HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Safety (Committee) - 01/10/2012 (3) Public Safety Committee Agenda
T Councilmembers Les Thomas Dana Ralph • Bill Boyce, Chair
January 10, 2012
5:00 P.M.
Item Description Action Speaker Time Pic
1. Approval of Minutes 11/08/11 Yes BIII Boyce 3 min 1
2. Washington Traffic Safety Commission Yes Ken Thomas 5 min 3
Grant - ACCEPT and establish budget Debra LeRoy
3. Washington Auto Theft Prevention Yes Ken Thomas 5 min 7
Authority grant - ACCEPT and amend budget Debra LeRoy
4. Police Department Update - INFO ONLY No Ken Thomas 15 min 13
Unless otherwise noted, the Public Safety Committee meets the 2n'Tuesday of each month at 5:00 p.m.
in Council Chambers East, Kent City Hall, 220 4th Avenue South, Kent, 98032-5895
For information please contact the Police Administration at(253) 856-5890.
Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk's Office at(253) 856-5725 in advance. For
TDD relay service call the Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 1-800-833-6388.
November 8, 2011
COMMITTEE MEMBERS, Les Thomas, Dennis Higgins, and Ron Harmon, Chair
• The meeting was called to order by Chair Harmon at 5.01 PM.
• Chair Harmon called for additions or corrections to the agenda, there were none.
1. Approval of Minutes
D. Higgins moved to approve the minutes of the October 11, 2011 meeting.
The motion was seconded by L. Thomas and passed 3-0.
2. Amend Kent City Code 5.05 - Pawnbrokers Ordinance - ADOPT
Chief Prosecutor Tami Perdue explained the amendment will update the Kent City Code
to be in conformance with current state law in regards to pawnbrokers in the city.
D. Higgins moved to recommend that the Public Safety Committee approve
the Ordinance amending Chapter 5.05 of the Kent City Code.
The motion was seconded by L. Thomas and passed 3-0.
3. Bulletproof Vest Program grant award - AUTHORIZE and Establish budget
Chief of Police Ken Thomas and Research and Development Analyst Debra LeRoy
explained the award provides fifty percent of new and replacement bulletproof
vest costs for police officers.
L. Thomas moved to authorize the Kent Police Department to accept the FY2011
Bureau of Justice Assistance Bulletproof Vest (BVP) grant in the amount of
$4,832.16 and establish the budget.
The motion was seconded by D. Higgins and passed 3-0.
4. Bureau of Justice Assistance grant - AUTHORIZE and Establish budget
Chief Thomas and Debra LeRoy explained the grant funding is designated for
correctional purposes only and will be utilized by the City of Kent Corrections Facility.
D. Higgins moved to authorize the Kent Police Department to accept the FY2011
Bureau of Justice Assistance grant in the amount of $9,975 and establish the
The motion was seconded by L. Thomas and passed 3-0.
S. Washinciton Traffic Safety Commission grant - AUTHORIZE and Establish budget
Chief Thomas explained the grant will fund officer overtime for DUI and Seat Belt
enforcement patrols.
L. Thomas moved to authorize the Kent Police Department to accept the
Washington Traffic Safety Commission grant in an amount not to exceed
$8,500 and establish the budget.
The motion was seconded by D. Higgins and passed 3-0.
6. Washington Traffic Safety Commission grant - AUTHORIZE and Establish budget
Chief Thomas explained the additional grant will provide officer overtime funding to conduct
high visibility enforcement traffic safety emphasis patrols.
D. Higgins moved to recommend the Kent Police Department accept the additional
funds in the amount of $1,500 from the Washington Traffic Safety Commission
adjust the budget.
The motion was seconded by L. Thomas and passed 3-0.
7. Public Safety Testing Subscriber Agreement — AUTHORIZE
Chief Thomas explained the renewal agreement is for entry level police and corrections
officers. PST provides advertising, processes applications and administers written
examinations and/or physical agility tests.
L. Thomas moved to recommend authorizing the Mayor to sign the Public Safety
Testing Subscriber Agreement.
The motion was seconded by D. Higgins and passed 3-0.
S. Police Department Updates — INFO ONLY
• Chief Thomas and Assistant Chief Jon Straus thanked Ron Harmon for his years of
service on this committee, for his support of the police department and to the City of
• Chief Thomas stated the Traffic Unit will be fully staffed by December 1st with the
addition of Officers Kelly VanAmburg and Kevin Bateman.
• Chief Straus provided an update on the City of Kent Corrections Facility.
• Chief Thomas stated a rape investigation led to the arrest of a 15 year-old male on 11/7.
• Chief Thomas provided an update on the formation of a gang task force which will go live
on December Vt and will include members from Auburn, Renton, Kent, Port of Seattle
and King County Metro Police agencies. A King County Prosecutor has also been
assigned to work with the task force on case development. `
Chief Thomas announced a Community Meeting will be held on Thursday, November 17,
at 7 PM at Totem Middle School, 26630 40t" Avenue South on Kent's West Hill. The
public is invited to attend and will be introduced to the command staff, receive an update
on current activities and have an opportunity to ask questions.
• Chief Thomas noted that East Hill burglaries increased while much attention was focused
on the East Hill rape investigation. West Hill burglaries decreased over the past few
weeks. Chief encouraged citizens to call 9-1-1 to report suspicious activity.
• Chief Thomas explained the Department's recent restructure to change the title of the
Deputy Chief and Captain positions to Assistant Chief. In addition, the Lieutenant
position is now titled Commander. These title changes are consistent with other area
• Chief Thomas stated Civil Service will be announcing a Commander position testing
process for a January promotion. He noted the department has been working short by
one commander for some time.
Les Thomas thanked Ron Harmon for his eight years of service on the Public Safety Committee.
Dennis Higgins also thanked Ron for his service to the City of Kent. Ron expressed that it's
been an honor and pleasure to serve on the Council and this committee.
The meeting adjourned at 5:47 PM.
om pson,
Joi Gr�V"
Public Safety Committee Secretary
Public Safety Committee Minutes 2
November 8, 2011
Kenneth E. Thomas, Chief of Police
KENT Phone: 253-856-5888
w °T° Fax: 253-856-6802
Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S.
Kent, WA. 98032-5895
DATE: January 10, 2012
TO: Public Safety Committee
SUB3ECT: Washington Traffic Safety Commission grant award - ACCEPT
MOTION: I move to recommend that City Council accept the Washington Traffic
Safety Commission grant in the amount of $7,500 and establish the budget.
i4 SUMMARY: The grant funds will be used to purchase one school zone flashing light
assembly for Park Orchard Elementary School.
EXHIBITS: WTSC award letter dated 11/18/11
Public Safety Committee WTSC $7,500 Flashing Light award
January 10, 2012
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PO Box 40944, Olympia, Washington 98504-0944, (360) 753-6197
November 18, 2011
Debra LeRoy, Research and Development Analyst
Kent Police Department
220 41h Ave S
Kent, WA 98032
RE: School Zone Flashing Beacon/Lighting Project
Dear Ms. LeRoy:
On behalf of the Washington Traffic Safety Commission (WTSC), I am pleased to inform
you that funding for School Zone Flashing Lights in the amount of $7,500 00 is
approved for the following schools-
Park Orchard Elementary School
Your project(s) must begin within 60 days after November 18, 2011, (date of grant
approval and availability of funds) and must be completed within 120 days.
PLEASE NOTE: You may obligate funds for this project immediately upon
receipt of this letter.
Reporting Requirements
Your agency is responsible to fulfill the reporting requirements as outlined in the signed
agreement, including submitting requests for reimbursement and final reports, in a
timely manner.
Final reimbursement requests must be received by the WTSC no later than 30 days
after the completion of your project(s) or you will not receive reimbursement
➢ Verification that the lighting systems are installed is required prior to our
processing of any request for reimbursement. (Please provide a digital picture or
similar documentation of the system in place with your request for
A final report shall be submitted within one year of installation detailing the impact of this
project within the school zone, and should include if the goals outlined in your original
proposal were achieved. The speed data collected for the final report should be
consistent with the conditions existing during baseline data collection. One year of post
installation collision data should be included as well
Failure to submit reimbursement requests or to file the required final report could lead to
termination of the project agreement, and forfeiture of reimbursement
I have detailed the order/reimbursement procedure below:
1. Your agency must order/purchase the item(s) granted and be billed for the
equipment or goods and services
2. Upon receipt of the vendor billing, your agency must submit for the
reimbursement using the enclosed Invoice Voucher, A-19-1A Form.
Submit the voucher and duplicate copy of your vendor-billing invoice to
WTSC for reimbursement Please note that we cannot accept a FAX. We
must have your agency identified as the Claimant, a Federal Tax ID
Number, Statewide Vendor Number, and original signature of the agency
head, command officer or contracting officer on the A-19 form.
3. Upon receipt of the above, your agency/jurisdiction will be reimbursed.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding your project, please contact me at
(360) 725-9896, or e-mail blones@wtsc.wa gov
Brian Jones
Program Director
A-19 form and instructions
SWV# instructions
Kenneth E. Thomas, Chief of Police
Phone: 253-856-5888
KENT Fax: 253-856-6802
W A 5 H I N G T O N
Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S.
Kent, WA. 98032-5895
DATE: January 10, 2012
TO: Public Safety Committee
SUBJECT: Washington Auto Theft Prevention Authority grant award
MOTION: I move to recommend that Council authorize the Kent Police Department to
accept the Washington Auto Theft Prevention Authority grant on behalf of the PATROL
task force in an amount not to exceed $55,000 and amend the budget.
SUMMARY: As the financial agent for the PATROL task force, the Kent Police Department
will invoice WATPA for the PATROL task force under this reimbursable grant.
EXHIBITS: Award notification dated 9/28/11
BUDGET IMPACT: No city matching funds are required.
City of Kent Public Safety Committee $55,000 WATPA PATROL award
January 10, 2012
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3060 Willamette Drive NE,Suite 101 —Lacey,WA 98516—Phone (360)292-7900—Fax (360)292-7269—Website hup/Avatpa waspc org
'pi eventing and reducing motor vehicle theft and other associated crane in the Stale of 1-Vashinglon
I II]\ii AuIJ IL31 f„Ji 1
' e
September 28,2011
Chief Brian Wilson
Federal Way Police Department
33325 8th Ave S
Federal Way, WA 98003
Dear Chief Wilson:
1 am pleased to inform you the Washington Auto Theft Prevention Authority has approved a grant application
award in the amount of S55,000 for the PATROL Task Force Partnership Ividt WSP.
WATPA was unable to fully fund your agency's grant request of$191,340 due to the significant reduction in
WATPA funding as much of the WATPA account has been "swept" by the Legislature foi other general
government purposes The Board is hoping to maintain at least some etfort in the vai sous task forces across the
state We hope you can use the award amount to maintain an effort with the anticipation that WATPA support
can increase as the slate's financial position improves
PATROL has been highly successful in its efforts to combat auto theft and associated crimes This grant award
amount is in recognition of the stellai work PATROL has displayed The Board's desire was to provide the
task force with additional funding to employ innovative techniques and support its continued effort
Please submit a budget which reflects the newly funded amount total.
The grant award is effective January 1,2012 and expires on June 30,2013.The grant award agreement below
is to be signed and ieturned to WATPA No funds will be ieinibuised until the signed agreement is received
Expendttutes prior to the awaid effective date,or after the grant expiration date,aie not authorized and will not
be Ieimbuised In addition, the grant award is subject to all Grant Policies and Procedures of the Washington
Auto Theft Prevention Authority Costs will be paid on a reimbursement basis You will be ieimbursed foi
actual expenses only up to the limit of the award The financial related forms are attached.
If you choose to not accept this award,please notify us immediately.
If you have any questions, please contact Grant Clark at 360-292-7962 or via email at zclaik(a)waspc org or
myself at 360-486-2380 or via e-mail at dpiei ce@v%aspc or,,
Donald G.Pier ce,Executive Director
Washington Auto Theft Prevention Authority
I0alh/1,44,m Ann,7 heft P),,,,n inn
Anthorltl' I
C'hlcf-IIq,llme Potnd Mwwnrelmhnhy Vun/j—D...gim County Chrel—Kennewlck Men#-S imO hComity
Gmern11',W1, l:reutlh'e IN"II-IVASPC Prosecutbg Ahwo),-Klnq Courtly Chief—v.c..W, AuPombik hkkury
1. Award Recipient Name and Address: 2. Contact: Brian Wilson
Federal Way Police Department Title: Chief
33325 8th Ave. S. Telephone: 253-835-6701
Federal Way, WA 98003
3. Project Title 4. Award Period:
PATROL Task Force Partnership with 01/01/12 - 06/30/13
Washington State Patrol
5.Grant No: 6. Funding Authority:
7, Amount Approved 8. Service Area:
$55,000.00 King County
9. Requests for reimbursement under this agreement are subject to the following Budget:
A. Personnel
B. Employee Benefits
C. Consultants/Contracts
D. Travel/Trainings
E. Other Expenses
F. Equipment
G Prosecution
H. Confinement
Total: 55,000.00
IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the WATPA and RECIPIENT acknowledge and accept the terns of
this AGREEMENT and attachments hereto, and in witness whereof have executed this
AGREEMENT as of the date and yeas last written below The rights and obligations of both
parties to this AGREEMENT are governed by the information on this Award Sheet and other
documents incorporated heiem by reference: Agreement Specific Terms and Conditions, and
Agreement General Terms and Conditions.
Name/ Donald G. Pierce, Name/
Title WATPA,Executive Director Title
Date 10/1/2011 Date
1 1 1
3060 Willamette Drive NE,Suite 101 Lacey,WA 98516—Phone (360)292-7900—Fax (360)292-7269—Website-
http t/watpa waspc org
Donald G Pierce,WATPA Executive Director
"preventing and reducing motor vehicle theft and associated crime in the State of Washington"
Revised Budget
Grant Agency: Name of Agency: Federal Way Police Department
Mailing Address: 33325 8" Ave.S.
Federal Way,WA 98003
Effective January 1, 2012--Ending June 30,2013
Grant Program: ® Motor Vehicle Theft Reduction
Project Title:Auto Theft Prevention Grant Program
Multiple Agency Request ® Single Agency Request ❑
A. Personnel $13,300
B. Employee Benefits $1,700
C. Consultants/Contracts -
D. Travel/Trainings $13,000
E. Other Expenses $2,000
F. Equipment $25,000
G. Prosecution -
H. Confinement -
Total: 55,000.00
To the best of my knowledge and belief,all data in this application is true and correct The document has been duly
authorized by the chief executive of the applicant and the applicant will comply with the attached assurances and the
terms of the qrant contract.
Name of Authorized Official Brian Wilson Date: 1116SIAji/
/ 7
Signature of Authorized Official:
Title.-Chief of Police Phone 253-835-6701
For WATPA Use Only:
WATPA Authorized Signature Date
Washington Auto Theft Prevention Authority Page 1
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��� Ken Thomas, Chief of Police
`� KEN Phone: 253-856-5888
W.1.,1..r° Fax: 253-856-6802
Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S.
Kent, WA. 98032-5895
DATE: January 10, 2012
TO: Public Safety Committee
SUBJECT: Police Department Update - INFO ONLY
SUMMARY: Chief of Police, Ken Thomas, will provide an update on the Police
Public Safety Committee KPD update
January 10, 2012
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