HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Economic and Community Development - 07/09/2012 400 �-/ KENT ECONOMIC & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES July 9, 2012 Committee Members Committee Chair Jamie Perry, Deborah Ranniger, Bill Boyce. Boyce was absent and excused. Perry called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m, striking Items #4 and #5 from the agenda and moving them to the August meeting. 1. Approval of Minutes Councilmember Ranniger Moved and Councilmember Perry Seconded a Motion to approve the June 11, 2012 Minutes. Motion PASSED 2-0 with Councilmember Boyce's concurrence. 2. KCC Chapters 15.02. 15.05, 15.07 Parkina and Loadina Reauirements ZGk2012-1 Councilmember Perry stated that the Committee would not take action on this item this evening and requested that it return to the Committee in August for a vote. Planner Katie Graves stated that the amendments are a component of a substantive update of the codes, reflecting the Council's strategic plan to transform regulatory processes to increase operating efficiencies. Graves stated that the amendments to Kent City Code (KCC) Chapter 15.05 relate to off-street parking and loading areas and, along with associated amendments to 15.02.331 and 15.07.040, modernize the parking code and align it with current trends and parking standards. Graves stated that the more substantial amendments primarily relate to: a parking reduction allowance for senior housing in any zone, revisions to the parking standards for junior high and elementary schools, reduction of stall dimensions and increase of the compact percentage allowance, more flexibility in site design, clarification of loading requirements, encouragement of LID and parking lot landscaping, permeable pavement requirements for parking areas above the minimum required, and paving requirements for parking areas in the front yards of single family lots. Graves stated that the Land Use and Planning Board recommends approval of these amendments. In response to the committee Graves stated that amendments to reduce stall dimensions and increase compact stall allowances were the result of research that found that Kent's dimensions were among the highest. Reducing stall dimensions and increasing compact stall allowance overall reduces the amount of impervious surface. Graves cited current standards for several cities. Graves stated that staff proposed amendments to landscape requirements for clarification, to state "parking, maneuvering, and loading areas over 20,000 s.f, shall have 10 percent of the parking area, maneuvering area and loading area landscaped". Informational Only 3. KCC Title 12.01 Administration of Development Regulations ZCA-2011-1(B) Graves stated that similar to the previous agenda item, this is another component of updating the codes as reflected in the Council's strategic plan. Proposed amendments to KCC 12.01 Administration of Development Regulations relate to continued efforts to simplify and facilitate the permit process by working collaboratively with applicants. Many of the regulations in this code section are mandated by legislation. The proposed amendments primarily eliminate barriers to the permit process, clarify code, facilitate timely and efficient processing of applications and the issuance of permits, and clarify expiration timelines. An amendment to KCC 12.01.040 provides for preliminary plat appeals to Superior Court rather than the City Council, and is allowed by the Revised Code of Washington (RCW). Preliminary ECDC Minutes July 9,2012 Page 1 of Plats are currently the only Hearing Examiner decision whose appeal is before the City Council. Graves stated that an amendment to KCC 12.01.080 eliminates the requirement to hold pre-application conferences for all projects that include environmental review, and instead encourages these conferences for complex projects or for applicants unfamiliar with Kent's Code. Graves stated that amendments to KCC 12.01.105 revise permit vesting to allow a permit to be deemed complete and vested upon submittal to the permit center. This eliminates a 28- day timeline to determine completeness. Graves stated that amendments to KCC 12.01.100 add clarity and flexibility to resubmittal timelines for project applications and provide criteria for receiving an extension to resubmittal timelines. It maintains a collaborative interactive permit review process. The ordinance reflects a 180 day resubmittal timeline as recommended by the LUPB. However, staff recommended 90 days, asserting this timeline would keep permits fresh in the minds of the applicant and the City and keeps those projects moving forward. Planning Manager Charlene Anderson addressed questions raised by the Committee concerning the LUPB's rationale for a 180 day resubmittal period. Graves stated that a new code section KCC 12.01.115 outlines procedures for ready-to- issue permits. It requires that permits be picked up by the applicant within 180 days after receiving notification from the permit center that the permit is ready. This keeps permits moving forward. Graves stated that KCC 12.01.185 provides expiration timelines for issued permits that don't already have expiration timelines indicated elsewhere in code, such as lot line adjustments and sign permits. The ordinance reflects language added by the LUPB requiring the City to notify applicants 30 days prior to permit expiration. Graves stated staff did not recommend codification of the notification requirement. Anderson clarified for the Committee that she believes the LUPB wanted to extend an extra courtesy to applicants in warning of pending expiration. The Committee asked staff to consider adding language to the code to include a statement on permits or applications that would provide notification of the expiration timeline. Informational Only Adiournment Committee Chair Perry adjourned the meeting at 6:00 p.m. Pamela Mottram, Secretary Economic & Community Development Committee PIAPlanningAECDC\2012\MlnutesV07-09 12_Mln.doc ECDC Minutes July 9,2012 Page 2 of