HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Safety (Committee) - 04/10/2012 KENT K ns Hin ci�ry CITY OF KENT PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES April 10, 2012 COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Les Thomas, Dana Ralph, and Bill Boyce, Chair • The meeting was called to order by Chair Boyce at 4:30 PM. • Chair Boyce called for changes to the agenda. There were none. 1. Approval of Minutes L. Thomas moved to approve the minutes of the February 14, 2012 meeting. The motion was seconded by D. Ralph and passed 3-0. 2. Amend KCC 9.36 — Traffic Code — Ordinance - ADOPT Julie Stormes, City Prosecutor, provided a revised document to the members and explained the proposed amendment adds new Section 9.36.075 to Traffic Code," Duty in the case of accident with pedestrian or vehicle propelled by human power". The new section includes a criminal provision which allows the city to charge a motor vehicle operator with the duty to stop and determine the physical condition of a pedestrian in the case of an accident with a pedestrian or vehicle propelled by human power D. Ralph moved to recommend that City Council adopt the proposed ordinance amending Chapter 9.36 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Traffic Code". The motion was seconded by L. Thomas and passed 3-0. 3. Police Department Updates — INFO ONLY Chief of Police Ken Thomas shared information about a Make-A-Wish Foundation event that was held at the police station on April 7th. Patrick, a six-year-old Kent School District student who loves Legos and police was treated to a "Going Away Party"Just prior to his trip to Lego Land in San Diego, California. A group of twenty family members and friends surprised Patrick by meeting him at the station as he was escorted from his home by Officer Whitley. Officer Whitley's wife, Diana, volunteers with the Foundation and is also a KSD teacher so she was able to organize the perfect party for Patrick. Red Robin arrived for the party and donated a special lunch for the group Everyone was given a tour of the station, a close-up look at police vehicles and introduced to a couple of K-9 teams. It was a positive event for our department and it was an honor for our department to partner with the Make-A-Wish Foundation for Patrick's party. Chief Thomas spoke about the retreat held at the end of February for police department managers. Two primary focus areas for the department are short-term goal setting for enhancing and developing staff, to include succession planning, and enhancing and developing investigative service models. Les Thomas and Dana Ralph were able to attend the retreat. They both commended the facilitator, Support Services Manager Sheila Knapp, for the way she handled the meeting. Chief Thomas provided a staffing update on police officer hiring, stating that one lateral and two entry level officers were hired on March 13th, and conditional offers have been given to two additional lateral officers. Interviews of three lateral officers will occur over the next two weeks There are five police officer vacancies plus one commander vacancy. He remarked that quality is number one in the hiring process and that the high level standards will not be compromised. Chief Thomas stated that CrimeReports corn is live now. Crime Reports.com as an on-line tool that provides data on several types of crime that occur in the city. Chief Thomas stated the jail population has experienced high peaks recently, creating a strain on the corrections facility Thirteen inmates were sent to the Chelan County Jail last week on the contract basis to ease overcrowding. Les Thomas asked Chief Thomas about a previous evening's news report of a car accident involving a Kent Police car. Chief stated it was a non-injury collision involving one police car and one citizen's car. Dana Ralph asked Chief Thomas if he had any preliminary numbers on the success of the recent DUI emphasis last Saturday. She rode-along with an officer and noted the good cooperation between Washington State Patrol, Washington State Liquor Control Board, Kent, Renton, Federal Way and Auburn Police Departments. The multi-jurisdictional emphasis resulted in 15 arrests, with Kent PD making the highest number of arrests. 4. Medical Mariivana - INFO ONLY Chair Boyce invited Assistant City Attorney David Galazin to provide a summary of the medical marijuana issue as it affects the City of Kent. Marijuana is a Schedule I controlled substance at the federal level. 7/5/11 - City Council voted on and passed an emergency six-month moratorium on medical marijuana. The Economic and Community Development Committee was tasked to work on zoning issues regarding medical marijuana. 7/22/11 - SB 5073 was passed by the Legislature and became effective. The bill allows dispensaries and collective gardens in the state. Governor Gregoire signed a partial veto of the bill, deleting some sections and adding others. Section 1102.1 of the bill permits cities to regulate "collective gardens". Several businesses had popped up in Kent as "dispensaries" and then tried to categorize themselves as "collective gardens". • 1/12/12 - The Economic and Community Development Committee reported that although a proposal was received from Planning, the committee was not able to reach a consensus after several meetings. City Council voted on and passed an extension of the moratorium to July 2012. The extension will allow the Committee more time to work on the issue D. Ralph stated she cannot be supportive of medical marijuana dispensaries or collective gardens, or of the zoning for them. She added that she took an oath in January as an newly elected official to uphold the law. She asked if the city could make an outright ban on dispensaries and collective gardens. D. Galazin stated that marijuana is still illegal under federal law no matter what the state has passed. State law has specifically described "collective gardens". It also states that cities are authorized and can exercise zoning requirements within a city by listing uses available by each zone. L. Thomas said he would like to see a permanent moratorium. He asked if the Committee could recommend this to the Economic and Community Development Committee. Deputy City Attorney Pat Fitzpatrick provided Les Thomas a written motion with a recommendation to the Economic and Community Development Committee to address the matter of zoning. P. Fitzpatrick added it would be an appropriate recommendation for. this committee to make to the other committee. D. Galazin stated there was potential for involvement of the Land Use and Planning Board to hold a hearing on the issue, but Council has the prerogative to take back that right Public Safety Committee Minutes 2 April 10, 2012 r and take on the responsibility themselves. D. Ralph asked what the timeframe would be for a public hearing. The Economic and Community Development Committee meets on May 14th and a public hearing could be held at the May 215t City Council meeting. D. Galazin distributed a draft ordinance to the members. Added motion: S. Medical Mariivana Zoning and Ordinance - Recommend L. Thomas moved the Public Safety Committee hereby recommends that the Economic and Community Development Committee address the matter of zoning for medical marijuana dispensaries and collective gardens and further recommends the committee pass an ordinance banning medical marijuana dispensaries and collective gardens from the city of Kent. The motion was seconded by D. Ralph and passed 3-0. The meeting adjourned at 5:05 PM. o Thompson, Public Safety Committee Secretary Public Safety Committee Minutes 3 April 10, 2012