HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Safety (Committee) - 06/12/2012 Public Safety Committee Agenda
NT Councilmembers Les Thomas • Dana Ralph • Bill Boyce, Chair
June 12, 2012
4:30 p.m.
Item Description Action Speaker Time Pq
1. Approval of Minutes 05/8/12 Yes Bill Boyce 3 min 1
2. Washington Traffic Safety Commission Yes Ken Thomas 3 min 3
grant amendment - ACCEPT and Amend the budget
3. Washington State Patrol SECTOR Service Yes Ken Thomas 3 min 11
Level Agreement - Authorize
4. Police Department Update - INFO ONLY No Ken Thomas 10 min 21
5. Fourth of July 2012 No Ken Thomas 5 min 23
Unless otherwise noted, the Public Safety Committee meets the 2n°Tuesday of each month at 4:30 p.m.
in Council Chambers East, Kent City Hall, 220 4th Avenue South, Kent, 98032-5895
For information please contact the Police Administration at(253) 856-5890.
Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk's Office at (253) 856-5725 in advance. For
TDD relay service call the Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 1-800-833-6388.
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' 1
May 8, 2012
COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Les Thomas, Dana Ralph, and Bill Boyce, Chair
• The meeting was called to order by Chair Boyce at 4:33 PM.
• Chair Boyce called for changes to the agenda. L. Thomas had one item.
L. Thomas made a motion to table agenda item #6 indefinitely.
The motion was seconded by D. Ralph and passed 2-1.
1. Approval of Minutes
D. Ralph moved to approve the minutes of the April 10, 2012 meeting.
The motion was seconded by L. Thomas and passed 3-0.
2. Washington Traffic Safety Commission grant amendment — ACCEPT and AMEND
the budget.
Chief of Police Ken Thomas explained the amendment provided an additional $5,000 to an
existing Target Zero Teams grant, "Home Safe Bar" operation.
D. Ralph moved to recommend the Kent Police Department accept the additional
funds in the amount of $5,000 from the Washington Traffic Safety Commission
and amend the budget.
The motion was seconded by L. Thomas and passed 3-0.
3. Police Department Updates — INFO ONLY
Chief of Police Ken Thomas shared information on an officer-involved shooting which
occurred a few weeks ago. Federal Way Police Department investigated the shooting and
as standard procedure, has submitted their documents to the King County Prosecutor's
Office for review. Chief also stated that the Department's Deadly Force Review Board will
review the case within 30 days The board's review will cover the Department's policy and
lessons learned will be shared in future officer training.
Chief Thomas attended the King County Prosecutor's Office 2012 Recognition Awards
ceremony which was held last week. At that ceremony, Kent Police Sergeant Phil Johnson
received the award for "Outstanding King County Prosecutor's Office Partner 2012".
Chief Thomas stated that three new police officers will be sworn in at the May 15th
council meeting. Kent Police Department's Volunteers in Police Service members will be
recognized for their service to the Department and the City of Kent As a group, they
provide thousands of hours of assistance in several different programs.
Chief Thomas announced the next Police Community Meeting will be held on Wednesday,
May 301h, from 6:30 to 8 PM in the multipurpose room at Panther Lake Elementary School,
10200 SE 216th Street, Kent. Residents are encouraged to attend to hear about current
events and crime fighting strategies.
4. 2014 Medic One Levy Process — INFO ONLY
Fire Chief Jim Schneider, Kent Fire RFA, provided information about the upcoming levy
process for the 2014-2020 Medic One Levy. He explained it's a regional, tiered system of
First Responders (fire fighters), Basic Life Support (medics) and Advanced Life Support
(King County Medic One) Chief Schneider stated the current levy will expire on
December 31, 2013, and is a property tax in the amount of thirty cents (30q) per one
thousand dollars ($1,000) assessed value Since this is an existing levy, the recertification
percentage needed is 50% voter approval Chief Schneider stated a resolution will be
presented to council in June or July, well before the election process in August 2013.
S. King County Survival Rates
Chief Schneider distributed a letter from King County Emergency Medical Services Division
regarding the survival rate for witnessed cases of ventricular fibrillation (VF) in 2011. This
is the highest rate ever achieved in King County and along with Seattle, the highest rate in
the world.
Added Item:
Point of Order
Deputy City Attorney Pat Fitzpatrick addressed the motion made regarding agenda item #6.
The motion to "table" the item implies it will be discussed at a later time. He clarified with
L. Thomas that the intent was to remove the item from the agenda and not have the item
back on the agenda without a majority vote from this committee. Referring to "Roberts
Rules of Order", Pat stated that L. Thomas should have stated that he moved to vote to
remove agenda item #6 from the agenda. Committee members agreed with Pat's
clarification of the intent of the motion. Since the effect was clear to everyone, Pat stated
that no further action was needed.
The meeting adjourned at 4:57 PM.
J hompson,
Public Safety Committee Secretary
Public Safety Committee Minutes 2
April 10, 2012
Kenneth E. Thomas, Chief of Police
Phone: 253-856-5888
KEN T Fax: 253-856-6802
Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S.
Kent, WA. 98032-5895
DATE: June 12, 2012
TO: Public Safety Committee
SUBJECT: Washington Traffic Safety Commission additional funds - ACCEPT and amend
the budget
MOTION: I move to recommend the Kent Police Department accept the
additional funds in the amount of $6,1S0 from the Washington Traffic Safety
Commission and amend the budget.
SUMMARY: The additional grant funds will provide increased officer overtime funding to
conduct traffic safety emphasis patrols, in support of Target Zero Teams, North and South
King County Target Zero Task Forces. This amendment also extends the term of the
grant from October 1, 2011 through September 30, 2012. The original term of the grant
was from October 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012, and was approved by City Council on
EXHIBITS: Amendment #1 to WTSC MOU CFDA #20.600
WTSC Memorandum of Understanding CFDA #20.600
BUDGET IMPACT: No city matching funds required.
City of Kent Public Safety Committee WTSC Target Zero addl 6,150
June 12, 2012
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Memorandum of Understanding
Kent Police Department
THIS AMENDMENT #1 is made and entered into by and between
the Kent Police Department and the WASHINGTON TRAFFIC SAFETY
Original Term: October 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012
the amount of funding available and extend the term for enforcement
for the project titled: Target Zero Teams, North and South King
County Target Zero Task Forces.
Term: This Amendment extends the enforcement term by 3 months
and is valid from October 1, 2011 through September 30, 2012.
CFDA #: The CFDA number for additional funds included in this
Amendment is 20.600 - DTNH-22-09-R-00117.
5.Grant Amount: This Amendment increases by 6150 the amount
available to the Kent Police Department for Target Zero Teams
enforcement. Thus the total amount of funding available to Kent
Police Department will be $22,387.50.
10. Deadline for Claims: This Amendment adds a second deadline
that all claims for reimbursement for emphases conducted between
July 1 and September 30 must be received by WTSC no later than
November 15, 2012,
Page I-of 2
This Amendment #1 will not be binding unless and until it is signed by
persons authorized to bind each of the parties.
(Kent Police Department) (Washington Traffic Safety
(Date) (Date)
Page 2 of 2
�aq STATp pQ
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1839 a
Target Zero Teams
North and South King County Target Zero Task Forces
Law Enforcement, Law Enforcement Liaison, &
Target Zero Manager
THIS AGREEMENT, pursuant to Chapter 39.34 RCW, is made and entered into
by and between the Kent Police Department and the Washington Traffic
Safety Commission (WTSC).
TERM: October 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012
CFDA # 20.600
IT IS THE PURPOSE OF THIS AGREEMENT to provide funding for King
County Law Enforcement Agencies to participate in the Target Zero Teams
GOAL: to reduce the number of people killed or seriously injured by impaired
drivers in King County through aggressive, multi-jurisdictional, high-visibility
patrols using an integrated systems approach to traffic safety which is
evidenced-based and targets the locations where the most safety benefit can
be realized.
1. SCOPE OF WORK: The Target Zero Team DUI patrols will be deployed at
times and locations where data indicates that the most safety benefit can
be realized as determined by the King County Target Zero Task Forces.
2. CONDITIONS: The Kent Police Department will deploy highly skilled
officers in coordination with other King County Law Enforcement agencies,
the King County Target Zero Task Forces, and the WSP District 2 Target
Zero Team to generate the highest amount of deterrence possible.
The Kent Police Department certifies that all of the officers that
participate in DUI emphasis patrols under the terms of this agreement are
SFST trained. Officers participating on the Target Zero Teams project
Created: August 2011 TZT KING LE/LEUTZM MOU FFY 2012 Page 1 of 4
must be proficient in conducting standard field sobriety tests. SFST
training is required as follows:
• Officers who received SFST training prior to 2008 will need to
pass SFST refresher training before participating on these
• Officer who received SFST training in 2008 or later will need to
take the SFST refresher training when their BAC re-certification
is due to stay current and be qualified to work these patrols.
(BAC re-certification and SFST refresher training are required
every three years.)
• The 16-hour Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement
(ARIDE) course is recommended for officers participating in
Target Zero Team patrols.
3. PAYMENT FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT: The Kent Police Department will
provide commissioned law enforcement with appropriate equipment
(vehicle, radar, etc.) and on an overtime basis (not to exceed 1.5 times
their normal salary and benefits) to participate in these emphasis patrols
not to exceed officer overtime of $10,837.50 total for the fiscal year.
The Kent Police Department will also provide the King County Target
Zero Task Force Law Enforcement Liaison (LEL) on an overtime basis (not
to exceed 1.5 times their normal salary and benefits) as needed, to
review data, plan operations, and coordinate emphasis patrols not to
exceed LEL overtime of $3,375.00 total for the fiscal year.
The Kent Police Department will also provide the South King County
Target Zero Manager (TZM) on an overtime basis (not to exceed 1.5
times their normal salary and benefits) as needed for the management of
the Target Zero Teams project not to exceed TZM overtime of $2,025.00
total for the fiscal year.
Overtime for court appearances that result from a law enforcement officer
making a DUI arrest while on Target Zero Teams patrol will be considered
for reimbursement with approval from the Target Zero Manager or her
4. DISPATCH: WTSC will reimburse communications officers/dispatch
personnel for work on this project providing the Kent Police
Department has received prior approval from the Target Zero Manager.
5. GRANT AMOUNT: WTSC will reimburse the Kent Police Department for
overtime salary and benefits. Your agency is allotted $16,237.50 for the
cost of this project. This allocation may be increased by your Target Zero
Manager during the above campaign(s), without amending this agreement
Created:August 2011 TZT KING LEILEL/TZM MOU FFY 2012 Page 2 of 4
PROVIDED THAT the increase in the allocation does not exceed 50% of
the original amount. Any increase in allocation exceeding 50% will
require an amendment to this document.
a. All participating law enforcement officers are required to have 3
self-initiated contacts per hour of enforcement, or show DUI
b. Some violator contacts may result in related, time-consuming
activity. This activity is reimbursable.
c. Other activities, such as collision investigation or emergency
response that are not initiated through emphasis patrol contact
WILL NOT be reimbursed.
9. REIMBURSEMENT OF CLAIMS: Claims for reimbursement must include:
a. Invoice Voucher (A19-1A Form).
• The Kent Police Department identified as the "Claimant";
• A Federal Tax ID #; and,
• Original signature of the agency head, command officer or
contracting officer.
b. Payroll support documents (signed overtime slips, payroll
c. Officer TZT Emphasis Patrol Activity Logs (attached) showing 3 or
more self-initiated contacts per hour and/or DUI arrests for
reimbursement for any patrol overtime reimbursement.
10. DEADLINE FOR CLAIMS: All claims for reimbursement for emphases
conducted prior to June 30 must be received by WTSC no later than August
15, 2012. Monthly billing is preferred.
11. DISPUTES: Disputes arising under this Memorandum shall be resolved
by a panel consisting of one representative of the WTSC, one
representative from the Kent Police Department, and a mutually
agreed upon third party. The dispute panel shall decide the dispute by
majority vote.
12. TERMINATION: Either party may terminate this agreement upon 30
days written notice to the other party. In the event of termination of this
Agreement, the terminating party shall be liable for the performance
rendered prior to the effective date of termination.
13. SUPPLANTING DISCLAIMER: I certify that none of the funds for this
project supplant the normally budgeted funds of this agency nor do
these funds pay for routine traffic enforcement normally provided by this
Created:August 2011 TZT KING LE/LEUTZM MOU FFY 2012 Page 3 of 4
Kent Police Department
Agency Washington Traffic Safety Commission
Contracting Agent (Print) Date
Agency address (for mailing fully executed MOU):
220 4th Ave. S.
Kent, WA 98032
Agency PIO contact:
Lt. Pat Lowery
W: 253-856-5833
Please return two signed MOUs to your Target Zero Manager.
Cesi Velez
Target Zero Manager
220 4th Ave. S.
Kent, WA 98032
253-856-5884 cvelez(&kentWA.gov
Target Zero Manager will return to:
Shelly Baldwin, WTSC Impaired Driving Program Manager
621 - 8th Avenue SW, Suite 409, PO Box 40944
Olympia, WA 98504-0944
360.725.9889 sbaldwin@wtsc.wa.gov
Created: August 2011 TZT KING LEILELITZM MOU FFY 2012 Page 4 of 4
' 11
\ Kenneth E. Thomas, Chief of Police
v KtNT Phone: 253-856-5888
Fax: 253-856-6802
Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S.
Kent, WA. 98032-5895
DATE: June 12, 2012
TO: Public Safety Committee
SUBJECT: SECTOR Service Level Agreement with Washington State Patrol
TION: I move to recommend that Council authorize the Chief of Police to sign the
TOR Service Level Agreement.
SUMMARY: The Agreement clarifies roles and responsibilities for the Kent Police
Department and Washington State Patrol (WSP) regarding citation and collision report
SECTOR has three primary parts:
• SECTOR Client software will be used to create and transmit electronic collision
reports, notice of infractions and notice of criminal citations.
• SECTOR BackOffice is the application and database at WSP that accepts the
above reports, infractions and citations.
• SECTOR Governance Committee controls all the applications and is made up of
representatives from the WTSC, WSP, WSDOT, DOL, and Administrative Office of
the Courts (AOC).
This agreement replaces the previous agreement for the following purposes:
• Expands capability to include use on Pano boxes
• Extends termination date by one year to June 30, 2016
• Current contacts listed for Kent Police and IT personnel
• Current Chief of Police signature
EXHIBITS: WSP Agreement No. C120791GSC
Public Safety Committee SECTOR Service Level Agreement WSP
June 12, 2012
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WSP No. C120791 GSC 13
SECTOR Service Level Agreement
Kent Police Department
Washington State Patrol
1. Purpose. This Service Level Agreement (Agreement) is between the Washington
State Patrol (WSP) and the Kent Police Department (a General authority Washington
law enforcement agency as defined in Section 10 93 020 of the Revised Code of
Washington), referred to hereafter as the Agency This Agreement defines roles and
expectations in regard to the Statewide Electronic Collision and Ticket Online
Records (SECTOR) processes including a method for resolving technical issues.
2. Description of SECTOR. SECTOR has three primary parts
• SECTOR Client is the application that operates on a vehicle computer or device,
or a collision reviewer's workstation SECTOR Client software will be used to
create and transmit electronic collision reports, notice of infractions (NOI), and
notice of criminal citations (NOCC).
• SECTOR BackOffice is the application and database at WSP that accepts
collision reports, NOls and NOCCs. The SECTOR BackOffice application
coordinates updates to the SECTOR Client software
• The third part is all applications that receive and process collision, NOI and
NOCC data as collected either through SECTOR or on paper forms. These
applications are under the control of a governing organization with
representatives from the Washington Traffic Safety Commission (WTSC), WSP,
the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC), the Washington State Department
of Transportation (WSDOT), and the Department of Licensing (DOL) This group
is known as the SECTOR Governance Committee.
3. Agency Responsibilities. The Agency certifies that it operates computers to create
or review vehicle collision reports and/or NOIs and/or NOCCs pursuant to federal,
state, and local requirements using SECTOR Client. Under this Agreement the
responsibilities of the Agency are
a. The Agency shall designate a Local SECTOR Administrator as the primary
contact for SECTOR and who will receive SECTOR Administrator training. The
Local SECTOR administrator shall:
• Administer user accounts for Agency personnel;
• Accept modifications to the SECTOR Client,
• Document and submit recommendations for modification of SECTOR via the
change request process,
• Manage the connection(s) needed to move data between SECTOR Client to
SECTOR BackOffice applications;
• Provide support for Agency users and reviewers;
• Update required Agency processes with the parameters of SECTOR.
SECTOR User Agreement-April 2010 Page 1
• Contact WSP Information Technology Division Customer Services to initiate a
work order for problem resolution and tracking.
b. Agency support staff will install SECTOR Client software on Agency-owned
equipment The Agency will not share the SECTOR Client with others.
c. The Agency acknowledges Appendix A, Statement on Collision Records Data
The Agency certifies that if it operates electronic equipment to create vehicle
collision reports pursuant to federal, state and local requirements it will not
disclose collision data except in compliance with federal and state law.
d The Agency will adhere to the SECTOR application standards for the computing
environment as published by WSP The Agency will make its electronic collision,
NOI and NOCC reporting equipment and system secure and prevent
unauthorized use The Agency will ensure Agency SECTOR equipment
maintains current virus checking software If the Agency SECTOR equipment
becomes infected, the Agency will take all necessary steps to remove the virus
and assure the virus is not transmitted to the SECTOR server located at and
maintained by WSP.
e. Agency users and reviewers will transfer collisions, NOls, and NOCCs regularly
and promptly All Agency users and reviewers will adhere to training program
detailed in Appendix B, SECTOR Governance Committee Training Policies.
f. The Agency will be responsible for all required hardware and software purchases
for the Agency use of the SECTOR Client application and the transmittal of
collision reports, NOls, and NOCCs to WSP, including Agency personnel,
operating, maintenance, and data transmission costs Any costs associated with
the Agency interfacing with SECTOR BackOffice will be the responsibility of the
g. If the Agency is an Office of a Prosecuting Attorney, Agency users will not utilize
the SECTOR client to create collision reports.
4. WSP Responsibilities. WSP provides support for SECTOR Client and-SECTOR
BackOffice computing environment Under this Agreement the responsibilities of
WSP are
a. WSP will provide SECTOR Client software to the Agency at no charge
Maintenance of the SECTOR Client application is provided by WSP, including
maintaining compliance with the business rules, data formats, and standardized
collision report forms. WSP will provide the Web uniform resource locator (URL)
address for connection to the SECTOR BackOffice application and security
information to the Local SECTOR Administrator to assure client connectivity.
WSP will provide a secure environment for collision, NO[, and NOCC data; and
retain this data according to federal and state laws and regulations WSP will
also provide to the Agency any evasive action required to protect the SECTOR
computing environment from significant risk
b. WSP will create Local SECTOR Administrator Account; train the Local SECTOR
Administrator, and assist the Local SECTOR Administrator in administration of
agency accounts
SECTOR User Agreement-April 2010 Page 2
c. WSP will provide a change request/control process; coordinate change requests
describing issues or enhancements through the SECTOR Governance
Committee, provide notification of application modifications; transmit NOls and
NOCCs to AOC, and transmit collision reports to DOT and DOL.
d. WSP reserves the right to review and approve Agency equipment security
measures; and to suspend or withhold service until such matters are corrected to
the reasonable satisfaction of WSP This includes validation of current virus
checking software packages.
e. WSP will support SECTOR Governance Committee sanctioned training.
f. WSP Information Technology Division Customer Services will provide first level
telephone support twenty-four(24) hours-a-day, seven (7) days-a-week to assist
the Agency in resolving problems with the SECTOR application. This support is
limited to resolutions for routine questions on the SECTOR Client application and
processes, including troubleshooting and password resets, and using pre-defined
policies and procedures. Items not immediately resolved by WSP will be moved
to a higher level of support within WSP, this higher level of support is provided
during regular business hours, Monday through Friday
5. Project Contacts. WSP and Agency points of contact for this Agreement are
identified in Appendix C, Project Contacts.
6. Changes and Modifications. Except for changes to the points of contact
information contained in Appendix C, changes in this Agreement are not in effect
unless agreed upon by both WSP and the Agency However, the Agency agrees to
comply with changes in data formats, report forms and other business rules as
required by WSP The Agency will be notified when any changes or updates to
these requirements occur. The revising party shall notify the other party of any
changes to Appendix C within five (5) business days of the change taking affect.
7. Compliance with Civil Rights Laws. During the period of performance for this
Agreement, both parties shall comply with all federal and state nondiscrimination
8. WSP Staffing. WSP staff providing services under the terms of this Agreement shall
be under the direct command and control of the Chief of WSP or designee and shall
perform the duties required by this Agreement in a manner consistent with WSP policy
and regulations, applicable state and local laws, and the Constitutions of the State of
Washington and the United States The assignment of personnel to accomplish the
purpose of this Agreement shall be at the discretion of the Chief of WSP or designee.
9. Hold Harmless. Each party shall defend, protect and hold harmless the other party
from and against all claims suits and/or actions arising from any negligent or
intentional act or omission of that party's employees, agents, and/or authorized
subcontractor(s) while performing under this Agreement.
10. Period of Performance. This Agreement becomes effective on the date of the last
signature and continues until June 30, 2016, or until termination as provided herein.
SECTOR User Agreement-April 2010 Page 3
11. Termination. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, either party may
terminate this Agreement by giving ninety (90) calendar days written notification of
termination to the other party If this Agreement is so terminated, the terminating
party shall be liable only for performance in accordance with the terms of this
Agreement for performance prior to the effective date of termination
12. Disputes. In the event that a dispute arises under this agreement, it shall be
determined in the following manner The Chief of the WSP shall appoint one
member to the Dispute Board The Agency shall appoint one member to the Dispute
Board The Chief of the WSP and the Agency shall jointly appoint an additional
member to the Dispute Board. The Dispute Board shall evaluate the dispute and
make a determination of the dispute The determination of the Dispute Board shall
be final and binding on the parties hereto.
13. Order of Precedence. In the event of any inconsistency in the terms of this
Agreement, unless otherwise provided herein, the inconsistency shall be resolved by
giving precedence in the following order. applicable federal and state statutes and
regulations; the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement, any other
provisions of the Agreement, whether incorporated by reference or otherwise.
14. Complete Agreement. This Agreement contains all the terms and conditions
agreed upon by the parties. No other understandings, oral or otherwise, regarding
the subject matter of this Agreement shall be deemed to exist or bind any of the
parties hereto
The parties signing below warrant that they have read and understand this Agreement;
and have the authority to enter into this Agreement
Signature Date Signature Date
Printed Name and Title Printed Name and Title
Appendix A - Statement on Collision Records Data
Appendix B - SECTOR Governance Committee Training Policies
Appendix B - Project Contacts
SECTOR User Agreement-April 2010 Page 4
Statement on Collision Records Data
In 1938 Washington State law (currently RCW 46.52 060) authorized the Washington
State Patrol (WSP) to file, tabulate and analyze collision reports, and to produce certain
statistical information about collisions. For the next thirty years WSP maintained a
largely manual system for filing collision reports generated over approximately five-year
periods WSP also produced some limited statistical collision data, primarily fatality and
accident rate summaries, using paper punch card technology Analysis of collision data
for highway safety purposes was not possible because Washington State did not have a
uniform collision report, data on collision reports was primitive and inconsistent, collision
reports were not coded by precise roadway location, and no computerized database
system existed
In 1966 and 1973 the federal government enacted laws requiring states to create
computerized collision databases in order to analyze the need for highway safety
improvements, and to participate in federal programs to fund those improvements.
These federal laws and their associated funding provided for states to adopt uniform
collision reports containing detailed highway safety coding, and provided that information
from these reports would be maintained in a computerized collision database with
precise location coding of all collisions These laws were implemented jointly by WSP
and the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Beginning in
approximately 1970 WSP collected collision reports and entered the raw data into a
computer The data was then transferred to WSDOT for the creation of the collision
database required under federal law WSP maintained copies of individual collision
records as well as its database, while WSDOT maintained their own collision database.
The WSP and WSDOT systems for filing individual collision reports, the entry of raw
data into a computer, and the creation of the collision database remained unchanged
until 1996 By this time the original WSP computer system used for data entry and
storage and retrieval of collision records had become obsolete An attempt to convert to
an optical character recognition system was not successful After an extensive
discussion between WSP, WSDOT and the Washington State Office of Financial
Management, the agencies concluded that functions related to the maintenance of
copies of collision reports and computer input of raw collision report data could be most
efficiently performed by WSDOT in conjunction with its already existing collision
database function Beginning in 2002, WSDOT not only created the collision database
required by federal law but also, pursuant to an interagency agreement with WSP,
began entering all raw collision data into WSDOT's computer Pursuant to this
interagency agreement, WSDOT also began work to develop an electronic imaging
system to store and retrieve copies of individual collision reports This imaging system
was implemented in May 2003.
The current system for filing paper collision reports and creating the collision database
will remain in effect until WSP, WSDOT and separate law enforcement agencies enter
into a SECTOR Service Level Agreement to allow Agencies to file collision reports and
transmit collision report data electronically to WSDOT. The Statewide Electronic
Collision and Ticket Online Records (SECTOR) application was developed through a
collaborative partnership that includes WSP, WSDOT, the Administrative Office of the
Courts, the Department of Licensing, and local law enforcement agencies. SECTOR
enables law enforcement officers to create electronic collision reports and other forms in
SECTOR User Agreement-April 2010 Page 5
the field, pursuant to federal, state and local requirements This data is then transferred
to a central database where it is available for review, analysis and reporting by law
enforcement agencies.
The Department of Licensing is an agency of the State of Washington authorized by law
(RCW 46 52 030) to receive full access to collision reports for purposes of maintaining
case records under RCW 46 52 120, for supplying abstracts of driving records under
RCW 46.52.130; and to administer financial responsibility requirements when drivers are
involved in traffic collisions under chapter 46 29 RCW To perform these functions, they
must review collision reports that are filed by law enforcement agencies and citizens
Federal law prohibits data compiled or collected for purposes of complying with federal
highway safety laws from being used in any action for damages arising from any
occurrence at a location mentioned in the data (Pierce County v. Guillen, 537 U.S. 129
(2003). Accordingly, collision data may not be disclosed unless a requestor
acknowledges that the data will not be used in any action for damages arising from any
occurrence at a location mentioned in the report
SECTOR User Agreement-April 2010 Page 6
SECTOR Governance Committee Training Policies
Training Requirements
1. Every Agency that elects to use SECTOR must designate one person (up to three) to
attend a Governance Team sponsored SECTOR Training Course. This ensures that
each Agency using SECTOR will have at least one individual who has received
training through the Governance Team sponsored SECTOR Training Course. An
Agency may send more than three officers/deputies to Governance Team sponsored
SECTOR Training Course when additional seats are available.
2. Individuals who have attended the Governance Team sponsored SECTOR Training
Course should assume responsibility for training other users within their Agency
3. Training courses conducted within an Agency must be coordinated with the SECTOR
Training Coordinator
Training Recommendations
1. Individuals conducting training within their Agency should be proficient with the
SECTOR application prior to training additional users by using SECTOR for at least
90 days prior to conducting training Agencies can request assistance from WSP or
other agencies for training.
2. Agencies must designate a SECTOR point-of-contact through whom all SECTOR
support questions will come to the WSP help desk This point-of-contact will most
often be the Agency's designated Local SECTOR Administrator For urgent
SECTOR issues or questions during non-standard work hours SECTOR users may
contact the WSP Information Technology Division Customer Services.
3. Each Agency SECTOR User should receive training with the current version of the
course materials and according to established course standards. These include
a Course manuals & exercises
b Training materials
c. Suggested course duration (2 days)
d. SECTOR Training evaluation form (optional)
4. Individuals who have attended a Governance Team sponsored SECTOR Training
Course and are experienced in the use of SECTOR are encouraged to serve as
trainers in future Governance Team sponsored SECTOR Training Courses or with
other agencies.
5. Recommendations for improvements to SECTOR should be directed to the Agency's
Local SECTOR Administrator The Local SECTOR Administrator sends
recommendations/feedback to WSP
SECTOR User Agreement-April 2010 Page 7
Project Contacts
1. For WSP:
Technical issues and change requests:
Information Technology Division Customer Services Group
Telephone, (360) 705-5999
E-mail: ITDCustomerServicesGroupawsp wa.gov or ITDHeIp(cD_wsp.wa gov
Service Level Agreement issues:
Ms. Pat Ramsdell
Information Technology Division
Washington State Patrol
Street Address, 403 Cleveland Avenue, Suite C, Tumwater WA 98501
Mailing Address PO Box 42622, Olympia WA 98504-2622
Telephone- (360) 705-5170
E-mail- pat ramsdeIWccD_wsp.wa.gov
2. For the Agency:
Technical issues and change requests:
Curt Ryser
(253) 856-4642
Service Level Agreement issues*
Sergeant Robert Constant
(253) 856-5882
SECTOR User Agreement-April 2010 Page 8
\ Ken Thomas, Chief of Police
v KItNT Phone: 253-856-5888
Fax: 253-856-6802
Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S.
Kent, WA. 98032-5895
DATE: June 12, 2012
TO: Public Safety Committee
SUBJECT: Police Department Update - INFO ONLY
SUMMARY: Chief of Police, Ken Thomas, will provide an update on the Police
Public Safety committee KPD update
June 12, 2012
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Kenneth E. Thomas, Chief of Police
Phone: 253-856-5888
KEN T Fax: 253-856-6802
Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S.
Kent, WA. 98032-5895
DATE: June 12, 2012
TO: Public Safety Committee
SUBJECT: Fourth of July 2012
SUMMARY: Only legal fireworks can be set off on July 41h from 9 AM to 11 PM in the City
of Kent.
City of Kent Public Safety Committee Fourth of July
June 12, 2012
This page intentionally left blank.
140 Kenneth E. Thomas, Chief of Police
• Phone- 253-856-5888
KENT Fax. 253-856-6802
Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S.
Kent, WA. 98032-5895
DATE: June 12, 2012
TO: Public Safety Committee
SUBJECT: Washington State Parks Department grant award
MOTION: I move to recommend that Council authorize the Kent Police
Department to accept the Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission
grant in the amount of $19,045, and establish the budget.
SUMMARY: The Kent Police Department has received notification of the Marine
Law Enforcement Grant awarded in the amount of $19,045. The grant will be used
to fund marine patrol overtime on Lake Meridian during the grant period of July 1,
2012 through June 30, 2013.
Funding is on a reimbursement basis.
EXHIBIT: Washington State Parks Department notification of grant award
Public Safety Committee WA State Parks Marine LE Award
June 12, 2012
Don Hoch
1111 Israel Road S W • P O Box 42650•Olympia,WA 985042650 e (360) 9028500)
TDD (Telecommunications Device for the Deaf) (360)6643133
www parks wa clov
June 7, 2012
Chief Kenneth E. Thomas
Kent Police Department
220 4th Avenue South
Kent, Washington 98032
Re: Recreational Boatin,Safety Federal Financial Assistance Grant Letter of Award
Dear Chief Thomas:
The Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission has reviewed and accepted your application for
a Rectcahonal Boating Safety (RBS) Federal Financial Assistance Giant and is awarding $19,045 to your
agency. The grant is for the period July 1, 2012—June 30,2013.
Terms of Acceptance: Acceptance of a Federal Financial Assistance award carries with it the
responsibility to be comply with the terms and conditions of the award. Acceptance is defined as the start
of work, drawing down funds, or accepting the award via electronic means. Awards are based on the
application form, as approved by State Parks. The signed grant application contains the terms and
conditions to which your agency has agreed. I urge you to carefully review your application (enclosed) so
you are familiar with each requirement.
Specifically you have agreed to:
• Conduct on the water patrols in addition to those already required and paid for with State Vessel
Registration Fees and local funds.
• Complete a minimum of 150 vessel inspections, which includes at least 125 written vessel
inspections and 25 visual spot inspections based on your RBS Federal Financial Assistance
Grant Application.
• Emphasize enforcement of:
o Life jacket requirements;
o Mandatory boater education (required to be carried by operators 40 years old and younger
when operating a motor boat of 15 hp or more;
o Boating under the influence of alcohol (BUI); and
0 "Rules of the road" and other operating regulations.
• Participate in Operation Dry Water in June 2013.
• Request reimbursement for approved expenditures only (see WAC 352-65-040, the ten elements
necessary to accomplish the Recreational Boating Safety mission) and within the designated
timelines. I would like to emphasize a few points with regards to reimbursement.
o Invoices for reimbursement may be submitted no more often than monthly but no less than
quarterly. If there are no grant expenditures for the quarter, an invoice billing is not
required, however a Summary of Activities Report (A428) with supporting documents (i.e.
yellow copies of vessel inspection forms and patrol vessel log sheets) is still required.
o These grant funds may not be used to reimburse indirect costs.
You may seek reimbursement for:
• Salaries, benefits, and v ages for officers who have completed state RBS training and conduct on
the water patrols, to maintain existing staff levels, increase patrol time above the current level, or
for overtime patrol hours. In general, officers paid with these funds must have completed a State
Parks Recreational Boating Safety training course per WAC requirement. However, if an agency
has a policy requiring two officers on a boat, then as long as one officer has completed state RBS
training the second officer is not required to have done so but must be a fully commissioned
• Purchase, maintenance, and operation of patrol boats and patrol boat equipment to perform the
RBS mission. This does not include equipment for recovery operations (dive equipment, side scan
sonar, etc.), homeland security missions (night vision equipment, weapons, etc.) or other work
unrelated to the RBS mission as determined by State Parks.
• Providing instruction classes in Adventures in Boating to qualify graduates for the mandatory
boater education card required by statute Costs may include classroom supplies, light
refreshments and other goods and services necessary to promote and teach classes
• Basic marine law enforcement training, or other courses, as determined by State Parks, for officers
to complete the RBS mission. Contact the State Parks Boating Program prior to making
expenditures for all other courses for compliance with the RBS mission.
• Direct program administration costs.
Submit the following forms to apply for reimbursement (those identified with an asterisk will be supplied
by e-mail):
• Marine Law Enforcement Grant Invoice Voucher (form A19)* to include names of officers
performing patrols paid with these funds
• Summary of Activities Report (form A428)* —due quarterly by the 15th following end of quarter
• Yellow copies of the vessel inspection form—included with each quarterly report
• Copies of vessel log sheets* for each patrol vessel and shift documents visual spot inspections
reported each quarter on the Summary of Activities Report.
Your signature on each Marine Law Enforcement Grant Invoice Voucher certifies that your agency has
completed the work and has retained copies of all the supporting documentation on file for audit purposes
per the commitment in the Federal Financial Assistance Grant Application—State FY13.
If you have questions regarding contract terms, expenditures or financial invoice billing, please contact
Mark Kenny at (360) 902-8835 / mark.kenny a,parks.wa.gov or Laura Holmes at (360) 902-8843 /
Sinc rely,
Wade Alonzo, Boating Law Administrator
Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission
cc: Mark Kenny, Enforcement Specialist
O� 9T pT a nq Rio
. Washington State Parks
_ = Recreational Boating Safety Program
bATIN6 PROGRAMS Federal Financial Assistance Grant Application
aaeQ State FY 13 —July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013
These grant fiends are specifically intended to support local law enforcement efforts in reducing
boating-related loss of life, personal injury, and property damage. These activities are tied to the
U.S. Coast Guard's Strategic Plan of the National Recreational Boating Safety Program 2012 -
2016. These funds are intended to increase education and enforcement efforts and to stimulate
greater local participation in boating safety and are not to supplant existing local funds or vessel
registration funds used for boating safety programs.
Law enforcement agencies that operate approved boating safety programs under WAC 352-65
are eligible to apply for grants. To be eligible to receive the grant, the program must be an
approved boating safety piogran at the time of award. fn addition, Stale Parks must have
received all of the reports and documentation your agency is required to submit to receive state
vessel registration funds (VRF) as well as the requirements for the current FY 12 Federal
Assistance Grants.
How to Apply:
1. Fill out required information on page 5 and 6 of this application. Page 6 should be signed
by the police chief or sheriff. Rename the file as you save it replacing the word `FINAL'
in the file name with the name of the city or county you represent. I.e. Thurston_FY13
RBS Fed Grant Application.doc
2. Email an electronic copy of the Microsoft Word file by May 25,2012 to:
sherri.sweeneygepar ks.wa.gov.
3. An original signed version must be received and date stamped by State Parks no later
than May 29,2012. Mail signed copies to:
Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission
ATTN: Boating Program 1 Sherri Sweeney
I I I I Israel Road SW; PO Box 42650
Olympia, WA 98504-2650
Washington State Parks Recreational Boating Safety Program Page I of 7
Federal Financial Assistance Grant Application
State FY 13—July 1,2012 to June 30,2013
Grant Requirements
Federal Assistance Grant Funds are provided to assist approved programs in carrying out the ten
elements needed for Recreational Boating Safety Program Approval as described in Washington
Administrative Code (WAC) 352-65-040. These are recreational boating safety education and
enforcement activities aimed at reducing boating-related loss of life,personal injury and property
damage. Activities are tied to the U.S. Coast Guard's Strategic Plan of the National Recreational
Boating Safety Program 2012 -2016.
By completing and submitting this application, the applicant is agreeing to the following terms:
1. Conduct the predetermined number of: 1) hours of on-the-water patrols and 2) vessel
inspections and visual spot inspections as filled out in FY13 Patrol Hour and Inspection
Targets on page 5 of this application. State Parks requires an average of at least one
inspection completed per hour of patrol. This may include visual spot inspections.
2. Expand patrols beyond those paid for with State Vessel Registration Fees and local funds.
3. Emphasize enforcement of:
a. Life jacket requirements, including lifejackets not worn as required, insufficient
lifejackets, and lifejackets found unserviceable or the incorrect size;
b Possession of the mandatory boater education card for operators required to carry
c. Boat operation under the influence of alcohol (BUI)rules; and
d. "Rules of the road" and other operating regulations.
4. Participate in Operation Dry Water in June 2013.
5. Follow the following procedures for requesting reimbursement. Invoices for
reimbursement may be submitted no more often than monthly but no less than quarterly.
a. Submit the following documents.
i. A Marine Law Enforcement Grant Invoice Voucher(form A-19) including
the Officer List Worksheet. When preparing the A-19 invoice, please be
sure all expenditures support the RBS mission and that explanations are
provided for purchases of equipment and maintenance that occurred.
Boating Program staff will review all billings and follow up on invoices if
the billing is unclear. Copies of receipts may be requested to support
ii. Summary of Activities Report (A-428)
iii. Yellow copies of all written vessel inspections completed(P&R A-274)
Washington State Paiks Recreational Boating Safety Program Page 2 of 7
Federal Financial Assistance Grant Application
State FY 13--July 1,2012 to June 30,2013
iv. Copies of the vessel log sheet for each patrol vessel and shift
(documenting spot inspections).
v. Names of officers performing patrols paid with these funds.
b. Reimbursement requests must be received and date stamped by State Parks by the
following dates: October 31, 2012 for quarter 1 / January 31, 2013 for quarter 2 /
April 30, 2013 for quarter 3 / July 31, 2013 for quarter 4. The timely submission
of reimbursement requests allows proper time for the processing of payments.
Submitting reimbursement requests after these dates could mean that your request
is delayed.
c. Unforeseen Circumstances: If, during any quarter, an agency is unable to meet the
requirements of the grant (i.e. unable to meet the targeted number of enforcement
hours or vessel inspections) it should submit a letter, signed by the police chief or
sheriff, along with the reimbursement request explaining the reasons and
mitigating circumstances. In extreme cases, State Parks may request these
applicants to submit a plan within 30 days of the end of the quarter that describes
steps the applicant will take to meet minimum requirements. In these cases,
reimbursement tequests may be deferred until the plan is received and approved
by State Parks.
d Grantees are required to maintain records of all allowable expenditures for which
grant dollars were spent and must make these records available to State Parks for
review upon request. Expenditute records may include but are not hmited to
receipts, invoices, and timesheets. These records must be maintained for six years
following the completion of the grant.
Allowable Expenditures
Grant funds may be used only for activities under WAC 352-65-040, the ten elements necessary
to accomplish the Recreational Boating Safety (RBS) mission. If it is unclear if an expense meets
these criteria, contact Mark Kenny at (360) 902-8835 or mark.kenny@parks.wa.gov to discuss
the item before proceeding. Grant funds may not be used for indirect costs.
Allowable expenses include but are not limited to:
1. Salaries, benefits, and wages for officers who have completed state RBS training and
conduct on-the-water patrols, to maintain existing staff levels, increase patrol time above
the current level, or for over-time patrol hours. In general, officers paid with these funds
must have completed State Parks Recreational Boating Safety training per WAC
requirement. However, if an agency has a policy requiring two officers on a boat, then as
long as one officer has completed state RBS training the second officer is not required to
have done so but must be a fully commissioned officer.
Washington State Parks Recreational Boating Safety Program Page 3 of 7
Federal Financial Assistance Grant Application
State FY 13—July 1,2012 to June 30,2013
2. Purchase, maintenance, and operation of patrol boats and patrol boat equipment to
perform the RBS mission. It does not include equipment unrelated to this mission such as
equipment used in recovery operations (dive equipment, side scan sonar, etc.) or
homeland security missions (night vision equipment, weapons, etc.), or any other
unrelated equipment as determined by State Parks.
3. Providing instruction classes in Adventures in Boating to qualify graduates for the
mandatory boater education card required by statute. Costs may include classroom
supplies, light refreshments and other goods and services necessary to promote and teach
4. Training courses for officers to complete the RBS mission.
On-Water Law Enforcement Hours: Estimated hours that agency vessels will spend patrolling
on the water. These are the actual hours as documented on the patrol vessel hour meter or
logbook and should not include time travelling to or from the water, nor time spent preparing for
Vessel inspection — A written record of the review of applicable state requirements for a
recreational vessel when contacted on the water, at ramps, docks, mooring areas, by trained
personnel as documented using the State Parks vessel inspection form. For the purposes of this
grant, documented inspections include those completed when patrolling on the water or at launch
ramps, docks, floats, or other marine facilities on the water.
Visual Spot Check — The observation of a vessel used on the water where an officer can
visually confirm requirements for lifejacket and registration have been met. This can occur when
performing patrol on the water and during other activities on shore such as launching/retrieving,
conducting inspections, casual contact with the public, maintenance, training, or other work-
related time such as during breaks or lunch. Each visual spot check must be documented properly
on State Parks patrol vessel log sheet and include the date, location, registration number and
other comments. Spot checks should generally include vessels within hailing distance.
Washington State Parks Recreational Boating Safety Program Page 4 of 7
Federal Financial Assistance Grant Application
State FY 13—July 1,2012 to June 30,2013
Please fill in the requested information in each of the green-shaded boxes. The application
will not be accepted unless it is completely filled out. Applications must be typed. Hand
completed applications will not be accepted.
FY13 Patrol and Inspection Targets
I. Provide the number of vessels that will.bo,used cliiririg-patrol
2. Provide the number of on-water law enforcement hours that will be conducted 480
,over the entire grant period.'
3. ,Please provide-an estimate of the number of on-water enforcement hours
;during the following time periods:
'a. Weekends and Holidays from Memorial Day through Labor'Day,., 280
b. Extended patrol shifts and week days from Memorial Day through Tabor 60
Day. _ -r
c: Estimate of the number,of off-season-patrol hours(October through'May). 140
4 Identify the total inspections that will be completed during the grant period (July 1, 2012 to
June 30 2013). NOTE: State Parks requries an average of at least 1 inspection per patrol hour
and this may include visual spot inspections,
a. How many Vessel Inspections will be completed? _ 125
b. -How many Visual Spot Checks will be completed? - �'' 25
Please briefly describe when you expect to conduct most of your enforcement hours and inspections and the purpose and
need for any off season patrol activities: We expect to utilize this funding for additional boating safety law
enforcement on and around the boat launching area at Lake Meridian from July 1 through September
30,2012,dependent on weather conditions. The off-season hours will support preparing the vessel
for winter storage,arranging for any necessary maintenance and preparing the vessel for use next
spring. Off-season hours also include training course time for two officers in support of the RBS
Washington State Parks Recreational Boating Safety Program Page 5 of 7
Federal Financial Assistance Grant Application
State FY 13—July 1,2012 to June 30,2013
I certify that I am authorized to obligate the agency listed below and that I am authorized to
accept such funds and to guarantee that the funds will be used solely for expenditures to perform
the terms and conditions detailed in this application.
Authorized Representative: May 29, 2012
Signature Date
Kenneth E. Thomas
Print Name
Chief of Police
Grant Contact Information
Agency Name Kent Police bepartinent
Mailing Address 220 4 1h Avenue S
City State�Zip Kent, WA 98032
Primary Contact: Debra LeRoy
Bmin dleroy@kentwa.gov
-` OfficbPhotie% 253-856-5856
Mobile Phone-
Secondary Contact: Cindy White
Email : cwhite entwa.gov
Washington State Parks Recreational Boating Safety Program Page 6 of 7
Federal Financial Assistance Grant Application
State FY 13—July 1,2012 to June 30,2013
I certify that I am authorized to obligate the agency listed below and that I am authorized to
accept such funds and to guarantee that the funds will be used solely for expenditures to perform
the terms and conditions detailed in this ppli n.
Authorized Representative: May 29, 2012
Signature Date
Kenneth E. Thomas
Print Name
Chief of Police
Grant Contact Information
Agency Name Kent Police Department
Mailing Addiess 220 4 Avenue S
City State 'Lip Kent, WA 98032
Primary Contact: Debra LeRoy
Email dleioyna Untwa gm, -�
Office Phone_ 253-856-5856
Mobile Phone
Secondary Contact: Cindy White
Email : cwhite kentwa.gov
Office Phone 253-856-5873
Mobile Phone
Washington State Paiks Recreational Boating Safety Piogram Page 6 of 6
Federal Financial Assistance Grant Application
State FY 13—July 1,2012 to June 30,2013
Officehone' 253-856-5873 '
Washington State Parks Recreational Boating Safety Program Page 7 of 7
Federal Financial Assistance Grant Application
State FY 13—July 1,2012 to June 30,2013
Thompson, Jolene
From: Office of The City Clerk [NoReply@IQM2 com]
Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2012 6 21 PM
Subject: Agenda -Jun 12, 2012 (Tue) - Public Safety Committee
If you have any questions regarding the Public Safety Committee Meeting Agenda, please contact Jo
Thompson at 253-856-5890 or by email.
Please see the attached Agenda document for the following meeting:
Public Safety Committee
CC PS Regular Meeting
Tuesday, June 12, 2012 4.30 PM
220 Fourth Avenue S, Kent, WA 98032
Download PDF Agenda I View Web Agenda
Du�unne7t Modified. 61712D12 6 15 PNl
If you i•,, lorger wish to be mcluded in this distribution list you can remove yourself through the meeting web portal or rep / to this