HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 09/04/2012 KENT WASHINGTON OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES September 4, 2012 Committee Members Present: Les Thomas, Chair, Dennis Higgins and Jamie Perry The meeting was called to order by L. Thomas at 4:00 p.m. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES DATED AUGUST 21, 2012 D. Higgins moved to approve the Operations Committee minutes dated August 21, 2012. J. Perry seconded the motion, which passed 3-0. 2. BERK AND ASSOCIATES EFFICIENCY STUDY CONSULTANT AGREEMENT (APPROVE) As a Council and Chamber of Commerce recommendation, staff was requested to provide analysis of staffing, structure and services resulting in recommendations to generate further efficiencies as well as budget reductions. Five vendors were reviewed and BERK met the majority of the desired criteria, two being municipal and annexation experience. J. Hodgson clarified the study is to provide information on the City's processes, not the end service. L. Patterson, Human Resources Director, distributed the Service Agreement draft and reviewed the scope of work proposed by BERK. Administration had staff previously conduct a Span of Control exercise, which BERK will use in their study, Directors and key staff will also be available to answer questions. D. Higgins questioned where the funds were coming from for the study, which J. Hodgson stated it would be primarily from the Council survey budget and then from the Fund balance. Phasing depends on how the City Council wants to move forward with recommendations. A draft report will be ready to present to Council for review and further recommendation to staff in December. Any recommendations by the Council will be done in 2013. This item will be on tonight's council agenda under Other Business. Motion by J. Perry, seconded by D. Higgins to recommend authorizing the Mayor to sign a Consultant Services Agreement with BERK and Associates in the amount of $43,730 with terms and conditions acceptable to the Human Resources Director and the City Attorney. The motion passed 3-0. 3. CINTAS CORPORATION LINEN AND UNIFORM SERVICES AGREEMENT (AUTHORIZE) The city is required to provide rental and laundering of uniforms and linens for approximately six (6) Mechanics and eight (8) facilities personnel. Additionally, the City will be purchasing parkas, Carhartt jackets and raingear for approximately 218 employees. Operations Committee Minutes September 4, 2012 Page: 2 (cont'd) This represents approximately a fifty-nine percent (59%) reduction from our current contract. However, the City is paying a clothing allowance to employees, with an estimated cost over three (3) years of $191,100. This would result in cost savings of nine percent (9%). Motion by D. Higgins, seconded by J. Perry, to move to recommend the Mayor enter into an Agreement with Cintas Corporation for the Rental and Laundering of Uniforms and Linens in an amount not to exceed $156,583, with terms and conditions acceptable to the finance director and city attorney. The Motion passed 3-0. 4. GAMING IN KENT (INFORMATION ONLY) Council member, L. Thomas distributed a document listing the pros and cons of gaming in the City of Kent in response for the need of additional revenues sources. This item was before Council earlier when the Ordinance was passed to allow Great American Casino to conduct business in the Panther Lake annexation area. Discussion included how other cities, specifically Tukwila, have handled their Ordinance to control gaming. Taxes generated from the Great American Casino in the annexation area and how it affects the City of Kent were discussed. B. Nachlinger noted that the casino cannot move from the annexation area undercurrent Ordinance. D. Higgins and J. Perry do not feel there is enough support at this time to open the discussion to the rest of the council. J. Perry commented she has received negative response whenever the topic is brought up to community members. D. Higgins will continue to research the topic, talking to other cities. S. FINANCIAL SUMMARY REPORT AS OF JULY 31, 2012 (INFORMATION ONLY) Overall revenues are estimated to end the year approximately $440,467 or 0.7% under budget with current expenditure projections ending the year at about $853,379 or 1.4% below the budget. The expected savings in expenditures offsets lagging revenues and grows fund balance by $477,094. Ending fund balance is estimated to be $1,775,877, which equates to 3.1% of the expenditure budget. The Committee noted their continued concern that the sales tax in Kent is down compared to other cities in the states. B. Nachlinger noted in their research it is not in one sector but that all cities are down cross the board. The meeting was adjourned at 4:45 p.m. by L. Thomas. Pamela Clark Operations Committee Secretary