facilities have come to rely on the technology Securus develops to not only provide inmates and friends and family members vital telephone service,but to assist the law enforcement community in solving or preventing crimes. Our predecessor companies,Evercom Systems, Inc. ("Evercom") and T-Netix, Inc. ("T-Netix")have been serving the correctional industry for more than 20 years. HIG Capital,a$8.5 billion leading private equity investment firm purchased these companies in 2004 and changed our brand name to Securus. Securus possesses the #1 ranking of market share in terms of facilities served and#2 ranking of market share in terms of revenue generated. Securus' core business consists of installing, operating,servicing and maintaining sophisticated call processing systems in correctional facilities and providing related services that help solve or prevent crimes. On a limited basis,we also partner with other telecommunications companies whereby we provide our equipment,patented technology,and as needed,back office support including validation and billing and collections services. A few years ago,when companies like AT&T,SBC,Verizon,MCI and other large telephone companies served this niche industry,they chose Securus'"best in class"calling platforms and sophisticated back office systems to serve its customers because they had not developed their own. That alone says a lot about the quality of what Securus has provided in the past and what it provides today to the industry. Securus prides itself on being able to provide its customers with the following key advantages: • Industry leading centralized packet-based network platform • Best economics provided to its customer base • Broadest and deepest product set-offering more than 500 features and attributes • Best security on our calling platform • Technology leadership -largest number of patents in the industry • Largest highly specialized sales and customer service sales force • 24/7 Network Operations Center,with data centers in Dallas and Atlanta • In-sourced Customer Call Center located in Dallas,TX " SECURUS' City of Kent Police Department, WA - Proposal for Inmate Telephone Services 7 0 2011 Securus Technologies,Inc.All rights reserved. Securus has the wherewithal to install and operate large prison facility telecommunications systems. Case in point-in 2009,Securus installed on time and under budget the Texas Department of Criminal justice telephone system - one of the largest Department of Corrections (DOC) inmate telephone system in the country-serving over 140,000 inmates and 114 different facilities. Texas chose Securus,in partnership with Embarq,because of its industry experience,reputation and"best in class" network platform. Securus beat its largest competitor(GTL) in Texas and won another large state corrections innate telephone system contract directly from GTL in late 2009-the state of Florida DOC. Securus has the only centralized packet-based network platform that can serve large DOC institutions like Texas and Florida,unlike our largest competitors. Securus is confident any state or county will experience the benefits that Texas, Florida and 10 other DOCs are currently experiencing if they choose Securus as their inmate telephone system provider. Corporate Background & Expertise Securus currently serves correctional facilities operated by city,county, state and federal authorities and other types of confinement facilities such as juvenile detention centers and private jails. The Company provided services to approximately 2,400 correctional facilities in 43 states,the District of Columbia and Canada. Over 850,000 inmates are served by Securus at these facilities. Securus national presence is reflected in the map below. «.. ,_. CANA A „ a�tsic jiu�cray i • i + . • " ' � , Sites Under Contract w«.w ,,�, �:• _ � s State DOC Sites s � G"; • County/Regional/ Au .A .w'.s�. „v �. ;;�is• City Accounts rmn� A.:. nee euwus In the state Department of Corrections (DOC) space,Securus currently serves 12 of the 50 DOCs in the United States: Texas, Florida,Arizona, Maryland,Kentucky,Michigan, Indiana, North Dakota, Alaska, New Mexico,South Carolina and Wisconsin, We also serve many"mega-county" facilities that house thousands of inmates including: Cook County,IL, Harris County,TX,Broward County, SECURUS' City of Kent Police Department, WA- Proposal for Inmate Telephone Services 8 20115ecurus Technologies,Inc.Ail rights reserved. FL,Clark County, NV,Orleans Parish, LA,and Bexar County,TX,to name a few. Additionally,we are largest provider of inmate services to private prison companies such as Corrections Corporation of America ("CCA") and GEO. Serving so many correctional facilities requires Securus to have the best internal controls and processes in the industry. To that end,Securus is proud to be the only inmate telecommunications provider in the U.S. that is Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404 compliant. Becoming Sarbanes-Oxley compliant in 2009 meant that an independent accounting and auditing firm completed a comprehensive and in-depth evaluation and testing of Securus'internal controls over financial reporting. The unqualified audit opinion,or compliance,confirms that the company has effective controls and safeguards in place to manage its financial information. Unlike our competitors that do not provide transparency or vigor in their financial reporting our accomplishment reinforces that our financial statements provide the necessary depth and accuracy required for investors, rating agencies and our correctional facilities customers. Securus,unlike any other provider in the industry, can also claim the distinction of being SAS-70 Type II certified as well. In 2009,Securus successfully completed an American Institute of Certified Public Accountants Statement on Auditing Standards No. 70 (SAS 70) certification. A SAS 70 certification indicates that an independent accounting and auditing firm completed a comprehensive and in-depth evaluation and testing of Securus'internal controls and related activities. This certification confirms that the company has effective controls and safeguards in place to manage information and data belonging to its customers. Because inmate telecommunications providers,like Securus,need to install and operate highly sophisticated call management platforms and related services to meet the security and public safety needs of correctional facilities,we need to be able to accurately process,manage,and control millions of call records and call recordings for security and investigative purposes. A SAS 70 Type II report reinforces to correctional facilities and their auditors that Securus has the necessary controls in place to manage this critical information. Securus' 'Best in Class" Service Offering Securus'secure,turn-Ivey product offering is a key differentiator in the industry. Through our robust platforms,we offer more products and security applications than any of our competitors. The list below highlights a selection of Securus' comprehensive offering: • Equipment and system installation • hnnate Identification:biometric and/or security code validation • Enable calls on a pre-paid or collect basis to friends and family members • Identity Authentication of called party • Restrict calls to certain parties (e.g.,judges,jurors,witnesses and victims) • Detection and restriction of unauthorized call forwarding • Real-time call monitoring capabilities • Call recording and storage SECURUS City of Kent Police Department, WA - Proposal for Inmate Telephone Services 9 ©20115ecurus Technologies,Inc.All rights reserved. • Real-time credit quality assessment of called party • Billing and customer care • Interface capabilities to many commissary and/or jail management systems. Over the past 20 years, Securus has spent over$100 million dollars and devoted 300,000 man- hours developing an advanced packet-based network platform that provides many cost and service advantages to its customers. We are in the process of transitioning our customers to this advanced platform from legacy,or inferior,premise-based systems that many of our competitors continue to use. The following table depicts Securus'best-in-class secure calling systems. Packet-based, digital transmission system for all communications transport SCN Secure Connect Network '' • SCN allows Securus'calling platform to provide real-time turn- on/turn-off Flexibility for most system features, 24/7 offsite monitoring, immediate system upgrades and repairs from one central location " • Services correctional facilities as well as detainees and friends and family members • Offers networking functions, robust system and application stability Secure Call Platform and redundancy, heightened security features, user auditing and password-specific utilities • Proprietary packet-based centralized calling platform is widely recognized as the best in the industry • The backbone of Securus'entire system, SCA has resulted in significantly lower operating and capital costs through its implementation SCA Architecture ° Comprised of a robust data repository housing multiple data marts, each holding billions of bytes of stored information gathered from multiple sources • Intelligent retrieval system retrieves and processes user requests through a cross application, cross data-mart retrieval process S-Gate User Interface Single point, user interface provides a simple to use portal,to all programs, applications and services • Prepaid Calling Cards used by inmates • Paperless, card-free prepaid calling solution for inmates(debit Prepaid Calling Programs services) • These services are sold to facilities or their commissaries who then sell directly to the inmates; these services may be used for both domestic and international calling a ?:> SECURUS -- — City of Kent Police Department, WA - Proposal for Inmate Telephone Services 10 ©20115ecurus Technologies,Inc.All rights reserved. • Nationwide customer care and billing center dedicated to the Securus Correctional Billing inmates'friends and family members open 24 hours per day, 365 Services days per year, offers multiple payment options including prepayment of charges, remittance directly to the local phone company, credit card payments and check by phone - . Includes: Securus Support,Automated Information Services"AIS", Additional Products and email and voice mail services, Covert Alert services, voice biometric Services products,jail management services and a multitude of additional applications and features that provide task-specific solutions designed to satisfy focused areas of a facility's operations Securus wins new customers and retains existing customers not only because of its capabilities reflected above,but also because of its strong reputation in the industry of assisting law enforcement officials with preventing and solving crimes. We retain over 95% of our annual revenues each year-the best in the industry-because we are committed to providing the best customer service to friends and family members of inmates as demonstrated by us spending over $2 million dollars the past two years (2009 and 2010) building out a"in-sourced" Customer Call Center where Dallas based Securus employees are assisting end users versus poorly managed and highly inferior foreign call centers that our largest competitors continue to use. Lastly,Securus utilizes its own field service technicians (on payroll employees) that we can control to ensure they follow the strict guidelines our correctional facility customers demand. This level of service is much better than that of our competitors,whom many continue to use third party contractors that have other priorities which might conflict with the inmate telephone provider--and therefore provide inferior customer service. Securus Financial Position Securus has never been in a better financial position than it is today. In March 2010,we received debt ratings upgrades by both Moody's and Standard and Poor's because of our strong earnings growth that has allowed us to deleverage our business and reduce financial risk. These debt ratings announcements can be made available,in confidence,upon request. Our S&P debt rating is now the same as our largest competitor(GTL). We believe our ratings are as good as any others in the industry and will only continue to improve as they have the past two years. In the past,we had been the only SEC registered inmate telecommunications provider in the sector. Because of our strong earnings and cash flow growth we have generated the past two years,we successfully refinanced our debt on April 30, 2010. This refinancing allowed us to pay back our publicly traded high yield bonds. With this action,we tools the company private—meaning we are no longer required to report our financial results to the public. Because we are now considered a private company, Securus would be willing to share any future quarterly company results, in confidence, upon request. , SECURUS City of Kent Police Department,WA- Proposal for Inmate Telephone Services 11 20115ecurus Technologies,Inc.All rights reserved. Securus The Securus Executive Leadership Team The Securus organization is built around a structure that is proven to deliver excellent service and technological innovation.Accountability,standards of excellence and leadership begin at the top of the organization with the Securus Executive Council. Each one of the team members is driven by their personal commitment to the outstanding customer care, service excellence, and creation of meaningful and valuable applications for our customers'needs.This commitment is unrivaled in the inmate calling industry. Our goal is to form long-term partnership relationships with our customers to better understand their needs,so that in the future we can develop new applications to help them run their business. Rick Smith —Chief Executive Officer Rick Smith serves as our Chief Executive Officer. Prior to joining Securus,Mr.Smith was the Chief Executive Officer for Eschelon Telecom,a CLEC company. In that role,he led the company to a tenfold growth in revenue and$80 million of EBITDA, ultimately leading to a successful initial public offering. Mr. Smith received a B.S.E.E.from State University of New York, Buffalo; a Masters of Mathematics from State University of New York, Brockport; and a Masters of Business Administration in the Executive Development Program from University of Rochester. Mr. Smith has served on the Boards at Integra Telecom, Inc., Eschelon Telecom, Inc., and Upstate Wireless Network. Robert E. Pickens—Chief Operating Officer Robert Pickens serves as our Chief Operating Officer. As our Chief Operating Officer, Mr. Pickens is responsible for overseeing all field operating areas. Prior to joining Securus, Mr. Pickens served as Executive Vice President of Integration Planning&Execution at Integra (acquired Eschelon in 2007). Mr. Pickens led the post-merger integration and synergy planning efforts. At Eschelon, Mr.Pickens was the Chief Operation Officer where he launched and completed several process re-design and IT automation projects, and led integration efforts with five acquired companies that resulted in significant over-achievement of synergies. Mr. Pickens has more than 10 years of experience in senior-level marketing and management positions. Mr. Pickens holds a Bachelors degree in Business Administrations from the University of Minnesota. Bill Markert—Chief Financial Officer Bill Markert serves as our Chief Financial Officer. Prior to joining Securus, Mr. Markert was Executive Vice President of Network Finance for Eschelon Telecom,a CLEC company.At Eschelon,he was responsible for revenue and cost accounting/reporting,network cost management,carrier access billing, and revenue/margin assurance. Mr. Markert also directed various merger and acquisition projects. Before SECURUS' City of Kent Police Department, WA- Proposal for Inmate Telephone Services 12 ©2011 Securus Technologies,Inc.All rights reserved. Eschelon, Mr.Markert spent 9 years at Global Crossing and its predecessor companies in various financial, regulatory,and operational management roles. Mr. Markert received a Bachelor of Business Administration from University of Wisconsin,Whitewater, and a Masters of Business Administration from University of St.Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota. Arlin Goldberg —Chief Information Officer Arlin Goldberg serves as our Chief Information Officer. Prior to joining Securus, Mr. Goldberg was Executive Vice President of Information Technology for Eschelon Telecom, a CLEC company.At Eschelon,he established a Network Operations Department that was responsible for the information systems infrastructure; he also established an Application Development Department responsible for selecting, implementing, enhancing, and supporting mission- critical business operations. Mr. Goldberg also led the effort to gain Sarbanes-Oxley compliance, from an IT perspective. Before Eschelon, Mr. Goldberg worked at Frontier TeleManagement, Inc., as Director of Information Services. Mr. Goldberg received a Bachelor of Science in Business from University of Minnesota. Joshua Conklin - Vice President of Sales Joshua Conklin serves as our Vice President of Sales, where he has responsibility for all new and existing facility sales for Securus. Prior to joining Securus, Joshua was Sr. Vice President and General Manager of California and Nevada for Integra Telecom Inc. Integra is a CLEC, and in his role, Joshua had full operational responsibility for Integra Telecom of CA and NV including sales, customer service, network operations, new customer provisioning, and long haul network operations for the bulls of Integra's network in the western United States. Prior to joining Integra, Joshua served with Eschelon Telecom Inc. as Sr. Director of Network Sales for Colorado, Minnesota and Utah. In this capacity, Joshua was responsible for new acquisition sales in over 40% of Eschelon Telecom's network footprint.Joshua also held several other sales roles within Eschelon including Sales Director, Sales Manager, and Sales Training Manager over his 10 year career with Eschelon. Joshua holds a Bachelor of Business Administration Degree from West Texas A&M University. Danny de Hoyos—Vice President of Service and Technical Operations Danny de Hoyos serves as our Vice President of Service and Technical Operations. Prior to joining Securus, Mr.de Hoyos was Director of Customer Operations for MEDICA where he managed and directed the Commercial Call Center department, and managed the Reporting Operations Center. Prior to joining MEDICA, Mr. de Hoyos worked for Eschelon Telecom, a CLEC company.At Eschelon,he served as Vice President of Customer Service and Service Delivery. He managed virtually all back-office functions,which included: National Call Center, IP Technical Support, Business Telephone System Technical Support, Corporate Business Analysis and Reporting, Customer Billing Resolution, Credit and Collections,National Account Management, Field Customer Service Operations, Escalation and Quality Management, Order Processing, Service Delivery,and Provisioning.Mr. de Hoyos received a Bachelor of Science in ' SECURU$ City of Kent Police Department,WA - Proposal for Inmate Telephone Services 13 9 20115ecurus Technologies,Inc.All rights reserved. Sociology from Brigham Young University. In addition,he has completed several courses from the Carlson School of Management(University of Minnesota). Dennis J. Reinhold —Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary Dennis J. Reinhold selves as our Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary. Prior to joining Securus in August 2005, Mr. Reinhold served as the Associate General Counsel of SOURCECORP,Inc. SOURCECORP is a $420 million public company (NASDAQ: SRCP) with 7,000 employees worldwide, and specializes in business process outsourcing of critical data and documents. In that role, he was responsible for the worldwide legal function of the Business Process Solutions Division,the Statement Solutions Division,the Legal Claims Division,and the Direct Mail Division. Prior to his position at SOURCECORP,Mr. Reinhold served as Division General Counsel/Director of International Legal Affairs,and Assistant Secretary for AAF-McQuay, Inc. Mr. Reinhold has more than 20 years of legal experience,both in law firms and in-house positions,with an emphasis in practicing in the areas of corporate and international law. Mr. Reinhold has a J.D.from St. Louis University, a B.S. in Marketing and Business Administration from the University of Illinois, and completed the Advanced Management Program at The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. Q SECURUS City of Kent Police Department, WA- Proposal for Inmate Telephone Services 14 20115ecurus Technologies,Inc.All rights reserved. Secure 11 Platform System Overview Introduction The Securus Secure Call Platform (SCP) is a highly featured,flexible,state-of-the-art system designed to provide City of Kent Police Department with the ultimate in inmate call control, reporting, and investigative capabilities.The advanced features of the system provide powerful and flexible tools for controlling inmate calling,reducing fraud, and generating valuable administrative and investigative reports. Secure Call Platform Securus will provide City of Kent Police Department with state-of-the-art inmate telephone equipment and a custom built SCP system,which is capable of real time inmate telephone monitoring, inmate telephone recording, call blocking and unblocking, report generation,and much more. SCP allows inmates the privilege of telephone communication while enabling staff and investigators the ability to maintain security through a reliable and easy-to-use inmate call control system.SCP provides security to the public through the use of: • Automated operators instead of live operators • Personal allowed number(PAN) lists that do not allow calls to numbers that have not been approved by the system administration • Inmate call monitoring and recording for investigative and safety purposes • Call duration settings and telephone on and off times • Call detail records for investigative purposes, and fraud control features • Real time rate quotes • Real time blocking by called party SCP enables our customers to operate a smarter and more efficient jail.The SCP's investigative tools permit a higher degree of accuracy and allow investigators to locate inmate calling information more quickly and reliably. Routine inmate calling operations can be configured to require minimal administration—allowing a facility's staff to focus on what they do best, maintaining a safer, more secure correctional environment. SCP also allows for immediate,live monitoring of calls in progress.All of these investigative and administrative resources are available from any Windows based computer with access to the World Wide Web. Securus' custom built SCP is an integrated platform of software tools and computer and telephony hardware.The SCP's hardware and software components are designed to adapt to the changing needs of a facility's operations. SCP is capable of inmate telephone monitoring, inmate telephone recording,call blocking and unblocking, comprehensive report generation, and many more investigate tools and capabilities. ?' SECURUS City of Kent Police Department, WA - Proposal for Inmate Telephone Services 15 20115ecurus Technologies,Inc.All rights reserved. The SCP is equipped with the following standard applications: • Digital recording and playback of calls • Dedicated customer care center to specifically address called party inquiries • A variety of optional calling methods and platform flexibility to increase options and income for the facility while increasing the inmate's calling ability • Number restriction and blocking capabilities • Identification of watched numbers,attorney calls (private) on CDR • Multi-level password security entry system • Comprehensive call detail reports based on user search criteria • Inmate custody accounts (pin application) with or without personal allowed number (PAN) list capabilities • Expanded fraud control features (3-way,biometric identification,additional digit dialing prevention,etc.) • Bilingual automated voice messaging,instructional prompts,tag lines and voice overlays • Fully integrated debit-based calling platform • Interface and integration capabilities • Immediate port disabling(remote kill switch) from anywhere in the world with authorized access • Automated pan assignment • Open architecture interface with jail/offender management system to send electronic files for immediate upload into SCP • Remote live monitoring capabilities—anywhere world wide • True call portability for playback,replay,and download of conversations without the need of proprietary software Call Monitoring The inmate call-monitoring feature offers an investigative tool that allows authorized individuals to click on any call in progress and listen to the live conversation through a speakerphone or headset. The monitoring of live calls is undetectable by either the inmate or the called party and does not disrupt the recording process.There is no drop in volume or noticeable "click"when monitoring begins and the conversing parties are not aware of the monitor's presence. SECURUS City of Kent Police Department, WA - Proposal for Inmate Telephone Services 16 ©20115ecurus Technologies,Inc.All rights reserved. Call Recording Securus' SCP is designed with a configurable amount of year(s) for storage of recordings,all accessible through the online Web interface, for ease of access by City of Kent Police Department. No proprietary software is required to access SCP. Securus' SCP allows for live monitoring of calls in progress and playback of pre-recorded conversations via any Windows based multi-media Personal Computer workstation. Facility personnel (with appropriate password privileges) are able to monitor live calls or pre- recorded conversations by simply clicking on the speaker icon. City of Kent Police Department personnel with the appropriate level of security will be able to conduct investigations and listen to conversations from any PC with Web access allowing ease of use and portability. Below is a sample of a call detail report.To listen to the call,the user simply clicks on the speaker ICON on the left side of the screen. Sample Call Detail Report a P MU a e <tlOei3R<�art4 bemea T V.� a IIa T Of T p i T ac.aamn x w.ls.'s n-ae n s > I SECURUS' City of Kent Police Department, WA - Proposal for Inmate Telephone Services 17 ©2011 Securus Technologies,Inc.All rights reserved. Covert Alert SCP is equipped with a live call-forwarding feature for those numbers that are under surveillance by the investigative unit.The Covert Alert feature enables authorized personnel to monitor a call, from any designated remote location,while the call is in progress. Once a telephone number, PIN, or telephone is assigned a`covert alert'status,the user simply enters a telephone number (cellular, home, office, etc.) to which he or she wants the call sent for'Live' monitoring and their e-mail address.The call is then automatically re-routed once the call is accepted (also configurable by when the telephone number is dialed,prior to the call being accepted) by the called party and is in progress.There are no distance barriers to the retrieval process so the remote telephone number can be located within the facility or across the world.As an additional benefit, administrators may continue to monitor other calls, through the on-site workstation,while utilizing the'Covert Alert'live call-forwarding feature. In addition the Covert Alert feature has the capability to send an e-mail notification to the authorized personnel regarding the call in progress. The e-mail will provide the phone number being called, the telephone in use,the telephone group in which the telephone resides,the inmate name,the inmate account number, and if the call is being recorded(private calls will alert through e-mail only) Call Blocking During installation, a"Global List"table is established which allows for blocked number and denies inmates from making calls to specific numbers.Typically, access is denied to residential or business lines,including those of judges, sheriffs, facility personnel,jury members, attorneys and witnesses. Because Call Blocking tables often contain thousands of entries,SCP offers virtually unlimited blocking potential with a standard capability of 1,000,000 individual entries.The entries may consist of an entire area code,an entire exchange code within an area code, or a specific telephone number.All 800, 900 and 976 area codes are normally blocked along with all foreign area codes,unless specified.This blocked number list may be administered locally by facility personnel using the Administrative Workstation,or remotely by the Securus Technical Service Center.All blocked numbers have an associated 'block' reason code that is stored in the blocked number database for future reference. The S-Gate Global List page provides reporting and updates to this database. Called Party Blocking SCP provides an optional feature that allows the called party to permanently block future calls from the facility by dialing a predetermined digit on his or her telephone.This feature, when implemented,notifies the called party of this option during the call acceptance process. 5ECURUS' City of Kent Police Department, WA - Proposal for Inmate Telephone Services 18 ©20115ecurus Technologies,Inc.All rights reserved. Programmable Call Duration Specific call durations may be assigned to inmate accounts (PIN),inmate telephones, telephone groups, or globally by facility. For example,assigning the call duration to a PIN forces all permitted numbers for that PIN be limited to that duration,while assigning a different call duration to a telephone group only impacts that specific group of telephones.This type of programming resolution ensures that the call duration requirements of a facility can be met at many different and specific levels. Call Metering by Time Periods Calling limits may be programmed to establish thresholds for number of call attempts,accepts, denies, and total call duration for selected periods of time (days,weeks, or months).Time periods range from one to twenty-eight days, and may begin on any day of the week(i.e.,Wed- Tue).Should any of these adjustable thresholds be met during the selected time period,the caller is informed by voice announcement as to why his or her call cannot be completed. Speed Dial SCP allows programmable Speed Dial numbers that may be entered from any inmate telephone.A standard speed-dial table allows for translations from a dialed number into another dialed number.This allows for absolute translations of a seven or ten digit number into another or the translation of a 3 digit number into a telephone number.The speed dial numbers"110" or"Ill", for example, may represent specific requests such as inmate medical alerts or officer assistance requests.The capability also exists to merge additional features. Custody Accounts / PIN Operation (Open &Controlled) Each inmate telephone may be programmed for PIN or non-PIN operation.This allows the facility to utilize the PIN operation in maximum security or long-term areas,while allowing an "all calls" option in overnight,work release, or trustee areas.SCP has no limit or restrictions on the number of PIN or non-PIN inmate telephones operating at the facility. Some inmate facilities may choose to operate using a PIN system, under which each inmate is assigned a personal identification number (PIN).The inmate then enters his or her PIN before being allowed to make a telephone call. PINS also provide an audit trail of the specific inmate that placed a specific call. SCP enables the facility to allow or deny telephone numbers based on inmate identity. True Number Validation Securus also employs the most sophisticated intelligent validation network in the industry.As a real-time, computer telephony based switching system, the SCP never allows an inmate to be connected to a conventional dial tone.All dialed numbers are thoroughly analyzed before the call is allowed to process. This includes determining if the area code and exchange are valid, checking the number against any restrictions such as customer requested ® ' SECURUS blocks, and verifying through the national Line Information Database >w e City of Kent Police Department, WA- Proposal for Inmate Telephone Services 19 ©20115ecurus Technologies,Inc.All rights reserved. Billow (LIDB) that the number is able to receive collect calls, and is not a cellular or pay phone, pager, etc.Only once the dialed number passes all of these tests will it be dialed by the SCP.We currently serve several inmate facilities with our validation hub, and this collective information is very effective in reducing fraudulent and illicit calling. Debit Calling Securus provides debit calls through the Secure Call Platform. Debit calls through SCP have shown to grow County revenues 10%to 20%above their existing commissionable revenues. Securus' Debit Calling Account is one of the first new revenue generating inmate calling accounts in the correctional industry. Debit calling accounts allow Inmates to use funds immediately to pay for all calls -local,long distance,international, and cell phones (subject to facility restrictions). Inmates have more choices of who they can call and when. To offer Debit calling at City of Kent Police Department, Securus will install our easy-to-use Debit On SCP product that is accessed through our S-Gate portal for simple Account administration,tracking and reporting of call activity and financial results. Debit On SCP A Debit Calling Account offers all the benefits of a traditional prepaid calling product while minimizing the administrative burden on your facility employees.With Debit On SCP,an inmate-owned Debit Calling Account can be set up that does not require involvement of a friend or family member. It's an Account that's created automatically for each inmate as they are booked in,which eliminates manual work by facility staff.The inmate may then deposit funds directly into the Account or transfer funds from their commissary or trust account into their Debit Calling Account. With this software solution and inmate calling account,the facility will not only increase revenues,but decrease administrative expense,fraud, complaining, and overall hassle. Active Call Acceptance The SCP requires positive 'called party' acceptance in order for a two-way conversation to take place.When the called party answers the phone,the system's answer detection triggers the call acceptance voice message. This message announces the inmate's call and asks the called party if they wish to accept the charges of a collect call. The called party is instructed to dial a single digit on his or her own telephone to accept the collect call charges, or hang-up to disconnect the call and refuse charges.This 'active' acceptance procedure ensures that the called party does not get billed for any charges that they have not authorized. Bilingual Capability Each standard system is capable of providing message prompts in multiple languages (English and Spanish). An inmate selects a specific language at the beginning of the M 4= SECURUS call process by dialing a single digit.This will initiate the selected language City of Kent Police Department, WA - Proposal for Inmate Telephone Services 20 ©20115ecurus Technologies,Inc.All rights reserved. prompts to both the inmate and the called party in English or Spanish. Once the County has identified which languages they require, any new languages may be developed. Call Termination Warning Both the inmate and the called party are notified of call termination by voice prompting at one minute prior to the end of the call's pre-programmed time limit.All call records contain a 'reason for termination'code that indicates why a call ended. Real-Time Remote Call Forwarding Detection Securus leads the industry in fraud detection and prevention and is pleased to offer our latest enhancement, real-time Remote Call Forwarding Detection (RCFD) specifically designed for the SCP (Secure Call Platform) proposed in this response. Our RCFD solution provides the ability to immediately terminate a call in real time if it detects that a called parry's telephone number is call forwarded to another telephone number. As an added feature, SCP may be configured to not terminate the call,but simply make a"notation" in the database on the specific inmate's call if false disconnects are a concern. Three-Way Conference Calling Fraud Detection Securus is the industry leader when it comes to three-way call detection and prevention. Securus holds a series of patents surrounding this feature.Without this feature Inmates could enlist the aid of an outside accomplice to "conference"them,via Central Office-provided three- way calling,to an "unrestricted" line,bypassing the system controls.Without this protection, the offenders have in effect,unrestricted access to the outside world,defeating the correctional objectives and policies of the Department along with subjecting the public to offender harassment and fraud. The SCP is unique in its ability to detect and foil an accomplice's attempt to activate the three-way call. Once a three-way call attempt is detected,the system can be configured to initiate one or all of three available options as follows: 1. Warning, marking, and terminating calls identified and determined by the system to be a three-way call connection. 2. Warning called parties and the offender using specific tag lines that three-way calling or conference calling is not allowed and are subject to termination. 3. Marking/Tagging the suspected three-way call attempts for review by administrative or investigative personnel through the system's call detail reporting. With this more accurate three-way detection system, the City of Kent Police Department can retain valuable investigative intelligence while curtailing security breaches from calls which should not be connected. ® U.S. Patent#5,319,702 Methods and Apparatus for Detecting and Responding to Hook Flash Events Occurring on a Remote Telephone • U.S. Patent 45,539,812 Method an Attempted Three-Way Conference Call on a Remote Telephone SECURUS City of Kent Police Department, WA- Proposal for Inmate Telephone Services 21 ©2011 Securus Technologies,Inc.All rights reserved. • U.S. Patent#5,805,685 Three-Way Call Detection by Counting Signal Characteristics • U.S. Patent#5,796,811 Three-Way Call Detection Securus' patented Three-Way Call Detection feature has been proven in independent tests to have nearly flawless effectiveness. With all three-way call blocking methods,the technology requires "art" as well as science. Its configuration at each facility will be customized by Securus to adjust sensitive parameters and thresholds for optimum performance. This feature prohibits the major fraud practice possible with other automated and live- operator systems. hlmates could enlist the aid of an outside accomplice to "conference'them, via Central Office-provided three-way calling,to an"unrestricted"line,bypassing the system controls.Without this protection,inmates have in effect, unrestricted access to the outside world, defeating the correctional objectives and policies of the institution along with subjecting the public to inmate harassment and fraud.SCP is unique in its ability to detect and foil an accomplice's attempt to activate the three-way call feature by immediately disconnecting the call upon detection. Securus'SCP has the unique ability to disable three-way call detection on a telephone,telephone group,facility, particular number,or groups of numbers, such as attorneys. Second Dial Tone/Anti-Chain Dialing The SCP does not allow an inmate to obtain a second dial tone without termination of the first call. Follow-on, or"chain" dialing,is prevented by a combination of features.When the called party disconnects prior to, or without the inmate hanging up,the Public Switched Telephone Network(PSTN) should by today's standards not return a"second" dial tone. Instead,a pre- recorded message such as "If you would like to make a call, please hang up then place your call," is played to the inmate. Since not all Local Exchange Carriers implement this standard,the SCP uses the Securus patented Three-Way Call Detection System,plus standard battery, dial tone,and Dual Tone Multi-frequency(DTMF) prevention,to detect the called party's on-hook condition. The SCP constantly monitors the hookswitch of the inmate telephone. If the hookswitch is depressed at any time an internal dial tone reappears.This prevents hookswitch manipulation for fraudulent purposes and prevents dialing if a secondary dial tone is received after the called party hangs-up. Should an on-hook transition be missed by the SCP,the SCP continuously looks for the occurrence of DTMF tones and dial tone.After proper timing qualification of these tones,to prevent inadvertent disconnects due to ambient background noise,the SCP causes call termination resulting in the re-establishment of either the PIN tone, or dial tone to the inmate, forcing a new,fully-controlled call. Extra Dialed Digits The Call Control Processor incorporates sophisticated technology to identify specific activities and eliminate fraud attempts by not allowing extra digits to be dialed or passed to the carrier. Once a call is accepted any extra dialed digits will not be allowed. SECURUS City of Kent Police Department, WA - Proposal for Inmate Telephone Services 22 ©20115ecurus Technologies,Inc.All rights reserved. Call Branding The SCP currently brands each inmate call with the name of the facility and the name of the inmate placing the call. Recorded inmate names are tracked and associated with inmate custody account. SCP is a Centralized platform and when servicing a multiple facility environment and the inmate's stored name file automatically transfers with his or her custody account information to the destination facility. Calling Party Identification When the called party answers, the SCP call announcement message notifies the called party that they have a collect call from an inmate and states the name of the institution in which the inmate is located.The inmate's recorded name is announced to the called party as part of this call acceptance message to provide identification of the calling inmate. For example,a typical announcement may say, "You have a collect call from an inmate, "John Doe", at the City of Kent Police Department Jail."The facility name branding can be customized for every facility. Voice Overlay Voice overlay messages may be played throughout the call as an additional fraud protection feature.The frequency that the established message is played may be programmed by minute increments or a random setting.An example of a voice overlay message is"This call is from the City of Kent Police Department Jail." Fraud Detection Data Analysis The SCP,in combination with our Secure Call Network and our Network Operations Center is continuously analyzing call data and system parameters to detect any system anomalies, hardware failures, fraud indications,lowered revenue levels, or unusual usage patterns.All telephone activity is logged and statistically analyzed to detect any attempts at'Hookswitch Dialing', 'Black Boxing', 'Hacking',or any other fraudulent telephone activities. Controlled Talk/Listen Audio Paths To prevent the inmate from passing messages or harassing comments to the called party prior to call acceptance,the audio talk paths are separated until positive acceptance occurs.After the called party answers, the SCP plays the acceptance message to the called party and the inmate. During this time,the inmate cannot talk to the called party or proceed with any additional dialing.The two-way talk path is not established until the called party agrees to pay the charges by dialing an acceptance digit. Accurate Answer Supervision The Platform utilizes industry-standard telephony cards that incorporate sophisticated answer supervision techniques.These advanced methods enable the SCP to distinguish a legitimate call answer and call acceptance event from network ring and busy signals,answering machines, operator intercepts,SIT (Signal Interface Tones) tones, pagers, hacking, chain dialing,and other ?> SECURUS City of Kent Police Department, WA- Proposal for Inmate Telephone Services 23 ©2011 Serums Technologies,Inc.All rights reserved. ion non-conforming telephone activity.The SCP informs the inmate with one of the various reasons that the call was not completed. Rate Quote After the called party is notified by the SCP that they have a collect call from the City of Kent Police Department Jail,the called party hears a quote rating of the cost of the call.An example is "The cost of this call is $1.30 for the first minute and thirty-nine cents for each additional minute."The stated rates are dynamic and are calculated according to industry standard mileage using V and H coordinates of the originating and terminating locations. Quoted rates indicate the actual'billed' rates and may be discounted according to time of day and day of week.This feature must be enabled for all interstate interLATA calls to meet the requirements of the FCC. The feature may also be enabled for other types of calls including local and intraLATA calls. Alerts This feature enables facility personnel with password authorization to'tag'specific dialed numbers or PINs that provide notification when those 'tagged' parameters are detected in the process of a call.The SCP provides multi-level alerts that can be assigned to appropriate investigative groups. Real time alerts can be generated through the use of the Phone System Monitor.Otherwise there are various inmate reports available that can be used by the investigator through the online Web portal (S-Gate). PIN/PAN Calling List Administration The PIN (Personal Identification Number) tool offers very powerful call control features and expanded investigative tools.The PIN feature alone requires that each inmate use a PIN (typically his or her booking number) to successfully place a call.And,when the PAN (Personal Allowed Number) feature is incorporated,the inmate can place calls to only those numbers on his or her PAN list.Additionally,the PIN feature can control the inmate's pre-recorded name that may be used every time an inmate makes a call. Multi-level Password Protection The secure access tool is a multi-level password scheme specifically designed to enable facility administrators to assign different levels of access to individuals who will use different features of the SCP.While a high access level allows clearance to all functions of a particular SCP tool, a medium access level may only allow access to a particular function or functions within the same tool.A low access level maybe given to duty officers to routinely use the information search function of a given tool,while denying access or clearance to other functions or features. C_ '> SECURUS City of Kent Police Department, WA - Proposal for Inmate Telephone Services 24 ©2011 Securus Technologies,Inc.All rights reserved. User Management b t a t�.rgmt. Mana9tm<M LtvN.. l K t(6T. q t'yAdd\m'i Neme _ Det[flgll[n _ Prtde(ined �y *>'J Ca:Bes Capltvs Vum tldy v'� *"J Ma^Roe tlttA'otdmmJ.eavi. O Mm:nAa\v Tdmttska^[Rtit'. �+,( � 1i41q' .SkNMWSRiCAy RdJ "�. :� LLCC Cry'fM CXP M'.S[m'3 `O uteerpxr has rer an I { b Tlramtd Usn '.Usa nd:aN adorn oohs /X !j 5eea#t 5uxmiw 1W3M1di Lxpeans i K .�� x .wrn,M rs ea9s Managing Security Roles/Access Levels User Management INFORMATIONFILL IN T"IPLATE °P i° Captains View only CONTROLLED Admin Security Templates El El Admin 13se�Management0 E] Monitor-Forward Call y� gMonrtor Gsten t°Llve Calls and Recordings ❑y �. Call Data The SCP stores all Call Detail Records on a centralized Storage Area Network(SAN), located within the data centers.This data is kept in a proprietary format that provides detail for management reports,fraud analysis, and conversion to industry standard billing formats.All Call Detail Records are collected daily by Securus' Billing Systems for billing purposes and are archived at our secure Data Center. Station On and Off Timers The SCP may be programmed to automatically enable or disable telephones at different times of the day or night. Multiple programmable on or off times are provided for each individual telephone group,facility, and/or specific inmate custody account to SECUR US. eliminate the need for manually disconnecting inmate telephones during City of Kent Police Department, WA - Proposal for Inmate Telephone Services 25 ©20115ecurus Technologies,Inc.All rights reserved. curfew hours. Changes to the on and off timers may be implemented by authorized facility personnel or remotely by Securus. Manual Station Control Through the remote kill switch, individual telephones, telephone groups,sites or facilities,and the entire customer can be taken out of service instantaneously.The Remote Kill switch is accessed through S-Gate by authorized facility staff,remotely, and anywhere or anytime access. Emergency disconnects are immediate,they can usually be accomplished in less than thirty seconds. Manual Station Control RllaysAM'a++4wa�.am..�,sP.'evadsaMss.ro._.. ��AA:X � �P'. 8 • - lom "sl Pn c enw. W na9 tltve4i� - »�= V�aILIM ciy�o � 44fiusr -'' Gbb Irlsts G�SNafWW Ca11F rdi Pt 6e ups Yrtu IGeWps 4 �"i"r�ya:�Sr iti Ds bl A. t3 wdmm :Ioo-E. -- Call Monitoring In SCP, the call monitoring list may be sorted to show all telephones currently on hook(not being used) or off hook (being used).The SCP Live Monitoring screen also allows additional investigative capabilities to show recent call history to a particular telephone number or from a particular telephone, reducing the time needed for certain investigation.The check boxes located at the bottom left-hand portion of the call monitoring screen is used to sort the call list by any of the above categories. • Select the R Active calls only check box to show the telephones that are currently being used (off hook) L:? SECURUS City of Kent Police Department, WA- Proposal for Inmate Telephone Services 26 ©20115ecurus Technologies,Inc.All rights reserved. • Uncheck the Active calls only option to show all telephone locations within the facility • Select the ® sort Phones check box to short the list by telephone location • Simply select the telephone location or the Dialed Number to see a recent call history of the selected item listed in descending order To listen to a 'live' conversation simply click the 4,1) icon at the beginning of the line of the selected 'In Progress'call.The icon blinks III) a darker shade,indicating monitoring is in progress,as well as the player at the bottom of the screen shows actual call in progress and the conversation is heard through speakers connected to the workstation. Call Monitoring a 'cusmmer -5rte Pb .Gmup� Phalle Ma Bement level, Renal&y CCC_ °IECC elaciCum Cnrred Y�°'FII Fhene Gmupz FI Fhore� _ v Y Play Location A,,t Ho. Prepaid Dialed City,st Feid Our Pm Wald, Status GWeANumber Call Oate/Toe _Acct No. Numner (s) W66642727 12G920W 1241204 4) ® At-2 2b69V 6655353753 336 F,ag ss 270904175S 12i19-2M t2,09,� f {r ® AI-5 16>90J - --- 502AWZJ0 -LOUISyILLE, E3 'so- ---call ia 2709041755 1209-e0080:07tV yr F/09 2D9W37,f`+ -ns-2cus a2 as:v"6 $1 ® DI-1 175t3l 2709041755 EON131GG0.F1! j' I69 IC( FiOgress 2]05J538}2 12 G9209911:30:08: 60v39S9704 t2 a9-2a09;ins0:23 8593942153 t2 09 2c09 a0:s3:t0: 'Vo¢83yT S iFC�200�,2317,58 270312S95 12-05 2GG923 17ID' 270i!31?S8T, i2:oa—ms23115:35 270 12 U-200923 1•:.3 2JU31557�9 i2-08 20p0�3a5:29 D02313Y]fi 32 C926d323'13.t3. SQ2e ,,2o$ 12-00-2Qd323:01tO1, shining cans firm Ot-2 ACLre Calls Cnly ]Surt Fhon¢s stopped 0:00:07.1630:09:19.933 amFlee 200655CURU5 Tecbncicglel,Gu.,Daoas,TX J S.A.,All a,l,ts Aezened. To stop monitoring a call in progress,simply click the `"'stop icon on the player.You may also fast forward, rewind, and pause playing the conversation on your speakers. Remote Monitoring To forward a call in progress to another telephone for remote monitoring, click the w ' icon under the "Fwd" column of the in progress call. 9. - SECURUS ------------ City of Kent Police Department, WA - Proposal for Inmate Telephone Services 27 2011 Securus Technologies,Inc.All rights reserved. low The 'Forwarding Cal/'selection tool shown below appears allowing the user to select which telephone number they would like to forward the call to or create a new telephone number and forward the call. Number Description 3606401626 Jackie 5046167174 Mitch 7163104025 mike 9726725405 74 9739308720 cell 978877.02511tt Forward to: —) Description:LF The confirmation dialog box appears to verify if you wish to forward the call. nw+„ ill Are you sure you wish to forward this call to 9722770324? OK Cancel. Constant Fraud Controls The SCP uses an automated operator exclusively.When a call is processed,any unnecessary dialing or hookswitch activity results in termination of the call,thereby eliminating potential fraudulent activities.These control features are the result of the SCP's ability to control all aspects of the call process including providing its own line voltage to the inmate station, isolating it from direct connectivity to a local telephone company. Standard Reports The SCP has a dedicated reports writer that provides investigative information based on the Call Detail Records.This comprehensive,sophisticated reporting tool provides standard reports; however, the specific information requested for these reports is determined on a user entered criteria basis by the parameters of a specific request. The SCP is capable of searches and call detail analysis on all calls placed SECURUS' from each inmate telephone through the SCP which includes date, time and City of Kent Police Department,.WA - Proposal for Inmate Telephone Services 28 20115ecurus Technologies,Inc.All rights reserved. R • duration, telephone number or origination and destination,if utilized, inmate ID,reason for termination, and much more. Call details are kept on all call attempts, except those to blocked numbers.The standard reports can be customized by varying search criteria such as date range,facility,or call length.Additionally,specialized reports,such as frequently called numbers,blocked call detail reports, Personal Allowed Numbers spanning multiple inmate custody accounts,hourly usage reports,and more. Standard SCP Reports a g�..rzti. 9-., w.J-u..•. a a e 4tlpfiiRNdG,3evcM1 Y.. n w, ems,. ... v. ..., .e:,:... .,_ka .., ....... ... �.,..�. ,.w..m. ....... �....... ...-.....«. M. w, ....., r c y o o < y H Export Capabilities The SCP Investigative Report modules allow the user to save a report as a file, in the Adobe® PDF format, Microsoft Excel,or CSV(comma separated file) file format. Reports may be saved to a variety of destinations.This feature allows for fast and convenient access to reports for future retrieval or sharing. SECURUS City of Kent Police Department, WA - Proposal for Inmate Telephone Services 29 0 20115ecurus Technologies,Inc.All rights reserved. ServiceThe Securus i Securus provides superior customer service capabilities from a state-of-the-art customer service center in Carrollton,Texas. Securus'Technical Support Center (TSC) is staffed by 60 technical center professionals and handles approximately 10,000 inbound queries per month. The TSC uses a call distribution system to automatically manage the flow of inbound customer calls.The TSC provides a single-point-of-contact where a facility may inquire on items such as remedial maintenance issue or trouble that may arise 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, 365 days a year.There are three (3) convenient ways for a facility to obtain service: e-mail, facsimile, and by telephone. The Service Center offers: • Technical support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year • Fully trained staff of support professionals to answer calls • Sixty professionals to ensure quick problem resolution and a higher level of customer service • Service event tracking to drive resolutions • Prioritized calls and analyzed reports to ensure service level agreements are met • Certified technicians to provide quick problem resolution • Ownership of every issue via training,support, other departments,information, etc • System and individual site connectivity monitored 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, 365 days a year Recognizing the need to understand and track customers'service history and response time, Securus implemented the HEAT software for event tracking system. HEAT is a Web-based system that logs,tracks, manages,and assures appropriate response to all support queries.The service query results in a trouble ticket with priority level assignment,which drives the query diagnosis and response process.More than 95percent of all service queries are addressed remotely through the call center. Securus has established standard response times and service levels that accomplish our key objective, as your premier provider, of achieving the highest level of service to all our customers. Standard SCP Service Levels Each service query will be assigned an initial priority level.Upon contact from the facility, each service query is assigned one of three initial priority levels. Each level has a resolution and escalation timeline.When a query is received, the Securus technician uses proper diagnosis and isolation procedures to determine if there is problem. City of Kent Police Department, WA- Proposal for Inmate Telephone Services 30 ©2011 Securus Technologies,Inc.All rights reserved. • If a problem is found,the reason for the problem is determined and either immediately resolved or the technician will engage the appropriate party for problem resolution. The TSC retains ownership of any reported queries, and is responsible for the escalation and update functions. Every effort is made to resolve the problem remotely,within the framework of the resolution timeframes. If the problem cannot be resolved remotely, a service technician is dispatched to the facility to expedite problem resolution. P3 Service Level A P3 assignment occurs when less than 5 percent of system functionality is adversely affected by the system event and can include single and multiple telephone-related issues. Examples of P3 service assignments include items such as: • Static on the phone • A parry's inability to hear • An inmate's inability to dial • A broken telephone • Non-functioning dial pad • Non-functioning cut off switches • An inability to generate reports Response time for a P3 event is 72 hours. Customer Communication Guideline: • If a dispatch is not required Securus notifies the facility when the service issue is resolved. • If a technician is required Securus contacts the customer with an estimated time of arrival. A P3 event is escalated to the Technical Support Department. P2 Service Level A P2 assignment occurs when 5 percent to 29 percent of system functionality is adversely affected by the system event. Examples of a P2 service assignment would include problems or errors with items such as: • Workstation o Specific system ports • LEC circuits • Unblocks • Block numbers City of Kent Police Department, WA - Proposal for Inmate Telephone Services 31 0 2011 Securus Technologies,Inc.All rights reserved. • MissingCDRs • Call searching Response time for a P2 event is 24 hours. Customer Communication Guideline: • If a dispatch is not required Securus notifies the facility when the service issue is resolved. • If a technician is required Securus contacts the customer with an estimated time of arrival. A P2 event is escalation to the Technical Support Department. P1 Service Level A P1 event is our highest service level,occurs when 30 percent or more of system functionality is adversely affected by the system event. Examples of P1 service assignments would include items such as: • Voice prompts not operating • Features not operating appropriately • CD-burning abilities disabled • Live call monitoring not operating appropriately • S-gate access denied • All telephones are out-of-service Response Time for a P1 event is 2 hours. Customer Communication Guideline: • If a dispatch is not required Securus notifies the facility when the service issue is resolved. • If a technician is required Securus contacts the customer with an estimated time of arrival. A P1 event is escalation to the following people: • Technical Support Department • Technical Support Manager • Technical Support Director o Regional Field Manager • Executive Director of Service If resolution is delayed, escalation procedures within Securus'Management Team are activated to ensure appropriate resources are allocated to resolve the problem. SECURL1 _ City of Kent Police Department, WA - Proposal for Inmate Telephone Services 32 20115ecurus Technologies,Inc.All rights reserved. Securus Correctional Billing Services Securus Correctional Billing Services (CBS) is the only nationwide provider to offer Customer Care and Account Activation Centers solely dedicated to the friends and family members of inmates. Representing approximately 2,400 correctional facilities nationwide,we serve our customers utilizing Customer Service Representatives and Automated Assistants 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Customer Service Representative Support is available in English and Spanish languages.We also provide customer service information via toll free number through our Automated IVR System (800-844-6591), e-mail, and Web site (chat and self-service). Additionally, CBS also provides personal account access through our Web site at www.correctionalbillingservices.com or by e-mailing them directly at customer service0securustech.net. The online Web site includes the ability to chat with our customer service staff. Customer's questions, complaints,refund requests and telephone number blocks and unblocks, etc. can be handled by our support staff and also via our self service Web site. Our customers can rely on best-in-class inmate communications solutions to meet their every need. To establish an equitable relationship for every need,our CBS centers offer inmate families workable payment options such as prepayment of their charges, remittance directly to the local telephone company,plus billing directly from CBS.We offer several payment methods for our prepayment and direct billing accounts, including an Automated IVR System, Live Person and Web site,using Credit Card and Check.We have alternative payment options including Western Union and payments by mail (i.e.money orders, cashier checks,personal check). Numbers may be auto-blocked for a number of different reasons.When this occurs,the customers are informed of this situation by an automated message.The message advises them of the restriction and the reason.The CBS toll free number is then given and repeated, inviting the customer to call the center for additional information and instruction as to how the restriction maybe removed. The CBS staff is able to assist the customer with other issues, relating to their collect call charges. CBS is a dedicated group,specializing in: • Setting up and funding accounts • Making payment arrangements • Obtaining information on credit limits o Resolving complaints • Blocking and unblocking numbers • Reviewing call durations and history SECURUS' City of Kent Police Department, WA - Proposal for Inmate Telephone services 33 ©20115ecurus Technologies,Inc.All rights reserved. • Learning about Western Union options • Receiving information on new services • Confirming originating facility • Reviewing account balances • Answering questions and helping customers with refund requests • Managing account notifications • Troubleshooting calls not completing • Billing disputes and adjustments • Call rating inquires • Site information We diligently survey our customers and measure satisfaction ratings so that we can find ways to improve our service levels. Our customer satisfaction scores for our call center are 20% higher than the industry standard. Our customer service agents are highly trained on inmate telephone system issues and in satisfying the specific needs of called parties. We offer both English speaking and Spanish speaking agents. Further, CBS maintains billing agreements with most of the LEC's, RBOC's and IXC's which allow CBS to include its monthly statement for charges,incurred by the called party, on their monthly billing statements. `° SECURUS City of Kent Police Department, WA - Proposal for Inmate Telephone Services 34 2011 Securus Technologies,Inc.All rights reserved. Telephone Specifications- Securus Inmate Telephones are the strongest and most reliable units available, and are designed specifically for the prison environment. The dimensions of our inmate telephones are 2 1/2 inches deep, 11 1/zinclnes high,and 5 inches wide. The shipping weight of our inmate telephones is 101bs. The standard length of the receiver cord and stainless steel lanyard is 18 inches. Inmate Phone with Volume Control The Industry Standard • The overwhelming choice for State Prison Systems,the Federal Bureau of Prisons, County and City Facilities nationwide. • Proven reliability,durability,and flexibility. Features: • All-in-one electronic dial features modular incoming line and handset connections for quick maintenance. Carbon (HS) and DuraClear® (DURA) Handsets have separate 4-pin connections. • Built-in user controlled volume"LOUD"button for ADA mandated volume control (must be user-controlled volume amplification AND volume must reset to normal with on-hook to meetADA requirements) • Powder Coated cold rolled steel provides rugged vandal resistant telephone housing designed and built for inmate use • Confidencer technology,built into every dial, filters out background noise at the user's location,allowing better sound to the called party • Heavy chrome metal keypad bezel,buttons, and hookswitch lever designed to meet or exceed the industry standard • Armored handset cord is equipped with a steel lanyard(1000#pull strength) and secured with a 14 gauge retainer bracket for maximum vandal resistance and durability • Handset has sealed transmitter and receiver caps,suitable for heavy use and abuse locations • Pin-in-head security screws that meet or exceed industry standards to help minimize tampering • Hearing aid compatible and FCC registered (DF4USA-75652-CC-E) ar SECURUS- City of Kent Police Department, WA - Proposal for Inmate Telephone Services 35 ©2011 Securus Technologies,Inc.All rights reserved. Optional Features Securus is committed to the research and development of advanced technological solutions to help Counties,Administrative, Corrections and Law Enforcement staff creates greater efficiencies within their operations. Evidence of recently developed applications which demonstrate our commitment to delivering relevant solutions includes: Continuous Voice Verification with Investigator Pro Investigator Pro's advanced voice identification technology was originally developed for the U.S.Department of Defense ' for covert surveillance. Before its development,no technology existed that was capable of performing the type of advanced Heitable surveillance functions to meet their needs.To solve this rnyestlgatkve t problem,the Department of Defense approached the Results " C Massachusetts Institute of Technology,home of the best voice analysis engineers in the world. MIT was tasked with creating a E system to automatically monitor and analyze phone calls. Not surprisingly,they succeeded—and delivered a cutting-edge solution with unprecedented capabilities. In the current version of the Investigator Pro,inmate call voices are analyzed immediately after the call has been completed.Alerts are instantly available in investigators in the real time status screen at the completion of each voice analysis.In the first quarter 2011 product release, Investigator Pro will provide real-time alerts as calls are in progress. Every second of every call is analyzed.Investigator Pro does not use intermittent verification because this type of identification allows inmates to converse undetected by passing the telephone when the verification is prompted. Through its relationship with MIT,JLG Technologies was granted an exclusive license to bring this revolutionary technology to the corrections community.Securus is pleased to offer this technology option to the City of Kent Correctional Facility. Anatomy of Investigator Pro'" Investigator Pro comes with an advanced Call Player,multiple reports,and even an interactive dashboard-all designed to provide investigators with the tools they need to expose inmates who try to beat the system by hiding their identities to engage in criminal activity. The modules in Investigator Pro include: °> SECURUS City of Kent Police Department, WA - Proposal for Inmate Telephone Services 36 ©20115ecurus Technologies,Inc.All rights reserved. • QuickFind'"- Puts critical information at your fingertips • Voice Search"-Find calls where inmate's voice is found • CallFinder'"- Filter calls based on dozens of criteria • MyCallRevieW"-Return to the calls important to you • Suspicious CallFinder" -Find all high-suspicion calls • NoteManager" -View, filter,and create notes on calls • ReportMaker'"-Run reports on various telephone system abuses • Stats-View key messages and monitor analysis progress Sample Investigator Pro Modules Proprietary and Confidential xuNe.e{\xMr M.ry unua.afM irc Tait` mrMMtt iJ a Cm.«ra nrwo. p. Cmm im.++•Ww+"�. 1 I "grnN a ffgry Target Cgs for Reviewa :' sue- ggfuza2nx u a aswv,W .tes® ^.t:1 wn n� >m ®,ate c iry F gg>�eyem�ass®rra®R� rmanae ess tr s a it .ox✓, I 'I 4 SECURUS City of Kent Police Department, WA - Proposal for Inmate Telephone services 37 ©20115ecurus Technologies,Inc.All rights reserved. Threads"'" As an option,Securus can provide City of Kent with our new,powerful investigative software called Threads'",exclusive to Securus and not available from any other provider. , Securus understands the lifecycle of intelligence and investigating communications data and the challenges investigators,detectives,and corrections facility staff face in both time and resources, such as the following: • Pulling reports • Exporting information • Sending information to someone else • Contacting other facilities for information • Combining all the information together e Receiving information in many different formats '" % r • The daunting task of identifying suspicious behavior in the information provided to uncover focused leads Even when key information is gathered,investigators have to determine where all of the data will go as well as the time consuming method of analysis. • What if you had a 24x7 analyst that you didn't have to provide a salary or benefits to? • How much time and money would be saved? o What if you had a sense of liability protection knowing access to the data is controlled, logged,tracked,and available to only authorized users? The Securus Threads product provides the means to answer these questions.The unique algorithms used within Threads were designed by real investigators with many years of experience analyzing communications data and training other investigative units on how to analyze data. r.• �, -- SECURUS City of Kent Police Department, WA - Proposal for Inmate Telephone Services 38 ©20115ecurus Technologies,Inc.All rights reserved. o . . Threads Designers Robert Lottero and Bryan Shouldice were directly involved in designing how Threads analyzes data.Mr.Lottero is a top expert in telephonic investigative analysis. He leads a group that currently supports the U.S.Department of State,Diplomatic Security Service (DSS) as a communications intelligence analyst. Mr.Lottero has been involved in criminal investigations, counter-terrorism investigations,and counter-intelligence operations for almost 30 years,both as a contract analyst and as a sworn law enforcement officer.He has provided investigative support to Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Drug Enforcement Administration(DEA),Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS),U.S. Customs,New York Police Department(NYPD) Mr.Lottero writes a monthly article for the FBI detailing the latest communication and intelligence techniques that he has developed in his investigative work. Bryan Shouldice is a 30-year veteran of law enforcement with proven expertise in major case management,intelligence analysis,and international experience in software development and implementation.As a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police,Mr.Shouldice conducted major case investigations into all types of criminal activities. He served as the Executive Case Manager and Intelligence Section Head within the Coordinated Law Enforcement Unit of British Columbia. Mr.Shouldice currently works as an investigative consultant on high-profile cases in the Vancouver Police department. Managing Investigative Data Securus understands that during the course of an investigation,the law enforcement community is inundated with data.Data is coming from different sources in different formats with numerous potential leads that can be followed. Each lead potentially creates many more leads to be followed. We understand investigators are quickly overwhelmed with the amount of information they must analyze as well as the time and resources required to manage, retrieve,and analyze the data to identify those leads that are most likely to uncover important information. Sources of Information • Inmate call records • Confiscated cell phones (such as calls,text • Inmate personal information(such as messages,emails,videos,and contacts) name,account number,PIN,DOB,and SSN) • Corrections facility information in • Who the inmate is allowed to call versus proximity to calling behaviors who is actually called • Events and places of interest • Called party billing name and address • Mail information • Lexus Nexus • Public phone records • SS7 information SECURUS' City of Kent Police Department, WA - Proposal for Inmate Telephone Services 39 ©2011 Securus Technologies,Inc.All rights reserved. All corrections data (such as call records,phone numbers,billing name and address) is automatically and fully integrated with Threads the moment Threads is enabled.All other sources of '' e data are imported into Threads and _ analyzed together to automatically build an investigation. r L., 9 For example,Threads will uncover g calling patterns that lead to a high x probability an inmate has a cell phone. That cell phone is confiscated and the information pulled from it using a Cellebrite UFED device or similar tool. m This information is uploaded into Threads,and all that valuable data is analyzed along with the corrections communication data to uncover an inmate's plot to escape or run an organized crime syndicate from inside the facility. After determining a suspect on the outside of the facility is involved and mapping out the address, the investigator acquires the public phone records and imports that information into Threads, which is again analyzed with all the other gathered information.This all takes place in one location, with one tool, and is completely integrated with Securus SCP data. Securus'SCP is the most widely used platform in the industry,with approximately 1,700 facilities installed,more than 850,000 inmates served,literally petabytes of intelligence data,and in excess of 1 million calls processed per day.This valuable data is integrated directly into Threads and could be available at City of Kent's fingertips. Powerful, Accurate, Easy to Use Threads is a powerful,accurate, easy-to-use,intuitive tool that will automatically analyze investigative data such as :max inmate communication records, public phone records,and data from confiscated cell phones to automatically generate I focused leads for investigators. Leads can include suspicious calling patterns,inner circles,communication events to numbers on a bounce list,associations between multiple inmates,their correlation to called parties,and much more. Additionally,this powerful software provides dayroom-based analysis that discovers leads irrespective of the PIN being used by the inmate and common contact reporting showing inmates who are facilitating communications between different areas of the institution. City of Kent investigative staff can easily uncover patterns of fraternization between inmates and correctional officers, discover common contacts between inmates )' SECURUS City of Kent Police Department, WA - Proposal for Inmate Telephone Services 40 ©20115ecurus Technologies,Inc.All rights reserved. e � and called parties,and customize the information and reporting to filter out irrelevant calls such as to girlfriends or legal counsel from analysis. Threads will detect criminal organizations being run from within jail, detect three-way calling patterns when multiple inmates are talking to one called party at the same time,find associations of multiple called parties based on who is calling them, and identify inmates who possibly have a cell phone based on calling patterns. For instance,if an inmate makes six calls per day,every day,but then all of a sudden doesn't make any for a week,it is possible they have another way to communicate,such as a cell phone. Graphic Representation All information is presented graphically as well as textually such as the example presented in the following figure. Activity and Hole Detection Proprietary and ConFdential Prisoner k1:SUB-0008 3446889 January 27,2008 04:09 PM-September 04,2008 04:42 PM Si53dajsxi(h 69J er¢gts- Emn "AmabeAJ9{eveiKperday rfmrrl.' 396day;'T�It3 nN6 .,296 dayzgrth�svm6' 9146,da�s;�. �Amaezgf39]ie9mts Pe'day. 4 .. .. Lvw A<En'[y IHyM1 HOIe Bai¢Lvn�I:unLae13140a�a. 1Halx 299 Days WjAS93 eem6 :289 dayfwi1410]ggntr�.`. '.kRra6eaC39]d rtyenK Per dgY � rivoa€E9r3s.6 cyen{syvday' k }J39 da)ivAN899 erm7 A erag¢o(4916 evm6puday Timeline charts and graphical analysis make it easy to show periods of high-intensity calling and other calling patterns on a graphical and interactive timeline.This technology identifies the inmate even if the calls are masked by another inmate's PIN and eliminates the human intervention by receiving actionable intelligence at the push of a button.Additionally,Threads allows you to set up � SECURUS City of Kent Police Department, WA - Proposal for Inmate Telephone Services 41 0 20115ecurus Technologies,Inc.All rights reserved. o • automated notifications,which will email an investigator when information is found. Threads analyzes data for investigators and provides interactive visualization tools to produce easy-to-understand analytical reports,charts,interactive graphs,maps, and builds a case and presentation view that can be used as evidence in a criminal trial. Investigative Benefits for City of Kent • Cell phone forensics analysis • Identify accomplices • Inmates contact people on the outside indirectly,identify who they are "really"contacting • Identify linkages • Identify an inmate's inner circle • Identify associated gang members • Identify an inmate's communications within jail • Find unique patterns in communications data • Combine all the data into a single system to analyze • Harvest all of this information with enhanced reporting tools Securus'Threads is an exclusive investigative technology that no other provider can offer to the correctional industry. Threads will be available as an optional product and empowers City of Kent with the latest in investigative technology and one of the most powerful investigative tools in the intelligence community. SECURUS' City of Kent Police Department, WA - Proposal for Inmate Telephone Services 42 ©20115ecurus Technologies,Inc.All rights reserved. Secure Instant Mail Traditionally, facilities provide inmate communications through the telephone and through U.S. Mail. Understanding this,Securus has developed a solution to automate facilities'mail processes and make them safer,more secure,less labor intensive,more visible,more investigative, and even profitable. Secure Instant Mail enables friends and family members to establish a prepaid email account with Securus to securely send and receive email messages to inmates. These prepaid email transactions are commissionable,adding an incremental source of revenue to City of Kent. Secure Instant Mail was designed to take facilities: 10111 r A manual mail process ✓ An automated email process No revenue related to inmate mail ✓ Increased facility revenue through entails Limited investigative capabilities ✓ Archived,searchable email database I Potential mailed contraband risks ✓ No mailed contraband physically possible Labor intensive mail security ✓ Increased security through automation Limited visibility of inmate mail traffic interactive email activity dashboard _- Facility staff dedicated to a mail room ✓ Anytime,anywhere email review and approval process from laptops or even smart phones Standard sort and deliver mail method `Flexible mail options designed to work with facilities'unique needs Secure Instant Mail also considers the communication needs of inmates'friend and family members in City of Kent communities, enabling them to: • Access a simple email interface,designed to look and feel like other public email clients. • Initiate the communication with the innate to send and receive entails and even pictures-anytime, anywhere. • Gain peace of mind, knowing the inmate received the mail by viewing approved email delivery receipts. • Communicate more frequently without the need of stamps, envelopes,and on their schedule. How It Works Secure Instant Mail is similar to standard email,but built for the corrections environment,meaning it was designed to be flexible,secure, efficient—and profitable. SECURUS City of Kent Police Department, WA - Proposal for Inmate Telephone Services 43 20115ecurus Technologies,Inc.All rights reserved. o . ... ._. _... Cy ,.SECURUS zq - 1. Account Setup and Sending Email — -- The inmate's friend or family member sets up a Secure Instant Mail account by going to www.securustech.net. Using the Secure Instant Mail website,they can select 7 the facility and inmate receiving the email,compose the W email,select messaging options, pay for the email and send the email. Messaging options include requesting approval notifications,prepaying for inmate responses,and even uploading pictures.The email is then processed through the system for the facility's approval before it is sent to the inmate. 2. Facility Approval Authorized facility staff logs into the facility's Secure Instant Mail website with a secure user name and password to manage inmate emails. Staff can review,approve,and reject emails and pictures. This process is simplified through a customizable automatic word search engine,which flags illicit and potentially illicit words in the emails. The following figure illustrates the system's capability to flag pending emails that contain word warnings.Their critical relevance is indicated as"red" or"yellow."The facility staff can easily point and click for approval or rejection from any approved PC at anytime,anywhere. Secure Instant Mail Inbox with Red and Yellow Warning Word Indicator Proprietary and Confidential SECURUS- t:r Ma aez Apycrt ReJE.Y J4Sd _ Grci� ?dE[o Acz 1�1 Naiz w,R C'eTae ] lane Doe Happy Birthday Test l/ll/1033 1 u:seua wn fare ose Tezt vl&+zolz X sexed -i s:34:st.w en xda -1 ....lane Dae Merl a9aln 1/ts/zDlz o lz:zaa>ex a .a >ofl) aadrazet uss,z9tz , ' lue ae tLST.z9 Al Once the email is approved, it is archived and can be distributed to the inmate. If the friend or family member has selected to be notified,they would receive an automatic reply email at this time, confirming the approval. 3. Delivery to the Inmate C�; SECURUS' City of Kent Police Department, WA - Proposal for Inmate Telephone Services 44 0 20115ecurus Technologies,Inc.All rights reserved. City of Kent inmates will receive the email through optional methods including print format and by accessing a Securus Video Visitation kiosk(if available in the facility). Inmates may reply to their email through kiosks or by submitting their written response to facility staff to be approved and scanned into the system to be sent via email to the friend or family member. Improving City of Kent Operations through Automation and Innovation Secure Instant Mail was not only designed to provide City of Kent with additional revenue,but also to improve mail room operations security and efficiency.This is accomplished through fully integrated technology that places all automated tools needed to create,approve,send,and receive, and respond to email in the hands of the users. Secure Instant Mail... • Eliminates the need to open, analyze,sort,translate, or x-ray mail. • Reduces contraband,improving the safety of City of Kent officers as well as inmates. • Speeds up the emails approval process through integrated word search engine with a built- in, editable dictionary. • Enhances investigations by archiving each email in a secure centralized database. Through the Secure Instant Mail website,investigators can search for emails by inmate,sender, date range,keyword,and much more. • Provides an interactive dashboard of email traffic by type,status,and date—giving administrators a complete email management tool right at their fingertips. Secure Instant Mail Message Search and Interactive Dashboard Proprietary and Confidential SECURU3 a��sasea,�n {SECURUS' � I ) SECURUS' City of Kent Police Department, WA - Proposal for Inmate Telephone Services 45 2011 Securus Technologies,Inc.All rights reserved. Inmate Voice Mail Securus is one of the only innate telecommunication vendors to provide secure voicemail opportunities to the facility.Voicemail provides a new path of communication for inmates,their friends and family members,and attorneys.Securus'Voice Mail enables two-way messages to be left,meaning the inmate can leave messages for their attorney or friends and family,and receive a response by voice mail. This benefits inmates and other involved parties because it allows communication even when the called party isn't at the phone to receive the call. In addition to communication options,it provides investigative opportunities and a new revenue source for the facility. In the past,facilities have hesitated to offer a voice messaging system because of the lack of system capabilities and security concerns.Accordingly,one-way telephone calls are still the primary form of communication. If a call is placed and the called party does not answer,communication is not possible and the call is terminated. Limited communication options have caused complaints to be filed by inmates and friends and family members resulting in increases in staff labor due to the handling of complaints,as well as a reduction in facility operational efficiencies due to the loss of contact availability. How It Works Securus has simplified the process for using Voice Mail.Any caller that has a Voice Mail account with the existing platform can leave a voice message. Messages can be left for individual inmates or multiple inmates in multiple facilities. City of Kent provides a secure password-protected account for inmates to use this feature and designates specific inmate telephones in which Voice Mail can be retrieved. System Security Since messaging runs on Securus'SCP,facilities have the same control of recording and monitoring as with their inmate telephone system. Only the inmate,the sender,and approved facility personnel can access Voice Mail messages. Features and Benefits The messaging application provides an additional form of communication and a new revenue source on inbound Voice Mail. Increased Investigating Capabilities Messaging provides investigators with the same recording and monitoring capabilities as any call. However,with friends and family member's new capability to call and leave a message, investigative possibilities are increased substantially. Hardware/Software Requirements There is no need for a computer because messaging is handled in the same way as a call on the facility's SCP system. ® `> SECURU$ City of Kent Police Department,WA - Proposal for Inmate Telephone Services 46 ©20115ecurus Tech nologies,Inc.All rights reserved. r i i I r Securus is proposing the following commission offering for City of Kent Police Department: 0 50% Collect commission rate* ® 50% Debit commission rate* • 30% Discount Rate for Prepaid Calling Cards* • 3 year term ® The latest in inmate telephone technology. Our SCP platform will add benefits of improved call quality, more effective investigations, reduce inmates' grievance, improve call uptime,greater flexibility, and scalability for future growth and newer technologies applied immediately when required. o All service, installation, and maintenance at no cost to the City of Kent Police Department. Option 1—Current Rates Connection Per Connection Per Connection Per Minute Minute Minute Local Current Current i Current Current Current Current Intrla(a/Intrastate Current Current Current Current Current Current Ipte Wg/Intrastate Current Current Current Current Current Current 1pte atalInterstate Current Current Current Current Current Current - - Base Commission Rate 50% 50% 50% JLG Option $0.25 Non-Commissionable Surcharge (30.40 interstate) Threads Option $0.10 Community Nan-Commissionable Surcharge($o.is no community) Prepaid Calling Cards 30% Discount Rate *Commission rates based on current calling rates. Commissions are paid on Gross Revenue. a ` sr--ruRiIS City of Kent Police Department, WA - Proposal for Inmate Telephone Services 5 20115ecurus Technologies,Inc.All rights reserved. City of Kent Police Department seamis Technologies,Inc. 1230 S Central Kent,WA 98191 �;.....J° SECURUS'" 14651 Dallas Parkway,fi Floor 253-856-5964 1ECLINOLOGIES Dallas,Tens 75254-8815 Diane McCuiston Main: 972.277.0300 AGREEMENT Fax: 9722 7 77.0699 9 This Agreement is by and between the party identified below as Customer("you"or"Customer")and Securus Technologies, Inc. ("we,""us,"or 'Provider') and is effective as of the date last signed by a party (the `Effective Date"). The parties agree that the inmate telecommunication Services set forth below are governed by the Master Services Agreement (the "MSA"), whose terms and conditions are incorporated herein by ,eference and are available at www.securustech.netitermsandconditions. In consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained ierein and in the MSA,the parties agree as follows: 1. Term. The obligations of the parties under this Term Sheet/Schedule are effective as of the Effective Date and will continue for 36 months thereafter. The Initial term of this Term Sheet/Schedule(the"Initial Term")shall begin on the Effective Date and shall end on the date that is 36 months thereafter. Unless one party delivers to the other written notice of non-renewal at least ninety (90) days prior to the end of the then current term,this Agreement shall automatically renew for successive periods of 12 months each. The terms and conditions herein and in the MSA shall continue to apply for so long as we continue to provide the Applications to you after the expiration or earlier termination of the Agreement. 2. Applications. We will provide the following Applications in accordance with the MSA and with the terms and conditions set forth herein: a. CAL.MANAGEMENT SERVICE: Secure Call Platform ("SCP") provides, through its centralized net centric,VOIP, digital transmitted system, automatic placement of calls by inmates without the need for conventional live operator services.In addition,SCP provides the capability to (a)monitor and record inmate calls, (b)mark certain numbers as private to disable the monitoring and recording function,(c)automatically limit the duration of each call to a certain period designated by us,(d)maintain call detail records in accordance with our standard practices, (a)automatically shut the System on or off, and (f)allow free calls to the extent required by applicable law. We will be responsible for all billing and collections of inmate calling charges but may contract with third parties to perform such functions. SCP will be provided at the Facilities specified in the chart below. I. COMPENSATION: 1.Collect Calls. We will pay you commission(the"Commission)based on Gross Revenues we earn through the completion of calls placed from the Facilities as specified in the chart below. Gross Revenues shall mean all gross billed revenues relating to completed collect calls generated by and through the Inmate Telecommunications System. Regulatory required and other items such as federal, state and local charges, taxes and fees, including transaction funding fees, transaction fees, credits, billing recovery fees,charges billed by non-LEC third parties,and promotional programs are excluded from revenue to the Provider. II. FACILITIES AND RELATED SPECIFICATIONS: City of Kent Police Department Commission Revenue : Base for: Percentage Calculation of Commission Collect Calling 500/0* Gross Revenue Debit Calling 5001* Gross Revenue Prepaid Calling Card discount 30% *The designated Commission percentage is contingent upon Customer's implementation of all products and payment methods described herein within ninety(90) days of the Effective Date (unless actions of Provider render such implementation within that timeframe impossible,in which case such implementation will be effected as soon as reasonably practicable). Should the Customer fall to implement all such products and payment methods within ninety(90)days of the Effective Date,the commission percentage Is subject to renegotiation. I. Calling Rates: Provider will charge rates that are in compliance with state and federal regulatory requirements. International rates, if applicable,will vary by country. 1. Compliance with MSA Terms & Conditions. Customer acknowledges that it has read and agrees to be bound by the MSA terms and conditions available at www.securustech.net/te"sandconditions. PLEASE READ THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS CAREFULLY. BY YOUR SIGNATURE YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE MSA TERMS AND CONDITIONS. THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE, FROM TIME TO TIME IN OUR SOLE DISCRETION. WE WILL NOTIFY YOU OF AMENDMENTS TO THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS BY POSTING THEM TO THE WEBSITE. Please Initial here to acknowledge your acceptance. L Authorized Signer: The person signing this Short Form Agreement on behalf of the Customer represents that he/she has the authority to do so. CUSTOMER: Authorized Signer's Signature Date Authorized Signer's printed Name Authorized Signer's Title SECURUS TECHNOLOGIES,INC.: Authorized Signer's Signature Date Authorized Signer's printed Name Authorized Signer's Title ? SECURUS City of Kent Police Department, WA - Proposal for Inmate Telephone Services 6 Proposedi it r Securus is proposing the following commission offering for City of Kent Police Department: • 52% Collect commission rate* • 52% Debit commission rate* • 30% Discount Rate for Prepaid Calling Cards* • 3 year tetra • The latest in inmate telephone technology. Our SCP platform will add benefits of improved call quality, more effective investigations, reduce inmates' grievance, improve call uptime, greater flexibility, and scalability for future growth and newer technologies applied immediately when required. 6 All service, installation, and maintenance at no cost to the City of Kent Police Department. Option 2— Simplified Rate Plan Connection Per Connection Per I Connection Per Minute Minute Minute Local $1.25 $0.15 $1.25 $0.15 $1.25 $0.15 I tr at Intrastate $1.25 $0.15 $1.25 $0.15 $1.25 $0.15 taLqdW tlnlrastate $1.25 $0.15 v.25 $0.15 $1.25 $0.15 toLe#Wa/Interstate $1.25 1 $0.15 $1.25 $0.15 $1.25 $0.15 Base Commission Rate 52% 52% 52% JLG Option $0.25 Non-Commissionable Surcharge ($0.40 Interstate) Threads Option $0,10 Community Non-Commissionable Surcharge($0.15 no community) Prepaid Calling Cards 30% Discount Rate *Commissions are paid on Gross Revenue. g SMURIIS City of Kent Police Department, WA- Proposal for Inmate Telephone Services 5 ©20115ecurus Technologies,Inc.All rights reserved. City of Kent Pdice Department Q Sewnis T.&ndcaties,Ino. 12305Cenl,al Kent WA 98191 SECURUS" 14651 Dallas Parkway,6 Floor 253-856-5984 TECIiNOLGGI@G Dallas,Teras 75254-8815 �y1 Diane McCostes %late: 972277.0300 AGREEMENT Fan 912.277.0699 This Agreement is by and between the party identified below as Customer("you'or"Customer")and Securus Technologies, Inc. ('we,""us,"or 'Provider") and is effective as of the date last signed by a party (the "Effective Date"). The parties agree that the inmate telecommunication services set forth below are governed by the Master Services Agreement (the "MSA"), whose terms and conditions are incorporated herein by reference and are available at www.securustech.netitermsandconditions. In consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained herein and in the MSA,the parties agree as follows: 1. Term. The obligations of the parties under this Term SheetfSchedule are effective as of the Effective Date and will continue for 36 months thereafter. The initial term of this Term Sheet/Schedule(the"Initial Term")shall begin on the Effective Date and shall end on the date that is 36 months thereafter. Unless one party delivers to the other written notice of non-renewal at least ninety(90)days prior to the end of the then current term,this Agreement shall automatically renew for successive periods of 12 months each. The terms and conditions herein and in the MSA shall continue to apply for so long as we continue to provide the Applications to you after the expiration or earlier termination of the Agreement. 2. Applications. We will provide the following Applications in accordance with the MSA and with the terms and conditions set forth herein: a. CALL MANAGEMENT SERVICE: Secure Cali Platform ("SCP")provides, through its centralized net centric,VOIR digital transmitted system, automatic placement of calls by inmates without the need for conventional live operator services.In addition,SCP provides the capability to (a)monitor and record inmate calls,(b)mark certain numbers as private to disable the monitoring and recording function, (c)automatically limit the duration of each call to a certain period designated by us,(d)maintain call detail records In accordance with our standard practices, (a)automatically shut the System on or off, and(f)allow free calls to the extent required by applicable law. We will be responsible for all billing and collections of inmate calling charges but may Contract with third parties to perform such functions. SCP will be provided at the Facilities specified in the chart below. I. COMPENSATION: 1.Collect Calls. We will pay you commission(the"Commission")based on Gross Revenues we earn through the completion of calls placed from the Facilities as specified in the chart below. Gross Revenues shall mean all gross billed revenues relating to completed collect calls generated by and through the Inmate Telecommunications System. Regulatory required and other items such as federal, state and local charges, taxes and fees, including transaction funding fees, transaction fees, credits, billing recovery fees,charges billed by non-LEC third parties,and promotional programs are excluded from revenue to the Provider. II. FACILITIES AND RELATED SPECIFICATIONS: City of Kent Police Department ` Commission '. Revenue Base for Percentage Calculation of Commission Collect Calling 52%* Gross Revenue Debit Calling 52%* Gross Revenue Prepaid Calling Card discount 30% "The designated Commission percentage is contingent upon Customer's Implementation of all products and payment methods described herein within ninety(90) days of the Effective Date (unless actions of Provider render such implementation within that timeframe impossible,in which case such Implementation will be effected as soon as reasonably practicable). Should the Customer fail to implement all such products and payment methods within ninety(90)days of the Effective Date,the commission percentage is subject to renegotiation. 3. Calling Rates: Provider will charge rates that are in compliance with state and federal regulatory requirements. International rates, if applicable,will vary by country. 4. Compliance with MSA Terms & Conditions. Customer acknowledges that it has read and agrees to be bound by the MSA teens and conditions available at mvw.securustech.netttermsandconditions. PLEASE READ THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS CAREFULLY. BY YOUR SIGNATURE YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE MSA TERMS AND CONDITIONS. THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE, FROM TIME TO TIME IN OUR SOLE DISCRETION. WE WILL NOTIFY YOU OF AMENDMENTS TO THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS BY POSTING THEM TO THE WEBSITE. Please Initial here to acknowledge your acceptance. 5. Authorized Sinner: The person signing this Short Form Agreement on behalf of the Customer represents that he/she has the authority to do so. CUSTOMER: Authorized Signer's Signature Date Authorized Signer's printed Name Authorized Signer's Title SECURUS TECHNOLOGIES,INC.: Authorized Signer's Signature Date Authorized Signer's printed Name Authorized Signer's Title `= SECURUS City of Kent Police Department,WA - Proposal for Inmate Telephone Services 5 In 20115ecurus Technologies,Inc.All rights reserved. 82 This page intentionally left blank. 83 POLICE DEPARTMENT � Ken Thomas, Chief of Police KENT Phone: 253-856-5800 w^ ° ° Fax: 253-856-6802 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA. 98032-5895 DATE: January 8, 2013 TO: Public Safety Committee SUBJECT: Photo Traffic Enforcement in School Zones — INFO ONLY MOTION: NONE SUMMARY: Chief of Police, Ken Thomas, will provide information regarding photo traffic enforcement in school zones. 84 This page intentionally left blank. 85 POLICE DEPARTMENT � Ken Thomas, Chief of Police KENT Phone: 253-856-5800 w^ ° ° Fax: 253-856-6802 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA. 98032-5895 DATE: January 8, 2013 TO: Public Safety Committee SUBJECT: Staffing Plan for Police Personnel — INFO ONLY MOTION: NONE SUMMARY: Chief of Police, Ken Thomas, will provide information regarding the plan for police department staffing. 86 This page intentionally left blank. 87 POLICE DEPARTMENT � Ken Thomas, Chief of Police KENT Phone: 253-856-5800 w^ ° ° Fax: 253-856-6802 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA. 98032-5895 DATE: January 8, 2013 TO: Public Safety Committee SUBJECT: Update from Kent Police Department — INFO ONLY MOTION: NONE SUMMARY: Chief of Police, Ken Thomas, will provide an update on changes and functions within the Department.